From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 10:18:50 EST
Gordon wrote: "I find it hard to know exactly what to conclude from this
article. Only 49
of these 188 institutions have even one science major. I have never heard
of most of them. Some are recognizable as Adventist schools, which would
have to be YEC. We don't know exactly how the survey question was worded.
We don't know who at the school wrote the reply. It is not clear how many
faculty have to be YEC for the school to make the list or what subjects
these faculty teach."
I quite agree. The article is representative of the vague thinking that
passes for science at ICR. In the IMPACT article it is suggested that if
one wants to see the original questionaire and other data one can contact
ICR directly.
Some will find the data unfrightening, as "only" 49 of the institutions
offer a science major. Few of us, I suspect, have ever heard of many of
the institutions. None the less, they exist. Loren Haarsma suggests
Calvin Seminary ought not be included in the list -- but my take on the
article is that there is at least one faculty member there who teaches
YEc as an optional world view. I sure hope Loren is right and the article
Having read both the Impact article and the web page (pretty much the
same), I conclude that one YEC faculty member is sufficient to make
Henry's list.
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