in Christian Perspective
Russell Heddendorf,
From: JASA 11
(December 1959): 33-34.
In dealing with any problem in our contemporary
society, the sociologist must contend with the factor
of change. The dynamism and complexity of our pre
sent social environment does not provide for the analy
sis of any social phenomena in a time, space vacuum.
Nor is the effect of change on a social situation derived
from a direct source. The effect of much change comes
by indirect means and may be traced through multiple
levels. Hence, change in automobile design may cause
a change in idea and value patterns of families. As in
too many areas of the field, instruments of measure
ment and conceptualization are inadequately refined to
provide for accurate analysis.
When the sociologist approaches a problem involv
ing change, therefore, he must not be deceived by the
appearance of any easy solution. In the area of the
sociology of religion, there has been a general tenden
cy to explain the development of new religious groups
in terms of the "charismatic leader". Unfortunately,
Weber's original concept has found a readily com
fortable application on too many occasions. It has
been only recently that attempts to understand such
types of change in terms of social mechanisms have
For the Christian sociologist, therefore, attempts to
trace the development of liberal Protestantism from
earlier fundamentalism pose the need to approach this
practical problem through the influence of change.
Such change is partially in the form of a reversal of
the means-end relationship of religion. The ultimate
value of religion in fundamentalism becomes a means
to other values in liberalism. This is not an isolated
change mechanism, however, since it appears on the
secular level in the generally conceptualized change
from a sacred to a secular society. Action, which was
once traditional and therefore meaningful, becomes
dynamic and requires constant adjustment to new goals
which then acquire the meaning once attached to action.
The key values of American society which existed in
the religious realm may now be found in the secular
world and religion merely becomes a means of ob
taining them.
Another social force to which religion is highly sensitive is change in class. Original American fundamentalism had little concern for helping lower class groups partially because they constituted an insignificant minority. Liberalistic tendencies developed largely, however, with a growing lower class of immigrants and urban population.
What is needed then is a study of social factors which are highly correlated with religion, particularly in a changed situation. Much is known about social mechanisms but this material needs to be re fined and developed before it can supply data which is profitable for the sociologist concerned with steering religious change.
articles found in this column during the past year have been directed toward the laymen. It has been hoped that they would provide a hasty overview of some of the main concepts and problems of the field, particularly in their practical application by the Christian. As more sociological material filters to the lay: level, it will be necessary to continually keep the-record of such information straight.There is another function to be performed by the editor, however, and that is to provide communication on the specialist's level. It is hoped, therefore, that the coming year may be devoted to consideration of problems which are more insistent to the average researcher in the field. The immediate question is whether a sufficiently large group exists to warrant such an-endeavor.
For this reason, the author would like to request a, response on the part of all who work in the field, even in a remote way. It would be particularly helpf0to know your sociological background, field of major interest, and particular problems with which you are presently concerned. Suggestions indicating the way in which this service could be developed would be most, appreciated. Send the above information to:
Russell Heddendorf