in Christian Perspective
D. Eggenberger
From: JASA 5 (September 1953): 2.
The feeling that evolution is a dying issue often appears in Christian circles. That such a conclusion is hardly correct would soon be revealed to anyone who examines current literature.
It is not always appreciated, either, that evolutionary philosophy has permeated the thought of scholars in such countries as India. At the recent Conference on Organic Evolution held at, the National Institute of Sciences of India at New Delhi over fifty papers were presented, about half of them by Indians.
The papers covered a wide variety of topics, with
adaptation and gene theories both accepted and criticized. Such topics as subterranean evolution and fetal
behavior were presented.
In a recent article in Nature entitled "Chinese Science Revisited," J. Needham points out some of the rapid progress being made in applied science and engineering in China under its new regime. Theoretical work is encouraged -also. A Chinese "TVA" is being developed with a system of sixteen dams; considerable construction has been completed.
Partly as a result of geologists needed in the preliminary phases of such activity, the number of geology students has increased from 35 in 1951 to 1,000 planned for in 1953. In other fields of science the increase is marked, particularly in medicine and biology.
For popular consumption, exhibitions of science and technology are provided in the larger cities. Popular science magazines are published along with others designed for juvenile reading. They are not discouraged from reading even though purchases are not made.
The Chinese scientists are of course interested in dialectical materialism as a working philosophy. It is pointed out, however, that it is not new in China since it was pursued as early as the 12th century A.D. in ,the Sung dynasty.
NEW PERIODICALThe May issue of World Science Review, published in Great Britain by the deCourcy brothers, has as the feature article "Hidden Treasures," adapted from the Moody Institute of Science film of that name. The 10-page summary includes pictures.
The name of the magazine was changed from Popular
Science Digest to avoid conflict with an American
publication of a similar name.
A plan to increase our ministry to include aid to Sunday School boards of various churches was presented at the last Convention by Professor Peter Stoner. That this activity is appreciated is shown by the following excerpt from a letter to one of our ASA members who participated in such a project.
The letter is from M. U. Eller, Youth Editor for the Church of the Brethren Christian Education Commission.
" . . . Let me say that I deeply appreciate the contribution you and your scientific affiliation are making to the church through this service."