in Christian Perspective
From: JASA 16 (March 1964): 32
I hope that the atmosphere and publications of The American Scientific Affiliation won't be watered down because of criticism, or the impact of ASA will be nullified. Our young scholars and more mature Christian colleagues today are looking for ways to reconcile Christianity with new ideas.
It seems to me that there is a great need for an organization like ASA if we will continually keep before us new responsibilities and opportunities, but if we settle back into a rut, then it will become just another organization; none of us has time for that.
Two avenues of service I see are young graduate students and foreign scholars. A British physicist and a
Chinese engineer were at the 1963 ASA convention
in Santa Barbara. Unfortunately, they misunderstood
and thought that only the last day pertained to their
interests. We could be better hosts to such persons
who need Christian fellowship in a scientific atmosphere.
Mary Key, Ph.D.
(Mrs. Harold Key)
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Santa Ana, California