
Marion D. Barnes

From the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 1 (January 1949): 1

The first issue of the A.S.A. Bulletin is now in your hands. We would like to indicate by this note the purpose of the Bulletin, the editorial policy to be followed in accepting papers for publication, and the mechanism of publishing the first few issues. It is also our purpose to encourage hereby the greatest possible participation by various members in this undertaking.

The purpose of the A.S.A. Bulletin is manifold. It is intended primarily for the benefit of the A.S.A. members, and interested friends, and it is hoped that it will be instrumental in helping the organization achieve its primary purpose of witnessing to the truth of the Scriptures and elucidating the relationship of both the ideology and fruits of science thereto. Furthermore we confidently expect that in the publication of papers presented at the convention and others received from the membership at large, a real service will be rendered each of us in creating an enlarged appreciation and understanding of the Christian position in other fields of science than that of our own specialization. Also thru the A.S.A. Bulletin, we plan to give every interested member the benefit of a constructive criticism and Christian evaluation of papers presented and of reviews of books of great interest or strategic importance.

If this purpose is to be fulfilled, the cooperation of many members will be necessary. Some will be asked to write book reviews, others will be requested to outline the main problems in their field of specialization relating to science and the Scriptures, and all are expected to submit for publication articles of general interest. Not only is participation in these respects greatly desired, but earnest prayer for the success of this undertaking is sincerely requested.

The Bulletin will contain editorials from time to time. The present and past members of the Executive Council will serve as an editorial staff. Papers submitted will be referred for critical appraisal to a committee consisting of members of the A.S.A. who are specialized in the field with which the paper is concerned. These committees, appointed for each separate paper by the editor, will serve as referees and their recommendations will determine whether a paper is published. Papers submitted at the National Convention will not be handled in this way since the discussion following each convention paper serves to evaluate it.

A word of explanation of the mechanism of publication seems in order. The editor receives, assembles, edits, and prepares all material for publication in accordance with the foregoing procedure. This finished material is then forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer, Professor Russell L. Mixter in Wheaton, Illinois for mimeographing or printing, and mailing. The format of the Bulletin is largely left up to Professor Mixter, and the question of whether it is mimeographed or printed will depend primarily on the relative expense involved.

Finally, we would like to invite suggestions. While we realize perfection, at least in the eyes of all, is probably impossible, we would like to be sure that the Bulletin meets a fair standard of acceptability. This can probably best be assured by your comments and suggestions.
