in Christian Perspective
Letter to the Editor
Our Name: The American Scientific Affiliation.
E. N. Gathercoal
Pentwater, Michigan
May 25, 1949
JASA 1 #3 (June 1949): 1-2.
Dear Doctor Barnes:
Thank you for your nice letter of May 4 and the reminder of May 18 (received
the 25th). Perhaps you have given me an opportunity to work out and present an
idea that has bothered me considerably. If it is not appropriate, please return
this and no harm done whatsoever.
Our Name: The American Scientific Affiliation.
(1) "The American" is not necessary. We could well receive as members of our
organization qualified persons from Canada or Cuba or Mexico or South America or
even Europe.
(2) "Affiliation" is good, for each member represents an affiliation of Christian
love and principles with scientific knowledge. God (Jesus Christ) presents an
affiliation of perfect Christian love with all (scientific) knowledge.
The members of this organization, therefore, should follow closely in the
footsteps of Jesus Christ as presented to us in the Scriptures: obedience to the
commandments of God; earnest and faithful evangelistic witnessing; presenting
knowledge in all truth.
John 15:13-14--Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for
his friends. Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you. Acts 1:8--Ye
shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be
witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost parts of the earth. I Cor. 1:5 - In everything ye are enriched by Jesus
Christ, in all utterance, and in all knowledge.
(3) "Christian" and "Science" are essential to our name.
None are better qualified to present knowledge than those whose specific
education are supplemented by faithful Bible study and Christian practice. Luke
2:52 - And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Col. 2:3 - Jesus Christ, in whom is hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
The name of our group might be improved so as to present our ideals more
plainly; such as: Association of Christians Affiliated with Science (A.C.A.S.).
In connection with the idea expressed above, would it not be well to make our
organization known to Christian teachers of science in the numerous colleges where
Bible teaching and Christian influence is a part of the curriculum? There are
said to be more than 200 such institutions in the United States. Thirteen are
represented by our membership. Real Christians accomplished in science find the
atmosphere of such colleges more congenial than schools where atheism is prominent,
or Bible teaching is forbidden by law.
In our membership list we have 45 teachers and 28 non-teachers; of the teachers
23 are in Christian Schools, 15 in State-supported schools and 7 in endowed institutions where Bible teaching is not emphasized. Of the 28 non-teachers, 11 are
Respectfully submitted,
Emeritus Prof. of Pharmocognosy
University of Illinois
College of Pharmacy
808 South Wood Street