[Fwd: CREATION vs FORMATION (God vs Gravity)]

From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 01:16:04 EDT

  • Next message: Gordon Simons: "Re: Zeno's paradox and the creationist demand for transitional fossils"

    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

    attached mail follows:

    [Hammond] As a physicist, it simply makes me wince to see so many scientists making fools of themselves when talking to religious fundamentalists and/or Creationists. Since I am a physicist and remain loyal to the beleaguered scientific establishment which is currently getting knocked silly for it's obtuseness in ignoring the religious sector (and rightly so IMHO).. please take this post as a "word to the wise". You have heard that the Creationists claim "the world is only 6,000 years old", and knowing full well that Science has already demonstrated beyond doubt that the Earth is 4-Billion years old... YOU ASSUME that the religious fundamentalists are a bunch of crackpots. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE SCIENTIFIC TRUTH. The fact is, that there are many walks of life... and science is one where years and years of close up study of mathematical physics, variational principles, Nuclear crossections, Thermodynamics differential equations or what ever it may be, is going to SHUT YOU OFF from the rough and tumble social experience that is going to lead to a discovery of what it is that is causing large scale social conflict... indeed human mental instability itself. But BE AWARE, that there are other people who are studying it and have made as much progress with it as you have made with QM, GR, QED, Field Theory and all the rest of it. DUE ALLOWANCE is given to scientists because of the labor and concentration that is required of them to do their job. HOWEVER, there are a lot of pseudo scientific smart alecks moving into science in recent years who are not like you, but are using science to exploit people politically... and this has aroused the anger of the religious population. THEREFORE, you are simply going to HAVE TO pay attention to this matter for a few minutes. THE ARGUMENT that has erupted between the "Creationists" and the "Evolutionists" has to do with the (scientific) difference between the OBSERVER and the OBSERVED. As you know scientists have OBSERVED that the Earth is 4-Billion years old. However, what scientists have never given great importance to is the fact that the OBSERVER (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) in this case, is only "6,000" (or 60,000) years old. WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS? Well, the theory of Psychology and Religion holds that "reality" only exists in the perception of the OBSERVER. What this means is that "reality" and therefore "the World" is only 6,000 years old. In other words, the Religious people (to coin a new terminology) hold that "FORMATION" of the World took place 15-Billion years ago, but "CREATION" of the World only occurred 6,000 years ago. THAT IS WHAT THIS ARGUMENT IS ALL ABOUT. OK, we know "Formation" is real enough, fossils, DNA studies, radioactive decay blah, blah, blah, prove it to beyond a doubt. But what is happening, is that science, and religion, and even the general population are making inroads into the scientific theory of "Creation"... i.e., the Psychological meaning of the advent of the human brain "6,000" years ago. BELIEVE ME IT'S IMPORTANT. Turns out that the Human Mind, or Brain, is the cause of "God". THAT'S THE PROBLEM. As a physicist, you know very well that Physics cannot define "mass, length and time". They are accepted by Physics as "a priori" concepts of which, by common consent, we can identify "standard specimens" such as a Brass Cylinder, Platinum Rod, Cesium Clock. But to ask "where do mass, length and time come from", is NOT a question that can be answered by Physics. HOWEVER, the answer can be (scientifically) supplied by Religion. They say, that "God created mass, length and time" when he created the Homo Sapiens Sapiens brain. IOW, that's when they were "created" and God created them (6,000 years ago). This is a scientifically valid answer. Anyway, the problem only really arises not from metaphysical considerations, but from PRACTICAL HISTORIC considerations. It turns out that the human brain is subject to very VARIABLE growth conditions. In fact, almost no one's brain (or body for that matter) ever achieves full growth, and the brain can continue growing during ones lifetime. THIS causes visible changes in "reality" for some people, and is historically called a MIRACLE. In fact, it has been discovered that the degree (percentage) of full brain growth has been INCREASING from generation to generation for centuries and millenniums, and this is called the SECULAR TREND. No ones brain if full grown... and this is the scientific fact that explains the existence of "God". No one can actually see 100% of reality because no one has a 100% fully grown brain. Finally, HAMMOND (1994, 1997) has recently discovered a scientific PROOF of all this. See my website below. In closing, just let me present a short stupid little HEURISTIC analogy about how all this Brain/God business works:

    Brain=Computer model of Hammond's SPOG

    The Human Brain is like a computer, running a program called Reality. Any upgrade in the program is called a law of Physics, but any upgrade in the Computer is called an act of God.

    Laws of Physics, are "upgrades to the program". Brain Growth, on the other hand is an "upgrade to the computer". The former causes "Science", the latter causes "God". The Evolutionists point out that the program says the Universe is 15-Billion years old. All the Creationists are pointing out is that the computer itself is only 6,000 years old. Be aware of this argument, the scientific basis of it, and prepare yourself for yet another major revolution in science. and whatever you do, as a scientist, don't stand up and start calling the Creationists a bunch of crackpots. It turns out that there is a very vital scientific issue at the bottom of this that is of considerable importance to human welfare. I am getting increasingly alarmed at the fact that more scientists are not aware of what is going on here.

    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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