Truth is eternal, knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them.
-- Madeleine L'Engle
A Prayer for Awareness and Confession
God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living whom thou gavest the earth as their home in common with us. We remember with shame that in the past we have exercised the high dominion of [humankind] with ruthless cruelty so that the voice of the earth, which should have gone up to thee in song, has been a groan of travail. May we realize that they live not for us alone but for themselves and for thee, and that they love the sweetness of life. Amen.
-- St. Basil the Great (329-379 AD)
The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
-- Albert Einstein
Christian Colleges
with Biology or Environmental Studies Programs
Compiled by Wendee Holtcamp
Bethel College (St Paul, MN). The Department of Biological Sciences offers degrees in Biology, Biochemistry, Environmental Science, and Life Science Education. Bethel's evironmental studies include research on campus prairie, cottonwood forest and at nearby Lake Valentine.
Bluefield College (Bluefield, VA) Bluefield has a division of Biology that includes Environmental Sciences, Biological Studies, and Pre-Health Professions.
Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI) The college has an ecosystem preserve used to teach field studies and environmental stewardship. The Biology Dept. "seeks to respond to our Creator's call to investigate the diversity, organization and functioning of the living world and to provide a Christian model for its study, care, and keeping."
Dordt College (Sioux Center, IA). The Environmental Studies Department helps students understand their calling as earth keepers who exercise God's rule with loving
servant-hearts. Student studies can emphasize either the biotic or physical world, or human socal structures. The Biology Department believes that in this age of genetic engineering, ecological stress, and rapid medical advances, Christian influences in the sciences are greatly needed. Biology majors have a variety of potential careers to choose from.
Eastern College (St. Davids, PA) The Biology Department offers a solid background in Biology within a liberal arts education. "The development of an inquiring
mind is coupled with rigorous reasoning, while remembering that the Earth is the LORD's, and scientific work is work that should serve and honor Christ." Estn offers majors in Biology, Environmental Studies, and Secondary Education/Teaching Biology.
Gordon College (Wenham, MA) The Biology Department focuses on "Immersing students in the substantive study of biology while engaging them in issues of bioethics and stewardship." The department encourages student involvement in research, cooperative job training, or internships during their studies.
Messiah College (Grantham, PA) Messiah's Department of Natural Sciences offers majors in Biology, Environmental Science, and Preprofessional programs. The Messiah campus includes woodlands, fields, and the Yellow Breeches Creek, all used in campus biological studies. Environmental Science majors can can take courses in land use planning, environmental policy, wildlife biology, and more.
Montreat College (Asheville, NC)
Montreat offers a degree in Outdoor Education that emphasizes interpreting the outdoors ecologically, emphasizing both adventure education and environmental education in the contxt of a biblical world. The Environmental Studies Major offers a Naturalist Track, a Preprofessional Track, a Teacher Certification Track, or an Interdisciplinary Track. The college has the
Christian Environmental Studies Center
Northwestern University (Orange City, IA) Through research projects, students in the Biology Department will grasp the excitement of discovery and the sense of creativity associated with scientific inquiry in the life sciences.
Seattle Pacific University (Seattle, WA) Blakely Island Field Station offers students in the Biology Department a great opportunity to learn field biology and research.
Taylor University (Upland, IN) Seeks to prepare Christian men and women for service to a world in need.
Biology Dept:
Earth Science and Environmental Science:
Westmont College (Santa Barbara, CA) The Biology Department offers General Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Environmental Studies.
Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) The Biology Dept mission is to teach students the concepts and role of biology as an integrative science, helping them to discover and interpret the characteristics of nature as part of God's creation.
Whitworth College (Spokane, WA) The Biology Department offers abundant opportunities to engage in research and service, and has one of the best study-abroad programs in the nation.

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Text Copyright © Wendee Holtcamp 2001
Photos Copyright © 2001
Wendee & Matt Holtcamp, or Copyright © 2001 Dr. David Warners, Calvin College