in Christian Perspective
A renewed emphasis toward spiritual values has shown itself, among other ways, in the appearance of publications devoted at least partially to that end.
The Greek magazine "Aktines" appears to be con cerned with the more conservative branch of Chris tian life and duty. The edi itorials of the February, 1953 issue show in many ways a good perception of some of the practical requirements of social and interna tional life.Such discussions as the purely material basis of the Marshall plan with its lack of spiritual undergirding, and the emancipation of women, are presented in the editorials.
Another publication, not new but probably quite unknown to most, is one called "The Christian Graduate," published by the Inter-Varsity Fellowship in London. This magazine is evangelical in spirit, and the articles are generally of a high level. Some may be interested in the contribution in the March issue called "Sanity, Confidence and Scholarship" by a Professor Blaiklock of Auckland, with an appeal for all three in the Christian. Dr. D. C. Spanner discusses "The Methods and Limitations of Science" in this issue. Book reviews, news of other somewhat similar groups, and miscellaneous items and papers round out the contents of the publication.
A new magazine called "Popular Science Digest" made its appearance in February. Published in England by the deCourcy brothers, its " . . . object is to give a careful and cautious slant on Christian lines, but in a way that the reader will not be too clearly aware that there is such an iniplication. We want more to lead him to reach the.desired conclusion for himself the desired conclusion being the harmony of God's Word and God's Works," according to a recent letter from Mr. John deCourcy to President Mixter.
The May number will have an article based on the script of "Hidden Treasures" and the June issue one on "Dust or Destiny" the Moody Institute of Science films.
The April issue contains articles and digests under the sectional headings Medicine and Health, Electronics and Electricity, Archaeology, Interesting Industrial Processes, and Searching the Heavens, along with individual articles on such subjects as radioactivity, geriatrics, psychology, and others. Occasional illustrations enhance the readability of the digest.
NEW SECTIONSOne phase of the program to expand the interest and usefulness of the Journal has started its appearance in this issue.
It is enough of a problem to keep reasonably up to date in one's own field of training and interest without getting into outside fields. Yet it is always interesting to keep up on significant developments both in thought and experiment in the other fellow's field.
The Christian apologist has a further reason for keeping reasonably well acquainted with other fields because of his activities as a lone witness. Almost invariably in this activity critical questions are brought up in many fields, and we can hardly afford to lose opportunities while we refer the questions to experts in the various fields. Obviously, we shall not pretend to become experts in the many lines and it is to be expected that no honest apologist shall be able to answer all questions that may come up. Yet a basic acquaintance can help tremendously in discussing many problems with the sincere inquirer.
It is with this in mind that Journal sections have been opened up, each conducted by a well-qualified expert in his field. On the part of each it means a production for every issue and therefore continuous work. It was gratifying to hear of the willingness of each, when approached on this question, to take over this task. In particular, we appreciate their efforts to open up the sections on rather short notice for this issue.
The conductors of each of these columns, we feel sure, would be glad to hear from you regarding specific topics or developments you would like to see discussed.
Four sections are opened up in this issue. Professor I. W. Knobloch of Michigan State College is managing the section on Biology, Professor F. E. Houser of Wheaton College the section on Sociology, Professor R. D. Knudsen of Rockmont College the section on Philosophy, and Karl Turekian, the section on Geology. At least two more sections will be added to the next issue.