in Christian Perspective
Cordelia Erdman
From: JASA 3
(March 1951): 27-28.
An unexpected assignment to write up a
convention that
took place six months
ago seems at first to be a rather futile one, But retrospect gives unique opportunity to judge what has proved worthwhile,, and so these thoughts have taken
shape to renew happy memories and the stimulation of our Goshen Convention.
A college campus: The very atmosphere of Goshen College was conducive to feeling
"at home." 'From the first hour that license plates from many parts began to
adorn the parking lot one had a sense of appropriateness of
surrounding. The
welcome extended verbally to us by Dr. Kreider was backed up by the many gracious
actions of our hosts, and our accommodations were ideal. So it was natural that
the heavens should weep for us when we had to leave!
That sm-oo-th quality:
It was delightful to experience the sense of quiet organization behind
the events of each day. The co-ordination of papers by topics -was
typical of the integration we experienced in every phase of the
convention.. And
all for so little personal expense,
--and the furniture: What a relief to listen in comfort to our colleagues instead
of -squirming on hard chairs. We were grateful, and intellectualism was abetted by
physical well-being.
Naturalists all:
The innovation of a nature hike in our program met with enthusiastic
response, both before and after. So. of course,, did the picnic supper which
followed it at Goshens Michigan camp grounds. What better setting could there
have been for Dr. Schrock's very practical consideration of conservation? The
sweet singing of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Kurtz and Professor
Gathercoal's kindly remarks
closed the
evening--that is,, for most of us. A certain distinguished engineer from
Purdue, attempting to follow Dr. Bender's "explicit directions" to the campus, proved his originality instead by becoming rather familiar with southern Michigan
by starlight. He arrived somewhat after hours.
A doctor speaks Very many friends from the surrounding communities gathered to
hear the address of Dean Stanley, Olsen., and also to see Mr. Everest's lumbering
sea elephants (via motion pictures), Incidentally., the size of the group testified
amply to the excellent publicity activity of the local committee.
Of historical interests
Not us, but the Mennonite Historical Library.
We were glad of this opportunity to see rare books and documents and to learn something
further about our Mennonite friends. It was another convention highlight.
A strong spirit of participation: Discussion following the various papers and in
the business meeting
was in a lively key--an encouraging symptom of
vigour. The implications of the apologetic for which we stand received a merited
share of attention. It seemed to this reporter that our scientific calling needs
emphasis in our meetings, lest we only labour to vindicate our "pet ideas."
However.. there was:
A sense of achievement:
A post-convention chat with our president indicated that
all-of us had been stimulated in some realm or other. Following r6trospect$ tile question comes: "What have I done about following up the
ideas God sent me last August?" The real value and
meaning of
our convention can
only be measured in the light of our answer to that question. May our gatherings
continue to make us serve more fittingly the Lord we know and love. See you at
Shelton College.