of the


VOLUME 19, NUMBER 5                              OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 1977


Copy for this issue is going to Elgin almost a month late--the day after the Aug/ Sept issue reached California. Our special apologies to those who sent in hot items months ago and have yet to see them in print. Ed Karlow's contribution to HOW TO START SOMETHING dates back to February! (We hope to be back on schedule for December, although the editor's family isn't out of the wringer yet: the Lord blocked us from having Ginny's surgery done in the midwest by the specialist we had in mind, so that's still ahead.)

Excavating the strata on the editorial desk turned up a note (dated April 20 from Warwick Smith of Wellington, New Zealand, who joined ASA while doing graduate work in geophysics at U. C. Berkeley and then went back to work as a seismologist for the N.Z. equivalent of the U.S. Geological Survey. Warwick got a chuckle out of my apology for the tardiness of last year's December issue and my hope that it would arrive before February: his copy arrived in mid-April. Most scientists in New Zealand "tend to get philosophical" about three-month delays of their scientific journals from the U.S. and Europe. But Warwick added (bless him) that JASA and the Newsletter are worth reading--and therefore worth waiting for.


The story we most regret delaying concerned Ralph Winter's project of buying the 17-acre campus of Pasadena College to establish a permanent U.S. Center for World Mission. The strategic property, vacated by the Pasadena Nazarene College when it moved to San Diego and became Point Loma College, had already been occupied by a number of mission-oriented organizations renting space there, but was dominated by Summit International, a syncretistic religious cult of "Ascended Masters" headed by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Summit International, with evident financial resources, was likely to take over the whole campus unless the Center for World Mission could exercise its option to buy by October 1. By that date $1.5 million was needed--so Ralph hoped we could get word out in time for Affiliation members to get in on the action.

We haven't heard whether the Christians or the lions won that one. But we know that Ralph, former Presbyterian missionary to Guatemala and professor in Fuller Seminary's School of World Mission, founder of the William Carey Library and the Order for World Evangelization, and a lot of other things, is one of the world's outstanding strategists in evangelism and church planting. His attention, and that of the Center for World Mission, is directed primarily at the 84 percent of the world's non-Christian population presently beyond the reach of either western missionary agencies or indigenous church activity.

If the Christians won the first round we'll have a more detailed article on the future of the U.S. Center for World Mission and the part you can play in it. (For one thing, the Center will need about $13 million more to pay off the mortgage.) Meanwhile, Dr. Ralph D. Winter, U.S. Center for World Mission, 1605 E. Elizabeth St., Pasadena, CA 91104, would gladly receive your contribution or send you information.


According to Jim Buswell, the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association in Houston, Texas, includes a symposium chaired by Claude Stipe on Wednesday, November 30, at 9 a.m. The subject is "Anthropologists, Missionaries, and Culture Change." Among the participants the names of Charles Kraft and Bill Merrifield caught our eye but other ASA members may be on the program. That evening a gettogether will give Christian anthropologists a chance to discuss the symposium informally and enjoy a time of fellowship: Time, 7 p.m.; Place, to be posted at the Message Center.

(A similar get-together of Christian sociologists took place at the recent meetings of the American Sociological Association in Chicago, we hear, with over 50 in attendance. Likewise, according to Craig Ellison, at the Western Psychological Association meeting in Seattle in April, about 40 attended a WACPS-sponsored conversation hour and groups of 10-25 Christian psychologists got together on several evenings for fellowship and discussion. How's that for "social" scientists?)


The ASA Executive Council recently elected two distinguished British "statesmen of Christianity and science" as Honorary Fellows of the American Scientific Affiliation: Oliver R. Barclay and Donald M. MacKay.

Oliver R. Barclay received his B.A. in natural sciences in 1941 and Ph.D. in zoology in 1944, both at Cambridge University, where he stayed on to do some research and teaching for a year or so. But from 1944 onward he served as Secretary of the Research Scientists Christian Fellowship (RSCF) while doing other jobs for the Universitias and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) of Evangelical Unions, formerly Inter-Varsity Fellowship (IVF). Eventually he became General Secretary of all of UCCF, the post he still holds. Oliver Barclay has written many articles and reviews on science and faith throughout his career, most of them appearing in The Christian Graduate, magazine of the Graduates Christian Fellowship (GCF) of IVF. He has also presented papers at meetings of the Victoria Institute and at the annual RSCF Conferences, including the first one (in 1944).

Barclay played a significant role in bringing two important InterVarsity books into being, Christianity in a Mechanistic Universe (D. M. MacKay, ed., 1964) and ' The Scientific Enter2rise and Christian Faith (M. A. Jeeves, ed., 1969). In his own name he authored the early IVF pamphlet on Guidance and the recent paperback book, Reasons for Faith (IVP, 1974). To avoid embarrassing the constituency of the Fellowship of which he is General Secretary, Barclay has always written under a pseudonym whenever he had anything to say that was at all controversial. Therefore, hardly anyone knows the extent of his published writings.

Donald M. MacKay, B.Sc., Ph.D., F. Inst.P., was born in Lybater, Scotland, in 1922 and graduated in natural philosophy (physics) at St. Andrews University in 1943. After three war years in radar research he taught physics at King's College London until 1960, when he moved to the University of Keele as head of a new Research Department of Communication. There he has built up an interdisciplinary research team of physiologists, psychologists, physicists, and computer scientists to investigate the sensory communication mechanisms of the brain. He received his Ph.D. from London in 1951 for work on the limitations of high-speed electronic analog computers and on information measurement, then spent the next year as a Rockefeller Fellow in the U.S. visiting research workers in neurophysiology. He has since focused on the physical organization of the brain and its psychological, philosophical, and theological implications.

Professor MacKay has published widely in his own field and held a number of important lectureships. He is a principal editor of the international journal, Experimental Brain Research. He has contributed articles and chapters to many publications and authored several important books on the interaction of science and ChristianFaiith: Freedom of Action in a Mechanistic Universe (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967); Information, Mechanism and Meaning (M.I.T. Press, 1969); and The Clockwork Image: A Christian Perspective on Science (IVP, 1974). His Riddell Memorial Lectures (1977) will shortly be published by 6~Tord University Press under the title.Science, Chance and Providence.

Donald MacKay is honorary vice-president of UCCF in Britain and a founding member of the RSCF. He was the featured speaker at the 1976 ASA Annual Meeting at Wheaton College. His wife, Valerie, is a physicist who, along with having five children, has translated a popular book on cybernetics and published a number of research papers jointly with her husband.


David Daniel's new assignment with IVCF's Twentyonehundred Productions includes research into new technology for multimedia presentations of Christian truth. Dave writes: "I've been asked to look into the area of 3-dimensional real-image projection. However, my experience is limited to simple holography. Are there any fellow members of ASA or CSCA who could serve as advisors for me as I try to explore this area? I'm probably looking for people in laser physics or optics with some interest in holography."

If you can help, write to Dave at: Twentyonehundred Productions, IVCF, 233 Langdon, Madison, WI 53703.


The Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation scheduled its Annual Meeting for Saturday, October 22, at Innis College in Toronto, Ontario, in conjunction with a mini-symposium, "In His Image: Some Ethical Implications of Biomedical Advances."

More than 80 people attended the afternoon and evening sessions. Harley Smyth, scheduled to give the opening paper, had to drop out at the last minute due to a death in his family the night before. After a bit of last minute confusion over what to do about the open slot in the program, Gareth Jones graciously agreed to add another paper he had with him to the two he was prepared to give. Gareth, senior lecturer in anatomy at the University of Western Australia, entitled his two prepared papers: "Man: His Biological Connection and Divine Image"; and "The Psychosurgery Debate: A Model for Man's Responsibility to Man." Each paper was followed by panel discussion and many questions from the floor.

Ian Taylor of the Department of Anatomy at the U. of Toronto was in charge of arrangements, representing both the Toronto local section and the CSCA Council. Dan Osmond of the Department of Physiology at U. of T. is president of the Council, which also includes Harry Leith, Doug Morrison. John Stewart. Bob VanderVennen, and Hugh White.. The annual business meeting required by law was scheduled for only 45 minutes, so members were encouraged to bring pastors and other friends to participate in the symposium. With the attendance of over 80, the Canadians matched the typical attendance at ASA Annual Meetings as recent as 4 years ago.

An excellent letter from the CSCA Council recently went to all members, reporting on Dan Osmond's many contacts with CSCA members across Canada this summer and challenging them to grasp the opportunittes for local section activity. Since the founding of CSCA in 1973/74, some prospective members have been confused about its role and its relationship to ASA. The Canadians need some brochures of their own to prevent such confusion. They also have the problem of a membership scattered across a vast country. But they have pizazz, judging from this excerpt:

"I believe we must catch the vision of generations of teachers mistakenly teaching thousands of Canadian pupils with an antibiblical bias; of pastors and their flocks with ill-conceived reflexes against science; of a public still somewhat misunderstood by the gurus of science holding forth outside their realms of competence; and of scientists afflicted with 'nothing-buttery who wittingly, or otherwise, have excluded their Saviour from that aching, God-shaped void inside them. We must begin to respond more coherently and practically to the great moral issues that arise on all fronts out of science, medicine, and technology, in a world crying out for our strategic talents to be used strategically."


At lastl Daniel E. Wonderly's excellent book by that title is available, published by Don deGraaf's Crystal Press (1909 Proctor St., Flint, M11 48504). Over many years Dan has painstakingly analyzed the "Evidences of Long Time Spans in Earth's History" (the book's subtitle), particularly from deep drill-stem cores, and now he has made it available to others, complete with photographs, maps, tables, and charts. Technical details are presented in beautifully clear writing and in an exemplary spirit toward those who might disagree with the author's conclusions. Largely he lets the evidence speak for itself.

Robert C. Newman writes in the Foreward that he hopes Dan's book "will receive wide circulation among evangelical and fundamental Christians, with the result that the old-earth creationist position will be more favorably considered." In the Preface Dan says that the main scope of the book is to take "a simple look at specific, local  sedimentary records in the earth, in order to prevent us from falling into the error f ignoring their meaning, or of adopting illogical or unrealistic methods of explaining them. The characteristics of these sedimentary records are almost never presented in young-earth creationist publications and are unknown to most evangelical Christians."

By using a photo-offset process on typed copy, the price has been kep tremarkably low for a 258-page book with so many illustrations. God's Time-Records in Ancient Sediments is available from the Elgin office at $5.50 per copy, postpaid. Don't miss it.


All of us in the ASA and CSCA agree that being a Christian should make a difference in the way we go about our scientific or technological work. In certain aspects, ouch as our sense of direction, ethical standards, or interpersonal relationships, the difference is fairly obvious. But whit about the content of our work? Does our research look different? Does what we teach? Ed Karlow, chairman of the Mathematics & Physics Department at Columbia Union College in Maryland, has been giving that some thought:

"Over the past several years, I've been seeking ways to incorporate spiritual themes directly in content courses in math and physics. I would like to hear from other teachers who have sought to do the same in their courses. I'm not talking about teaching special courses to deal with issues LA science and religion, nor am I implying a trivial moral at the end of a technical lecture. I'm thinking of opportunities in technical courses to show that the modeling process of science has an analog in Christian doctrines and principles.

"As an example I've enclosed a set of questions that I've given to my students in a second-semester calculus course. After the subject of infinite series has been developed up through the concepts of convergence and divergence, I ask them to do the exercise of the enclosed sheet. I introduce the series by telling them that here are some calculus problems that they can do over the weekend after church. Most students get quite a challenge out of doing a calculus assignment on the Sabbath. The point of the exercise is to get them thinking about the interface between science and religion. That requires them to phrase their beliefs in the language of math and to see mathematical formalism as a means for expressing the dynamic aspects of the Christian faith. I've found that students really enjoy doing the exercise.

"The exercise seems to expose both their strengths and weaknesses in each area. Students with a nebulous concept of God also write analogies that fail to make consistent use of the mathematical language. Discussions on the assignment can help strengthen their understanding both of the gospel and of mathematical principles.

"Obviously this assignment couldn't be given to students in general since only a selected class of students would be studying the calculus. Anyway, that's just the point. It seems to me that our students with Christian backgrounds who study technical disciplines often see their studies as something separate from their religious convictions. It is through exercises like this, as well as through informal discussions, that I've tried to get them to think about analogs between intellectual and spiritual pursuits.

"Here's the exercise": CALC Il -- SABBATH PROBLEM #1

Consider series of the form 

The index i serves to count the elements in the series. Let the index be a counter of sorts for events in life. Then ai will be our response to or participation in those events. The sum over the ai will then represent the "sum of what we are."

For example, i = 1 could be birth a1 = environment at birth, i = 2 might be first breath a2 = consciousness

i = 1000 might be first step a1000 , motor control

i = 2000 might be first word a2000 = cognition

For some i = k we will meet Christ. Our response at i = k will be a k

1. Is our life on earth like   


To help you answer this read Hebrews 11:1-16, and see especially vs. 13. Justify your choice of series type in light of this text.

2. Some series converge, others diverge. What spiritual analogy can you make with these mathematical concepts? Mention specific Bible characters whose lives illustrate your analogy for convergent and divergent series

3. The sum of the first k terms of any series is finite so long as the ai are finite. Also the terms of the series have a value which is a function of the index i , and is the same function throughout the series. Conversion to Christ might be likened to changing the function of the index. What is the nature of this change in the spiritual sense, and what kind of change does it suggest for the series? How will successive a i behave after i = k ? What affect will this change have on the convergence or divergence of your series?

4. Find a spiritual analogy for S = lim Sn
                                                  n -> infinity

5. What aspect of series is like faith?

What spiritual application can you find for the concept of the interval of convergence? See John 8:32 - 36, Romans 8:1 - 4, and I Corinthians 6:12.

Since Ed said he would welcome comments pro and con, I asked Virginia_Johnson, mathematics professor at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, California, to take a look at the sheet Ed sent me. Here is her response:

"Before looking at the 'Sabbath Problems,' I tried to imagine what they'd be like. I was entirely wrong; I would never have guessed infinite series. I confess, though, that I found some benefit in trying to put spiritual concepts into mathematical terminology. I found myself pondering: 'Can one person's life converge, another diverge? If a person's life converges to a finite quantity, can that quantity be non-zero? What is the nature of ultimate reality, anyway? Is there only God--infinite, eternal, unchangeabie--and our participation in him? That sounds like pantheism. Or are we humans, for example, little finite hunks of reality, whose episodes of being and anti-being converge to some nice positive quantity, at least in the case of God's children?'

"I'm of the latter persuasion, although I confess that I don't know what answer Karlow is fishing for. It might be that he is thinking of our Lord's life as an example of an infinite series and the rest of us as converging to something finite. I don't see a clear answer to his Question 1. The verse he mentions, Hebrews 11:13, seems to suggest finitude. However, Hebrews 11:4 tells us that Abel "still speaks" although he is dead.

"Another light dawns. Karlow might be thinking of eternal life, and that idea raises the question of whether 'eternal life' describes an infinite time sequence, or a transformation from a time sequence to an everlasting 'now,T or the transformation of a series which converges to zero to one which converges to a positive quantity. One could discuss these questions a long time. Anyhow, I find the questions provocative. "What I had expected was something like the kind of thing one discusses in considering the foundations of math--definitions, postulates, the nature of proof or of plausible inference, paradoxes. One could also get some mileage out of the nature of the creative process and problem solving. But the more I think about Karlow's questions, the more I like them. I wonder what spiritual principles can be modeled by derivatives or integrals."

Our thanks both to Ed and to Virginia for a fine example of HOW TO START SOMETHING and also "how to keep it going." Those of you whose math goes beyond keeping score in that finite World Series can enter this discussion by writing to Prof. Edwin A. Karlow, Columbia Union College, Tacoma Park, MD 20012; or to Prof. Virginia M. Johnson, 260 West "H" Street, Benicia, CA 94510. That's where we're sending each a dozen "Scientist's Psalm" greeting cards to express our appreciation. Have you done something similar in other courses? Or tried other kinds of experiments to share with us?


The story on the Center for World Mission reminds us that Ralph Winter's accomplishments are described in an interesting little book called Breakthrough, published in Ireland. Edwin H. Robertson chose 11 persons representative of "the 20th century breakthrough which has changed the face of the church," under categories derived from I Corinthians 12:28 and Ephesians 4:11,12: evangelists (Bill Bright, Billy Graham; prophets (Charles Birch, Kenneth Cragg, Sir Bernard Lovell, Henri de Lubac); pastors (Kyung Chik Han); teachers (William Pollard, Ralph Winter); administrators (Cardinal Suenens); and speakers in various kinds of tongues (David du Plessis).

Robertson, a Baptist minister in England trained as a scientist (once assistant head of religious broadcasting for the BBC), has an evangelical perspective broadened by an international and ecumenical outlook. His choices include a high proportion of scientists: Besides Ralph Winter, Pollard (American physicist and Episcopal priest) is familiar to most of us; Birch is an Australian biologist who addressed the 5th Assembly of the World Council of Churches at Nairobi in 1975 on "Creation, Technology, and Human Survival"; Lovell is an English astronomer, largely responsible for the Jodrell Bank radio telescope installation, who gave a presidential address ("in the Centre of Immensities") loaded with theological insight at the 137th Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in August 1975.

Breakthrough was published by Christian Journals Ltd., 2 Bristow Park, Belfast BT9 6TH, Ireland (paper, about $2 U.S.). Wilbert Forker, Director of Christian Journals Ltd., sent us a copy of the book, saying also that he had "enjoyed reading the Newsletter from the ASA."


Wayne Linn, on "Frugality in Malawi," continued: "While my family and I were in Malawi, we frequently received notices that there was a world-wide paper shortage. So we used all our paper sparingly. But now that we are back in the States we can see why there is a shortage elsewhere; we are creating it here. our excessive paper consumption and waste would appall my Malawian friends. Many records and prescriptions are kept on any scrap of paper that can be found. The same is true for paper for younger students in schools to use in their creative art work. The Malawian school kids have very little paper on which to work, and it is rationed out. Our own teenage children were penalized in the schools if they were not thrifty with paper and notebooks. We in the States have molded a society of addictive consumers and compulsive wasters. "One thing I always appreciated about Malawian frugality-in addition to making me more aware of my own excesses-was the availability of used Item at the local-market. Used cardboard boxes, tin can& and containers, burlap bags or cement-type sacks, and glass containers could be purchased at the market. Used wood could also be bought, either for construction or for firewood.

"But most firewood was obtained out in the bush. All the trimmings from trees were used. All the shavings from sawmill operations were collected and used for firewood. Wood is a precious resource and It was used sparingly, no matter what form or where it was found. Aside from the village huts made of local materials, mud, and thatching grass, most of the other construction in the country depended on the local production of building materials from natural resources present In the country. If timbers weren't straight or bricks were broken, they still were used.

"Finally, I cannot overlook the use of foodstuffs. Many of the items we in the U.S. would throw away as unwanted would be food for the less fortunate-fish skins or bones, fish heads, outside leaves of lettuce or cabbage, certain vegetable leaves, and seat
bones. One particular incident of food saving sticks most vividly in my memory. Once in my travels I passed a group of people gathered at a spot where a bag of maize (corn) had broken and several pounds had spilled on the muddy road. They were beginning to pick it up, kernel by kernel. When I came by later, all that spilled maize was gone.

"I don't expect the U.S., with all its resources, will ever become so frugal. But I personally have come to appreciate the point made by developing nations that we need to justify our excessive use of natural resources and production before they are compelled to listen to our advice on what to do about their own resources." --from Conservation News, Vol. 41, No. 9, pp. 12-14 (May 1, 1976), an educational service of the National Wildlife Federation.

Many thanks, Wayne, for helping us see ourselves through the eyes of others. (For any newcomers since the June/July issue, Wayne's observations were based on two years in Malawi in the Peace Corps; now he's back on the biology faculty of Southern Oregon State College in Ashland.

According to Eric Sloane's A Reverence for Wood (1965; Ballantine paperback, 1973) the English once criticized-us, saying that Americans "seen to hate trees and cannot wait to cut then down." Wood once seemed so plentiful that American pioneers moving westward would burn down their cabins and sift through the ashes just to recover any nails for their journey to the frontierl Nails were scarce; trees were not. In many respects frugality was part of our own heritage. Growing numbers of Christians are rediscovering the challenge of frugality as they "cut down" for one reason or another. It's a habit that grows an you once you begin, largely because it's fun. How about sharing your experience with readers of HOW TO RECYCLE SOMETHING?


We have learned from his widow, Mrs. Melva Mills, that Francis J. Mills, Jr., of Bellaire, Michigan, died on August 18, 1977, from carcinoma of the stomach after a long illness. He was 61. Dr. Mills was born at Douglas, North Dakota, and graduated from Penn State College of Optometry. He practiced as a Doctor of Optometry in Lansing, Michigan, for 33 years, and had attended Michigan State University in East Lansing. He retired in 1976. He was a member of the Christ United Methodist Church of Lansing. Funeral services and burial were in Bellaire. Besides his wife,
he in survived by two sons and a daughter, his mother, four brothers and a sister. (Details from a Lansing newspaper clipping sent by Irving Knobloch of MSU)


Anonymous ASA Member #1 (% Newsletter Ediotr, 762 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, CA 94707) seeks academic-government-industrial senior research position in biochemistry, pharmacology, or toxicology. B.S. in chemistry; M.S. and Ph.D. in pharmacology/biochemistry. Publications on bio-chemical carcinogenesis, drug metabolism, eye lens toxicology, membrane biochemistry. Presently employed in a pharmaceutical industry position where progress is limited. Would like challenging research position, preferably in a Christian environment. Will relocate anywhere but would like San Francisco Bay Area.

Richard E. Johnson (Box 340, Wilder, VT 05088. Phone 802-295-7482) is a Christian physician seeking a position as a general surgeon for July 1978. B.S. from Wheaton (IL), 1967; M.D., U. of Colorado School of Medicine, 1971. Currently chief surgical resident at the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital & Dartmouth Affiliated Hospitals, Hanover, New Hampshire.

Nabih N. Mikhail (400 Sandringham Crescent, #309, London, Ontario, N6C 5A8, Canada) seeks a position in higher education, institutional research, or industrial enterprise. B.Sc. in math from the U. of Alexandria, Egypt; Ph.D. in statistics, U. of London, England, 1965. Taught in several universities in Egypt (14 yrs) and in Canada (6 yrs). Presently visiting assistant professor in the Dept. of Mathematics, U. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Consultations in biological and social sciences, agriculture, medicine, and engineering. Over 23 publications on multivariate analysis, distributions, estimation, and sampling theory. Canadian citizen married to an American wife; both worship among the Brethren and are members of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

William Nagy (50 Windsor Road, Stamford, CT 06905). Christian Ph.D. in linguistics, fluent German, NT Greek, seeks teaching, research or other position (academic or business) in linguistics/language/communications-related areas. Will relocate residence & area of specialization for challenging and interesting job.

Dennis R. Ridley (Dept. of Psychology, State U. of New York at Geneseo, Geneseo, NY 14454. Phone 716-567-8785) is an evangelical who seeks a college teaching position with a Christian atmosphere or a position combining teaching/research in psychology, with skills developed in program evaluation. B.A. in psychology, Amherst College (MA), 1965; M.A. in curriculum research (education), U.C. Santa Barbara (CA); Ph.D. in educational psychology (cognitive learning emphasis), UCSB, 1972. Has taught educational psych, testing, development, history & systems, and experimental psych (4 yrs, including 2 yrs at Houghton College, NY); currently assistant professor, SUNY Geneseo. Publications and participation in professional meetings (including 2 papers at APA, S.F., Sept 1977; co-author of "Is Creativity Compatible with Orthodoxy?" at ASA Annual Meeting, Nyack, Aug 1977). Married.

Floyd L. Wilcox (Route 1 Box 194, Central, SC 29630) is interested in a college teaching/research position in chemistry or an industrial position, preferably in a warm climate. B.S. in chemistry, Houghton College (NY), 1965; M.S., U. of Miami (FL); Ph.D. in physical chemistry, SUNY Binghamton, 1971. Has taught general, organic, analytical, bio-, and physical chemistry (7 yrs); has strong interest in analytical problems, ecology, and solution chemistry; 5 publications. On faculty of Central Wesleyan College, Central, South Carolina, 1970-77; full professor since 1975; resigned 1977; currently unemployed. Married, 2 children. (Floyd suffered a spinal injury in 1960 that left his legs partially paralyzed, requiring him to use crutches; however, he obtained his undergraduate and graduate degrees and has taught actively since the injury, so his disability can't be very great.


DeKalb Christian Academy in Georgia has (or had!) a position open for a full-time high school science teacher, emphasis in chemistry and physics. Requires B.S. degree or equivalent and eligibility for state teacher certification in Georgia or elsewhere. Contact: Marshall R. Gillam, Headmaster, DeKalb Christian Academy, 1985 LaVista Rd., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329. (Received 18 July 1977)

Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma has three postd-octoral positions in biochemistry to begin the spring of 1978: (1) on nuclear protein phosphorylation or DNA-antibody interaction in SLE with Dr. Robert L. Herrmann; (2) on mathematical modeling of nutritional states with Dr. L. Preston Mercer; (3) on mitochondrial inner membrane structure and function with Dr. David H. Jones. Stipends will range from $12,000 to $14,000. Contact: Dr. Robert L. Herrmann, Chairman, Department of Biochemistry, Schools of Medicine & Dentistry, Oral Roberts University, 7777 South Lewis, Tulsa, OK 74171. (Received 8 October 1977)

Wheaton College in Illinois anticipates two openings in biology for 1978-79: (1) a one-year position teaching cell biology, microbiology, and immunology; (2) a potentially permanent position teaching as many as possible of comparative vertebrate anatomy, developmental biology, vertebrate histology, parasitology, and endocrinology. "Candidates should have the Ph.D. degree and be able to integrate a strong Christian faith with scholarship in biology. Contact: Dr. Albert J. Smith, Acting Chairman, Biology Department, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187. Phone 312-682-5008. (Received 10 October 1977)

George Mason University in Virginia anticipates three openings in sociology at the assistant professor level beginning September 1978. "All are on tenure track and require a Ph.D. Specialties needed include: evaluation research, social policy, Marxist theory, community-urban, sociology of knowledge, sex roles." Minorities and women are encouraged to apply; equal opportunity employer. Deadline for receipt of materials is January 15, 19
1 78. Vita and three letters of recommendations:

Prof. Joseph A. Scimecca, Chair, Dept. of Sociology, George Mason University, 4400
University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. (Received 21 October 1977 from Nicholas J.
Tavani, who adds "I sure would like some Christian sociologists to come aboard.11)


The meeting scheduled for the evening of October 29 at the Jack Masur Auditorium of the N.I.H. Clinical Center in Bethesda was advertised with a very attractive mailing piece. H. Harold Hartzler was to speak on "Christianity and the Origin of Modern Science." The high-quality offset printing job on the flier reproduced a remarkably good photograph of Harold that made you want to go hear his lecture!


No "hard" news this fall but we've heard a rumor that Bill Sisterson met with several Chicago area members in September to see what could be done to revive what has often beena very active section. Gareth Jones of Australia was to be in the area early in October, so maybe something was arranged to coincide with his visit.


D. Gareth Jones, senior lecturer in the Department of Anatomy & Human Biology of the University of Western Australia, traveling in North America this year, was scheduled to speak at the Tressider Union of Stanford University the evening of October 29. Gareth's topic, "Our Fragile Brains," was elaborated on in the flier with this paragraph: "It is no exaggeration to say thei% that our brains are at one and the same time the objects of biological manipulation and also the instigators of such manipulation. We are the manipulators and the manipulated--the masters and the slaves, the tormentors and the tormented. This is the paradox of our brains--they make us what we are and thereby threaten to destroy what we hold dear."

That should bring out a good crowd! Gareth is author of Teilhard de Chardin: An Analysis and Assessment (Tyndale, London, 1969) but is probably better known to ASA/CSCA members for his many articles in JASA.

There is always hope that members in the northeast Bay area centered around Berkeley will either start taking an active part in southwest Bay activities centered around Stanford--or else get their own act together. Almost every year faithful John Amoore who lives in El Cerrito and works at the USDA Western Regional Lab in Albany (both essentially adjacent to Berkeley), hosts a meeting hoping to catalyze something. On June 3, John and Annie invited not only the local ASA membership but also many friends and neighbors to hear Gary Allen talk about his fascinating ministry to international students on the U.C. Berkeley campus. The Amoores' living room was packed, but only a few ASA members were there besides John and Gary to feast on the goodies Annie had prepared. (Walt Hearn recalls seeing Fred Lott and Steve Bell from U.C. and Virginia Johnson from Diablo Valley College).

Gary's talk was entitled "Would God Waste a Scientist on Full-Time Christian Work?" Gary has spent 12 years in neurophysiological research, the last 7 in the laboratory of Nobel laureate Sir John Eccles, considered by many to be the world's greatest brain research scientist. Gary actually succeeded Eccles as director of the Laboratory of Neurobiology at the U. of Buffalo Medical School when Sir John retired. But God convinced Gary and his wife Elaine that he wanted them to serve him in other ways. In April 1976 Gary resigned his position and moved to the Bay area to do evangelistic and discipling work among international students as part of the Campus Crusade for Christ ministry. Since many of his contacts are graduate students or research scholars in the sciences, his background has not been wasted. Gary convinced his audience of the strategic nature of his ministry, and, through slides, introduced some of the young people from around the world who are now learning about Jesus Christ and the Scriptures through Gary and Elaine.

Miriam Adeney of Seattle, Washington, is teaching half-time in the Department of Missions of Seattle Pacific University's School of Religion. Her five-hour course this fall is entitled "Christian Communication in the Third World.11 Miriam and Michael (who runs The Alternative bookstore near the U. of W.) are anticipating an additional Adeney at the end of November.

Jerry D. Albert of the Mercy Hospital Medical Center Research Facility in San Diego, California, was elected to membership in the 3200-member Endocrine Society at the Society's 59th annual meeting in Chicago in June. Jerry was recognized for his continuing work with Jack Geller on steroid metabolism in the human prostate.

W. Henry Benner completed his Ph.D work at the U. of Florida in Gainesville and is now doing postdoctoral work at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the U. of Calif-3, Berkeley. Henry's work at LBL is in atmospheric chemistry, related to air pollution
problems. His wife Cyndy is an occupational therapist, employed in a curriculum development project at San Jose State.

John C. W. Bliese, professor of biology at Kearney State College, Kearney, Nebraska, was awarded life membership in the Association of Midwest College Biology Teachers at AMCBT's annual meeting in Monmouth, Illinois, on October 7. John has been on the Kearney faculty since receiving his Ph.D. at Iowa State in 1953, and has been full professor since 1958. An authority on the ecology of sandhill cranes, John is only the eighth member of AMCBT to be honored with life membership.

Rodger K. Bufford has moved from Huntington College in Indiana to Psychological Studies Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, where he is associate professor and in charge of training and clinical service. Rodger gave a paper at the American Psychological Association in San Francisco in August, discussing "Effectiveness of Written and Quiz Procedures in PSI." (Programmed Student Inquiry? Personalized Science Instruction? Psychological Self Inventory?) Rodger was hoping to meet other ASA members at APA. Some must have been there. Hope they got together. (We were away from the Bay area on our own PSI--Prolonged Summer Itinerary--at the time.)

Roy E. Cameron works for the Environmental Impact Studies Division of the Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. Roy was formerly deputy director of the Land Reclamation Program, is now director of Energy Resources Training & Development. He is in charge of conducting environmental technology training programs for Native Americans--Navajo, Hopi, Zuni, Crow, Northern Cheyenne, Assiniboine, and Sioux (Ft. Peck tribes). Roy asks our prayers that somehow good will come from the recent breakup of his marriage; his wife divorced him and returned to California with their two teenage daughters.

Miguel A. Capote spent the summer at Argonne National Lab as a resident associate in the Chemical Engineering Division. He graduated from Harvey Mudd College in June with a B.S. in physics (and a second major in religion). In September Miguel married Valicia Lawson of Claremont, California, and began work toward a Ph.D. in physics at the U. of Southern California. He has a teaching assistantship at USC.

Michael L. Chambers moved to Springfield, Illinois, at the beginning of 1977 to work on his M.Div. degree while serving as associate minister of Lakeside Christian Church. The Chamberses, now occupying a 10-year-old 12' x 60' trailer with their two small children, have learned to "make do" with minimal space and minimal income. But Mike says "It's been a valuable experience for us and healthy in every way." (The lighter the load, the lighter the heart, right?)

Roger David Cole, professor of biochemistry at U.C. Berkeley, is on sabbatical leave this year at Cambridge University in England.

Donald G. Davis, Jr., associate professor of library science at the U. of Texas in Austin, was also in England recently. At the centenary meeting of The Library Association in London, October 3-6, Donald represented the American Library History Round Table of the American Library Association as chairman-elect. A new reference volume, American Library History: A Bibliography, co-edited by Don and Michael H. Harris of the U. of Kentucky, was published by the U. of Texas Press this summer.

Edward R. Dayton, director of Missions Advanced Research & Communication Center of World Vision International, has since 1969 written a short personal essay for each bimonthly MARC Newsletter. A number of Ed's "Page 3" essays have been reprinted in various publications around the world. Now 13 of them have been collected in a small pamphlet, And He Knew Me All the Time, available for $1.00 from MARC, 919 W. Huntington Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016. (In the July 1977 issue, Ed described his joy at seeing wife

Marge receive her M.A. in theology at Fuller Seminary from his seat among the faculty.)
Donald DeBruyn graduated from the U. of Michigan Medical School in June and has begun a residency in internal medicine at the U. of M. affiliated hospitals in Ann Arbor.

Eric J. Emerling of Sparta, New Jersey, works at Roche Diagnostics, a division of Hoffmann LaRoche, Inc. Eric says the fellowship there is great, as he and two brothers in the Lord who work together are able to minister to each other in the Spirit and witness to their coworkers day by day.

Nils Friberg has become professor of pastoral care and counseling at Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Nils served many years on the faculty of the Baptist Theological Seminary in Sao Paulo, Brazil, then came home on furlough in 1972 and resigned from the Board of World Missions in 1976. He received his Ph.D. this summer from the U. of Iowa's School of Religion, his dissertation being "An Assessment of the Religious Coping of Women Cancer Patients for Purposes of Pastoral Counseling." Nils expressed his gratitude to ASA for his missionary membership and appreciation of material in ASA publications he was able to use in his classes or in witnessing to Brazilian university students. Now he's glad to be carrying his part of the load with a fully paid membership. (Obrigado! Que prazer encontrar um homem direito e leal!)

John R. Gehman is an M.D. who has spent 20 years in family practice in Michigan and seven in Ontario. This summer he moved from Woodville, Ontario, to Bartow, Florida, to become assistant director of the family practice residency at Polk General Hospital. John was anticipating quite a multicultural challenge, since many of the residents are foreign graduates, others are Americans who trained in Mexico or Italy. Further, the large county charity hospital treating primarily blacks and Spanish-speaking migrants is balanced by a fee-for-service Family Practice Center. John would like to correspond with other Christians working in family practice residencies (Address: Apt. #38, 260 W. Van Fleet Dr., Bartow, FL 33830).

Fred H. Hafner of Plymouth, Minnesota, retired from General Mills last year and says he is enjoying his retirement more than he thought possible. Fred now has time to pursue many interests he had to neglect before, but he's still making a significant contribution in his own field of expertise: in January 1977 he began working for a Japanese company as a nutrition consultant.

Wesley Howard is doing an internship in medicine at the Providence Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. Wes would like to make contact with other Christians in Portland with scientific training and an interest in dealing with the spiritual/ethical challenges. His home address is 4216 NE 132nd Ave., Portland, OR 97230.

G. Archie Johnston is director of counseling & guidance at Newport International University, a school offering masters and doctors degrees in any academic area through an Oxford-Tutorial approach. Archie works with pastors and others in the behavioral science field in "a very unusual program." (Some readers may be skeptical about completing a Ph.D. in counseling psychology in 6 to 12 months "while keeping your day-time job"--but that's what the brochure says. To check it out, write Newport International University, 4100 Birch St., Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660).

Michael Krebs, psychology graduate student at Cal State, Chico, is developing an interest in community holistic health centers. This summer Mike was a supervisor of a Youth Conservation Corps camp, working in King's Canyon Sequoia Park for the Forest Service.

David A. Lewis has been elected one of 16 worldwide members-at-large of the International Peace Association and Research Institute of Jerusalem, Israel, of which G. Douglas Young is vice-president. David, a Bible teacher and minister of the Assemblies of God, has made 13 trips to the Holy Land, most of them leading tours. (Two of his 11-day 1978 tours will depart on February 13 and March 6 at a cost of less than $1,000 per person. For information write David A. Lewis, P.O. Box 1051, Fairmont, W.V. 26554).

Jeffrey C. Lynds received his B.S. in biochemistry from the U. of New Hampshire and is now enrolled in a joint Ph.D. program at the U. of Wisconsin in Madison. His two fields of specialization are nutrition and pathology. Jeff hopes to work in public health after receiving his doctorate.

David 0. Moberg has stepped down from the chairmanship of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Marquette University in Milwaukee after serving three 3-year terms. Dave is on sabbatical this year, doing exploratory research on social indicators of spiritual well-being. He gave a paper on the subject at the September meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco. (Did he encounter Rodger Bufford there?) A week later Dave was in Chicago for the annual meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, of which he is president.

Dale E. Moelker graduated from Michigan Technological University in May 1977 with a B.S. in biological sciences specializing in animal and community ecology. Dale's postcard came from Wyoming (not the state; from a town in Michigan by that name).

James F. O'Bryon of Bel Air, Maryland, works as a research mathematician at the Ballistic Research Labs. Recently he's begun ("on faith") a small publishing house to release Christian songs, hymns, and choruses by people who are to date unpublished. Jim calls it New Creations Publishing House (1608 S. Tollgate Rd., Bel Air, MD 21014). New Creations has released at least one album of solo music. Jim wonders if ASA should provide a forum for members to offer their publications for sale to other members, with ASA assuming the profits of such sales. (What about that, Elgin?)

Dean C. Ortner travels around the country and the world presenting live Sermons from Science demonstrations. He presented the series in upstate New York this sunner and an open weekend gave him a chance to take in two days of the ASA Annual Meeting at Nyack College. (To schedule the live SFS series in your area, contact Dean at Moody Institute of Science, 12000 E. Washington Blvd., Whittier, CA 90606.)

E. Mansell Pattison, professor of psychiatry at the U.C. Irvine Medical Center in California, covers quite a range in his recent books. His college-level text on The Experience of RyinA (Prentice Hall, 1976) is now available as a Spectrum paperback (see Feb/Har 1977 Newsletter, p.6). Emerging Concepts_of Alcohol Dependence (1977) is a Springer-Verlag research monograph usable by college students but also supplying technical data for professionals. Pastor and Parish: A Systems Approach (1977) is a small Fortress Press paperback using general systems theory to illustrate the social structure of the parish. Mansell hopes it will help pastors implement parish-wide participation in the ministry of the church.

Ghillean T. Prance, now director of botanical research at the New York Botanical Garden, edited Extinction is Forever (NYBG, 1977), a symposium on endangered species of plants in the Americas. Ghil is currently on another Amazonian expedition in his 14th year of Amazonian exploration. He spent February and March on the Alpha Helix, Oceanographic Research Vessel of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, traveling from Manaus, Brazil, to Iquitos, Peru, doing an electrophoretic study of seed protein variation. Ghil's 50th scientific paper appeared in June, but he still has time to serve as chairman of the board of deacons of the First Baptist Church of White Plains, New York.

Bernard Ramm. has left the east coast, but left his foot in the door with a visiting professorship at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminar'y in Philadelphia. Bernie now lives in Modesto, California, where he is professor of Christianity at the Simpson College branch campus and theologican-in-residence at the First Baptist Church of Modesto.

Harold J. Reed, Jr., of Beaumont, Texas, received his Master of Engineering degree this spring at Lamar University in Beaumont.

Benjamin F. Richards, Jr., of New Jersey, is a Professional Engineer in private practice. He offers consultation on energy conservation in church buildings through out the east and northeast. Ben got into that business after dramatic results were
appreciated at his own church, where a 57 percent reduction in energy consumption was noted the first year. (Address: 1417 Harding Highway, Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Phone 609-625-2200.)

Larry S. Riedinger did some work toward an M.S. in corrections at Xavier University in Cincinnati but has now entered the social work program at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Larry will be doing crisis intervention and researching problems in the area of juvenile delinquency legislation. After seminary he hopes to complete his M.S. Larry would like to hear from people interested in greater church involvement in juvenile.justice (Address: 18 Westwind Rd., Louisville, KY 40207).

R. Waldo Roth, associate professor computer science at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, spent five weeks this summer teaching at Navajo Community College in Tsaile, Arizona. Wally has developed a keen interest in Indian education, particularly in computer-related courses. The whole Roth family enjoyed their "working vacation" in Arizona. With Stan Burden of Taylor, Wally also participated in a solar energy project this summer, investigating simulation techniques and microprocessor-based systems.

Howard Shirley left Sterling College in Kansas this summer, where he had been assistant professor of psychology & religious counseling, toopen up a private counseling practice in Albany, Missouri. His new Upper Missouri Counseling Center is the only facility available to help residents of rural northwest Missouri with psychological and spiritually-related problems. Howard is also associated with physicians in a clinic and half-time professor of psychology in the graduate school of Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.

W. Douglas Smith, Jr., has returned to La Paz, Bolivia, after completing his D.Miss. at Fuller Seminary's School of World Mission. His dissertation, Toward Con ' tinuous Mission: Strategizing for the Evangelization of Bolivia, has just been published by the William Carey Library. Doug and Audrey look forward to the Lord's doubling of church growth in Bolivia (if everything goes according to his dissertation).

Charles Thaxton, now of Dallas, Texas, was back east this summer raising support for his work with Probe Ministries International. Earlier in the year Charlie had participated in an Update Forum at SMU in Dallas that brought several campus ministries together and drew positive comments from 80 percent of the students evaluating the Christian presentation. Charlie also spent two weeks in Connecticut interacting with faculty and students at Yale and using the Yale library.

Aldert Van der Ziel of the Electrical Engineering Department of the U. of Minnesota in Minneapolis participated in an international symposium on "1/f (Flicker) Noise" at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, July 11-13. Aldert stopped off in

Berkeley for a good visit with Newsletter editor Walt Hearn on the way over. Aldert and his wife also visited a daughter in the Bay area and were hosted by a number of former students and associates in Japan.


William W. Watts of The King's College, Briarcliff Manor, New York, had an article in the September issue of Eternity entitled "A Layman's Guide to the Science/Faith Debate." (Alas, our subscription ran out too soonl)

Mark Wolgemuth, associate professor of chemistry at Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania, has returned to Messiah to teach chemistry after a year's sabbatical. Mark spent the year teaching at Choma Secondary School in Choma, Zambia, Africa.

Davis A. Young, author of Creation and the Flood (Baker Book House), the book that attracted so much favorable comment from participants in the geology symposium at the 1977 Annual Meeting, is associate professor of geology in the Department of Earth Sciences at the U. of North Carolina at Wilmington. Dave's fields of interest are mineralogy, petrology, and geo-chemistry. He's started work on a new book dealing with the age of the earth.

Lester J. Zimmerman expects to be back at Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, in January, after two years at the University of Zambia in Africa. Lester has had the challenging task of teaching the Introduction to Mathematics course (algebra, trig, analytic geometry, beginning calculus) to 475 students divided into two lecture groups and 20 tutorial sections. The weekly problem sheets and lecture notes have to be mimeographed; there are no textbooks.

CREATION AND THE FLOOD, an Alternative to Flood Geology and Theistic Evolution, by Davis A. Young. Baker Book House, 1977. (Reviewed by Dewey K. Carpenter)

Davis Young, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, has written what is probably the best of the recent books which treat the relation between Genesis and geology. He follows his father, the late E. J. Young, closely on theological and Biblical matters, holding therefore a very conservative view of Scripture. On this basis he rejects theistic evolution, which he thinks is not sufficiently faithful to Biblical teaching about human origins, and which does not take a sufficiently historical approach to the interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis. His criticisms of theistic evolution are familiar enough, covering ground known to most people interested in these matters. This part of the book will reinforce the views of those who already reject theistic evolution while appearing superficial and unconvincing to those who hold such a position.

The real value (and surprise) of the book lies in its forthright and thorough repudiation of flood geology and late-earth views which are normally considered the alternatives to theistic evolution. Young is especially concerned to reject the Whitcomb/Morris theory that the Genesis flood was a universal catastrophic deluge which left abundant geological evidence of its occurrence. Young argues that neither geology nor Scripture can legitimately be used to support flood geology. His own position combines conventional reviews of geology with a view of Genesis 1-3 which is essentially historical. For Young, the Genesis flood occurred, but did not leave worldwide geological evidence of its occurrence. It will be interesting to see how great an influence this well written book will exert on the apparently unending dialogue on Genesis and the flood.

(Available from Elgin office for $6.25 to members. See instructions on ordering on back page.)

MODIFYING MAN: IMPLICATIONS AND ETHICS, Edited by Craig Ellison, Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1977. 294 pp., paperback. List Price-$9.45; Member Price - $9.00. At last! This is the edited collection of papers from the 1975 conference on human engineering held at Wheaton College. This highly significant conference featured Donald MacKay and Senator Mark Hatfield along with nationally known experts in the" field including, Daniel Callahan, Robert Sinsheimer, Elliot Valenstein and Perry London. Responses to these major addresses by evangelicals included: Carl F. H. Henry, Bernard Ramm, John Scanzoni, Norman Geisler, Elving Anderson, Robert Herrmann, as well as several others. This book contains the full complement of major addresses and the responses to those addresses. There is nothing available on this subject to compare with the excellent quality of this meeting. Every evangelical scientist should study this book.

GOD'S TIME-RECORDS IN ANCIENT SEDIMENTS, by Dan Wonderly, Flint, Michigan: Crystal Press, 1977. 258 pp., paperback. Member Price - $5.50. This is a highly detailed, carefully documented presentation of some of the leading non-radiometric evidence for great age of the earth. This book is a formidable answer to the position of the young-earth flood geologists by a scientist well within the conservative evangelical framework. It is a book that fills a gap of long standing in available published material on the creation/evolution debate. The book is especially suitable for use in undergraduate courses on the subject.

To order books, send your check made out to the ASA to our Elgin office (5 Douglas Ave., Elgin, IL 60120). Ask for your book(s) by title. Book(s) will be sent postage paid for the price indicated (no handling or postal charges) by return mail.