From the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 1 (January 1949): 3.
Twenty five members and friends of the American Scientific Affiliation registered for the convention held at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 1. to 3, 1948. Edwin Monsma and Martin Karsten and their wives welcomed us to the dormitory with a fellowship hour before the convention.
You will receive in the Bulletins the substance of the ideas and discussions of a Biblico-scientific nature; also reports of sectional meetings of the past year. The suggestions and announcements from the business sessions follow.
1. For Moody Monthly and Van Kampen Press, members have reviewed manuscripts of articles and books. It will help editor Barnes if any one reviewing a book will send him a copy of the review to be used in the Bulletin. Bibliographies on the Bible and Science are desired.
2. Constitution revisions will be considered by a committee and sent to the members for evaluation.
3. Dr. Alfred Eckert by letter reported on the progress made in producing a pamphlet called "Fourteen Prominent Scientists Look at Life."
4. Dr. Roger Voskuyl will head a membership committee to solicit new members and suggest revisions in types of membership.
5. The A.S.A. voted approval of the film "Voice of the Deep" which was reviewed by a large audience in the auditorium. Much credit belongs to our President, F. Alton Everest for the excellent planning and technique of the motion picture.
6. The pamphlet "Evolution," written by Dr. John Howitt, one of our members and the monograph "Christian Theism and the Empirical Sciences" by Dr. Cornelius Jaarsma, are available to members from the secretary.
"Evolution," 20¢ each, $2.00 per dozen
"Monograph," l5¢ each, in lots of 25 or more, 10¢ each
7. Drs. Laurence Kulp and Joseph Maxwell were nominated to succeed Dr. E. Y. Monsma on the executive council. The nominating committee were Drs.. Cowperthwaite, Hartzler, Marquart and Prof. Oorthuys. Dr. Kulp has recently been elected.
8.. President Everest invited the Affiliation to meet in Los Angeles in 1949. Possible side trips include the La Brea Tar Pits and Palomar Observatory.
9. "Modern Science and Christian Faith," the Christian Students Science Symposium, appeared in the hands of the editor, F. Alton Everest, whose remarks of gratitude to authors and publisher were matched by commendations of the editor's efforts. Copies of the book may be purchased from the secretary-treasurer for $1.80. If the book is sold by a member, he should charge $3.00, sending the profit to the treasury.
10. The publications committee, Dr. Voskuyl chairman, named Dr. Marion Barnes to be editor of a periodical, herein called the Bulletin.
1. A complete set of Victoria Institute publications should be owned by the A.S.A. Selected articles could be lithographed for publication in the Bulletin.
2. Reviews of current books on atomic research are desired.
3. Broad surveys on the relation of the several fields of science to the Scriptures should be undertaken.
4. The library of the A.S.A, should be placed in a central location. Representatives of institutions desiring to shelter the volumes owned by the A.S.A. may write to the Secretary.
"Has Archaeological Research Proved Solomon to be a Myth" was answered authoritatively in the negative by Dr. Allan A. MacRae in the first public lecture. Officers of the A.S.A. formed a panel to discuss "The Role of A.S.A. in ChristianTetimony" for the second-public meeting. The colored; sound (theologically and physically) film "Voice of the Deep" climaxed the evening. Anyone desiring to present the picture may write to its producer, the Moody Institute of Science, 11428 Santa Monica Boulevard, West Los Angeles 25, California.
Dr. Gelmer Vannord of the Christian Psychopathic Hospital invited us to see the facilities of his institution. In the pleasant surroundings at Pine Rest, near Grand Rapids, we viewed the buildings and heard of the considerate treatment given to patients by the competent staff.
To the local committee, E. Y. Monsma and Martin Karsten, to the program committee, Paul DeKoning, chairman, Paul Bender, Joseph Maxwell and Frank Cassel, and to Calvin College, goes our gratitude for careful and thoughtful planning and gracious hospitality.
R. Mixter, Sec'y.