Re: Incarnation

James Turner (
11 Apr 96 15:51:11 EDT

On April 11, 1996 Jeff Webster wrote

<<Did anyone see John McLaughlin's One on One program about the possiblilty of
life on other planets? He spoke with two astrophysicists (Sorry, I forgot their
names) and a theologian named Ted Peters, all of whom concurred that there is
most likely life elsewhere. The problem McLaughlin was attempting to raise was
the uniqueness of the incarnation: why would God visit this planet, incarnate in
Jesus Christ, when we inhabit such a small planet circling around an ordinary
star in an ordinary galaxy, etc., when there simply "must" be sentient life
elsewhere. Actually the two astrophysicists were certain that there was life
elsewhere, while Peters was ambivalent to the possibility, claiming that it had
no bearing upon the essential fact of the incarnation. Any thoughts on this?>>

I'm curious, can you tell us what the primary evidence the astrophysicists used
to support there belief of life on other planets? Did they use probability? If
so was it based on the existence of a high number of planets, or was it more
evolutionary? Also how sophisticated do they think these lifeforms are? One
possible scenario is that life is highly possible throughout the universe, but
man is a unique spirit-being. Just a thought.

In Christ,
Jim Turner