in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Study of Hooykaas Recommended
Norman D. Lea, Senior Principal.
N. D. Leo and Associates, Ltd.
100 Adelaide St.
Toronto 1, Canada
From: JASA 21 (March 1969): 32
Both Lindberg and Siemens seem to miss the point of the impact which
has had upon science. The most knowledgeable author on this subject
is B. Hooykaas,
a renowned historian and evangelical Christian scholar who has
devoted many years
of his life to the subject. His writings are few but powerful. "Christian
Faith and the Freedom of Science", Tyndal Press 1957, is one of the most
pertinent. The discussion in the ASA Journal is incomplete without reference to
Hooykaas. I recommend that you try to get him to write something for A.S.A., or
failing that, arrange for a younger European scholar to do a review
of Hooykaas'