A Project of the John Templeton Foundation and the American Scientific Affiliation
You will need RealPlayerBasic version 7 or higher to view the lectures.
Disclaimer: Views expressed on the videos
listed below do not necessarily reflect those of the Templeton
Foundation or the American Scientific
Affiliation. More detailed information about these organizations may be
obtained from their respective home pages.
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lower value link.
Michael J. Behe, "Considering Intelligent Design ," Andrews
University (59 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Nancey Murphy, "Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Religious Accounts
of Human Nature ," Grove City College (72 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Alvin Plantinga, "An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism ," Franklin and Marshall College (88 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Edward Davis, "Reading God's Two Books: The Harmony of Nature and Scripture in Nineteenth Century American Thought ," Wheaton College (67 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Robyn Shapiro, "Promise, Policy, or Prohibition: The Legislative Debate
on Human Cloning and Genetics Research ," Carthage College (114 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
David B. Larson, "Is God Good for Your Health? What Does the Research Say? ," St. Bonaventure University (76 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Langdon Gilkey, "Reflections on the Arkansas Creationism Trial ," Wesleyan College (69 minutes)
56kbps Broadband-Small Broadband-Large
downloadable version (Right click in Windows or Ctrl-click in Mac OS)
Dr. Audry Chapman, "Theological Reflections on Genetics and Human Nature," Berea College (45 minutes) 28kbps 56kbps
Dr. Owen Gingerich, "Dare a scientist believe in Design," Oregon State University (44 minutes) 28kbps 56kbps About Dr. Gingerich
Frederick Gregory, "The Science Wars as
Holy Wars," Houghton College (47 minutes) 28kbps
56kbps Audio
only About
Dr. Gregory
Dr. John Haught: "Science, Religion, and the Quest
for Purpose"
Lecture: 28kbps 56kbps
Questions: 28kbps 56kbps
Dr. Haught
Dr. Philip Hefner, "Science and Myth: Human Hopes
and Fears, " Urbana University (40 minutes) 28kbps
56kbps About
Dr. Hefner
Dr. David Lindberg: "Galileo, the Church, and Cosmology," Urbana University (61 minutes) 28kbps 56kbps About Dr. Lindberg
Dr. David Livingstone, "Science and Religion: Remapping the Terrain," Oregon State University. (55 minutes) 28kbps 56kbps About Dr. Livingstone
Dr. Pauline Rudd, "What has Spirituality to do
with Science," University of San Francisco (60
minutes) 28kbps 56kbps
Dr. Rudd
Dr. William Stroeger: "The Impact of Science
on Religious Thought and Culture"
Wheeling Jesuite University (61 minutes); Lecture: 28kbps
56kbps Questions: 28kbps
56kbps About
Dr. Stoeger
Dr. Howard J. Van Till, "Portraits of Creation," Berea College (55 minutes) 28kbps 56kbps About Dr. Van Till
Please send questions and comments to Jack Haas haas.john@comcast.net