in Christian Perspective
It has f or some time been pointed out that the American Scientific Affiliation should have a full-time Permanent Secretary. As indicated in a previous editorial (December, 1956) the magnitude of work, particularly that of the Secretary-Treasurer, has become so great that it is difficult to persuade someone to take over the task. Other important reasons cited for having a full-time officer are that increased publicity, contact, and membership would very probably result. A good example is the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship with its tremendous growth after the appointment of C. Stacey Woods as its General Secretary.
Recently another example of the benefits of a permanent secretary has been noted.
The Officers' Christian Union, a group of Christian military officers, was established in 1943. By 1951 their membership was about 50 officers and associates. In 1952, in spite of what might appear to be an inability to finance such a step, a General Secretary was appointed, Mr. Cleo W. Buxton. The result of this step of faith is that in 1957 they count a membership of 1,300 officers in addition to a mailing list of 300 associates and other interested people. They have added staff members, have established over thirty active chapters and publish a monthly organ Command.