of the
Conference on Human Personhood, jointly sponsored by
ASA and the Christian Medical Society, at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, June 2-5.
THE 1988 ASA ANNUAL MEETING, at PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY in MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 58. "Science, Weapons, and Hope: Christian Perspectives." Don't miss it.
In the Newsletter, stories on the continuing influence of Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy, on what ASA/CSCA members are doing, and much more.
WHEREVER GOD WANTS US: 1We want to inform readers about opportunities to "think globally but act locally" wherever God puts us. We want to show what Christians are actually doing, especially through their technical skills, and what difference they're making. People all over the world are obeying the Great Commission with great ingenuity as well as dependence on the Holy Spirit.
Why now? Partly because Kenell Touryan laid the challenge of "tentmaking" so forcefully before ASA at the 1986 Annual Meeting, and we missed a follow-up of that emphasis last year. (Ken himself went off to Soviet Armenia in 198687.) Partly because Ruth Siemens of Global Opportunities just told us she could place at least 100 science teachers RIGHT NOW in a country closed to missionaries-if she could find the right people. Partly because Charles Hummel told us about the Urbana IVCF missions conference, and how Al Fairbanks stimulated interest in befriending internationals among faculty attending. And on and on.
The editor's salutary new ASA salary allowed him to help the U.S. Center for World Mission pay off the debt on its property and get on with its agenda. Ralph Winter exposes us to a lot of information about what Christians are doing around the world that will never make the evening news.
ASA member Ed Dayton strategizes at MARC, Gary Allen serves LIN personnel, Wes Wentworth helps Korean students. Many others function with a worldwide vision even if not actually overseas.
Stringing such stories together in an ongoing series should give us a better appreciation of what is really a very big picture.
BULLETIN BOARD1. The 1988 Convention of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies will be held April 20-24 at the Radisson Hotel in Denver, Colorado. This year's theme is "The Psychology of Christian Spirituality." For registration details, contact: CAPS Convention '88, P.O. Box 10,000, Denver, CO 80210.
2. The Federation Christian Fellowship will hold a breakfast meeting on Tuesday, May 3, during the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in Las Vegas, Nevada. For details, see Special Functions section of FASEB program.
3. It is not too late for Christians in secular occupations, aged 25-45 and interested in fulfilling the Great Commission, to apply to attend Leadership 188 in Washington, D.C., June 27-July 1. Request application forms from: Leadership '88, P.O. Box 2620, Pasadena, CA 91102 (Tel. 818-577-7502).
4. Charles Hummel, ASA president and author of The Galileo Connection, will be a speaker at the Oxford '88 Conference at Oxford University, July 3-16. The conference, presented in cooperation with the C.S. Lewis Society of Oxford, will have the theme "The Christian & the Contemporary University." Speakers scheduled for the first week (on "Institutional Renewal") include Malcolm Muggeridge, Carl F. H. Henry, and James Houston. The second week (on "Personal Renewal") features Owen Barfield, Peter Kreeft, and others . (Reservations had to be in by April 1, but late registration might be possible.Ed.) Contact Dr. J. Stanley Mattson, director, P.O. Box 8008, Redlands, CA 92374; tel. 714-798-5583.
5. The 2nd World Congress of the International Christian Studies Association will be held at Brighton, England, August 21- 27 (see Item 5 of Dec 86/Jan 87 Bulletin Board). One-page abstracts are due April 15, papers July 15. Registration form in Fall/Winter 1987-88 issue of ICSA Newsletter. Contact Dr. Oskar Gruenwald, ICSA, 2828 3rd St., #11, Santa Monica, CA 90405.
6. A six-part series of seminars on "Integration of Science and Scripture" at Wheaton College is being planned for Sept-Oct 1988, according to Wheaton geologist Jefftey Greenberg. The seminars will make a broader range of information on science/faith issues available to "key influences within the Body of ChrisC (clergy, missions personnel, school teachers, publishers, etc.). "The usual menu of debates, film series, and polemical publications has left the church badly undernourished." A half-hour presentation on each topic will be followed by an hour of "open and honest interaction" between the audience and Wheaton College faculty. Jeff promises more details later.
7. The Karl-Heim-GeseUschaft, whose purpose is to "further a biblical and Christian orientation in a scientific technological world," will publish its first yearbook in 1988. For future issues the editor is soliciting papers of the same general slant as those published in ASA's journal, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. Manuscripts should be no longer than 20 double-spaced pages, in a style accessible to the educated general public. Papers submitted in English will be translated into German for publication. The yearbooks will go to more than 800 subscribers and are also sold through regular publishing outlets. Contact Prof. Dr. Hans Schwarz, Institut fUr Evangelische Theologie, Universitift Regensburg, Universitiltsstrasse 31, 8400 Regensburg, den, Federal Republic of Germany.
8. Lion Publishing of England, publisher of Jim Brooks's Origins of Life (1985) and other magnificently illustrated books, is seeking American scholars who can write good books for the general public from a Christian viewpoint. Lion now has an American branch (10885 Textile Rd, Belleville, MI 48111) but its acquisitions editor, Robin Keeley, lives in Wales. If you have a good book looking for a publisher, or even a good idea for such a book, contact him c/o Lion Publishing, Icknield Way, Tring, Hertfordshire, BP23 4LE, England.
IMAGO DEI SYMPOSIUMASA's joint venture with the Christian Medical Society brings 31 lecturers and workshop leaders together for a 4-day program on theological, scientific and clinical implications of human personhood at Gordon College, Wenham, MA June 2-5. Space is limited. Early registration deadline April 1. Contact ASA Ipswich office for details (617-356-5656).
Not enough has been said in praise of Eldon Hitchcock, who chaired the local arrangements committee and had everything but the weather under control. Come to think of it, that was soon taken care of, too. ASAers arrived on the tenth day of record-breaking heat (or what Coloradoans consider heat). Within a day or so, sprinkles of rain returned the cool mountain air, but not before the warmth at 6,000 feet had fooled several flatlanders into going to the top of Pike's Peak (14,110 ft) in shirtsleeves. They won't do that again.
An innovation at Colorado College was Eldon's "Daily News Letter" greeting participants each morning. It contained useful housekeeping information, last-minute program changes, and bits of local color to be seen on the tours and around the campus. It was a great idea that ought to be repeated in years to come.
A last-minute cancellation opened a program slot for Judith Manley Toronchuk of Trinity Western University, Langley, B.C., Canada. Her paper on "Neurophysiology and Religious Experience: Brains Reprogrammed by God" reviewed implications of certain research reports Christians may find troubling. For example, William Sargant (The Mind Possessed, Penguin, 1973) found similarities in the changes excited by Wesleyan revival meetings and Haitian Voodoo ceremonies. Arnold Mandell ("Ile Psychobiology of Transcendence: God in the Brain," in J. M. & R. J. Davidson, The Psychobiology of Consciousness, Plenum, 1980) has related religious belief to changes in the hippocampus of the limbic system.
Toronchuk, a psychologist with experience in neurophysiology, argued that such data may fit into the late Donald MacKay's "information flow model" of human consciousness. Whether or not our human "supervisory system" can be located in the hippocampus, it must have a real existence: "When we call God Abba we give him permission to reprogram at deep levels of our being." To walk in the Spirit must mean that change occurs in our internal programming: "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts" (Jer 31:33).
The Call for Papers was recently sent out for the 1988 ASA ANNUAL MEETING in MALIBU, CALIFORNIA.Cantore emphasized the need Christianity and science have for each other, both to avoid errors each is prone to and to meet contemporary challenges to human dignity. To Enrico, a Jesuit physicist and philosopher who directs the World Institute for Scientific Humanism at Fordham University, "human dignity" is synonymous with real humanism. He encouraged ASA's efforts to counter various forms of naturalistic scientisms, which to him represent pseudo-humanism.
With other papers equally thought provoking, the dining hall and dorm rooms and buses to field-trip destinations were alive with the sound of give-and-take. ASAers thrive on that sort of thing (though some of the old-timers seem to turn in a bit earlier than they used to-Ed.). Most
A phrase that lingers: "The NIMBY syndrome," from
Jack Swearengen's
paper on "Applying Biblical Principles of Justice and Equity to Contemporary Environmental Conflicts." Pronounced "nimby," the acronym stands for "Not
in MY back yard" (with reference to siting nuclear power
plants, toxic waste dumps, drug-treatment halfway houses,
shelters for the homeless, etc.).
In his ASA presidential address, Whitworth geologist Ed Olson once again warned Christians to avoid a "God of the gaps" mentality. He also noted what some of our scientific colleagues are tempted to embrace: a "no-God of the no-gaps" mentality.
Dave Wilcox, paraphrasing Theodosius Dobzhansky's famous line ("Nothing in biology makes sense apart from evolution"), asserted that "Nothing in evolutionary history makes sense apart from the will of God."
Keynoter Vernon Ehlers gave a typical example of the kinds of things politicians are likely to say when they don't know what to say: "Sometimes we have to put aside our principles and simply do what is right."
How did Harold Northrup get interested in "waging peace"? For many years he did goal-oriented research in the storage-battery industry. Even after retirement he has been called back from time to time to help solve problems. It occurred to Harold that the Lord had given him a gift for solving problems, and he couldn't think of a more important problem than world peace. So he thought he'd take a crack at it. He knows its a tough problem but that's the kind he likes best. Besides, he says, all the easy problems have already been solved.
You know what's really inspiring? Seeing gifted people at both ends of life taking care of the Lord's business (Eccl 12:13-14).
The paper from Colorado most directly related to this year's theme was "The Morality of Star Wars: Reality or Fantasy?" It was given by Howard H. Claassen, a physicist retired from Wheaton College and now living in the solar home he built himself on Green Mountain outside of Ashland, Oregon. Howard attended the national meeting of the American Physical Society at which some of the nation's leading physicists held a big debate on President Reagan's 1983 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, nicknamed "Star Wars").
Claassen discussed the technical feasibility of defending the general public against nuclear attack; the cost of such a defense; whether it would have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect on relations with the Soviet Union; and possible motives for pushing such a program other than an idealistic preference for a defensive system rather than an offensive one. Howard's calculations pretty well demolished the technical feasibility of SDI, but he also referred to an APS report on directed energy (laser) weapons published in Physics Today. The authors of that report had the cooperation of the military and were given access to the classified information.
By the time he got to what deployment would cost (to the biggest debtor nation in the world), Howard hardly needed to go on to the other questions, but he did argue that SDI cannot break the dismal cycle: more sophisticated weapons leading to greater fear, to more weapons development, and so on. His conclusion was that SDI is "a pathetic illusion. And this illusion, by the time it runs its course, will again leave us bitterly disappointed-if it does not leave us dead."
Gulp. At Pepperdine will some technological optimist give a paper on the other side of the argument?
One local ASA member took off work to hear Howard's paper. Gil Miller of Colorado Springs is a mathematician who does research for Mitre Corporation, a prime SDI contractor. (Gil looked vaguely familiar but we couldn't place him until he said we had given him an ASA brochure 20 years ago when he was a Berkeley undergrad. He went on to a Ph.D. at Princeton and a stint on the Texas A&M faculty before joining Mitre. We don't know how Howard's paper sounded to Gil. He shrugged when he said, "Jobs are where the money is, and right now the money is in SDI. Ed.)
BOARD CLEARS CALVIN PROFSIf you've followed the Calvin College story (ASA Newsletter, Feb/Mar 1988, p. 4), you'll be glad to know that everybody came up "smelling like a tulip" at the February meeting of the Calvin College Board of Trustees. In its report, the five-person study committee investigating Clarence Menninga, Howard Van Till, and Davis Young cleared the three science professors of any suspicion of heresy in their writings about creation, evolution, and the age of the earth.
In a recommendation based on that report, the board declared that those writings "fall within the limits set by the synodically adopted guidelines for the interpretation of Scripture and by the doctrinal statements of the Christian Reformed Church"-but reminded the Calvin professors "of the limitations that these guidelines place upon the interpretation of Scripture." The board also commended them for "their deep personal devotion to Christ and their diligence in subjecting their scholarship to His service."
In a statement distributed to the press on Feb 12, Howard Van Till noted that the report contained "both criticism and praise" and spoke of "both caution and encouragement." He stated his intentions to continue to study the Bible "with full respect for what it teaches concerning history," to express his views "as clearly and as fully as possible," and to welcome any light that a deeper understanding of the Bible and of science can shed on each other. Taking his turn at commendation, Howard praised the Board of Trustees for recognizing the need for "academic freedom within the context of a hearty commitment to the Christian faith" and for encouraging Calvin faculty "to perform our scholarship with intellectual integrity." Howard called the trustees "the real heroes of this story."
Hinted at in the committee report are some other heroes, perhaps: those who wrote letters of appreciation for Howard's work, especially for The Fourth Day, both from "within the Christian Reformed constituency" and from "a much larger constituency as well." Evidently the committee received many letters supporting Howard (currently ASA's secretary-treasurer) for his "notable contribution to this ongoing Christian testimony to the world."
The Grand Rapids Press ran a front page story on Feb 12 on the outcome and another story on Feb 13 on campus response. (Never mind what they said. We don't want to risk conveying any more "distorted impressions."-Ed.)
WELCOME TO THE 20TH CENTURY: THE ENDNothing makes me feel more "out of it" than reading Computer Currents, a freebie Bay area magazine now distributed in five other metropolitan areas as well. It's tuned to the several hundred thousand people in the highly competitive microcomputer industry plus a million or so "power users" lusting for the latest. Technological history unfolds on its pages. I read it for protection against making a costly mistake.
There's no doubt, says Computer Currents, that my old CP/M operating system has had it. One writer says that as the prices of CP/M machines plummet, people are buying up these dinosaurs like hotcakes. Why? So they'll have spare parts when their present machine breaks down. Eventually one has to move up, but to what? Buy today's most reliable standard and tomorrow you may own an irreparable turkey. (DOS users who once snickered at CP/M may soon be in the same boat: should they jazz up what they have or start over with a whole new system based on the Intel 80386 chip and IBM's new OS/2? Mac users face the same kinds of choices--or will eventually.) Maybe big corporations can afford massive replacement. The rest of us can't.
Another writer advises not to buy anything now but wait until the price of 386 hardware comes down. That will also give time for more OS/2 software to become reality. (Software announced but not yet released is known in CC as "vaporware.") Meanwhile, 3 1/2-inch disks seem to be the coming standard, replacing the 5 1/4-inch floppies on which all my documents are stored. Such technological turmoil reinforces my natural stinginess: the new WordStar 4.0 upgrade ($89.95) does a lot of useful stuff, they say-but not for me. I may not even use WordStar on my new whatzis, whenever.
Certainly I get more writing done with a word processor than with a typewriter, but I may be reaching my human limit. I doubt that I'd be much more productive with a more powerful computer. At least this "oldie" leads me not into the temptation of buying expensive software, eventually to be junked along with it. That saves this old dog a lot of time not learning new tricks.
Microcomputers are wonderful. I thank God for word processors every time a revision has to be retyped. Since almost everything I write goes through four or five drafts, that's a lot of blessings to count. Olympic speed records continue to be broken, but by smaller amounts each Olympiad. One can appreciate "evolutionary change" without denying that it may have limits--even for computers.
I recall experiencing a slight flash of skepticism amid my general flush of enthusiasm four years ago. While learning how to use the software bundled with that first computer, I found several misspelled words in the documentation for a spelling-checker program. It occurred to me then that the microcomputer industry might at times move too fast for its own good. Maybe if 01' Kaypro gets terminally ill I won't move up at all. I may just retire and write more poetry. For that I still use a rather primitive piece of woodenware with a WRITE function at one end and an ERASE function at the other.
If change isn't too costly, I'm willing to change. See? I'm killing off this series. SAVE to disk and PRINT.
OBITUARYJim was bom in Edinburgh, Scotland, where as a schoolboy he played bagpipes with the Gordon Highlanders. He immigrated to Canada in 1926, took a B.A. in philosophy at Queen's University, then moved to California. He became a U.S. citizen in 1943 and served as an Air Force command chaplain on Iwo Jima and the Mariana Islands during WWII. At USC he earned an M.A. in religion, then a Ph.D. in psychology. He held honorary doctorates from two Presbyterian colleges, Sterling and Whitworth.
In 1970 Jim and Melba Forrester moved to Virginia, where he founded the Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center and directed its telephone counseling service, Contact Peninsula, while serving as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Newport News. After his retirement in 1980 he was a parish associate in Denbigh Presbyterian Church.
He is survived by his wife Melba, to whom he was married for 47 years, a son and daughter, two grandchildren, and a sister. Mrs. Forrester wrote to us that her husband's funeral service was very worshipful, and that "his beloved bagpipes" were played both at the service and at the graveside. She said that he valued his membership in ASA and regretted not being able to attend many ASA meetings. (When the Forresters lived in Los Angeles, they were great friends of Alton and Elva Everest. Alton, first president of ASA, recalls that Jim's gift for counseling was amply confirmed in his service at the V.A. Hospital there. We apologize to Melba Forrester for the delay in publishing this obituary.-Ed.)
Discussants pointed to human sinfulness as the root cause of such problems; to a disparity in wealth between the West and the Third World which is not conducive to peace; and to the difficulty of showing love experienced by those who have suffered in wartime. The last point was brought home by the personal experience of Jan de Konig, who was a young man in the Netherlands during Nazi occupation in the 1940s. (This discussion must have whetted CSCA appetites for the program of the 1988 ASA ANNUAL MEETING at PEPPERDINE COLLEGE in MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, AUGUST 5-8, on "Science, Weapons, & Hope: Christian Perspectives. "-Ed.)
Several members of the Toronto section helped with arrangements for the CSCA Annual Meeting held on Oct 31.
On Dec 1, at a meeting also held at Hart House at UT, nine persons heard Charles Chaffey discuss Jan Geertsema's paper, "A Christian View of the Foundations of Statistics," Perspectives 39 (3) 158-464 (Sept 1987). Charles found troubling the idea in the paper that in most fields of science the reigning paradigms may be in opposition to Christian views without our being aware of it. According to Geertsema, some modem leaders in statistics have espoused an unbelieving, naturalistic philosophy linked to the eugenics movement. Our correspondent (Charles Chaffey himself) reported a "Thought-provoking and wide-ranging discussion" based on the paper.
The meetings held so far in 1988 have been on Jan 19, Feb 17, and Mar 8.With everyone enthusiastic about China, Chi introduced Martha Chan of Educational Resources & Referrals-China, who told about ERRC's program of helping technically trained people get to the People's Republic to serve China with their skills. The Berkeley-based ERRC can place people with appropriate skills in either short-term or long-term service opportunities. It has provided orientation, resource materials, and other forms of support to over 100 "consultants" sent to China, and advised another 900 Christians interested in working or studying in China. (Address: ERRC, 2606 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94704. Tel. 415-548-7519.)
We hear that Martha, with pen in hand, managed to sign up at least one person right on the spot. A great way to begin the Year of the Dragon. Kung Hay Fat Choy!
PERSONALSRebecca Kramar Brinley and husband Tim are currently in Peabody, Massachusetts, preparing a mission team to return to Greece. The daughter of missionaries, she was raised in Peru, has an M.A.'in speech pathology and a teaching certificate. He has a Master's in missiology from Abilene Christian U., experience preaching in the U.S., and two years of work among Muslims in Turkey. Married in 1980, they now have Andrew (5) and Anna (3) as part of their mission team. For the past five years Tim and Rebecca have served as self-supporting missionaries at a university in Thessaloniki, Greece, selling logistics for fall/winter university extension programs in Athens and imports from Greece. Rebecca has a practice in speech therapy.
Richard A. Carpenter is a research associate at the Environment & Policy Institute of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. At the center he heads a program on "Natural Systems Assessment for Development" which has drawn over 300 professionals into a study of how to make useful information on natural systems available to international policyrnakers. Before moving to Hawaii, Richard spent 20 years in Washington, D.C., where he founded and headed the Environmental Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress) and was executive director of the Commission on Natural Resources of the National Research Council. In a paper entitled "What to Do While Waiting for an Environment Ethic" in The Environmental Professional (Vol. 9, pp. 327-335, 1987), Richard mentioned several encouraging signs of growing religious concern for environmental issues. Quoting from Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, he described it as the journal of ASA, then described ASA as "composed of Christians who are trained as scientists." (Headline: Carpenter nails id-Ed.)
Donald L. CraKford serves at the U. of Texas in Austin with Campus Advance for Christ, student ministry of the Churches of Christ. He formerly served in a similar capacity at U.C. Santa Barbara. Don also hosts a talk show on KLBJ, the CBS radio affiliate in Austin, on which he recently interviewed Texas A&M physicist Jack McIntyre on issues of science and faith. A relatively new member of ASA, Don was able to attend the 1985 Annual Meeting in Oxford, England, and is looking forward to the 1988 ANNUAL MEETING at PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY in MALIBU, CALIFORNIA on AUGUST 5-8. He hopes to bring a carload of UT grad students with him to Pepperdine. Don has copies of Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy on the Campus Advance booktable on the West Mall of the Austin campus.
Charles W. Crown of Denver, Colorado, the physician who broke his ankle on the ASA China tour last summer, is thinking of writing an article on Chinese hospitals for a medical periodical. He has asked others who were on the tour for copies of any slides or photographs of hospitals they may have taken. His orthopaedic surgeon was impressed with Dr. Jiang's excellent reduction done on Chuck's ankle in Shanghai but didn't get much out of Jiang's medical report (written in Chinese characters).
Thomas F. Cummings, professor of chemistry at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, is spending the 1987-88 academic year at the Analytical Institute in Vienna, Austria. He is working with Prof. Johann Korkisch, with whom Tom spent another sabbatical 21 years ago. Wife Mary helps U.S.-bound refugees learn English. Tom and Mary missed some of the musical festivities at the Anglican church they attend to spend Christmas with five young grandsons in Kempten in southern Germany. Daughter Kathy and son-in-law Paul Pearman, who work as translators, are active in a growing Baptist church there.
Wil Lepkowski of Reston, Virginia, is news editor for the American Chemical Society's weekly Chemical & Engineering News. Much of the news he reports is full of controversy. He has continued to cover the aftermath of the 1984 Union Carbide methyl isocyanate disaster in Bhopal, India, which reached a critical phase over claims of liability and compensation this winter. Wil showed his knack for clarifying messy issues in a major article, "Carbide Faces Key Decisions in Bhopal Litigation" (C&EN, Jan 4), and his book reviews, "Two Views of India's Chemical Disaster" (Jan 11). Juggling another hot potato is Wil's story, "Fierce Debate Looms over Funding of Superconducting Super Collider" (C&EN, Feb 1, p. 20).
Gordon S. Mills, professor of biochemistry at the U. of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, was honored in July 1987 with the John G. Sinclair Award of the local chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society. The Sinclair Award is granted to a faculty member active in Sigma Xi with a history of significant research at the Medical Branch, who displays "attributes of humanity, scholarship, and excellence in research."
Stanley W. Moore was a discussant on a panel on "Religion & the American Constitution" at the American Political Science Association meeting in Chicago in September. Stan is professor of political science at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, chair of ASA's Commission on Arms Control, and chair of the 1988 ASA ANNUAL MEETING at Pepperdine AUGUST 5-8.
George Murphy, pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Tallmadge, Ohio, spent some time this winter as "Pastor in Residence" at Wittenberg University in Ohio, where he worked on a new book and put in some good words for science/theology study and for ASA in particular. George has been breaking into print all over lately. Besides his article in ASA's Dec 1987 Perspectives ("The Paradox of Mediated Creation Ex Nihilo"), he had a popular article on science/faith issues, "The Mind of the Maker," in the Aug 1987 issue of The Lutheran, magazine of the former Lutheran Church in America (since Jan 1988 part of the Evangelicat Lutheran Church in America). A more scholarly article on scientific and religious language, "Theological Covariance," will soon appear in Currents in Theology & Mission. His article in Dialog for Winter 1988, "Toward a Theology of Technological War," is a sampler of the paper he hopes to give at the 1988 ASA ANNUAL MEETING at PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY, AUG 5-8.
Martin Price and Bonnie of North Fort Myers, Florida, are building a new home about a mile from ECHO (Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization), their agricultural experiment station for subsistence farming. The house on the ECHO property where they have been living will become a dormitory and visitor reception center. Many visitors and volunteers help out at ECHO, which regularly sends technical reports to 1700 people in 90 countries. (To contribute financial or other support, write ECHO, Inc., 17430 Durrance Rd, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33917, or call 813-543-3246 to arrange a visit.-Ed.) Bonnie also teaches at a detention center for juveniles and somehow the Prices find time to be active in their Presbyterian (PCA) Church.
H. Miriam Ross is anthropologist and scholar-of-all-trades at the theological seminary associated with Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. The university has begun an 18-month celebration marking the 150th anniversary of its founding by Canadian Baptists. In October Miriam gave a paper at a Baptist Heritage Conference on campus during the first week of the celebration.
Roger Stout and wife Becky are both graduate students at the U. of Ohio in Columbus. Last summer they quit their jobs at Scantec Corporation in time to take the ASA tour to China. Now they work at Scantec one or two days a week while Roger writes up his M.S. thesis in nuclear engineering and Becky begins a Ph.D. program in industrial engineering, but they also find time to be active in a Presbyterian church in Columbus. Becky is a second-generation ASAer: her dad is chemist Tom Commings of Bradley University.
Walter R. Thorson, professor of chemistry at the U. of Alberta in Edmonton, has just been elected a Fellow in the Division of Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics of the American Physical Society. Walt was cited "For making important contributions to the interface between atomic and molecular physics and quantum chemistry." (Thanks to Texas A&M physicist Jack Mdntyre for a copy of Thorson's citation.-Ed.)
Fred Van Dyke now lives in Red Lodge, Montana, where he is a wildlife biologist with the Montana Dept of Fish, Wildlife & Parks. He had just caught and collared his first elk when he wrote to us. Fred studies elk, moose, and mule deer in the Beartooth Mountains to determine habitat preferences and effects of oil drilling on range use by those animals. Fred put on his city clothes in February to return to Indiana to speak on biblical perspectives on the environment at Grace College. In April he'll be back in Indiana at Fort Wayne Bible College, where he taught until this year. The senior class has asked Fred to come back to be their 1988 speaker.
PEOPLE LOOKING FOR POSITIONS: Phillip Elchman (Dept of Biology, Harding College, Searcy, AR 72143) seeks a biology position in a
church related college. He has two M.S. degrees and a Ph.D. in biology (Ball State, IN); 13 years teaching experience in Cluistian schools and colleges; interests in microbiology, physiology, zoology. A victim of budget cuts, Phil needs a job for fall 1988.
R. Waldo (Wally) Roth (Dept of Information
Sciences, Taylor University, Upland, IN 46989) begins a sabbatical 1 July 1988, seeks a 9- to 12-month opportunity to use his 20 years in academic
& administrative computing while gaining new professional experience.
POSITIONS LOOKING FOR PEOPLE [Ali for fall 19881: Fort Wayne Bible College, General Studies Division: tenure-track opening in science for person with doctorate to teach introductory courses in biology, physical science, physical geography, plus math, statistics, or philosophy. ContactDr. Richard P. Dugan, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Fort Wayne Bible College, 1025 W. Rudisill Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 4680. Wheaton College: one-year sabbatical replacement in organic chemistry with some responsibility in general chemistry. Contact Dr. Derek A. Cbignell, Chair, Chemistry Dept, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187 (tel. 312-260-5066). Taylor University: non-tenure-track opening for one year (possibly more) in active Information sciences dept (100 computer science majors; 200 students in systems analysis); to teach computer literacy, intro. computer science, operating systems. Contact Dr. Richard Stanislaw, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Taylor University, Upland, IN 46989. LeTourneau College: opening in mechanical engineering, Ph.D. preferred, for an ABET-accredited engineering program. Contact M.E. Search Committee, Academic Vice-President, LeToumeau College, Box 7001, Longview, TX 75607. Bethel College: tenure-track position in biology (microbiology/immunology). Contact Dr. C. Weldon Jones, Dept of Biology, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN 55112.