in Christian Perspective
A Message from the President
From: JASA 3 (March 1951):
Past Performance
The success of the A.S.A. in large part is the stature of a man. Mr. Everest
was president from the beginning. His friendly and forceful personality led
the founders to build on a stable foundation of policies and plans. His
initiative., aided by able authors and committees has produced a modern
tribute to the Christian Doctrine, our MODERN SCIENCE AND CHRISTIAN FAITH. His
steady pressure has put across the program of the A.S.A. To him goes our
thanks and the credit for much of its progress since its founding in 1941. It
is with regret that I see him leave the presidency.
Program for the Present
The good work must continue. The JOURNAL takes on an improved printing with
this issue. Your editor and his associates of the executive council will do
all they can to keep the JOURNAL a' forceful influence among thinking people,
Plans for the Future
The council is considering additional means for extending the usefulness of
the AtS.A. Will each of you write to one of us the suggestions you have for
the further conduct of our affiliation, We also wish to add to our membership.
Have you sent in your nominations to the secretary?
The convention in New York, August
28-311 1951
will be significant for its
symposia, papers and field trips. Our host is Shelton College where our Lord
has been honored for many years. How delightful it would be if all of us could
be there.
We hope to publish another monograph this year. The executive council, meeting
at Goshen College asked Dr. Kulp to prepare a manuscript on the "Age of the
Earth" for monograph No.
Suggestions for additional subjects are wanted
from the members.
What ought the council and the A.S.A. members be doing that now they are not
doing? I shall appreciate every communication from any of you which will give
us new ideas and initiative for correlating the Scriptures and science and
making the results known more widely,