in Christian Perspective
Religious Values in the Vocation of Science
From: JASA 20 (December 1968): 118-119.
The present concern in ASA over the proper relationship of the
Christian scientist
to his discipline is a question which is deeply rooted in the
sociology of science.
Indeed, the problem is not unique, since it is a product of the tension which
has always existed between the religious commitment and the secularization of
the world.
Probably no one social scientist has attempted to
balance these two forces more thoroughly than Max Weber. In his
opinion, the struggle
must ultimately come down to the scientist himself. Only with a clear
of the nature of the world and the uniqueness of the scientific
endeavor can the
individual adequately perceive his responsibility. It is in the demands imposed
upon the scientist by nature of his vocation, then, that the tension finds its
greatest expression.
While not a believer, Weber approached his analysis of society with
which are thoroughly acceptable to the Christian. Of fundamental importance is
his contention that the present world has become disenchanted through
the process
of rationalization and intellectualization.1 These conditions, however, do not
provide increased meaning or understanding of the conditions of life. Rather,
there is the implication that one can, in principle, master all
things by calculation
"in such a disenchanted environment".2
In such a world, science, of course, is preeminent, since it provides the means
by which such potential influence on the world is possible. For this
reason, the
chief value of science is technical; it is to be engaged in for its own sake.
There is no question that science is useful, for it supplies answers
to fundamental
questions concerning man's world. What is always critically absent, however, is
any understanding of the importance of such questions. In Weber's view, science
is incapable of demonstrating that the world it describes has any meaning since
it doesn't raise the relevant questions. While science may keep a person from
dying, it is unable to determine when a person should die.
It is precisely because science is limited in its objectives that it lacks any
meaning other than that which is provided by a disenchanted world.
work is chained to the course of progress" which destines it to
he surpassed
by some future work of science.3 For this reason, the vocation of science lacks
the potential to provide fulfillment for the scientist because its product is
antiquated by subsequent discoveries.
Nevertheless, the vocation of science has a compulsion for the individual. He
must specialize if he is to accomplish anything noteworthy in his field, even
if it should be of only temporary value. Certainly there is a passion which is
unique to the scientist. Lacking
such a passion, a scientist's endeavors will not reach complete fruition. Yet,
while the passion for science may make the person a better scientist, it will
not prepare him for life in a disenchanted world. Nor will his
science alone provide
the meaningful interpretation of the world which he needs.
It is at this point that religion and science begin to reach a
synthesis. Theology
stands over against science in its contention that the world does have meaning
which must be interpreted .4 Further, one cannot rely upon science alone for a
scientific understanding of the world, since "the various value spheres of
the world stand in irreconcilable conflict with each other".' As
the scientist
arrives at new "facts" which may be inconsistent with the
value system
of science, he is forced to raise new questions which may be
personally inconvenient.
While science can provide possible explanations, it may be the
religious question
which is more critical. Since no science can be without values or
it is precisely the religious question which will direct the scientist into new
paths of research. For this reason, it is vital that the scientist
maintain value
systems in approaching his endeavors. Further, the scientist will
inevitably bring
his "intellectual sacrifice" in order to find the meaning
in the world
which is denied him by his science.6 Far better, in Weber's eyes, to
accept "such
an intellectual sacrifice in favor of an unconditional religious
than to sacrifice one's intellectual integrity because he is unable to clarify
one's position on the meaning of the world.7 Thus, if the scientific view is to
be compromised for lack of understanding of the world, it is better to accept
a religious position which will provide some meaning than to revert
to a pseudointellectual
or scientific argument devoid of integrity or responsibility.
These arguments, as presented and implied by Weber, would suggest
that the Christian
scientist must be careful to give balanced attention to his two
worlds of responsibility.
His religious convictions will ultimately provide the meaning which his science
robs from him. Further, his science will be enriched as he brings the
of his religious values to bear on the scientific question. Nevertheless, as a
scientist he is obligated to face the reality of the disenchanted
world in which
he lives. To do less than this, is to ignore the responsibility which is his as
a man, as well as a scientist. In this way, then, Weber brings the
merger of religion
and science down to the level of the vocation itself. It is in the responsible
fulfillment of both his religious and scientific value systems that
the scientist
brings forth the fullest expression of himself as a man.
1Max Weber, From Max Weber: Essay in Sociology, trans. and ed.
H. H. Gerrh
and C. Wright Mills (New York: Oxford University Press, 1946), P. 155
2Ibid., p. 139
3Ibid., P. 138
4lbid., P. 153
5Ibid., P. 147
6Ibid., P. 155