in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Freedom Now: A New Journal
Fred A. Alexander
Freedom Now Inc.
Box 64 Savannah, Ohio 44874
From: JASA 21 (June 1969): 61-62.
Many people believe that complete integration would provide freedom
for the Negro.
This is a serious mistake. The Bible says, "And ye shall know
the truth and
the truth shall make you free." Complete integration, removal of all forms
of discrimination, improved educational facilities and the
destruction of poverty
woulçl not provide freedom now. Only salvation through Jesus Christ and
the application of His message to every aspect of life can bring true freedom.
So the responsibility of every Christian is to preach the Gospel of
Jesus Christ
in its fullness.
Many other people believe that a simple salvation message would provide freedom
now. This is also a serious mistake. By all means there must be a
simple salvation
message, but to provide complete freedom now, the whole gospel of Jesus Christ
must be preached and practiced. To practice the whole gospel of Jesus Christ means, we believe,
to have integration, to remove all forms of discrimination, to
improve educational
facilities and to fight poverty. Many sincere people feel that this is the old
social gospel. But surely the gospel of Jesus Christ is partly social
for it touches
every phase of an individual's life, not just the "religions" phase.
Surely being born again means being born again in the whole man,
political, social,
economical, personal etc. The truth which makes men free makes their whole life
This Journal (Freedom Now) is dedicated to the cause of Freedom Now
in the above
two aspects. It will be especially directed to the white fundamentalist with a
deep desire that it might also be a blessing to our Negro Christian brethren as
together we endeavor to make Christ known to ALL AMERICANS.