in Christian Perspective
Word from the New Book Review Editor
W. H. Hearn
From: JASA 14 (December 1962): 119-120.
Under new editorial policies for the JASA, the Book Review section is being expanded in several different ways. For one tiling, more books will be reviewed than in the past. The editor of this section has begun contacting publishers more or less systematically, describing the types of books we wish to review. In general, publishers of relevant books are very cooperative when told of the size and select nature of JASA readership. Secondly, we expect to widen the circle of reviewers steadily, to include more and more ASA members in this capacity. Already several members whose writing has not previously appeared in JASA have expressed willingness to review books touching on their fields and of interest to other readers of this journal. Finally, we hope to expand in the thoroughness of our coverage of books most directly related to the objects of ASA, including those that may have been missed in the past. We hope to provide full reviews of all books dealing directly with the encounter between science and Christian faith.
In addition to primary reviews of that type, we intend to carry as many reviews as possible of books in the following categories, if the book refers to the science-faith encounter, or if the reviewer can indicate an implicit relation to that encounter:
(1) History, philosophy, or sociology of science,Special attention will be given those books which may become authoritative by virtue of an author's distinction, or to have wide circulation (as book club selections)-but also to more obscure books of value which our readers might otherwise miss. Short reviews or notices and occasional full reviews oP books in other categories will also appear:
(7) Summary of a specialized field written for nonspecialists. (Particularly paperbacks on science, philosophy, or theology)Finally, we would like to list in this section all new books written by ASA members, as they appear in print, and to review any which are related to the object of ASA. Significant reviews published elsewhere, particularly those written by members or concerning books written by members, will occasionally be reprinted.
Members of ASA and other readers thus can help in many ways to make this section more valuable and complete. Suggestions of books you would be willing to review or would like to see reviewed, references to published book reviews which should be reprinted in JASA, notices of publication of books by ASA members, and all other correspondence related to the Book Review section may be directed to the section editor at this address:
Dr. Walter R. HearnComments, criticisms, and corrections are always welcome. Procedures and policies may change from time to time as a result of experience. Unsigned reviews and comments in this section may be presumed to be written by the book review editor.
Every professor has heard that "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." Among writers this saying takes the form, "Those who can, write; those who can't, edit." To show that this dictum does not apply to the new Editor of the JASA, we begin our tenancy in this position with two reviews of one of his recently published books. A single review would probably make the point just as well, but since one review is more critical than the other, we can demonstrate that, the bounds of critical judgment and good taste, our viewers have full freedom of the press. If an author feels that a book is dealt with unfairly by a reviewer, he may offer a criticism of the review for publication as a Letter to the Editor. In this case, of course, it would be a Letter from the Editor as well.-W. R. H.