in Christian Perspective
Two fascinating albums consisting of twenty-six 29-minute programs of dramatized anthropological fare are available through the National Association of Educational Broadcasters.*
Each album consists of seven records. Series I introduces the listener to fundamental anthropological subjects such as "culture", "language", "technology", "religion", etc. Series II contains six programs on Law and Justice, highlighting legal procedures of various peoples; a series of four programs on the life of the Yurok Indians; and three programs on Bali.
All of the programs contain a crossrcultural approach with narrator-lecturer combined with a skillfully dram.-
*Address orders to the N.A.E.B. 14 Gregory liall, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. $2~ per album. The scripts for the first album, Series 1, have been published in book form: The Ways of Mankind, (ed. by Walter Goldschmidt, Beacon Press, 1954).
atized story illustrating each subject. All are so rich with important teaching, dramatic excitement and humor that it is hard to single out those which are "best". Nevertheless, it can be said that two of these programs are particularly noteworthy: Program I of the first series, " A Word in Your Ear: A Study in Language" is tremendously instructive in presenting a conception of the functions of human speech in relation to culture in time and space which would be impossible outside of a cross-cultural framework. Also program 8 in the second series, "The Reluctant Shaman", (Yurok), is particularly outstanding in communicating the personal and cultural values, their initial opposition and subsequent change, in the call, training and practice of a native girl who becomes a tribal doctor or shaman.
The rest of the programs are as follows: 2. Stand-in for a Murderer: A study in Culture. (Tlingit). 3. Desert Soliloquy: A Study in Education. (Hopi). 4. When Greek Meets Greek: A Study in Values. (Athens and Sparta). 5. The Sea Lion Flippers: A Study in Ethics. (Yurok). 6. Sticks and Stones: A Study in Religion. (Arunta). 7. Legend of the Long House: A study in Authority. (The Iroquois League). 8. You Are Not Alone: A Study in Groups. (Sociology). 9. All the World's a Stage: A Study in Status and Role. (Sociology). 10. Home Sweet Home: A Study in Family. (Chinese). 11. Survival: A Study in Technology. (Eskimo). 12. 1 Know What I Like: A Study in Art. 13. Museum of Man: A Study in Society. (Summary).
Series Il. Subseries on Law and justice: 1. The Case of the Borrowed Wife. (Eskimo). 2. The Case of the Bamboo-sized Pigs. (Ifugao). 3. The Repentant Horse Thief. (Cheyenne). 4. Lion Bites Man. (Ba.Ila). 5. The Forbidden Name of Wednesday. (Ashanti). 6. Laying Down the Law. (Summary).
Subseries on Yurok: 7. Life of a Yurok. 8. The Reluctant Shaman. 9. The Sea-Monster and the Bride. 10. World Renewal.
Subseries on Bali: 11. The Isle is Full of Voices. 12. The Coming Out. 13. The Fighting Cock Refrain.
Expert consultants were used in the prepara tion of these valuable programs, all under the direction of Dr. Walter Goldschmidt, of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of California. The special consultants were, for the subseries on Law, Dr. E. A. Hoebel; for the subseries on the Yurok, Dr. Alfred L. Kroeber; and for the subseries on Bali, Colin McPhee, Claire Holt, and Dr. Margaret Mead.
These programs are exceedingly useful not only in the classroom, but in missionary orientation programs and for adult discussion groups as well. The five Yurok programs provide a fairly detailed understanding of this tribe, their system of values, and how these structure the everyday behavior of the people. Series I can be easily correlated with the teaching of almost any introductory course, particularly since the half-hour programs leave ample time for discussion.