Denis Alexander
Eric C. Barrett
These works are representative of a
much larger number of selections found at
Thoughts on Reading
good novel tells us the truth about it's hero; but a bad novel tells us the
truth about its author.
--G. K. Chesterton
library is a hospital for the mind.
~ Anonymous ~
of the man of one book.
~ Thomas Aquinas ~
books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts,
others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly,
and with diligence and attention.
~ Francis Bacon ~
I get a little money, I buy books;
and if any is left, I buy food and clothes. ~Desiderius Erasmus~
furnishes the mind only with materials for knowledge;
it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
~ John Locke ~
real risks for any artist are taken in pushing the work
to the limits of what is possible, in the attempt to increase the sum
of what it is possible to think. Books become good when they
go to this edge and risk falling over it --when they endanger
the artist by reason of what he has, or has not, artistically dared.
~ Salman Rushdie
A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought
without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in
your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can
get both provocation and privacy. ~Edward P. Morgan
Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the
middle of it.
~P.J. O'Rourke_
For friends... do but look upon good Books: they are true friends,
that will neither flatter nor dissemble. ~Francis Bacon
The multitude of books is making us ignorant. ~Voltaire
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested. ~Francis Bacon
Darwin's theory of the struggle for existence and the selectivity
connected with it has by many people been cited as authorization of the
encouragement of the spirit of competition. Some people also in such a way have
tried to prove pseudoscientifically the necessity of the destructive economic
struggle of competition between individuals. But this is wrong, because man owes
his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a socially
living animal. As little as a battle between ants of an ant hill is essential
for survival, just so little is this the case with the individual members of a
human community. ~ Albert Einstein
Morris & Don Petcher,
Science and Grace: God's Reign in the Natural Sciences,
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R. Davidson,
When Faith and Science Collide:
A Biblical Approach to Evaluating Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design,
and the Age of the Earth, (2009) Malius Press, 292 pp. (Paperback) (Amazon:
$12.50) "Dr. Davidson's book "When Faith & Science
Collide" is a refreshing addition to the spectrum of work that has been recently
published on the subject Science and Creation. Davidson has focused his book on
a Christian audience caught up in the warfare dichotomy stemming primarily from
the interpretation of Genesis 1-11. The issues encompass the history, science
and concordism of scripture written about God's act of creation in the first
book of the Bible. The book sets the stage with a young scientist torn between
accepting the academic training he received in college vs. a literal
interpretation of scripture offered by a friend. As with most individuals
schooled in various fields of science, the young former Christian made what he
thought was the only logical choice and went with reason rather than a
"fundamental" Christian worldview. Here lies the purpose of the book. Davidson
developed the following simple model to evaluate the conflict, "There are three
questions that should be asked any time a scientific theory appears to conflict
with scripture. 1) Does the infallibility of scripture rest on a literal
interpretation of the verses in question? 2) Does the science conflict with
the intended message of the scripture? 3) Is the science credible? Read
this wonderful book on Christian Scientific Apologetics."--R. Buckman
Dr. Davidson earned a B.S. in Geology from Wheaton College in Illinois, and
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Hydrology from the University of Arizona before
joining the faculty in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering at
the University of Mississippi in 1996. Professor Davidson teaches, consults, and
conducts original research in geochemistry and hydrogeology, often employing
radiometric dating methods to determine the age of groundwater and sediment.
Harold W. Attridge (Editor), Dr. Keith Stewart Thomson
(Introduction), Ronald L. Numbers (Contributor), Kenneth R. Miller
(Contributor), Lawrence M. Krauss (Contributor), Robert Wuthnow (Contributor),
Alvin Plantinga (Contributor),
The Religion and Science Debate: Why Does It Continue?
(The Terry Lectures Series) 2009 (Paperback) (List $16.00,
Amazon $10.88)
Why does the tension between science and religion continue? How have those
tensions changed during the past one hundred years? How have those tensions
impacted the public debate about so-called ìintelligent design as a scientific
alternative to evolution? With wit and wisdom the authors address the conflict
from its philosophical roots to its manifestations within American culture. In
doing so, they take an important step toward creating a society that reconciles
scientific inquiry with the human spirit. This book, which marks the one
hundredth anniversary of The Terry Lecture Series, offers a unique perspective
for anyone interested in the debate between science and religion in America.--Ed
Francis C. Collins,
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief,
hardcover, 304 pp. ISBN:0743286391,
2006, Simon & Schuster. (List: $26.00,
CBD: $18.99)
what are we talking about when we talk about God? The geneticist Francis S.
Collins bravely sets out to answer this question in light of his scientific
knowledge and his Christian faith. Having found
for himself "a richly satisfying harmony between the scientific and
spiritual worldviews," he seeks to persuade others that "belief in God can
be an entirely rational choice, and that the principles of faith are, in
fact, complementary with the principles of science." As a researcher who
helped discover the genetic basis for cystic fibrosis and other diseases and
as the director of the Human Genome Project, Collins brings strong
credentials to the scientific side of his argument. For the spiritual side,
he draws on Christian authorities such as Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas
and C. S. Lewis. His aim is to address "extremists on both sides of the
science/faith divide." On one extreme are those scientists who insist that
the universe is purely and exclusively matter, and on the other are literal
interpreters of the Book of Genesis who reject the last two centuries of
scientific discovery. Although Collins's purpose is grand, his manner is
modest and his prose clear, as befits a man more concerned with sharing his
views on the nature of things than with displaying his ego..."-- Russell
Sanders, The Washington Post
Francis S. Collins is Director of the
US National Institutes of Health
Owen Gingerich,
God's Universe
Hardcover, 144 pp., ISBN 0674023706, 2006, Harvard
University Press. (List: $16.95,
CBD: $15.95)
God's Universe Owen Gingerich makes the case that the probability is
miraculously minute, first, that a planet hospitable to life could form after
the Big Bang and, second, that once it had formed, intelligent life could
develop there. Whether one agrees or disagrees, one will learn from this
beautifully presented account of the relevant astronomy and physics. But that
isn't all; Gingerich's reflections (as a Christian) on the theological
significance of all this are sensitive and deep. A truly fascinating read." --
Hilary Putnam
"This is a timely and important book. In contrast to the shrill dogmatics on
both sides of the current intelligent design debate, Gingerich offers a sweeping
and authoritative account of our continuing encounter with, and understanding
of, the Universe of which we find ourselves a part. Meticulous in its
scholarship, humane in its approach, generous in its tone, restrained in its
assertions, but audacious in its scope, this little book is a solid and
significant contribution to the ongoing debate." -- Frank Rhodes, President
Emeritus, Cornell University
Owen Gingerich is Professor of
Astronomy and of the History of Science, Emeritus, Department of Astronomy and
the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University.
Karl Giberson and Mariano Artigas,
Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion.
Softcover, 274 pp., ISBN: 0-19-531072-6, 2007 Oxford
University Press. (Amazon: $29.60)
PSCF Review
The authors make a good argument for how the misuse of
science to advance philosophical and quasi-religious or antireligious ideas
fails to reckon with the limitations of science. It is the polemics of these
oracles and their chief antagonists, couched in what purports to be ìscientific
languageî that obscure rather than illuminate the complex nature and meanings of
human existence. The book is highly recommended.--PSCF
Giberson has been on the physics faculty of Eastern
Nazarene College, director of the Forum on Faith and Science at Gordon College,
and co-director of the Venice Summer School on Science & Religion. The late
Mariano Artigas held doctorates in physics and philosophy
Thomas J. Oord, ed.,
Divine Grace and Emerging Creation: Wesleyan Essays in Science and
Theology of Creation,
2009, .229 p. Softcover, Pickwick Publications,
(List: $27.00,
Pickwick: $21.60).
Wesleyans and Wesleyan theology have long been interested in the sciences.
John Wesley kept abreast of scientific developments in his own day, and he
engaged science in his theological construction. Divine Grace and Emerging
Creation offers explorations by contemporary scholars into the themes and
issues pertinent to contemporary science and Wesleyan Theology. Contributions
address key contemporary themes in theology and science, including evolution,
ecology, neurology, emergence theory, intelligent design, scientific and
theological method, and biblical cosmology. John Wesley's own approach to
science, explored by many contributors, offers insights for how two of
humanity's central concernsóscience and theologyócan now be understood in
fruitful and complementary ways.
Dorothy F. Chappell
(Editor), E. David Cook
Not Just Science: Questions Where Christian Faith and Natural Science Intersect
320 pages. ISBN:
0310263832, 2005, Zondervan
, paperback, (List: $24.99,
CBD: $17.99)
"This book
argues that it is possible for our study of the natural world to enhance our
understanding of God and for our faith to inform and influence our study and
application of science. Whether you are a
student, someone employed in the sciences, or simply an interested layperson,
Not Just Science will help you develop the crucial skills of critical
thinking and reflection about key questions in Christian faith and
natural science. The contributors provide a systematic approach to
both raising and answering the key questions that emerge at the
intersection of faith and various disciplines in the natural sciences.
Among the questions addressed are the context, limits, benefits, and
practice of science in light of Christian values. Questions of ethics as
they relate to various applied sciences are also discussed. The end
goal is an informed biblical worldview on both nature and our role in
obeying Godís mandate to care for his creation."- -Books of Distinction
Dr. Dorothy F. Chappell is
Professor of Biology, Dean of Natural and Social Sciences, Wheaton College IL
Dr. Cook is currently Holmes Professor of Faith and Learning, Wheaton College
IL: Fellow of Green College, Oxford: and Professor of Christian Ethics,
Seminary, Louisville.
Biolo gy
F. Haught,
Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God, and the Drama of Life (2010)
Westminster John Knox Press, 144 Pages, Paperback.
List $19.95,
Amazon $13.57
R. Alexander (Editor), Ronald L. Numbers (Editor)
Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins
(2010) University of Chicago Press,
Paperback, List
Price: $35.00
Amazon $29.92.
"... As
the title implies, the contributors present their arguments within a historical
framework that originates at the Enlightenment, and ends with the contemporary
atheist apologetics. The text presents arguments surrounding biology's influence
on a diverse array of ideologies, including Nazism, Marxism, Lysenkoism,
materialism, naturalism, and vitalism. The most recognizable and well-developed
example presented is the application of evolutionary theory to the eugenics
movement. The text contains extensive references and should be considered a must
read for students of the history and philosophy of biology".--
Waldorf Heinrichs
Desmond and James Moore,
Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's
Views on Human Evolution,
Hardcover, Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 2009 (List $35.00,
Amazon $19.80)
"Arresting . . .
confront[s] the touchy subject of Darwin and race head on . . . Adrian
Desmond and James Moore published a highly regarded biography of Darwin
in 1991 . . . the case they make is rich and intricate, involving
Darwin's encounter with race-based phrenology at Edinburgh and a
religiously based opposition to slavery at Cambridge. Even Darwin's
courtship of Emma, whom he winningly called 'the most interesting
specimen in the whole series of vertebrate animals,' is cleverly
interwoven with his developing thoughts on 'sexual selection' . . ."
- New York Times Book Review
"This book dispels the legend, long attached to
retrospective accounts of Darwinís research, that the great scientistís interest
in evolution was spurred by Galapagos finches. It was people all along . . .
[Desmond and Moore] shed welcome light on lesser-known features of Darwinís
work, while also providing an exceptionally crisp account of
mid-nineteenth-century debates over the origins of racial differences."
David Livingston,
Adam's Ancestors: Race, Religion and the Politics of Human Origin,
John Hopkins University Press, 2008 (List $35.00, Amazon $28.63)
"A great piece of scholarship and an equally great read.
Particularly instructive is Livingstone's discussion of monogenism, polygenism,
and the various ways these theories of human origins were used in the social and
political arena. This is a substantial contribution to the history of
anthropology, of evolution theory, of race and racialist thought, and of science
and religion." -- Nicolaas Rupke, Institute for Science History, Georg-August
University of G–ttingen
David N. Livingstone is a professor of geography and
intellectual history at the Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, and
author of several books, including Putting Science in Its Place: Geographies of
Scientific Knowledge, The Geographical Tradition, and Darwin's Forgotten
Denis Alexander,
Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose? paper,
Kregel Publications 352 pp. 2009 (List $18.99 ,
$13.99 ).
"Many scientists, championed by the likes of Richard
Dawkins, argue with an almost evangelical zeal that science has all but
disproved God. As these views begin to take root in society it is vital that
Christians are able to expose the flaws and inconsistencies in the underlying
Yet this task is made harder by some Christians whose desire
to uphold the authority of Scripture has led them to dismiss current scientific
understanding of the Universe and especially the theory of Evolution.
For many scientists such views are likely to reinforce their
dismissal of the Christian faith as merely an outdated superstition.
Unfortunately, many books that address this issue appear to generate more heat
than light as they seek to justify their own polarised position and rubbish the
Denis Alexander's "Creation or
Evolution - Do We Have to Choose?" is a most welcome exception and deserves to
be widely read. Denis is the Chairman of the Molecular Immunology Programme at
The Babraham Institute in Cambridge and an internationally respected scientist.
As a Christian he believes passionately that the Bible is God's authoritative
word for man, yet his scientific studies provide him with overwhelming evidence
for the Theory of Evolution."--Andrew Halestrap, Christianity Today.
Full Review
Daniel M. Harrell,
Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith,
Paperback, 165 pp., ISBN-10: 0687642353, Abingdon Press 2008, (List: $ 18.00,
CBD: $14.99)Author
"Harrell discusses the issues in a down-to-earth, pastoral way, and manages to
address some of the thorny theological questions straightforwardly, graciously,
and hopefully. I don't necessarily agree with every approach Harrell takes, but
I found this book enormously encouraging because it engages Truth from a broadly
evangelical perspective without fear or defensiveness."--David W. Opderbeck
"...Harrell explains
why evolution does indeed pose a significant challenge that deserves
sophisticated thought, and then proceeds to show on a much deeper level how
the different concepts fit together. I'm not sure that my answers end up
being the same as his...;but this was a tremendously helpful introduction to
the issues. It is also packed with footnotes, for those who would like to
explore further.."--Kristen Filipic.
Dr. Daniel M.
Harrell is Associate Minister at Park Street Church in Boston and holds a
PhD in developmental psychology from Boston College.
Deborah B. Haarsma
and Loren D. Haarsma
Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, and Evolution,
255 pages. ISBN: 978-1-59255-227-6, 2007. Grand Rapids, Faith Alive
Christian Resources, paperback. (List: $13.25, B&N: $11.92) .
Further information.
Haarsmas point to recent scientific advances that raise challenging issues with
which Christians must be ready to engage. One of these is the human genome
project. Francis Collins, who heads up the project, is an evangelical
Christian, says Loren Haarsma, ìand he says the data very strongly
indicates that humans share common ancestry with other living things. How will
we grapple with that as Christians?î
Indeed, the Haarsmas know that questions about human origins are closer to the
heart of Christian theology than questions about the age of the earth. In their
chapters in the book on human origins, they not only summarize the scientific
data, but also look at key theological issues-the human soul, the image of
God, original sin, and human mortality before the Fall. Especially on the topic
of human origins, the Haarsmas do not stake out a single view. They present
several views held by fellow Christians and then discuss the theological and
scientific challenges for each view.
Their approach throughout is to reject ìevolutionism,î
an atheistic interpretation of the scientific data. ìThe discovery of a
scientific model for human origins,î they write, ìwould not eliminate Godís
action. In all the views presented in this chapter, God is the Creator of
humanity. The differences among the views are in how God accomplished it.î
The Haarsmas say that this foundational belief n God as the creator and
sustainer is at the heart of how they do science. And their hope is that
approach will ring in their new book and resonate with readers."-- Calvin
College Press Release.
Loren Haarsma and Deborah Haarsma are professors in the Physics and Astronomy
Department at Calvin College. Deborah (Ph. D., MIT) investigates galaxies and
cosmology; Loren (Ph. D., Harvard) studies electrical activity of nerve cells.
Denis O. Lamoureux,
Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution.Paperback,
493 pp. 2008, ISBN:1556355815, Wipf Stock Publishers (List:$55.00, Amazon:
Denis Lamoureux is a
person of faith and of intellectual integrity. His holistic and integrated
view of science and Christian theology springs from both his broad academic
training and his deeply held evangelical faith. This book is notable for the
manner in which it forthrightly and unflinchingly addresses difficult issues
at the interface of science and theology. In doing so, it remains faithful
to the authority of scripture, the historical testimony of the church, and
the observed record of Creation's history. Denis Lamoureux joins an
increasingly long list of evangelical scholars who have shown the the
divisive 'warfare' of evolution and Christian faith to be without
justification." --Keith Miller, Research Assistant Professor of Geology,
Kansas State University, editor of Perspectives on an Evolving Creation(2003)
"Lamoureux seeks to
move the public debate on origins beyond the two simplistic choices of
either 'evolution' or 'creation.' His passion for deep Christian faith and
commitment to Scripture and integrity in science render his bold and
provocative synthesis worthy of consideration."--Randy Isaac, Executive
Director, American Scientific Affiliation.
"What a magnificent understanding of God's creatively sustaining presence
reaching far beyond stereotypical received views on evolution and
Christianity! This well-informed case, with teeth, defends the compatible
and inclusive relationship between revelation and the findings of natural
science while exposing false-choice barriers, albeit sincerely erected,
between evolution and religious faith."--Thaddeus J. Trenn, President,
Canadian Science and Christian Affiliation
Lamoureau is Associate Professor of Science and
Religion at St. Josephís College, part of the University of Alberta. He
holds three doctoral degrees ó in dentistry, theology, and biology. He
co-authored, with Philip E. Johnson, Darwinism Defeated? The Johnson-Lamoureux
Debate on Biological Origins (1999). Lamoureux is a Fellow of the
American Scientific Affiliation, a member of the Executive Council of the
Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation, and a member of the
Evangelical Theological Society.
Keith B. Miller ed.,
Perspectives on an Evolving Creation 528 pages, ISBN: 0802805124,
2003, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing,Paperback (List: $36.00,
CBD: $27.99)
"Here is a book that I would call 'state of the art' in
this controversy."--Terry Morrison (former director of Faculty Ministry for
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship)." (full-length
"An ambitious book with an impressive list of able contributors,
Perspectives on an Evolving Creation should be read by everyone interested
in the question of biological origins from a biblical perspective."--Edward
Larson, lawyer, historian, and author, winner of Pulitzer Prize.
"This book is superb: of much interest to the scholar, it provides absolutely
essential classroom resources not available anywhere else. I am so grateful to
Keith Miller for putting this collection together."-- Nancey Murphy, Professor
of Christian philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary.
"All Christians should read this book for instruction and perspectives on
science that they can trust and think about. So should all scientists, Christian
or not, who are interested in the practical rapprochement that is possible
between science and religion."-- Kevin Padian , Professor and curator, Dept of
Integrative Biology & Museum of Paleontology, U of California at Berkeley.
"Perspectives on an Evolving Creation
will immeasurably benefit young Christian scholars about to embark on
careers that will entail a great deal of strenuous thinking on their part about
the interrelationships between science and theology;... it is essential
reading for those interested in these relationships."--Davis A. Young, professor
of geology, Calvin College.
Dr. Keith B. Miller is research assistant
professor of geology at Kansas State University.
Mark Worton
& Hill Roberts,
Holman Quick Source Guide to Understanding Creation
400 pp
ISBN: 0805494863, 2008 Paperback, B & H Publishing Group (List:$14.97.
Understanding Creation
surveys every major issue relating to the theology and science of
This includes proofs that the universe was created and designed by God, a
discussion of the compatibility of Genesis with major theories in modern
science, a survey of evangelical opinion regarding the age of Earth and the
nature of Noahís flood, and an analysis of ancient non-biblical creation myths.
Highly trained scientists and authors Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts are uniquely
qualified to report these findings that are in line with their Christian faith.
The book also includes fascinating and helpful photographs and
Dr. Mark Whorton holds a PhD in aerospace engineering from the Georgia
Institute of Technology and has worked for the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
for the past 15 years. Hill Roberts is a physicist employed in the aerospace
Hugh Ross,
Creation As Science: A Testable Model Approach to End the
Creation/Evolution Wars, 288 pages. ISBN: 1576835782, 2006.
NavPress, Hardcover, (List: $21.99 , CBD: $15.99 )
PSCF Review
"This book provides a comprehensive coverage of all issues related to
origins, and it also presents a
new model, called the RTB (Reasons to Believe). The purpose of this effort
is to show that the RTB model is testable and therefore acceptable as a
scientific theory. The manuscript contains a wealth of information on the
creation-evolution controversy. The only way I can describe it is to
label it as Hugh Rossís magnum opus!
In a unique way, Hugh Ross uses a multidisciplinary approach for
building the RTB model, by factoring in phenomena from cosmology, astronomy,
planetary science, geophysics, archeology, and paleontology. These
approaches are in addition to the traditional evolutionist one from
morphology, biochemistry and genetics. The bottom line of this monumental
work is to demonstrate that a scientific model for creation can be developed
and tested."-- Kenell J. Touryan,
Astronomer Hugh
Ross is director of the Reasons To Believe Organization
Christianity, Climate Change, and Sustainable Living
By Nick Spencer, Robert White & Virginia Vroblesky /
Hendrickson Publishers (List $16.05,
CBD $11.99)
What should Christians do to protect the Earth and its
people?Amounts and patterns of consumption and
production in the West have reached a level that cannot be maintained.
Lifestyles based on our present way of creating and using energy are no longer
environmentally sustainable-and are threatening the health and well-being of
both planet and people. Our activities and the policies that shape them need to
In light of those realities, Spencer, White, and Vroblesky
offer serious Christian engagement with the emerging issue of Sustainable
Consumption and Production. They analyze the scientific, sociological, economic,
and theological thinking that makes a Christian response to these trends
imperative and distinctive. And they offer practical conclusions that explore
and explain what can be done at the personal, community, national, and
international levels to ensure that next generations will have the resources
necessary for life. Firmly rooted in the good news of the
Christian faith, this is, above all, a constructive and hopeful book that offers
a realistic vision of what the future could and should look like.
Tri Robinson and
Jason Chatrow,
Saving God's Green Earth: Rediscovering the Church's Responsibility to
Environmental Stewardship, 164
pages. ISBN-10: 0974882585, 2006. Wesscott Marketing Softcover . (List:
CBD: $9.99)
"In Saving God's Green Earth: Rediscovering the Church's Responsibility to
Environmental Stewardship, pastor and author Tri Robinson clearly shows the
biblical mandate for environmental stewardship---a
nd how doing so will change the world around us. Through biblical examples,
everyday stories, and practical know-how Robinson delivers a powerful message
that cannot be ignored. His insights into how to move people from the idea of
stewarding God's creation to actually participating will clearly show leaders in
the evangelical Christian community how to raise this value. And not only does
he make a compelling case for placing great importance on caring for God's
creation, he also shows how it can become an incredible tool for
evangelism."--Book Jacket
well-written introduction, especially suited for pastors and church leaders. It
is full of Scriptural references and may be appropriate therefore for a Sunday
School class or Bible Study group.--Ed.
"This is the book
I would write if I were to write a book about Christian ecology. He flat beat me
to it and did a much better job of it than I ever could. The tone is great.
Saving Godís Green Earth will appeal to pastors and ministry leaders across
ideological lines. The book manages to be ecumenical, applicable to all
Christian faiths, but doesnít fall into the trap of being pluralistic" --Don
Tri Robinson is Senior Pastor of Vineyard Christian
Fellowship of Boise. He is also the founder of "Let's Tend the Garden," an
environmental stewardship ministry which currently serves as a model for
churches across the country.
Edward R Brown,
Our Father's World: Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation,
172 pages. ISBN-10: 097783722X, 2006, Doorlight Publications.
(Publisher: $10.00)
is an important book that should be on every pastor's shelf and in every church
library. Creation today is crying out for the Church to begin preaching and
practicting the full biblical message of stewardship." Joseph Sheldon, Messiah
"Our Father's World
is a beautiful and inspiring book. I will keep it on hand both for consultation
and reference. When I first opened it, the question on my mind was, "Will
evangelicals read it?" As I approached the close, the question became "Will
secular environmentists read it?" They need to read it, and understand the power
Christianity has to help save the living environment--no t just in voting
numbers, but also out of strength from spirituality and rational
argument."--Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University
Edward Brown is Director of
Care of Creation.
Davis A. Young &
Ralph F. Stearley,
The Bible, Rocks, and Time: Geological Evidence
for the Age of the
464 pp. ISBN-0830828760,
Paperback, IVP Academic (List
CBD: $21.99).
As the need to clearly define distinctions between
evolutionary scientific positions on 'origins' (man, the Earth and the
Universe) and the biblical scientific position (young-earth Creationism)
become more necessary, books by experts from all perspectives become
more prevalent. In
The Bible, Rocks and Time,
two Ph. D. level geologists examine the evidence from the view of
secular science to make their determination of a very old earth,
culminating in an attack on young-earth creationism. The authors'
presentation is broad enough to fit many parts of the old-earth spectrum
of origins beliefs (theistic evolution, Intelligent Design, progressive
creationism, etc.). --Publisher
The Authors are both associated with the geology department at Calvin
College, Young as Professor Emeritus and Stearley is professor of
geology and department chair.
Karl Giberson and
Mariano Artigas,
Oracles of Science: Celebrity
Scientists Versus God and Religion.
Softcover, 274 pp., ISBN: 0-19-531072-6, 2007 Oxford
University Press. (Amazon: $29.60)
PSCF Review
The authors make a good case for how
the misuse of science to advance philosophical and quasi-religious or
antireligious ideas fails to reckon with the limitations of science. It is the
polemics of these oracles and their chief antagonists, couched in what purports
to be ìscientific languageî that obscure rather than illuminate the complex
nature and meanings of human existence. The book is highly recommended.--PSCF
Giberson has been on the
physics faculty of Eastern Nazarene College, director of the Forum on Faith and
Science at Gordon College, and co-director of the Venice Summer School on
Science & Religion. The late Mariano Artigas held doctorates in physics and
Health and
Richard G. Bennet
and W. Daniel Hale,
Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious
Relationships Johns Hopkins University Press
2009, 228 pages. Paperback (Amazon $26.00)
PSCF Review
Intelligent Design
Stephen C.
Signature in the Cell: DNA Evidence For
Intelligent Design, 288 pages, ISBN:
0061472786, 2009 HarperOne. Hardcover, (List, $28.99,
CBD: $18.99)The answer that
Signature in the Cell gives to the DNA enigma, Dr. Meyer acknowledged, will
not be to the liking of everyone, neither to Dawkins and his followers nor to
others "one thinks of theistic evolutionists ó who are committed to opposing
any idea that science can have something to say about ultimate questions,
including religious ones...But the primary obligation of a scientist is to
follow the evidence where it leads." PSCF Essay Review
Dr. Stephen C. Meyer is the director and Senior
Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in
Robert B. Stewart editor,
Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse in Dialogue,
256 pages, ISBN: 0800662180, 2007. Fortress Press. Paperback, (List
CBD $17.99)
just another ID tract, this work pulls together many lines of thinking of
those who would think outside. the box concerning God's action in nature.
Dembski and Ruse are joined by major players Polkinghorne, McGrath,
Pannenberg, Murphy, Craig, Moreland, Lennox, Elsberry, etc. who bring their
thoughts to the table in readable fashion. A must read for those who would
look beyond the headlines. --PSCF
Dr. Robert B. Stewart is
Associate Professor
of Philosophy and Theology
Chair: Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture, New Orleans Baptist
J. Behe,
Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge To
Evolution, 336 pages,
ISBN: 0743290313, 2006. Free Press, soft cover. (List: $15.00, SB $9.99).
how evolution can explain the complex chemical processes scientists are finding
in humans using
new technology, the author presents an argument for creation by either God or
another higher intelligence, in a tenth anniversary edition of the study of
Intelligent Design. Reissue."--SB.
PSCF Review
Behe is
professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in
Pennsylvania and a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center
for Science and Culture.
Ronald L. Numbers, Ed.
SCIENCE AND RELIGION, Harvard University Press, 2009. xi +
302 pages, including notes and index. Hardcover; (List: $27.95.
) The Myths:
1. That the Rise of Christianity Was Responsible for the Demise of
Ancient Science 2. That the Medieval Christian Church
Suppressed the Growth of Science 3. That Medieval Christians
Taught That the Earth Was Flat 4. That Medieval Islamic Culture
Was Inhospitable to Science 5. That the Medieval Church Prohibited Human
Dissection 6. That the Copernican System Demoted Humans from the Center
of the Cosmos 7. That Giordano Bruno Was the First Martyr of
Modern Science 8. That Galileo Was Imprisoned and Tortured for
Advocating Copernicanism 9. That Christianity Gave Birth to Modern
Science 10. That the Scientific Revolution Liberated Science from
Religion 11. That Catholics Did Not Contribute to the Scientific
Revolution 12. That Rene Descartes Originated the Mind-Body Distinction
13. That Isaac Newton's Mechanistic Cosmology Eliminated the Need for
God 14. That the Church Denounced Anesthesia in Childbirth on
Biblical Grounds 15. That the Theory of Organic Evolution is Based on
Circular Reasoning 16. That Evolution Destroyed Charles Darwin's
Faith in Christianity Until He Reconverted on His Deathbed 17. That
Huxley Defeated Wilberforce in Their Debate over Evolution and Religion
18. That Darwin Destroyed Natural Theology 19. That Darwin and
Haeckel Were Complicit in Nazi Biology 20. That the Scopes Trial Ended
in Defeat for Antievolutionism 21. That Einstein Believed in a Personal
God 22. That Quantum Physics Demonstrated the Doctrine of Free Will 23.
That Intelligent Design Represents a Scientific Challenge to Evolution
24. That Creationism is a Uniquely American Phenomenon 25. That Modern
Science Has Secularized Western Culture" -- Preston,
PSCF Review
Lindberga>, David C. and
Ronald L. Numbers, , editors
When Science and Christianity Meet. 368 pages., ISBN 0226482146,
2003,ont size="3"> 2008, Paper University of Chicago Press.
(List: $29.00, CBD: $27.99)
ìScience without God: Natural Laws and Christian Beliefsî brings perspective to
more recent concerns over the place of God in natureóincluding the efforts of
ìpartisans of IDÖto rewrite the ground rules of science to allow the inclusion
of supernatural explanations of phenomena. Notes on each chapter and a guide to
further reading offer valuable supplements to the text. i>The chapters are
well integrated and the work is accessible for the general reader. When
Science & Christianity Meet should be part of the library of any Christian
who seeks to understand the influence of science on faith." -- PSCF
Ronald L. Numbers, Hilldale and William Coleman Professor of the History of
Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison. David C. Lindberg is the Hilldale
Professor of the History of Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison
David N. Livingstone,
Adam's Ancestors: Medicine, Science, and Religion in Historical Context,
hardcover, 2008 320 pp. 2 halftones, 24 line drawings (List: $35.00,
"A great piece
of scholarship and an equally great read. Particularly instructive is
Livingstone's discussion of monogenism, polygenism, and the various ways
these theories of human origins were used in the social and political arena.
This is a substantial contribution to the history of anthropology, of
evolution theory, of race and racialist thought, and of science and
religion."óNicolaas Rupke, Institute for Science History, Georg-August
University of G–ttingen.
"A remarkable achievement. It is a tightly organized and
coherently packaged account of a set of ideas which mainstream scholarship
now ignores. Controversial themes and explosive issues abound in
Livingstone's work, which is important, topical, and fascinating."óColin
Kidd, University of Glasgow
David N. Livingstone
is a professor of geography and intellectual history at the Queen's
University Belfast, Northern Ireland, and author of several books, including
Putting Science in Its Place: Geographies of Scientific Knowledge, The
Geographical Tradition, and Darwin's Forgotten Defenders.
M. Hartley,
Christian and Humanist Foundations for Statistical
Inference: Religious Control of Statistical Paradigms,
Paperback, 126 pages Dec 2007.
ISBN-10: 1556355491 (Amazon
Full Review
"Andrew Hartley, in this important and pioneering
book, poses the question 'Does the Christian faith have anything
distinctive to say ... about the foundations or practice of statistics as
a science?' His answer is a resounding `yes!' and in this book he shows us
how. As he does so he exposes and refutes the dogma that statistics is
religiously neutral. If such a claim seems intriguing or even outrageous,
then this book is for you. He maintains that statistics has for the most
part been controlled by non-Christian, humanist beliefs. His desire is to
see the Christian faith integrated with statistics; hence the descriptive,
if not snappy, title of the book. Hartley claims to write for a wide
audience, yet the mathematical equations may put off many humanities and
arts students. This a pity; they would benefit from this excellent
introduction, as Hartley writes clearly and explains the difficult
mathematics well. Though there were one or two places I had to read and
re-read slowly!"--Steve Bishop UK
Give a copy to your
pastor
Scott E. Hoezee,
Proclaim the Wonder: Engaging Science on Sunday
238 pages, ISBN: 0801091640 Baker 2003 (List $16.99,
CBD: $3.99)
is great for ministers as well as lay-people. The first half reads fairly
quickly and provides interesting perspectives from both sides of the fence. It
is apparent that the author has both a theological and scientifically-
aware background. At the end are some sample sermons which may be especially
good for ministers."--
Randy Given
Rev. Scott E.
Hoezee is currently
Director, Calvin Seminary Center for Excellence in Preaching (2005).
An ordained pastor in the Christian Reformed Church in North America he
served two congregations prior to his current appointment.
Jack Clayton
Beyond Paradise: Technology and the Kingdom of God,
364 pp., ISBN:
1-59752-842-0, 2007, Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene OR 97401, (List $40.00,
From author $28.00 postage paid: at
Swearengen provides us with a sacrifice of love and insight in this valuable
work. It is a labor of love in that he boldly ventures into areas to tell us
that our best Biblical principles apply to the evaluation of science and
A trained engineer boldly steps out of his comfort zone into philosophy and
cultural analysis to tell us our technological and scientific idols are
failing us. He does this with passion, insight, and depth, traits often
missing in today's get-it-down-now
society. I highly recommend this
book." --Dr. Robert Wauzzinski, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, Ball
State University, President of Interfacing, and author of Discerning Prometheus.
"Jack Swearengen understands technology, and he cares about it passionately. A
career in weapons technology and as a university professor of engineering gives
him the background to discuss issues knowledgeably and skillfully. But it is his
deeply Christian passion, together with his extensive thinking, dialoguing and
reading, that make this a compelling challenge. Anyone concerned about the
direction of our technological society will profit."-- Tim Stafford Senior
Christianity Today, author of Surprised by Jesus
"Swearengen is a Jeremiah for our times, calling on Christians to stop the
idolatrous worship of science and technology. Secular values are driving
innovation, reshaping the world in ways neither environmentally nor
spiritually sustainable. To counteract this, he recognizes, Christians must
limit and shape technology using Biblical guidelines. Church leaders and others
concerned about global warming, exhaustion of fossil fuels, human cloning,
surveillance, violence, and other technology-implicated problems will find
this wise and learned book a tremendous resource."--Edward Woodhouse, Professor
of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, author of
Averting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky Technologies.
Dr. Jack Swearengen's career
has included equipment design, research in materials science, and the
application of science and technology to arms control and weapons dismantlement.
He served as staff member, supervisor, and manager at Sandia National
Laboratories, Scientific Advisor for the Secretary of Defense, and Professor and
Founding Director of Engineering Programs at Washington State University in
Vancouver. He was science advisor for the US delegation at the Strategic Arms
Reduction Talks in Geneva, Switzerland.
John H. Walton,
The Lost World of Genesis One: Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate,
2009,192 pp. Paperback IVP Academic (List $16.00,
CBD $11.99)
Wheaton College biblical scholar John
Walton offers an interesting alternative to traditional evangelical views of
ancient cosmology. Instead of insisting that God does not err or tell lies and
thus allow bad ancient cosmology or twist the text to reflect current views, he
asks us to consider the text as the ancient Israelites did. "It is not written
to us (21)." Its message transcends the culture in which it was written,
but the form in which it was imbedded was fully permeated by the ancient
culture...God has chosen the agenda of the text, and we must be content with the
wisdom of those choices (21)." "In this book I propose that the people in the
ancient world would believe that something existed not by virtue of its
material properties, but by virtue of its having a function in an ordered
system (26)." He works out this proposition along the lines of 18
propositions which include consideration of some issues that bedevil
evangelicals today.
James McKeown,
Genesis The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary,398 pp., ISBN-10:
0802827055, 2008, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, (List $25.00, CBD $17.99).
this commentary James McKeown treats Genesis as a book of beginnings and a
foundational sourcebook for biblical theology. He begins with exegesis of
the Hebrew text, highlighting the recurrence of key words, phrases, and
themes throughout the book. He also draws attention to passages particularly
pertinent to earlier readers either facing or returning from exile, offering
a historical context outside a solely Christian perspective.
The second half of the book unpacks the numerous theological horizons of Genesis
ó main unifying themes (descendants, blessing, land); key theological teachings
of Genesis (creation, fall, character and image of God, life of faith); and the
contribution of Genesis to theology today, including its impact on science,
ecology, and feminist theology.
ìThe world of Genesis scholarship is currently embroiled in swirling change.
This book offers a solidly evangelical rock in the midst of the turbulent
flow.î--Antony F. Campbell,
Jesuit Theological College
James McKeown is Vice Principal of Balfast Bible College and
lecturer in Old Testament at the Institute of Theology, Queen's
University Belfast.
C. John
Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, And Theological Commentary
318 pp., ISBN: 0875526195, 2006, P & R Publishing, Paperback, (List $17.99, CBD
$ 14.99).
was privileged to read this book in manuscript form. In this commentary, Collins
follows up on his intriguing insights developed briefly in his previous
book, Science and Faith: Friends of Foes? For anyone searching for a
thoughtful, informed, orthodox, and persuasive explanation of the first four
chapters of the Bible, this book is simply the best there is." --Jay W. Richards
"Collins has produced a truly scholarly and masterful exegesis of the opening
chapters of Genesis. With careful attention to the language and conventions
of the text, and with an eye towards historic Reformed theology, he argues
that the narrative is an "exalted prose narrative" that is at once
historically grounded in and analogical to the ordinary human experiences of
the text's original readers. This is a useful corrective to those who insist,
for example, that the "days" of creation are "ordinary" days, as well as to
those who hold that the text is merely mythopoetic. He does this while
addressing other views critically but respectfully. Whatever position you
hold on the meaning of the Biblical creation narrative, you should admire
Collins' work
for both its substance and spirit."--David W. Opderbeck.
"From every standpointómethodological and theological, structural and
syntactical, linguistic and literary, apologetic and worldviewóthis
expository survey is a model of ëgood readingí of the text. Here you have a
landmark treatment of Genesis 1-4 as canonical communication from God, a work of
detailed scholarship that no serious student or honest teacher will henceforth
be able to ignore.î--J. I. Packer
C. John Collins (Ph.D.,
University of Liverpool) is professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological
Seminary. He is the author of The God of Miracles
and Science and Faith.
Temper Longman
How to Read Genesis, 192 pages, paperback,
0877849439, 2005, InterVarsity Press (List: $13.00, CBD $9.99)
identifies key factors in understanding how to read the first book of the
Bible. First, he identifies its Christological goal, that "in
Genesis . . . we get the first intimations of our Redeemer" (p. 9).
Second, he sees the importance of reading Genesis in terms of the end, or
eschatology: "It is of great significance that the last two
chapters of Revelation (Rev 21-22) use language reminiscent of the
Garden of Eden to describe the time of final reunion with God. The end
brings us back to the beginning" (p. 15). And, third, he recognizes
the importance of accounting for both the human and the divine
authorship of Genesis: "While we ground our interpretation in what we
propose is the meaning of the human author, we also believe that the divine
intention can transcend that of the human author" (p. 18; cf. 1 Pet.
1:10-11). Longman uses these interpretive goals in his efforts to teach the
reader how to read Genesis."--Rev. John Fesco.
Tremper Longman III is Robert
H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in Santa Barbara,
W. Robert
God's Pattern for Creation: A Covenantal Reading of Genesis 1. 144
pages. ISBN: 087552799, 2003, P & R Publishing, Paperback. (List:$10.99,
CBD: $8.99)
often read the opening chapter of Genesis in a literal, chronological fashion
regardless of external scientific evidence which suggests otherwise. This has
led to a variety of concordistic models which satisfy only their author or a
ìBible onlyî reading which ignores
revelation in nature. With Godís Pattern for Creation, ... offers ìa fresh look
at Genesis 1î based on a covenantal approach and the literary form this
covenant takes in Genesis 1.... readers would benefit by working through his
exegetical argument leading to the conclusion that ìthe days of creation are
figurative descriptions of the actions of Godî (p. 93). This pattern is
followed in other historical sections of Scripture, e.g., Exod. 12:42; Gen.
11:4,5; Ps. 113:5-6; Heb. 8:2, and so forth. "Godfrey views Genesis 1 as
foundational: ìdetailing the grand story of creation and the meaning of
creation before the entrance of sin into the worldî (p. 20). He works, verse by
verse, through the text, drawing out the implications for a covenantal peopleó
then and now. Using internal biblical evidence alone, he brings the reader to
see the value of a
topical arrangement of ìdaysî instead of the traditional chronology. The
meaning is seen in the form as well as the scriptural text. In this the
message is more fully portrayed. The freshness of Godfreyís writing is an
antidote to the tired polemics abroad today. This well-honed work should be
readóand re-read."--PSCF
Dr. Godfrey is President of
Westminster Theological Seminary California and a church historian
Gordon J.
Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and
the Theology of Creation
Paperback, 228 pages. ISBN-10: 0978718615, 2007, Watertree Press. (BCC: $16.00)
"There are loads of
books on all sides of the Bible/science controversy, but I can say without
exaggeration that Beyond the Firmament
ought to be at the top of the required reading list. It is down to earth and
easy to grasp, giving a good summary of the scientific evidences for the
antiquity of the universe and biological evolution, and why Christians ought to
care about
these things, while maintaining a faith-affirming interpretation of the
Bible. Whether you agree or disagree with the author's approach or with the
evidences, there are still critical questions that are often left un-asked,
which the author does a good job of conveying to a primarily non-technical
audience. The book is particularly styled toward conservative Christians, who
tend to be the ones demanding scientific precision from ancient Biblical texts.
The author, who once held this view, has been where many Christians fear to
tread -- honestly investigating the scientific evidence of "the other side."
He has returned, bringing an honest and forthright testimony that believers
don't have to choose between accepting faith or the scientific evidence of
the natural world. He holds that the Bible can be literally true (according to
its intended message), while not necessarily being scientifically accurate
according to science's limited
knowledge in any given generation. ..." --Jon Tandy
Glover studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas and
Engineering at Texas A&M University. He also served 10 years in the U.S. Navy
as a Deep Sea Diver and Ocean Engineer.
Robert John Russell (Editor),Nancey Murphy(Editor),William R.
Stoeger S.J.(Editor),
Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Challenge and
Paperback 2009, Vatican
Observatory FND NDUP, 284 pp., $28.00.
"Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Challenge
and Progress" is a collection of thirteen essays assessing the scholarly
contributions to the "Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action" series, which is
comprised of five volumes resulting from international research conferences
co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory and the Center for Theology and the
Natural Sciences between 1991 and 2000. The overarching goal of the series is to
advance the engagement of constructive theology with the natural sciences with
special attention to the theme of divine action and to investigate the
philosophical and theological elements within science. This volume is divided
into three sections: In Section One, contributors review the history of the
series and the development of new research methodology and discuss philosophical
issues raised by the laws of nature and the limits of science; in Section Two,
authors provide philosophical analysis of specific issues in the series; and in
Section Three, contributors offer theological analysis of specific
Nancey Murphy,(Ed.)William R. Stoeger (Editor), Robert
John Russell (Editor),
Physics and Cosmology: Scientific Perspectives on the Problem of Natural Evil ,
Paperback 2008 Vatican Observatory FND NDUP, 400 pp. ( List: $28.00,
The essays in Physics and Cosmology: Scientific Perspectives on the
Problem of Natural Evil resulted from the seventh international research
conference co-sponsored by the Vatican Observatory Foundation and the Center
for Theology and the Natural Sciences. It is the first in a new series on
the problem of natural evil--on reconciling suffering caused by natural
processes with God's goodness.
The editors have divided this volume into four sections. The first
includes history of the issue and a critical analysis of how the history has
often been understood, followed by two chapters that provide typologies: one
of types of suffering, the other of the various "shapes" of defenses. The
second section comprises chapters that address the problem of suffering
head-on, with resources from science, theology, and philosophy. The third
section contains essays that address the issue by offering reformulations of
typical understandings of the relation between God and the world. Finally,
essays in the fourth section claim, in one way or another, that the question
of the volume needs to be reframed.
Murphy ,
The Cosmos in the Light of the Cross,
217 pages, Hardcover
Trinity Press International, Hardcover (List: $49.95, Amazon: $37.50).
"...have come to believe that theological issues are more
important than scientific ones in todayís science/faith controversies.
Discussions tend to focus on scientific questions (or on biblical
interpretation, which at least gets closer to the root problems) while
underlying theological issues are ignored. Murphyís
The Cosmos in the Light of the Cross
is therefore a welcome contribution. Murphy, a physicist, Lutheran pastor and
ASA fellow, offers a theological understanding of Godís work in the world that
science describes. His framework is the ìtheology of the crossî that was
advocated by Luther (and, one could argue, by the Apostle Paul). Rather than
starting with human ideas of how we think God should be (which results in
idolatry), the theology of the cross looks to Godís self-revelation in Jesus
Christ, especially the humiliation in which God, in Bonhoefferís words, ìlets
himself be pushed out of the world on to the cross.î As Paul pointed out, this
is scandalous to human preconceptions about God, but it is consistent with the
humble, self-sacrificing love revealed in Christ. ...The book is well written,
with thoughtful, biblically based theology and scientific insight. Sometimes
these are cleverly combined, as when Lamarckian evolution is described as ìa
kind of biological works righteousness.î While the book does not require
advanced scientific or theological expertise of the reader, it does require a
willingness to give mature and careful thought to the issues and arguments.
Those looking for a more introductory book (perhaps for a college student first
considering science/faith issues) could turn to Murphyís earlier Toward a
Christian View of a Scientific World...The Cosmos in the Light of the
Cross offers a promising framework for viewing Godís work in nature. Its
arguments deserve consideration even by those who disagree with Murphy, and I
highly recommend the book to anyone who desires to think more deeply and clearly
about these issues..".--Allan H. Harvey
Dr. Murphy holds a Ph.D. in theoretical
physics from Johns Hopkins and
M.Div. from Wartburg
Seminary. He has been a Lutheran pastor and college physics teacher.
Alister E. McGrath,
The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology,
271 pages. ISBN 0-8028-2815-9, 2004. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, paperback. (List: $25.00, CBD: $17.99 ).
introductory guide to the author's groundbreaking and highly acclaimed
three-volume work
Scientific Theology, which Religious Studies Review called "one of the best
systematic theologies to appear in some time." The Science of God aims to
achieve a high degree of explanatory clarity in a shorter introduction that
is still faithful to the ideas and approach of the original volumes, making
it accessible to a wide readership. McGrath outlines the
distinctive themes of his scientific theology, explains how he developed the
approach over a period of twenty years, and describes the theological
potential of the natural sciences as dialogue partners for Christian
thought. He explores the legitimacy of a scientific theology, the purpose and
place of natural theology, the foundations of theological realism, the failure
of classic foundationalism,
the nature of revelation, and the place of metaphysics in theology." -- Books of
Dr McGrath is Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford
Charles W. Colson and Nigel M. de S. Cameron,
Human Dignity in the Biotech Century: A Christian Vision for Public Policy,
252 pages. ISBN: 0830827838, 2004.
InterVarsity Press, Paperback. (List $16.00, CBD $11.99),
PSCF Review
the essays cover a wide range of issues in the development of
biotechnology, two essays caught this reviewerís special interest: ìThe
Biotech Revolution: Major Issues in the Biosciencesî (David Prentice), and
ìTechnoSapiensî (Christopher Hook). Prenticeís essay provided a
description of ìstem cellsî that was very informative. Stem cells are
pluripotent in that it is possible for them to form all the tissues of the
adult human body. While they are among the first cells that form in the embryo,
stem cells can also be obtained from fetuses, umbilical cord blood, placenta,
and virtually all adult tissues as well as from certain adult tumors. At
present, it is difficult to culture these cells in the laboratory apart from
their source and only a small percentage of laboratory animals into which they
have been inserted have survived. Matching the stem cells with the tissue of the
recipient is also a problem and at present it is anticipated that many will have
to take medication to resist rejection. Prentice suggests that, while continued
research is valuable, sources other than embryos would be highly preferred since
they do not involve the taking of life."
"Christian reflection on these biotech developments must take into account the
degree to which such conclusions depends on natural law, legal positivism,
utilitarianism, or hedonism. While these authors could be said to take a
conservative position on the issues, they raise profound and literate concerns
that should be considered. I predict that the book will become a seminal
resource for scientists, individual Christians, church bodies, and politicians
alike. Among graduate students in ethics, the sciences, philosophy, and
theology, it would be a valuable resource for dialogue."--H. Newton Malony
Colson is founder and chairman of Prison Fellowship and the Wilberforce Forum.
He also chairs the Council for Biotechnology Policy. Cameron is research
professor of bioethics at Chicago-Kent College of Law and president of the
Institute on Biotechnology and the Human Future. He founded the journal Ethics
and Medicine in 1983, directs the Council for Biotechnology Policy (Washington,
David Fisher and Eric C.
Barrett, eds.
Scientists Who Believe
207 pages
ISBN: 0802476341, 1984, Moody Publishers. Paperback. (List $5.99, CBD $
"Scientists Who Believe: 21 Tell Their Own Stories" carry the historical mandate
to show God's glory in the scientific world He made. These 21 scientific
Christians explain how true science always proves the God's mastery in Creation.
Their scientific discoveries brought them to a stronger faith and desire to
extol His glory through their continued work. This is excellent reading for
youth from age 10 through college. Scientific method is logically employed, as
well as explanations of trials in the process."-- Robin Elwing
Dan Graves,
Scientists Of Faith.
192 pages. ISBN:
082542724X, 1996, Kregel Publications, Paperback. (List $11.99, CBC
PSCF Review
"Many teachers have
recognized the need for a collection of short biographical essays on Christians
who contributed to science. This inexpensive book makes an important
contribution to the task. Graves has embraced the widest possible chronology by
drawing on individuals over a 1600 year period.
These biographical sketches offer candid two to four page snapshots of real
people virtues and faults packing a large amount of information in a short
space, enough for the instructor to present a picture in the limited time
available in the classroom. His choice of characters was reasonably even-handed
in the light of the many candidates available. Graves is concerned about the
expression of Christian character in his actors as well as their professional
contributions. They often faced opposition and in
declining to
press their claims lost priority of discovery and fame. Some were sons of
clergyman and were hard pressed whether to serve God in the pulpit or the
lab. All of us can profitably read this book. Teachers in Christian
institutions at all levels have a valuable and low cost link with the past. A
very complete bibliography proves sources of more information on the chosen
forty eight and beyond."--PSCF
William Lane Craig and Paul M.
Gould eds.,
The Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar: Redeeming the Soul, Redeeming the Mind,
208 pages, ISBN: 9781581349399, 2007. Good News / Crossway, Paperback. (List
$18.99, CBD $ 13.99)
is no honest Christian in the academy who compromises Christianity and attempts
to segregate Faith from Knowledge. The fully integrated life is the best life
for ministry. As Christian scholars continue to permeate academia we will have
the opportunity to open doors for the gospel. That is one of the themes of this
book. Not theocracy, not a conquest of the university, but an advance into a
world often untouched by the Christian. It is sometimes closed, but when it
opens, Christians as capable scholars and participants will gain the opportunity
for ministry in the secular cathedrals."--Collin
Christian Education
Thea Nyhoff
Fossils and Faith: Finding Our Way Through the Creation
(4 lessons) 2005. CRC Press, Leader's Guide, 67
pages. ISBN: 1592551998, Paper.($12.95); student newspaper for each
session ($ 4.95). Useful for high school students grades 11 and 12 or
young adults/adults in either a day school or church school setting
you have a child whoís obsessed with velociraptos and pterodactyls, one fine day
he or she will ask you, ìWhy doesnít the Bible say anything about God making
dinosaurs? Youíll blink a few times, then use the parental stall sentence: ìNow
thatís a really good question . . .î while your mind scans wildly for an answer
that satisfies the childís scientific curiosity without contradicting what
youíve taught about creation. After youíve given your answer, you might ask
yourself, ìWhat do
I really believe about how science and the Bible relate to each other? What
about evolution? And how does the existence of fossils affect my faith?î
A new course from Faith Alive is designed to help high schoolers (and parents of
dinosaur-crazy kids) wrestle with difficult questions like these."--Sandy
Swartzentruber "Fossils
and Faith is a four-session course that covers
issues raised in the current debate between scientific and biblical views of
creation. These issues are raised in a Reformed Protestant context, but no
one position has been selected as the "best" or "most faithful" answer. Instead,
this course presents a full range of the various positions that Christians have
articulated. The sessions are designed to present and explain the key issues of
this debate. Discussing the various issues will help members of your group
articulate more clearly what they believe."--Faith Alive
James Luther
The Physics of the Natural Philosophers 358 pages, ISBN0356501807,
2008. Pearson Custom Publishing, Boston, Papeback
is appropriate for a one semester course in classical physics for science
and liberal arts general education students. It could be used for college
or high school courses and is well-suited for Christian College, High
School and home school students. Not "Christian" physics it describes the
religious context from which most classical physics emerged weaving faith
into the main discussion in a natural way. The text
indeed offers "an imaginative and fresh approach."--JWH
ASA member Garner is Professor of Physics and
Chair, Department of Physics University of North Florida, Jacksonville. His
research interests range from the history of physic and new methods of physics
instruction to theoretical studies on magnetic semiconductors.
Discover Creation and Science
(Walk With Me Grades 6-8, Year 3, Unit 5) (4 lessons) 2006. Grand Rapids MI:
Faith Alive Christian Resources, Leader's Guide. 44 pages. ISBN: 1529551637,
Paper. ($5.95); student materials for each session ($3.15).A study for grades
6-8 on creation and science.
"When and how should we begin to begin to address
the issues that arise when science touches Christian Faith? Surely as early as
the science is taught in school. Offering kids the chance to relate the Genesis
stories they learned in Sunday School to the science they are taught at school
can be daunting yet it can provide a foundation upon which they can build as
their knowledge of scripture and science matures with the years. Setting the
stage for how one should approach these topics later on can avoid much pain
later on. How this is tackled is critical to gaining kids attention and
stimulating their curiosity
The biggest problem for the teacher is the temptation to
provide right answers. Happily, the four sessions admirably meet these
challenges. Trivia games, science experiments, field trip, drama, music, and
much more keep student active and thinking. This approach give the kids a chance
to ask the questions and pose answers in a natural way. This series is one that
should be tried in your church either in Sunday school or youth group."--ASA
DDavid S. Koetje, editor
Living the Good Life on God's Good Earth
(10 Lessons)
2006.Grand Rapids MI: Faith Alive
ChristianResources, Paperback, 83 pages. ISBN 1-59225-292-7 (Faith Alive:
$11.50) . A ten week lesson series.
Written by a team of
Christian environmentalists, this thought-provoking book offers
Biblically-grounded advice on living as caretakers of Godís good earth and the
impact of environmental stewardship on: the way we live, the homes we live in,
the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the energy we use, the plants we grow, the
work we are called to do, and what we do for rest and enjoyment. It also
includes discussion questions that address a Christianís role in stewardship.
Great for Sr. High and Adult Sunday School study or small groups!
sample chapter
...and from the ASA Office
introductory, general
Robert Fisher,
God Did It, But How? Relations Between the Bible and
Science, Second Edition, 1997, third printing, 2002.
122 pages. ISBN: 1881479021, ASA Press, Paperback. (
$10, plus $3 p/h; Volume discounts available.)
PSCF Review, (First Edition)
Order Form (PDF format)
"Fischer begins by
outlining the distinct questions one can ask with regard to origins or almost
anything else: Who, What, How, and Why? He gives clear examples to illustrate
how these questions can be interrelated, but are often independent. He then
gives a concise and orthodox description of how we go about interpreting the
Bible and nature, which are our sources of information for answering these
questions. Some of the points made with regard to science, such as what is meant
by a "theory," should shed light on current misunderstandings. Some interesting
points are made about the similarities and differences in these two areas of
study. An evangelical Christian and a professional scientist, Robert Fischer
takes both the Bible and science seriously. Never divorcing faith and reason, he
nonetheless suggests we separate "Who?" and "Why?" questions from "What?" and
"How?" Overall..., this book is a most welcome contribution to the science/faith
area. As an introduction (suitable, for example, for college freshmen) that will
help Christians think in a mature manner about these issues,"--Allan H. Harvey
RRobert B. Fischer, a chemist, was Provost and is
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biola University.
To order: write, call, fax, or e-mail:/span>
American Scientific Affiliation, P.O. Box 668 Ipswich, MA 01938-0668
Phone: (978) 356-5656 Fax: (978) 356-4375 E-mail:
Most recent entry: 11/22/2010
