Atoms and Atheism - the
changing ways that Christians have viewed the nature of matter
Nature of Matter Today's chemists continue the ancient task of working to
understand the nature and properties of matter and the use of this knowledge to
transform the raw materials of nature into useful products.1
Theoretical chemistry finds roots in the atomic ideas of the Greek
philosophers Leucippus
, (ca. 435 B.C.) and his student Democritus
(ca. 410 B.C.). Atomism was Democritus Greek
postage stamp Early Greek atomists postulated that all matter consists of invisible
and indivisible atoms whose differing combinations give the properties
of the visible world - from sand and glaciers to living beings. These atoms were
said to exist in perpetual motion in empty space (the void) undergoing random
collisions to provide new objects which would further collide to form different
materials etc. The universe was made up of atoms and space alone - the gods,
souls, and all spiritual beings were also created by these chance encounters of
eternal atoms. The details of this description are obscure and vary in
ways that appear inconsistent today. We are not sure whether
Democritus meant that it was physically or logically
(conceptually) impossible to divide an atom. While it was impossible to
see atoms themselves in action, effects as the effect of water leaving clothes
hanging in the sun made sense in terms of atomic theory. For some atomists, the
soul or life of an animal was a special, very small, fast moving group
of atoms that operate within a living being to help it sense and act on its
environment. The atoms of the soul also breakup on death to form something different,
thus there would be no place for immortality of the soul. Atomism gave rise to a mechanistic, deterministic system that has become more
accepted in modern times than in the early period. Explanations are bottom up,
not top down. That is, the movements and behavior of a compound of
atoms (e.g., a tree or an animal) are to be understood as the sum of the
individual movements of all the atoms comprising the "compound." Egyptian masters of applied chemistry combined their work with the Greek
theory. Their chemical knowledge was linked with embalming the dead and
religious ritual. Their ibis-headed god of wisdom, Troth,
was seen as the source of all chemical knowledge. Greeks, impressed with
the knowledge of the Egyptians identified Thoth with their own Hermes
and accepted much of the mysticism. As a result the knowledge that had
been built up by chemical workers became shrouded in mystery and isolated in
mythical form. Progress was retarded since each alchemist was now isolated
from his fellows and could not learn from their successes and failures. It
was also easier for the charlatan to present himself as an expert. It is
instructive that the art of chemistry diminished in Roman times along side
the general decay of Greek learning. After 100 A.D. there was a rising
tendency to turn to ever-more. mystical interpretations of the earlier
further developed in the next generation by Epicurus
(341-270 B.C.) and just prior to the Christian era by the Roman poet and
philosopher Lucretius
(ca. 99-55 BC) Synthetic chemistry began in pre-historical times with the
discovery of fire and the later more systematic work of the alchemists
of Babylon, Persia, and Egypt.
(427-347) and Aristotle
(384-322) were skeptical of atomism primarily because of the difficulty of
understanding how the observed order and regularity of nature could arise from
random collisions of matter. Also, atomism excluded the supernatural.
The latter was clearly found
in Epicurus
who made the atomic theory into a
and materialistic description of an eternal reality without reference to divine
intervention. Epicurus describe a view of the
goal of human life as happiness, resulting from absence of physical pain and mental disturbance. He enthusiastically taught that the point of all one's actions was to attain pleasure (conceived of as tranquility) for oneself, and that this could be done by limiting one's desires and by banishing the fear of the gods and of death. His gospel of freedom from fear proved to be quite popular, and communities of Epicureans flourished for centuries after his death. The combination of atomism and pleasure seeking did not endear its author to those who were committed to a life of sacrifice and commitment to the triune God. His most famous student, the Roman Lucretius provided the fullest and most enduring description of atomism in his lengthy poem De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things).
Early atomism was largely replaced by the very different philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. Aristotle offered a complex notion of physical objects which makes little sense to the modern reader. He described the "stuff" of nature along the following lines.
a brown horse
a scholar
Each of these is a compound of substance + attribute:
a brown horse = a horse + brownness
a scholar = a human + education
Thus substances are a composite of form and matter
Aristotle adopted the ancient Greek view which held that Matter was composed of four elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water which were not composed of atoms, but were continuous. Aristotle considered the existence of the void required by atomic theories to violate physical principles. Change took place not by the rearrangement of atoms to make new structures, but by transformation of matter from what it was in potential to a new actuality.
Aristotle based his definitions on what he could see, not an invisible speculative entity.
The Greek physician, Galen (120-ca. 196 A.D). offered extensive discussions of the Greek atomists, especially Epicurus, in his Aristotle commentaries. However, Democritus' theory almost disappeared for almost 1500 years. The reasons are complex and not clear. One factor was Christianity which after the conversion of Roman Emperor Constantine in 312 A.D grew to be a majority in the Western world and emerged victorious over both the philosophers and other faiths.
Aristotle's ideas were were rediscovered by Western Europe about
1200, in Latin translations of Arabic translations from the Greek. Much
scholastic discussion followed among scholars including St.
Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) and Roger
Bacon (1214-92). Over time, the Catholic Church elevated
Aristotle's writings to the same level as Scripture and had continued the
association of atomic thinking with Godlessness. Blended with the
Christian world view by Thomas Aquinas this system dominated the western world
into the 17th Century. In a clerically controlled culture one would not
want to publically discuss atomic theory when it was so closely identified
with atheism. Then too, there was no experimental way to "see"
atoms. Finally, there were scientific ideas that seemed inconsistent
with the notion of atoms - including the argument over the existence of a
St. Thomas Aquinis-- Wikepedia
Since the time of Galen, Lucretius' poem (with its message of atomism) remained largely unknown. However around 1415 Italian humanist, Poggio Bracciolini, located a copy of De Rerum Natura in an isolated monastery and knowledge of atomism was quickly spread to the emerging academic centers of western Europe by monks on horseback . Following the invention of the printing press at least four new editions of the poem were printed and widely distributed. A further source of atomistic thought was Diogenes Laertius' third-century work Lives of the Philosophers, first printed in 1533. It included letters from Epicurus that contained clear and concise statements on atomistic natural philosophy. Curiously, Lucretius poem was first accepted because it was superb poetry. His philosophy was still sub-Christian to all but a few. However the times were a-changing, Aristotle's natural philosophy was receiving mounting criticism and alternative views began to receive attention. Various attempts were made to link atomism with early-modern Aristotelianism by obscure scholars in Europe and the American colonies. Others, including William of Ockham (c. 1288 - c. 1348) worked to liberate the study of the laws of nature from subjection to the totalitarian system of Tomistic Aristotalism and the intellectual monopoly of Dominican culture.
Giordano Bruno (1548 -1600) brought the atomists' view of the world to the attention of Western natural philosophers. For Bruno: "atomism became the key to understanding the universe and its Creator...God becomes the source for all change in nature, as well as the source of its existence."2 He viewed the atom in three senses: physics, mathematics and theology, arguing that atoms were divinely endowed with a tendency toward organization. However, his attempt to Christianize atomism did not catch on in church circles and became part of a package of beliefs and behavior which led to his condemnation as a heretic and death by burning at the stake in Rome, in 1600.
By the turn of the 17th Century the once dominant world picture and well-established religious landscape had been shaken by competing cosmologies and new Christian churches not under the thumb of Rome. Aristotle was under attack in many quarters and the winds of change were blowing strong.
One of the first groups of atomists in England was the amateur scientists known as the Northumberland circle, led by Henry Percy (1585-1632 AD), the 9th Earl of Northumberland. Although they published little of value, their discussions helped to disseminate atomistic ideas within the early scientific culture of England, and may have been particularly influential to Francis Bacon, who became an (uncertain) atomist around 1605, Thomas Hobbs (who changed his stance on atomism late in his career), and Thomas Hariot. Hariot never published his atomistic views fearing, as he wrote his friend Johannes Kepler, that he would be theologically suspect. Atomism had to pass the religious test to be acceptable as a scientific doctrine. Across the Channel a number of different atomistic theories were being discussed in France.
A more famous advocate of atomism in the early 16th century, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642 AD) is known more for his conflict with the Catholic church over cosmology. He first considered atomism in Discourse on Floating Bodies (1612). In The Assayer (1623), Galileo offered a more complete physical system based on a corpuscular theory of matter, in which all phenomena—with the exception of sound—are produced by “matter in motion”. Galileo found Aristotelian science inadequate to explain his experiments, and utilized a theory of atomism as a partial replacement, but he was never unequivocally committed to it.
Despite the success (and controversy) generated by 16th and early 17th century atomists, atomism was not fully revived until the French natural philosophers Rene Descartes (1596-1650 AD) and Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655 AD) published their new systems based on corpuscular (Descartes) and atomistic (Gassendi) theories. Descartes’ mechanical philosophy of corpuscularism had much in common with atomism. Descartes thought everything physical in the universe to be made of tiny “corpuscles” of matter which is inert and has only mechanical properties. Like some ancient atomists, Descartes claimed that sensations, such as taste or temperature, are caused by the shape and size of tiny pieces of matter. The main difference between atomism and corpuscularism was the question of the existence of the atomist's void. For Descartes, there could be no void, and all matter was constantly swirling to prevent a void as corpuscles moved through other matter. Another key distinction between Descartes’ corpuscularism and classical atomism was Descartes’ notion of mind/body duality, which allowed for an independent realm of existence for thought, soul, and most importantly, God. Gassendi’s system was much closer to classical atomism, but also free from atheistic undertones.
Gassendi, a French Catholic priest, was particularly intrigued by the
Greek atomists and set out to
“purify” atomism from its heretical and atheistic trappings. His Christian
theology led him to reject specific features of Epicurean atomism, such as the
belief in the eternity of atoms and their infinite number. He also argued
that atoms aggregated to form other small bodies
The existence of a "void," what we now call a vacuum, was widely disputed in the seventeenth century. The air-pump was developed in part to test this question, and in England, where air-pumps were widely used, atomism had more influence than on the European continent. The final form of atomism that came to be accepted by most English scientists after Robert Boyle (1627-1692 AD) was an amalgam of the two French systems.
In The Sceptical
Chymist (1661), Boyle demonstrated the deficiencies of Aristotelian science
based on his extensive chemistry experimentation. He appealed to chemists to
experiment rather than philosophize about nature and experimentally
demonstrated the fallacy of describing earth, fire, air, and water as
elements. He
proposed a corpuscular theory of matter that included the void to explain
diffusion and other gas properties.
Boyle viewed the mechanical (clocklike) universe as designed by a God of extraordinary wisdom and providence who did not need subsequent adjustments to keep it going. However, God was not bound by the laws of nature and could intervene in the ordered universe as he wished. For Boyle, the study of nature provides convincing evidence of God's existence and attributes. Boyle with other British Christians of his day were concerned with what they recognized the atheistic leanings of their day - a mixture of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that they saw as turning their nation away from God.3 Boyle left a sum of money on his death to be used to support an annual lecture series that would promoted natural theology. Later, critics of the Boyle lectures argued that advances in science of their day were reducing the apparent need for divine intervention to fill in the gaps in our understanding. In the extreme case, this would lead to a mechanical universe presided over by a divine engineer, who having made it left it to run itself. Instead of advancing the cause of Christianity it seemed to force God out altogether.
Newton (1642 - 1747) built on the corpuscular theory with the
mechanical philosophy of Descartes and added a new focus on forces that
could be mathematically described. He saw the corpuscles as units of
mass and introduced the laws of mechanics to explain their
motion. Later in life he would join with Gassendi and Boyle in opposing the clockwork system of Descartes.
Newton introduced the notion of active principles as God's means of
bringing activity to the world and exercising providence. Newton argued
that it took an active God to create and maintain a universe that demonstrated
his divine handiwork.
Newton sought understanding of the nature and structure of all matter, formed from the "solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particles" that he believed God had created.
"All these things being considered, it seems probable to me, that God in the beginning formed Matter in solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable particles, of such sizes and figures, and with such other properties, and in such proportion to space, as most conduced to the end for which he formed them; and that these primitive particles, being solids, are incomparably harder than any porous bodies compounded of them; even so very hard, as never to wear or break in pieces; no ordinary power being able to divide what God himself made one in the first creation. While the particles continue entire, they may compose bodies of one and the same nature and texture in all ages: But should they wear away, or break in pieces, the nature of things depending on them would be changed. Water and earth, composed of old worn particles and fragments of particles would not be of the same nature and texture now, with water and earth composed of entire particles in the beginning. And therefore, that nature may be lasting, the changes of corporeal things are to be placed only in the various separations and new associations and motions of these permanent particles; compound bodies being apt to break, not in the midst of solid particles, but where those particles are laid together, and only touch in a few points." -----Isaac Newton, The Optics, query. 31
Although a belief in atoms (corpuscles) had become almost universal by the time of Newton there was not "strong" experimental evidence for this view until the work of English School Teacher John Dalton in the first decade of the 19th Century. Dalton's theory was different in that it had the weight of careful chemical measurements behind it. It was more than a philosophical statement that there are atoms because there must be atoms. Organic chemistry flourished in the 19th century, many new elements discovered, and mathematical relationship developed via quantitative measurement that the French chemist Anton Lavoisier pioneered. However, the physicists were not yet convinced that atoms were real. As late as 1860 Physicists met in Karlsruhe, Germany to debate the atomic hypothesis.
Curiously, the solution of the problem found roots in the late 1820s observations of British Museum curator, botanist Robert Brown. Testing a new microscope he examined a series of water solutions containing fine suspended particles. He noticed that they moved in a ceaseless, random, zig-zag motion. Others had seen the same effect but Brown was able to establish that it occurred with any small particle and was not the result of influences from outside the solution such as vibration or heating or magnetism - or some internal vital spirit a favorite of his peers.. A very cautious man, he offered no explanation.
His work attracted little attention in the period up to his death in 1858. In the 1880s two French Jesuit priests postulated that the zig-zag motions of the small particles were caused by rapidly moving smaller molecules made from atoms. At the same time physicists were beginning to relate the temperature of a diatomic gas to the motion of the gas molecules and by extension that the temperature of anything was related to the motions of its constituent atoms. Elaborate mathematical treatments were unable to handle the models that were proposed. Austrian physicists Ludwig Boltzman was the first physicist to link the visual nature of Brownian movement with the atomic nature of matter and the randomness inherent in atomic motion. Boltzmann had the skills to develop the mathematics of the effect but did not bother to follow it up.
It fell to a 26 year old Swiss patent clerk Albert Einstein to take on the
task and publish the answer in one of his four notable papers in 1905.
Einstein provided the first quantitative treatment that related the motion of
small particles in a liquid to atomic motion. Curiously, he did not learn
about Brownian movement until he was writing his work
for publication. In 1908 French physicist Jean Perrin made exacting
measurements of Brownian motion. His results confirmed Einstein's
theoretical work and even the most die-hard skeptic became a believer.
Visualization of atoms became a reality with the development of the atomic force microscope in the late 20th Century. Ultimately, those who resisted the particle concepts had, nevertheless, the right idea. Light and matter, it turned out, are both particle and wave at the same time. This paradox is at least partially resolved within the framework of Quantum Field Theories.
Stadium Corral Iron on Copper IBM.
Scientists at IBM used the tip of a scanning probe microscope to to form a ringIn the end, Atomism (without philosophy) won the day because it was necessary for a coherent scientific view of the world and (for Christians) did not conflict with the biblical doctrine of creation that displaced the speculations of the Greek philosophers. The problem that the phenomena of the Eucharist could not be reconciled with Eucharistic transubstantiation seems resolved by application of a "miracle" appears to provide an acceptable accommodation for the faithful.
"The science of alchymy I like very well, and indeed, 'tis the philosophy of the ancients. I like it not only for the profits it brings in melting metals, in decocting, preparing, extracting and distilling herbs, roots; I like it also for the sake of the allegory and secret signification, which is exceedingly fine, touching the resurrection of the dead at the last day." -- Martin Luther's Table talk
1 The "Better Things for Better Living" advertising slogan from E. I. Du Pont.
2 Kargon, p. 133.
3 Michael Hunter, "Science and Heterodoxy", Reapprasials, Lindberg and Westman eds. 437 ff
Sources: Lindberg and Numbers, eds., When Science and Christianity Meet, University of Chicago Press, 2003. Brooke and Cantor , eds. Reconstructing Nature, T & T Clark, 1998. Brooke, Science and Religion, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Redondi, Galileo Heretic, Princeton University Press, 1987. Lindberg and Westman, Reappraisals of the Scientific Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Lindley, Uncertainty: Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, and the Struggle for The Soul of Science, New York: Doubleday, 2007. Kargon, "Atomism in the Seventeenth Century," Dictionary of the History of Ideas.
R. E., ed. Greek Philosophy: Thales to
Aristotle, New York: The Free Press, 1991.
Contains many of the the surviving original fragments of the Presocratics,
including Democritus.
Richard D. Philosophy
Before Socrates. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994. Chap.
W. Haas, Jr., June 2007.