in Christian Perspective
From: JASA 4
Those of you who are regular members of the A.S.A., will have noticed by the recent preliminary program sent to you on May 16th from the office of the Secretary-Treasurer that we are planning to have a discussion on Tuesday evening, August 26 on the topic, "Conflicts Within the A.S.A."
For a number of years some of our members have been suggesting that the A.S.A., should have a united front on controversial subjects. However, it has been the feeling of the Executive Council that this is not a proper aim of the A.S.A., rather, we should attempt to present possible solutions on topics of interest to our group. We do not claim as a scientific organization to have the final answer on any given subject in the area of science and certainly we are not given to just one interpretation of Biblical statements. Therefore, it was thought desirable by some of us that we should have an open discussion on this general area seeking by the help of God with the guidance of His Holy Spirit for the best solutions to the difficult problem of trying to smooth out those difficulties which constantly arise in our group.
You have all received copies of "The Creationist" edited by Dudley J. Whitney of Exeter, California. In this publication, Mr. Whitney has repeatedly attacked the A.S.A., for its supposedly unchristian point of view on many issues. I am not certain how many of you are in full sympathy with Mr. Whitney, but it appears to some of us that many of his statements are without any basis in fact. We feel that he has taken an uncharitable viewpoint and that he is not always strictly scientific. In fact some have doubted whether one might classify him as a scientist.
A number of our members are wholly committed to the modern point of view with regard to the general subject of geology. Some other incline to accept the point of view commonly known as "Flood Geology." Mr. George McCready Price is the acknowledged leader of this latter group. Now it is not the policy of the A.S.A. to officially decide which is the correct point of view; rather we should investigate both as possible solutions to the subject. The same principle holds in any other area of science. The purpose of this editorial is to have each member of the A.S.A. carefully examine his own views, compare them with statements which have appeared in our literature and send any criticisms or suggestions which you may have to the 'office of the Secretary-Treasurer.
We urgently ask that you do this within the near future so that your comments may form an integral part of the discussion to be held this coming summer at our annual convention.
A short article on "The Bible and the Earth's Shape" by Carl S. Wise appeared in Science 113, 128 (1951). The author points out Scripture references to the early shapelessness of the earth, its later roundness, its rotation, and its coming destruction, but with the salvation of some of its inhabitants. Mr. Wise Is an applicant for membership in the A.S.A.
A letter from Mr. Roy Shaffer in Kijabe, Kenya, in Africa states that teaching Science, Geography, and Mathematics at RX.A. has been keeping him busy and he is expecting to set up Biology and Physics next year. The school's cornerstone was laid by "Teddy" Roosevelt in 1909. They are also busy installing a 32 k.w. electric plant as well as wiring houses, buildings, etc. Roy Jr. made his appearance at their home November 3.
The Executive Council has held two meetings since the last issue of our journal. One April 16, Roger Voskuyl, Harold Hartzler and Delbert Eggenberger our editor, met for a meeting in Chicago. Russell L. Mixter had planned to meet with us but was detained in Kentucky by an automobile breakdown. He had been on a trip to Florida with some students during the Easter holidays. At this meeting we visited the office of the Christian Medical Society, 64 W. Randolph Street. There we talked over with the executive secretary, J. Raymond Knighton, the possibility of combining office space as between the A.S.A., and C.M.S. It was felt as for the present we should keep our present system but perhaps in a year or two we might form some arrangement with the Christian Medical Society. The location of future annual convention sites was discussed at this meeting. At the present we have invitations from Gordon School of Theology, Boston and from Jim Reyburn of Young Life at one of their Colorado ranches. It was felt that the 1953 convention should be held somewhere in the mid-west district. At the second Executive Council meeting held in Chicago, May 24 there were present R. L. Mixter, Brian P. Sutherland, our editor, Delbert Eggenberger and H. Harold Hartzler. A number of important items were considered. Among others it was decided to attempt a revision of our constitution, and a committee for that purpose will soon be appointed by the President of our organization. It was decided that we should take a journalist along to the Black Hills this coming summer to write up news notes to publish in certain Christian journals concerning the A.S.A. It was also decided that we should start circulating the first few chal3ters of Dr. Tinkle's book, "The Creation of The World" to the entire membership, the purpose of this being to ask for suggestions and criticisms.
Mr. J. Lowell Butler of Greshman, Oregon, has set a good example for the other members of the A.S.A., by writing up several pages of detailed comments for Professor Tinkle to use in preparing the new book. We hope that many others are doing the same thing.
Mr. Carl Cadwell of 3927 Dawling Avenue, Pittsburgh 21, Pennsylvania who was for sometime considered a lost member by the office of the Secretary-Treasurer has recently sent in his annual dues and wishes to be considered an active member.
Mr. Delbert Eggenberger of 1121 East 81st Street, Chicago 19, Illinois has been diligent in his labors for the A.S.A. He is at present in charge of all book reviews for our journal as well as acting as our editor.
lease send him notices of new books which you feel should be reviewed in the journal.
Miss Cornelia Erdman of Wheaton College who is at present chairman of the committee on the papers for the coming annual convention has been very active recently and a fine program is the result of her labors.