Chemistry 114

Test 1
February 23, 1996

MULTIPLE CHOICE (3 points each) Choose the single, best answer for each of the following questions.

1. Which of the following matches between class of hydrocarbon and hybridization is incorrect?
a. Alkane..................sp3
b. Alkene..................sp2
c. Alkyne..................sp
d. Aromatic................sp3
e. All are correct.
ANSWER: D -- Aromatic rings are sp2 hybridized.

2. The process of crude oil being separated into various components is known as
a. Fractional distillation
b. Catalytic cracking
c. Functional group analysis
d. Depolymerization
ANSWER: A -- Fractional distillation

3. The carbons in the double bond in an alkene have a _______________ geometry.
a. Linear
b. Bent
c. Trigonal planar
d. Tetrahedral
ANSWER: C -- Trigonal planar

4. The molecule is made up of
a. 3 sigma bonds and 5 pi bonds
b. 5 sigma bonds and 3 pi bonds
c. 6 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds
d. 7 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond
ANSWER: C -- The triple bond is made of two pi bonds and one sp-sp sigma bond. The C-C single bond is a sigma bond and the 4 C-H bonds are sigma bonds.

5. The intermolecular force most prominent in hydrocarbons is
a. Hydrogen bonding
b. Charge-charge interactions
c. Vander Waals interactions
d. Metallic bonds
ANSWER: C -- Vander Waals interactions

6. Branched hydrocarbons have ____________________ boiling point(s) as the straight-chained molecules with the same number of carbon atoms.
a. Lower
b. The same
c. Higher
ANSWER: A -- The branching makes for less efficient packing and thus reduced Vander Waals interactions.

7. Which functional group is not found in the molecule shown below?
a. Amine
b. Ether
c. Ketone
d. Carboxylic acid

ANSWER: B -- Ether (R-O-R')

8. Which of the following functional groups is found on the molecule shown below?
a. Ester
b. Ketone
c. Ether
d. Alcohol
ANSWER: A -- Ester (R-COO-R')

9. Which of the following groups is an isopropyl group?

B -- (A is n-propyl, C is isobutyl, D is tert-butyl)

10. Isoprene is a five carbon precursor for a class of biologically synthesized molecules know as
a. Conjugated polyenes
b. Arenes
c. Terpenes
d. Benzenes

11. Circle the isoprene units in the following compound.

ANSWER: Isoprene units are shown in bold.

12. Conjugated polyenes and benzene have what features in common?

a. Same number of carbon atoms
b. A ring system
c. Delocalized pi electrons
d. Triple bonds
ANSWER: C -- Delocalized pi electrons

13. The carbon designated by the arrow in the structure below is a
a. Primary carbon
b. Secondary carbon
c. Tertiary carbon
d. Quaternary carbon
ANSWER: C -- Tertiary carbon

Name the following structures (3 points each)

ANSWER: 5-ethyl-3,3,5-trimethyloctane

ANSWER: trans-3-tert-butylmethylcyclohexane

ANSWER: 2,4-dibromo-3-chloropentane

ANSWER: 2-ethyl-4-fluoro-3-iodotoluene
ANSWER: 5-methyl-3-heptyne

Draw structures for the following compounds. (3 points each)

19. p-ethylbenzenesulfonic acid
20. 3,4-dimethyl-cis-3-octene
21. 1,1,2,2,3,3-hexabromoheptane

Write the product(s) for the following reactions. (3 points each)










31. The energy as a function of the rotation around the two central carbons of butane is shown in the graph below.

Also shown are Newman projections for the various conformations of butane.
            A        B          C    
          D         E           F
a. (5 points) Match the Newman projections with the corresponding point on the energy curve.

Rotation Angle (degrees)   Structure   or    Structure
           0                   D                 D
          60                   E                 A
         120                   B                 F
         180                   C                 C
         240                   F                 B
         300                   A                 E
b. (5 points) Give a detailed explanation of your answer for two of the conformations with different energies.