in Christian Perspective
Wayne U. Ault, Ph.D.
From: JASA 11 (December 1959):
In this issue we'll continue to introduce more of our ASA earth-scientists. Also, let us encourage others to write in with news of new activities, advancement, relocation and anything else that will help us keep in touch with each other.
Donald F. Beaumont is geologist with the Texas Company and resides at 4859 Gawain Drive, New Orleans 22, La. Don received his B. S. from Wheaton College in 1949 and the M. A. and Ph. D. from Columbia Univ. in 1951 and 1953. He is a member of the Geol. Soc. of Amer. and joined the ASA in 1950. His work is chiefly the structural and stratigraphic studies of subsurface geology in Louisiana. He has also studied the black shales in the southeast Missouri lead district. Don is active in the Presbyterian church where he teaches in the church school. He would like to meet with other ASA members at annual professional conventions.
Donald C. Boardman is chairman of the Geology Dept. at Wheaton College from which he received his B.S. in 1938. Don obtained his M.S. from the State Univ. of Iowa in 1942 and Ph. D. from the Univ. of Wisconsin in 1952. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Illinois Acad. of Sci., Iowa Acad. of Sci., Geol. Soc. of America., Amer. Assoc. of Petrol. Geol, Soc. of Econ. Paleont. and Mineral., Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., the Mexican Geol. Soc., and the Assoc. of Geol. Teachers. He has served as president of the central section of AGT and also as a member of the National Board for AGT. He became a member of ASA about 1947. Don normally teaches sedimentation and stratigraphy, structural and general geology, but presently is on a leave of absence and is lecturing in East Pakistan under the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. His research interests are in sedimentation and carbonate rocks and he has written on the determination of Ca-Mg ratios in sedimentary rocks. His interest in AGT is in correlating the geology curriculum with - the general educational requirements of college. Don is active in the College Church of Christ where he is an elder and member of the Christian Education Committee.
Robert Wayne Cooke is a rural science teacher and missionary with the Sudan Interior Mission in Nigeria, W. Africa. He received his B.S. from Cornell Univ. in 1952, a diploma from Providence-Barrington Bible College, and has done graduate work at Cornell Univ. toward the M. S. in science education. His work involves teaching agriculture, general science, health, hygiene, geography and arithmetic to future elementary school teachers. He joined the ASA in 1952 and is a member of the Bible Protestant Church. Robert writes that he "is only a geoscientist in so far as it touches on agricultural sciences such as agronomy, etc. " and also that there are five ASA members. in Nigeria. Perhaps he can organize a Nigeria ASA section there,
Thomas H. Leith is Chairman of the Science Department at Gordon College and resides at 4 Meadow Lane, Danvers, Mass. Harry received his B. A. in physics and geology in 1949 and the M. A. in geophysics in 1950 from the Univ. of Toronto. He completed the residence and comprehensives for the Ph. D. in geophysics at Mass. Inst. of Technology and the residence work in philosophy of science at Boston Univ. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Amer. Geophys. Union, Soc. of Explor. Geophy., Geol. Teachers Assoc., Geologische Vereinigung, Hist. of Science Soc., British and Amer. Phil. of Sci. Soc., Geo. Soc. of Amer., and became a member of ASA in 1949. Harry has contributed technical articles on the heat flow in' mines and on geochronology as well as philosophically on belief in God. His teaching is likewise in both fields: introductory chemistry, physics, and geology and philosophy of science. He is book review editor for the Gordon Review and is active in the Baptist Church Harry would like to see a local Boston ASA section organized and is desirous of meeting with other ASA members at the yearly GSA meeting.
Carl A. Moore is Professor of Geology at the Univ. of Oklahoma and resides at 926 W. Eufaula, Norman, Okla. He obtained his Ph.D. from the State Univ. of Iowa in 1940. Carl is a member of Sigma Xi, Amer. Assoc. of Petrol. Geol., Soc. of Econ. Paleo. and Mineral., Okla. City Geol. Soc. and became a member of ASA in 1954. He has contributed technical articles on the geology of South America, occurrence of oil in basins, subsurface stratigraphy of Okla. and techniques applicable to subsurface geology. In addition to teaching petroleum geol., subsurface geol., geol. of S. Amer., and intro. to geol. engineering, Carl is busy counseling and directing research leading to the M. S. He is an active member in the Baptist church as Chairman of the Board of Deacons, and as counselor and leader in youth groups. He directs summer field camps for three months each summer so cannot attend the A.S.A. convention but writes that he would like to meet with other ASA members at the AAPG meetings which he attends regularly.Paul M. Wright is Chairman of the Chemistry Dept. at Wheaton College and resides at 717 N. Washington, Wheaton, 111. He received his B. S. from Wheaton in 1926 and the M. Sc. (1928) and Ph. D. (1930) from Ohio State Univ. Paul ("Doc" to former Wheatonites) is a fellow of the Amer. Inst. of Chem., fellow of the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Science, and a member of the Amer. Chem. Soc., 111. Acad. of Sci., Sigma Pi Sigma and joined ASA about 1950. He has been a committee member for the ACS Cooperative physical chemistry exam. Besides his administrative duties Paul specializes in teaching physical chemistry. For many years he also taught general and field geology and was director of the Wheaton Science Station (Summer Campus) in the Black Hills of South Dakota. His current research is in radioChemistry at Argonne National Laboratory during the summer with some also at Wheaton. Paul is active in the Wheaton Bible Church and frequently speaks to church groups on science and on S. Amer. missions which he has visited. He is a member of the Chicago Council of the Wycliffe Bible Translators and a member of Missionary Aviation Fellowship.