in Christian Perspective
Dight Institute for Human Genetics
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
From: JASA 21 (June 19369): 48-49.
An adequate technique for studying human chromosomes was first reported in 1956. Three years later the presence of an extra chromosome (trisomy) was discovered in cases of Down's syndrome (mongolism). Since then human cytogenetics has developed into an important research and clinical tool.1
Some of the chromosomal aberrations result in severe congenital malformations,
mental retardation, and reduced life span. Variations in the number
of sex chromosomes
may cause infertility, specific malformations, and some intellectual
At least one per cent of newborn children have an abnormal chromosome
of some type.2 The incidence of certain abnormal sex chromosome
patterns is approximately
as follows:
XO (Turner's syndrome)
XXY (Khnefelter's
syndrome) 20 per 10,000 newborn males
XXYY 1 per 10,000 newborn males
XYY 3-5 per 10,000 newborn males
The first case of an XYY pattern was reported in 1962, and a dozen
more were added
in the next three years. Meanwhile studies of selected populations were carried
out. Casey et al.2 found 21 out of 942 men in two English special hospitals for
dangerous, violent, or criminal patients of subnormal intelligence to
be chromatin-positive
(having two X chromosomes). Of these 7 had an XXYY pattern. The unusually high
frequency of two Ys suggested a possible relationship with the reason
for institutionalization.
Following this lead, Jacobs et al.4 studied 342 men in a similar
hospital in Scotland,
and found 16 with chromosome anomalies (9 with XYY, one XXY, one XXYY, one mosaic
XY/XXY/XXXY, and four with problems involving other chromosomes). For the ten
men with two Y chromosomes the mean height was 72 inches, as compared
with a mean
of 67 inches for other men tested. Of the nine XYY males, seven were considered
to be subnormal in IQ. Eight were cooperative in the test situation, while one
was sullen, solitary, and suspicions. There was no history of
excessive alcoholism.
They gave the general impression of lack of emotion, casualness, and absence of guilt. The most common
crimes were
theft and housebreaking.
In the same XYY subjects Price and Whatmore5 reported no physical abnormality
or problem in sex development. The mean age at first conviction was 13 years as
compared with 19 years for controls. There appeared to be a limited
capacity for
affection and an inability to establish normal interpersonal relationships. A
more detailed psychological study of 7 of these subjects and 11
matched controls
was reported by Hope et al.
Telfer et al.7 studied those inmates of four criminal institutions in
who were 71 inches or more in height (a total of 129) and found seven XXY and
five XYY. In a Melbourne prison among 34 men 69 inches or taller Wiener et al.8
found three XYY and one XYY/XYYY. Thus an unusually high prevalence
of a YY pattern
has been found in several independent samples of tall men in criminal
Some important questions must be answered by further research:
1) How common is an XYY pattern among males in the general
population? The estimate
of 3-5 per 10,000 given above is only a first approximation. It is
possible (but
not yet certain) that there are many XYY males who are essentially
normal in behavior.
2) Assuming that variability in physical features and behavior will
be observed,
what biochemical or anatomical differences are there between those
XYY males who
show tendencies toward criminal, anti-social, or aggressive behavior and those
who are essentially normal?
3) If a significant proportion of XYY males show behavior problems, what modes
of therapy (biochemical or psychological) will aid in ameliorating or
the difficulties?
4) Here is an opportunity to define more clearly what is meant by aggressive or
antisocial behavior. Social scientists who specialize in such problems can make a significant contribution to their own fields and to human genetics.
These findings also pose some interesting problems for pastors, teachers, and
1) If an XYY effect upon behavior is established, this is only one addition to
a growing list of specific genetic conditions affecting human
behavior. The Lesch-Nyhan9 syndrome is another recently identified trait, involving mental retardation and
a bizarre form of self-mutilation. It is no longer possible (if it ever was) to
view the "mind" as isolated from the "body."
2) Does this mean that a person is not responsible for his actions?
It is difficult
to answer this question directly. Society has already accepted the
idea that under
certain conditions (such as "insanity") an individual cannot he held
responsible. The XYY condition would appear to be only one specified extension
of this principle.
3) If a baby boy is found to have an XYY chromosome pattern, what
should his parents
be told? In view of the recent reports in popular magazines on the
XYY male, this
information may be more threatening to his parents than a diagnosis of severe
mental retardation. When more detailed information becomes available about the
differences between those with disturbed and with normal behavior,
some more precise
tests may permit more accurate predictions. Meanwhile, the physician
in some cases
may decide to withhold the
information, merely stressing the need for frequent check-ups.
4) In other genetic conditions we are finding that some affected
individuals develop
well without beatment. On this basis, it is reasonable to insist that
therapy, and education for an XYY male should never he based only on chromosome
studies. Other types of individualized assessment are always essential.
1Bartalos NI., Barannki, TA. 1967 Medical Crjtogeneties.
Baltimore: Williams & WiHkins.
2Cnsirt Brown, VT. 51. 1967. Human Population Cytogenetics.
Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
°Casoy, M. I).,Se gall, L. J., Street, D. B. K., Blank, C. E.
1966. Sex chromosome abnormalities in two state hospitals for
patients requiring
special security Nature 209:641
4Jacobs, P. A., Price, W. 11., Court Brown, IV. M., Brittain,
B. P., %vhat:-iore, P. B. 1968. Chromosome studies on men in a Maximum Security
Hospital. Ann. Iluns. Genet. 31:339 5Priee, W. H., Whatmore, P. B.
1967. Behavior
disorders and
pattern of crime among XYY males identified at a maximum security
hospital. Brit.
Med. J. 1:533-536
5Hnpe, K., Philip. A. E., Lnughran, J. M. 1967. Psychological
characteristics associated with XYY sex-chromosome complement in a state mental
hospital. Brit, J. Psyeldat. 113:495-498
TTelfer, M. A., Baker, D., Clark, C. B., Richardson, C. E. 1967.
Incidence of gross chromosomal errors among tall criminal American
males. Science
159: 1249-1250
5Wienor, S., Sutherland, C., Bartholomew, A. A., Hudson, B.
1968. XYY males in a Melbourne prison. Lancet 1:150
ONyhan, William L. 1968. Clinical features of the Lesch-Nyhan
.syndrome. Fed. Proc. 27:1027-1041
*Presented at the Convention of the American Scientific
Affiliation at Calvin
College, Grand Rapids, Michigan on August 20, 1968.