in Christian Perspective
Atomic Fission
Alfred C, Eckert
From: JASA 3 (June
1951): 22-28.
A talk delivered at Goshen College to the A.S.A. meeting sponsored by
Wheaton and Goshen College., April 7., 1951.
The subject for tonight is one that was difficult to
prepare for a group Of
this type. As you know., a good deal of the information available on Atomic Fission
is classified and one is not free to discuss it. Therefore I intend to build most
of the
talk around a review of THE ATOMIC AGE AND THE WORD OF GOD by Wilbur Smith.
Permit me to begin by speaking a word of goodwill for the author of THIS AT011C
AGE AND THE WORD OF GOD. in the most recent issue of the magazine Rio with which
I believe you are all familiar., he has an extensive bibliography to which university and college students can refer
books they might want on various subjects.
One of his
classifications is
"The Bible and Science." This is
that he has to say
about MODERN SCIENCE AND CHRISTIAN FAITH the publication of the A.S.A. "In my
opinion this to the only satisfactory volume on this Important subject written in
the last twenty years. Each chapter is by an authority in some field of science.
A must book
for all Christian students," fbis may be a bit beside the point as far
as our main discussion is concerned tonight but his evaluation of MODERN SCIENCE
AND CHRISTIAN FAIN is interesting to all A.S.A. members.
a sermon
-which Wilbur
Smith preached in 1945 or
It was based on the passage II Peter 2:10-14. You
probably have had that passage called to your attention especially in the last few
years. II Peter 3:10, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall
malt with fervent heat the earth
also and
the works that are therein shall be burned
UP." After the atomic bombs were dropped in the-last war and the news spread t hat
verse of course became quite interesting to Christian people In many places. Wilbur
Smith preached a sermon on it
which was of sufficient interest that it was put out
in pamphlet form and many thousand copies sold. During the time that those copies
were selling he went to work and wrote this book pretty much around the sermon.
According to the author's introduction his principal objectives of which we find two
were: (1) to inspire the reader to preach the gospel and (2) to help the reader to
be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within him. These are, of
very commendable objectives.
As he made up the book he was guided by several things which I would like to
read rather directly out of his introduction, First., the first question which he
attempts to answer in this
publication is
the Bible throw any light upon
this hour in which we live?" He outlines how we have come into the Atomic Age
are faced with many problems and various points of view. Many philosophies that we
have held seem very inadequate to the present
"Does the Bible throw any
light upon this world
in which we live?"
Another objective or guiding principle is
found In his introduction. He states that
In many cases Christians have found it
interesting to speculate on prophecy. Mr. Smith properly has very little time for
that sort of thing and he says this specifically "Date setting is for me anathema."
He mentions that during the past years he has written very little about prophecy and
says he has been kept from the nonsense of identifying Mussolini
etc. In other words he emphasizes that he is not writing this book as a speculative
venture and Is
interested In
speculating on
questions of prophecy,
Third, he says this about his writing; "I shrink personally from long discussions of Biblical technicalities which cannot possibly have any relations to
ones own convictions nor bearing upon one's conduct. What I have written I trust
has been put to the test of a less of incessant activity." So he is trying to write
a book that has some practical value rather than something that Involves a number
of somewhat abstract technicalities.
Fourth, here I believe he states his background very concisely. "I have tried
to rea& all that to Important of this enormous literature of the atomic bomb and
the development of atomic energy with the exception of some of the more technical
studies In the field of nuclear fission.
The foregoing things he has tried to do. He lists four things that he has
definitely not tried to do in this volume - First., he did not attempt to write a
history of the development of the atomic theory in the twentieth century, feeling
of course that Is for someone else to do. Second) "I am not attempting to rehearse
the story of Hiroshima and Bikini." Thlrd;_I am not attempting to bring my readers
up-to-date on the discussion of the final control on atomic energy as they take
place in the United Nations." And finalIy, "I am not proposing some plan for the
control of atomic energy."
Therein are the things he is trying to do and the things he is not trying to
do. Of most importance In this introduction, is the first question that he askes
"Does the Bible throw any light on this hour in which we live?" As he develops the
book that question probably stands above other things that he attempts to work out.
With regard to the general make-up of the book I might mention that it has 19
eh&pters.. 5 appendices and 3 Indexes. The chapters cover quite a variety of subjects. He
starts, as we might expect, with more or less an orientation of the atomic age, its
significance spheres of life that it effects, etc. He then goes
back into history and traces the development of the concept of atoms from the early
Greek philosophers. Following these philosophers there is a gap of about eighteen
centuries, until the atomic idea became prominent again and takes up and traces Its
development up to the beginning of this century, and briefly thereafter until the
present. Remember, one of the things he did not try to do was trace its development through the present century. That becomes too highly technical.
Following this historical treatment comes the chapter in which was the original
sermon. It is just a few pages of the present volume. In this chapter he discusses
the verses from the second epistle of Peter.
After that comes a chapter in which he discusses a number of other peoples'
ideas of the meaning of those verses. They are mainly of historical interest. They
are ideas
were published before the release of atomic energy had been known.
In the remainder of the book, there are several chapters which for the moat
part don't seem to have any great relationship one with the other.. certainly no
sequence. We might think of them as a number of essays on various Biblical subjects
and concepte that have some relation to atomic energy, A couple of examples are
the chapter on Sodom and Gomarrah,, and the one on Wars and Rumors of Wars, etc.
Finally, the last three chapters have a sequence of a sort. One of them points out
the need ofthe human race for
regeneration., and
then the next chapter is entitled,
"The time is short." The final chapter Is entitled "Victory Through Christ."
That briefly then
the content of tile book, but the style in which it is
written should be appraised,, Hie style I would call
philosophical. Philosophers
might disagree with my use of the term$ but a philosophical writing I have
generally found rather indirect.- it spends a good deal of time generalizing and
qualifying statements before coming to the point. That Is my Impression of the
style that Dr. Smith has used here, Also by Illustration of the style I might
mention a writing technique. The second sentence In the first chapter has something like 128 words in it. The record length per sentence that I
found In going
the book had something like 152 words in it, In other words the book Is
not easy reading and Is In a style that you would find,, at least I found,. had to
be read slowly and deliberately in order to get the continuity for what was being
presented. (Of course, I do not count the
words in every sentence I read; these
very long sentences forced themselves on me).
Next in our discussion, I would like to give you what I call a sentence,
condensation of the book., in other words each chapter boiled down to one sentence.
In so doing we will try to give you that much of an Idea of the sequence and
content of the book,
The discovery of atomic energy affects many
spheres Of life and will
determine the history of our world as no other single discovery.
It is most significant that writers seemed forced to go to the Bible
for the phrases they feel compeled to use in connection with discussion
of the impact of atomic energy on the course of civilization.
After the brilliant conclusions of the ancient philosophers,, nothing
more was learned about atomic structure for about eighteen centuries.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century physicists broke away from
the idea of four elements and the trend toward our present concept of
elements began.
Every intelligent man certainly desires to know something of the
structure of atoms and the meaning of nuclear fission in view of the
great importance of the subject today.
Peter gives us a description of the character of the final conflagration.
Before the release of atomic energy the church assigned various
interesting interpretations of II Peter 3:10,
That Peter by using the Greek word lanos Predicted the fission of
uranium is an unjustified conclusion.
The international state will mean tyranny over men's souls., bodies
and minds.
World were and atomic weapons drive men to Insist on world government
which will bring a world ruler.
As the importance of the air for travel and
communication in warfare
becomes greater this age swiftly prepares for tbe final struggle between
the Prince of the Power of the Air and the Lord of Lords.
Our Lord
wants talk of war as such and at that time predicts
wars to the end.
Until 1945 men hiding in eaves and rocks in the mountains as described by John in the book of Revelation was hardly
imaginable but it
becomes a primary factor in protection from an attack of the atomic bomb.
It is doubtful if prior to 1945 a scientist has ever written an article
with such a title as Dr. H.C. Urey's., "I Am A Frigbtened Man."
What God did to Sodom and Gomarrah is a type of greater judgment by
A revival to bring about a regenerated humanity must derive from
the Spirit of God.
The atomic bomb has altered the sneering attitude of many toward
the possibility of divine judgment.
For victory over the world is in Christ as Creator, Conqueror and Consumator.
With that much about the book in general., I would like to turn next and look
a little more carefully at several parts that I feel are of a special interest.
Dr. Smith's definite Biblical approach to this subject is commendable. His
approach Is illustrated especially in two chapters, one of which he entitled
"Ware and 11umors of Wars." In that chapter he pointed out that the prophecy
which our Lord made In connection with the Olivet discourse Is one that has been
very much ignored and much misunderstood. At the time of the Olivet discourse
our Lord made some prophecies relating to something that took place about forty
years later (about A.D. 70)s the destruction of Jerusalem, Many people have been
prone to assign all of that discourse to prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem,
Dr. Smith points out the absurdity of this and also of course points out how Christ
says that there will be wars and rumors of wars up to the time of His return which
was not A.D. 70. He gives illustrations of some very amzing cases where commentators have just blatenly ignored that passage as they were commenting on the
passage immediately preceding end following. He then presents some illustrations
of absolute misinterpretation and cases of announcements that outstanding men have
made which are utterly ridiculous in the face of these verses, In many cases.,
these were quite frequent especially at the turn of this century and even up to
many people thought we were heading toward an era of world peace.
Dr, Smith also points out the amazing knowledge that Christ had making this
Prophecy because the Old Testament prophets had prophesied a time of peace to be
coming in the future and of course Christ pointed out that the time of peace was
not at hand even though he was called the Prince of Peace. Those prophecies had
to be Interpreted in somewhat a different light, So he illustrates to me his
Biblical Christian approach in departing from the wishful thinking that
held especially earlier In this century that we are headed for an era of world
Peace at a time like this. It to not difficult today to take the side that
Dr. Smith supports.
Another chapter
in which the Biblical Christian view is very prominent is
the one whi9b points-out the need for a regenerated humanity and points out that
that need is not going to be attained through education and cultures etc. The
required regeneration is available only through the Spirit of God and through the
acceptance of Christ and His Gospel and the acceptance of Christ as a personal
Savior from sin. He used the illustration of Germany, which was one of the best
in the world and yet those people allowed their government to
carry on some of the most beastly activity that the world has ever seen. This of
course supports from Scriptural claim that regeneration must come from God and
not from man's own efforts.
You certainly will be interested in knowing what was the content of the sermon which grew up to be a book. The sermon was mainly a discussion of the meaning
of several words. Elements, dissolutions great noise and fervent heat. In the
sermon Dr. Smith of course points out how an atomic explosion fits the general
description of what Peter was
describing many
years ago and indicates that it is very possible that that is the prophesied end of the world, namely that the world
will be destroyed by dissolution of the elements by actual atomic fission, etc,
The following is very fascinating because it reviews, as I mentioned before
different Ideas that people had before the advent of atomic energy as to the meaning of these verses in II Peter. One of the very early church fathers in the
second century interpreted that prophecy to refer to a fusion. He used the
illustration as lead is malted in fire.. the earth would melt and would in that way
dissolve. They say in the light of the release of atomic energy that something
much more drastic than malting Is what to predicted here. There was another writer
from the nineteenth century who vent to great length to explain how the final conflagration would be the result of atmospheric moisture decomposing and then recombining. You know hydrogen and oxygen
eco decompose and then recombine again with
this gnat violence which would make a great noise etc. To me this is an excellent
example of the value of scientific investigation helping us to understand better
what the Scriptures mean. We can't say dogmatically that Peter is predicting an
atomic disintegration for the end of the world) but with a knowledge of atomic
energy,, we certainly do have a much greater appreciation of the picture-he painted
than these church fathers and writers of the past centuries bad since they had to
try to picture such a conflagration in terms of things that they knew at that time.
There were three chapters that I picked out as being of special interest to
me for
various reasons. I would like to spend a little time on each of these.
The second chapter is entitled "The Atomic Bomb Demands
Dr. Smith pointed out that shortly after the release of atomic energy., as various
people wrote their impressions and discussed It they were continually
bringing in
phrases to help express themselves. His first illustration was one in
which he quoted the President of the United States as finishing up one of his chats
with the remark that "May the God of peace keep us from what's ahead of us)" etc.
"May the God of peace 1:rotect us," etc. Of course the "God of Peace" being a
Biblical concept Dr. Smith very-appropriately pointed out that it was very inappropriate for us to call.-upon the God of peace to keep us out of trouble in the,
future when we continually reject Him and reject His
and His world, In our
United Nations meetings we don't even call upon Him for help2 yet the President
gets up and expects the "God of Peace" to protect us in the future! There were
many other Biblical phrases whose use Dr. Smith indicated.
Again., Dr. Smith illustrated his Biblical Chriatien approach in summing up
the signficance of this use of
teminology by saying that "of course many
people take courage from the fact that the
had these allusions made to it."
But he pointed out that in many, nearly all these cases., the allusions to Scripture
very obviously were of such a nature that the people using them did not show any
evidence of understanding their true meaning nor of understanding their context
nor of understanding the scriipture, In some cases they almost bordered on
blasphemy by the way they were used and he saw very little reason to take courage
in that fact. He did indicate that you don't see many references to secular
writers to help put across these concepts. The Scripture seems to be virtually
the only writing that has phrases adequate to make these descriptions and that
certainly puts a good deal of emphasis on the authenticity of the Scripture and
its dignity, etc. This fact does not give any Indication to him that people are
returning to the Scripture in a Biblical sense.
Then there comes the chapter that 'a Probably the most interest to us here. The Structure of the Atom and the Meaning Of Nuclear Fission." This chapter was
a very great disappointment. It is very difficult for to understand why someone of the scholarship and scholarly standing of Dr. Smith) someone with the
scholarly approach that he usually makes would write a chapter like this. He's
not a scientist and he, makes no claim to be a scientist.. but in this chapter he
is attempting to interpret science to people who are not technically minded,
This to a difficult task for a scientist who knows his subject but the difficulties
are multiplied for a layman. Dr. Smith In his treatment of this chapter gives
very clear evidence of having himself a very muddled Idea of certain scientific
concepts. He commits some errors that I'm sure a good high school teacher could
have cleared up for him had he consulted and submitted the manuscript for appraisal. I repeats I simply can't understand why a man of
his standing would jump Into
a field that he knows he's not trained in, write a chapter on it and apparently
publish it without having conferred with someone competent to check the material
for specific errors. I went through the chapter and marked the things-that he
revealed were not just clear to him.
He has a very muddled
conception of
the significance of atomic weights and
atomic numbers. In one paragraph he mentions that all atoms of a particular
element have the same weight, and then a subsequent paragraph he talks about
isotopes with no Indication that
understands the meaning of the term. In his
presentation of astronomically large
numbers, he has
made additional*errors.
These are things that could easily happens and yet they would have been detected
by any good high school teachers had such read the manuscript, I will say without question the trend of
thought is
not upset. If the errors had been corrected
his trend of thought, his argument wouldn't have been changed a bit, The errors
are in general that minor., but still it
the effect on the scientific reader
of casting doubt on the writer's competence in other fields. It shook
confidence about what he has to say about other things when in a field where I can
accuracy., I find that he is not accurate. This was very disappointing
and it is very unfortunate for a book that for the most part presents some very
interesting material. It to
unfortunate that
we have in a, book of this quality
a chapter like this that detracts from one's feeling that the book is written on
a basis of good scholarship and good authority. one other error that he made that
is a little bit hard for a chemist to forgive: he mentioned
that the
project was a physics project. That's one that we chemists find very hard to
We turn now
to what is
a little more pleasant and commendable, a chapter
dealing with Greek words from which Uranium. was derived. In the passage in Peter,
this Greek word Uramis is used. It is obviously related to Uranium. Dr. Smith
says that there have
been people
who pointed this out and said; "Now look here,
Peter was really a lot smarter
than you
think. He not only pictured the world
ending with an atomic explosion but he knew that Uranium was to be the explosive
material." Dr. Smith takes the commendable stand of
out that such a
conclusion is entirely unjustified. The first words he claims., is the word very
frequently used for heavens. It was a very natural word to use in this particular
place and probably the most logical word to use entirely aside from any considerations of "Uranium!' and "Uranus." He also further explains the naming of Uranus
and Uranium. The naming of the planet Uranus I understand, was arrived at rather
accidently. He allows
possibility that the Lord guided the people who named
this element and named the planet after which this element was named. Perhaps He
did guide them to have It that name but such looks very unlikely to Dr. Smith. I
feel It is a very commendable stand for him to point out a case of almost 100
cent speculation of prophecy.
Finally I wish to sum up my appraisal of the book as follows: I found it
interest to read. it is inspirational. Dr. Smith summarizes various things
in our atomic age and showed that the Scriptures do have a very definite application to the time in vh1ch we live. The Scripture is not out-moded as many of the
writings that
were prominent fifty years ago. The reading is difficult and the
book is scientifically inaccurate in a number of places.
it seems appropriate to list several books on atomic energy.
These books contain everything that can be told that is with the exception of
certain technical details that have been put out in various scientific monographs,
The first one of course that I will mention is the famous report by H. D. Smythe
entitled "Atomic Energy for
Purposes" published in
1945 by the Princeton
University Press, This was the first official release and a good half of it
describes the history of the Manhattan project. The rest of it consists of cer
tain scientific facts that can be told about atomic energy. The Smythe report
is mainly of historic interest now because it has been superseded.
A book came out last year published by the Atomic Energy Comission amd handled through the Superintendent of
Documents called "The Effects of Atomic Weapons."
This was intended to be
a book
of information on which several defense authorities
could base their plans for devising defenses against atomic attacks. More recently
another official release by the Atomic Energy Commission written by Glasstone is
entitled "Source Book of Atomic Energy." It's published by Standard Publishers
and Is available at a remarkably low price.
Thank you very much Dr. Eckert for this interesting discussion. Are there any
Mr. Kratze,
Dr. Eckert pointed out that the author vent into the field of science to
prove the truths of the Bible, not knowing science. What about scientists who try
to teach the Bible?
Dr. Eckert:
Your question I think is a bit rhetorical. You anticipate the answer.
We all know the answer of course. Scientists are not theologians and If we try to
write on theological subjects we probably will be open to a great deal of criticism.
I would emphasize again that if any of us were going to do such a thing, I suggest
we go to a theologian to check our manuscript to see that It makes sense before we
publish it, We might take a lesson from the mistakes theologians have mad4 in the
field of science and see that we don't make the saw mistakes in the field of
theology, Does that answer your question?
But to it Possible for us to-get up before a scientist and say something
about the Bible?
Dr. Ackert: You mean is it possible for us to understand the Bible? Yes., If we spend
time-on it. I realize that it takes a life time to assimilate some things, The important things about the Scripture are open to those of us who seek the Lord and seek
His revelation to us. The fundamental fact is that man is a lost sinner and we need
a Saviour.