in Christian Perspective
Knoblock's Response to Tinkle
From: JASA 7 (June 1955): 26
Dear Dr. Tinkle:
Your copy of a letter of the 25th received. My series on methods of species formation seems to have disturbed you. The purpose was to show that new genotypes can be formed by any one of the four methods mentioned. The fifth article in the series, to be published in the next issue, clarifies (I hope) the meaning of this for the Christian and makes my position rather definite on this point. I won't spoil it by telling you what the article has in it.
I grant what you say about certain polyploids but one must not overlook the many fertile allopolyploids. These are evidence of evolution in a, limited sense.
In regard to hybridization we do have new species arising without new genes. To satisfy my definition of evolution we may not need new genes. If you prefer to call this variation instead of evolution, that is your prerogative.
If I am not mistaken the A.S.A. published a book a while ago in which certain of the writers pointed toward a more modern type of evolution than I ascribe to. How does this statement square with yours in the second last paragraph? I believe that the A.S.A. member-ship holds a great variety of beliefs on evolution. This is a good thing in my humble opinion.
I have been hoping to attend one of the conventions but last summer I collected in Mexico for the National Science Foundation and this summer I have to teach here. Possibly you will be at the A.I.B.S. meetings here September 5-9? If so, we can have a nice talk or two.