in Christian Perspective
Miriam Cadman
From: JASA 16 (March
1964): 15
The Word of God tells us that at the "time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4). That many are running "to and fro," no one can deny, and knowledge in every field is so increased that we scarcely know where to begin to disburse it or to assimilate it. The field of Christian thought is no exception-there are volumes and volumes filled with terms so new that they are not in our dictionaries, and words so formidable sounding that one wonders if the theologians can define them. In the midst of all this stands the thinking Christian . . . wondering where to plunge in.
All was well when there were, roughly speaking, two main streams of thought-orthodox and liberal. One chose this stream, jumped in, and found himself carried along in the stream by the thinking of his associates, quite able to stay afloat, and even sometimes making a bit of progress upstream. Today Christian thinking is one great whirlpool, and quite a bit of it is very muddy. One jumps into the swirling currents, and even though he is an orthodox Christian, well supported by his God-given faith in the infallibility of the Word of God, he finds himself suffering from a severe case of vertigo . . . This dizziness may even be accompanied by frequent touches of nausea and occasional sinking sensations.
Is there a cure for those troublesome symptoms? Yes, the cure for "spiritual dizziness" is: one pure and unadulterated dose of the Word of God, taken as needed. (Please note: the dose may be repeated as frequently as desired, with only beneficial results.) Each Christian stands alone with his God in this matter .... The light comes only as each Christian opens the Word, and lets the Lord Jesus open his eyes and his mind, as the risen Lord did for the two disciples on the road to Emmaus . . . -Miriam Cadman in The Sunday School Times, 105: 930, Dec. 21, 1963 (c. 1963 by The Sunday School Times; used by permission).