in Christian Perspective
An Invitation
[David Moberg]
From: JASA 14 (September 1962): 92
As your new editor shoulders the responsibility associated with his position, he is very appreciative of the excellent work that has been done on the JASA by previous editors. He is also aware of the fact that the JASA must at the same time reflect the purposes of the American Scientific Affiliation and help to direct its progress. Since the journal cannot rise above the level of quality established by its contributors, we are hopeful that all ASA members will give of their best to promote its official publication.Members and friends of the Affiliation are therefore invited to contribute to the JASA in the following ways:
1. Beginning with the December issue, letters to the editors will be published. These are intended to promote the progress of discussion within the Affiliation, not simply to pat ourselves on the back. In what ways do you agree with the writers of this issue? In what ways do you disagree? Perhaps you have comments on articles that have appeared recently in other issues. Of course, this is not the place for heckling nor for libelous slander of the writers! Discussion of the issues should be the focus of attention. No author should ever be made to feel that he is being attacked personally; we remain friends even if we do not agree with each other. The editor naturally reserves the right to publish only representative letters or none at all. They should be received two months before publication date of the next issue to allow time for the necessary editorial work and printing.
2. Submit manuscripts for consideration for publication. Perhaps some readers will sense additional topics pertinent to the subject of this issue which ought to be brought to the attention of the JASA audience. Others may formulate answers to the numerous questions raised in President Henry Weaver's survey of "The Most Critical Issue That Modern Science Poses to the Christian Church Today." (This survey was reported in the April 12, 1962, issue of the ASA Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 1, pages 1-4.) For the Christian, sharing pertinent ideas with others is one aspect of Christian stewardship.
3. Volunteer your services to the editorial staff to help evaluate manuscripts that are submitted. In the future most, if not all, papers submitted will be evaluated by two reviewers. What are your special interests, your qualifications in terms of education and experience, and your viewpoints pertinent to science and religion? Let the editor know these and any other relevant information so that when he receives papers which are pertinent to these interests you can help evaluate them. The editor, of course, will have the final word as to which papers are published, which are returned for revision, and which are rejected. If you would like to serve the journal in some other way, the editorial staff will very likely find a niche for you.
4. Submit ideas about manuscripts or papers which others ought to write for the JASA. If there is a significant issue, or a perspective on an issue, which you feel ought to be included in the journal, let the editor know. Also send him suggestions as to persons who might be qualified to write on these topics.
5. Similarly invite others who have made a significant contribution to submit their ideas in manuscript form to the editor. Many of the papers presented at regional ASA meetings, for example, are worthy of publication. In the future we hope that all of these, even if still in only crude written form, will be submitted to the JASA for consideration for publication in either their original or revised form.
6. Send your suggestions for editorial policy and personnel. By the time you receive this copy of the journal, an editorial staff to help the editor will have been selected by the Editorial Board. Nevertheless, there may be occasional vacancies, and some positions may not yet be filled. Please send suggestions as to features to drop, to retain, and to add. Similarly, we would appreciate your ideas as to whether the JASA should be a pular izing medium of communication written for the general Christian public or whether it should retain a professional orientation toward scholars, scientists, and the leaders in Christian circles. Your suggestions for editorial policies and personnel may be sent either to the editor or to the Chairman of the Editorial Board, Dr. John McIntyre, Sloane Laboratory, Physics Dept., Yale University, 217 Prospect Street, New Haven 11, Connecticut.
7. Extend the influence of the ASA by finding new members and new subscribers to JASA. Libraries of educational institutions and scientific laboratories, public libraries, non-Christian scientists who are interested in relationships between science and religion, high school teachers of science, ministers, religious educators, and interested laymen are all prospective subscribers, members, or associate members. Perhaps you ought to give a gift subscription to a friend or to some library in order to extend the Christian witness of the ASA. Gift copies of single issues with articles of special interest to your friends may also be appropriate. Subscriptions, membership applications, and single-copy orders should be sent to the Mankato office.
8. Above all, forgive the editor and his staff when
mistakes are made. We are but human, so it is inevitable
that we will make some mistakes. Perhaps we will reject
some manuscripts or letters which ought to be published,
and perhaps some will be published which ought to be and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and railing, be
rejected. We may make mistakes in our editorials or
in the formulation of certain policies which we incor
rectly believed to be an improvement. "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger,
and clamor and railing, be put away from you, with all malice: and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, even
as God also in Christ forgave you" (Eph. 4:31-32).