Historic? Well, what other ASA meeting convened less than two weeks after a U. S.
President resigned in disgrace? Or heard a banquet address by an ASA president Just
returned from a round-the-world mission? Or met so far south that grits and gravy
were on the menu? Or heard so many Weiss-cracks among the official announcements?
Or were welcomed by the host city's highest official presenting a key to the city?
Or had such a full program that somebody forgot to schedule a formal annual business
Of course, "rabbi-in-residence" Harold Hartzler makes history every year, just by
being the only person who has ai-tended all Annual Meetings of the American Scientific Affiliation. This was his (and ASA's) 29th. Patriarch John Howitt was there,
too, with almost as good a record, all the way from Toronto. So were about 90 other
registrants from 20 states and provinces, plus a number of family members who didn't
register. Those we've heard from said it was a good meeting, even if they didn't
use the term "historic."
ASA Annual Meetings offer so much variety that they're practically indescribable
--even if you were there. We won't try to describe one that we had to miss. We
thank all our reporters for giving us their Impressions, especially Jack Haas,
Harold Hartzler, and Bill Sisterson. They didn't always agree on their evaluations
of the papers presented, but they did agree that the hospitality was unsurpassed by
that of any previous ASA meeting. Mrs. Betty Otwell, in charge of housing drew
praise, as did the whole families of Don Beaver and Kurt Weiss. Kurt's son Tom
handled the children's program. He also ran a shuttle service between Oklahoma City
airport and Bethany College in the suburb of Bethany, where the meeting was held.
Program chairman Ed Olson had done most of his work before the meeting began, but
nobody described R6'-aslooking relaxed during the meeting. The controversial subject matter this year led to a wide variety of styles in the papers. We gather that
some papers were ponderous with data, on "geologic dating," for instance. Others,
including some on "time and the earth" were almost light-headed with speculation.
Some of the papers on ethical problems provoked vigorous discussion. We'll play it
safe and not give any third-order impressions. You'll see many of these papers in
JASA eventually, anyway. (No comment on field trips. Reporters probably so zonked
from night-owling discussions that they took naps instead. Geologist's lullaby:
"Rock-a-bye, baby")
If there was too much diversity in papers, there may have been too much unity in
people! For instance, the widely distributed 45-minute Films-for-Christ production,
"Footprints in Stone," was screened and evaluated by a panel consisting of geologists
Wayne Ault and Douglas Block and biologist Dan Wonderly. In general the
panel was critical of the conclusions of the film, which investigates alleged
overlapping of human and dinosaur footprints in a Texas riverbed and concludes that
the standard evolutionary time sequence must be grossly in error. There seemed to
be few geologically trained people in attendance to support the viewpoint of the
film. If we can keep controversies from dividing the family of Christ, it seems
better to air them than to bury them.
And of course, the spiritual unity, that love that covers a "multitude of opinions,"
is what is most characteristic of ASA meetings. Morning devotions led by chemist
Dewey Carpenter, physicist Whit Marks, and physician John Stewart set the tone this
year. And Bill Sisterson's sessions on specific action projects, about which we'll
be hearing more, focused on the practical dimensions of our oneness in Christ.
For, like our "historic Exemplar," ASA is here not to be served, but to serve real
needs of real people.
The 141st meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
will be held in New York City, January 26-31, 1975. Symposia will center around
the theme, "Science and the Quality of Life." The New York/New Jersey Metropolitan
section of the American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) is planning an informal gettogether during that meeting. Scientists and others interested in the theme,
"Christ and the Quality of Life" are invited to attend,.
The AAASASA affair will be held at the home of Ken Olson. 55 Crane Street, Caldwell,
New Jersey 07006. This is 45 minutes by a convenient bus from downtown New York City,
and will give people attending the AAAS meeting a chance to get out of the concrete
jungle into quieter surroundings for some Christian fellowship. Ken says his house
was built around 1850 and is always open to guests. The local section will be working out a date and time for the meeting, to announce in the
December ASA News. Ken
would appreciate hearing from any of you "out there" who'plan to attend the AAAS
this year.
And keep in mind the 1975 ASA ANNUAL MEETING being planned already for San Diego,
California. The dates are August 18-21, 1975. Make it a family vacation. There's
a lot more to do on the way to San Diego than just visiting Disneylandl
Harness H. Harold Hartzler and you solve the energy crisis. Or at least it seems
that way-. Like the rest of us, Harold is concerned about increasing the membership
of our Affiliation until we become self-sustaining. However, unlike most of us,
Harold keeps working at it. From September 1973 to September 1974, for instance,
Harold wrote a total of 723 letters to prospective ASA members, and in the month of
September 1974 he wrote 548 more!
Harold, physics professor at Mankato State in Minnesota, was for many years ASA's
Executive Secretary. He has always had a vision for the American Scientific Affiliation as a significant witness for Christ in the scientific community. And he
seems to stay far ahead of the rest of us in bringing it to pass.
ASA is jointly sponsoring or cooperating with a number of projects of the Christian
Medical Society this year. The first one is a Colorado family conference at The Navigators' Headquarters, Glen Eyrie, in Colorado Springs, October 11-13. Theme
for this retreat is "Freedom, Responsibility, and Power$" with Joseph Bayly of
David C. Cook Publishing Company as main speaker. The Christian Legal Society is
co-sponsoring the retreat with CMS and ASA. Representing ASA will be Bill
Sisterson, our executive secretary.
January 8-11, 1975, are the dates of a CMS-sponsored conference on "Demonology: A
Theological, Psychological, Medical Symposium on the Phenomena Labeled as 'Demonic."'
This symposium will be held at the Center for Continuing Education at Notre Dame
University, Notre Dame, Indiana. Although the symposium is not open to the public,
many organizations such as ASA have been invited to send official observers. On the
tentative program we spotted several ASA members, including psychologist Gary
Collins, president of ASA, Among others were historian John W. Montgomery, and psychiatrists
David F. Busby and Basil Jackson.
Finally, for the summer of 1975, a conference on "Human Engineering and the Future
of Man" is being planned by CMS, along with eight other major evangelical organizations. ASA is well represented on the Advisory Council. At least we recognized
the names of geneticist V. Elving Anderson, biochemist Robert Herrmann, psychiatrist
E. Mansell Pattison, and theologian Bernara Ramm.
A little over a year ago, ASA News mentioned Joseph Calhoon's research in archaeology as it related to the Great Pyramid of Giz . a and biblical prophecies. Now we have
learned from Mrs. Calhoon that her husband passed away on July 25, 1975. A retired
engineer, Joe conducted an Institute for Archaeological Research from his home in
Placentia, California. He was 76.
Our sympathy goes to Mrs. Calhoon, whose testimony of her late husband is that "he
was very dedicated to his work and sought to honor the Lord in all he did."
("lack!) McIntyre, professor of physics at Texas A&M University and recent
past president of ASA, is the author of The Appeal of Christianity to a Scientist,
a 251~_ booklet just released by Inter-Varsity Press. Jack gives a clear and compelling account of how he was drawn to Jesus Christ. Originally published in
Christianity Today in 1968, his testimony needed only slight revision to bring it up to date.
IVP publications are sold at Logos Bookstores and hundreds of other bookstores across
the country. We hope this booklet will also be made available through ASA's national
office for wide distribution by ASA members, particularly to science-oriented Students. (Note from office: We will carry this booklet. See enclosed notice.)
Editor Jim Sire of IVP promises several other publications of interest to ASA members t1d-sk-all, including new books by communications theorist Donald MacKay and
biologist Oliver Barclay, both of the Research Scientists Christian Fellowship of
Robert E. VanderVennen has moved to Toronto, Ontario, to become executive director
of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. The AACS carries
out an extensive program of adult education and operates a small graduate school
near the U. of Toronto called the Institute for Christian Studies* ' Calvin Seerveld
(aesthetics) and Bernard Zylstra (political theory) are two of the eight senior
members of the Institute, which offers masters and doctors programs in theology,
philosophy, psychology, history & historiography, and aesthetics & theory of art
literature. Bob Vander Vennen, a chemist and former dean of Trinity Christian
College in Chicago, has long advocated that our Christian faith should be shown "in
all aspects of academic study, not just peripherally but also intrinsically; If
you will, tradically."' Inquiries from qualified students who share Bob'"s conviction are invited by Institute for Christian Studies, 229 College Street, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada 145T lR4.
Leprosy, mentioned frequently in the Bible, was the first human disease to be directly related to an infecting bacterium. But it still evades effective control
because the bacillus cannot
be cultured
and until recently could not be grown to a
significant extent in laboratory animals. At last month's 3rd World Congress of
the International Society for Tropical Medicine in Sao Paulo, Brazil, it was reported that a nine-banded armadillo was successfully infected in 1971 in Louisiana.
From the leprous tissues of one massively infected armadillo, enough lepromin (a
crude antigen preparation) could be prepared to use for the diagnosis of 15 million
Lepromin is used to determine how much resistance a patient has to leprosy infection
Chemical & Engineering News (9 Sept. 1974) reports that the reagent has been in
critically short supply because it could be made only from leprous tissues of untreated human patients. According to the C&EN report, the ISTM Congress was told
by Wayne M. Meyers of the University of Hawaii that his field trials on leprosy
patients in the Republic of Zaire show the armadillo lepromin to be as effective as
human lepromin. Wayne, who has both PhD (microbiology) and M.D. degrees, has devoted some 20 years to leprosy research.
This series emphasizes the innovative process rather than the outcome of efforts to
serve God and people with our imagination, education, and technical experience. The
experiments we describe are usually small operations designed to meet individual
human needs or solve local problems. Sometimes the experiments don't work, or don't
last long if they do. Once in a while something that started small grows into something big. Our Lord has a remarkable sense of timing, so Christians should learn
to expect the unexpected.
We're used to seeing ASA members mentioned in scientific periodicals. But we admit
we were a bit startled to see Vernon J. Ehlers mentioned in an August 23 Science
editorial on "Mr. Ford and Science Policy."We had just had the strange experience
of being in a foreign country while our government was falling into its own pit.
It was maddening to hear a single sentence about resignation rumors from Washington
D. C. sandwiched between reports of Canadian labor unrest and hockey scores. So
we had Just finished catching up from four weeks of news magazines, pondering
whether our new president might really be a Christian, when we picked up the editorial
on his attitudes toward science. In the middle, this paragraph jumped out at us:
"In January 1972, Mr. Ford (then a congressman) responded to a letter from one of
his constituents, Professor Vernon Ehlers of Calvin College. Ehlers had suggested
that Mr. Ford meet with a local committee of scientists to discuss national issues
involving science and technology. Mr. Ford subsequently met with the group on about six occasions. Ehlers reports that Mr. Ford was open to suggestions and quick
to grasp significant arguments. When he disagreed with proffered advice, he gave
his reasons. Mr. Ford continued to meet with the group until becoming Vice
We thought we'd make a little squib for ASA News out of that--until next week, when
we picked up the August 30 issue of Science. There on p.. 765 was a photograph of
Vernon Ehlera and Gerald Ford taken last spring in the Vice President's office. At
least a third of the news story on "President Ford: Main Street to Pennsylvania
Avenue" dealt with the scientific advisory committee Vern had set up for Congressman
Ford. Squib, Schmib! We fired off a letter to Vern to find out how all this had
According to the Science story, Vern attended the 1972 meeting of the American
Physical Society and heard Representative Mike McCormack (D-Wash.), a physicist,
suggest that APS members should seek out congressman and advise them on science
policy issues. Vern says:
"I don't remember whether Mike McCormack gave any specific suggestions or not.
However, I'd been thinking of the desirability of such a scientific advisory committee for some time, and McCormack's comments gave me enough of a push to actually
do something about it. I wrote to Mr. Ford, who was then my Congressman, while I
was on sabbatical leave at the University of Colorado. I told him I thought such
a committee might be useful for him and volunteered to put together a committee for
him after I returned to Calvin College. Within three days I received a phone call
from Ford's administrative assistant expressing interest in the proposal. Two days
later this was followed by a personal letter from Mr. Ford giving an enthusiastic
response to my letter and asking if I could possibly organize a committee before I
returned from Colorado. Since I happened to be going to Washington a few weeks
after that, I met with Mr. Ford on that visit and we sketched out the structure and
function of the co ittee. Mr. Ford was quite willing to give me a completely free
hand in organizing the committee and made it clear that he would trust my judgment
in appointing the members."
"I proceeded to put together the committee out of people residing in Ford's Fifth
Congressional District in Michigan (that was the only restriction placed on the
composition of the committee). I tried to find people who were competent scientists
but also knowledgeable about and interested in public affairs. I also tried to get
a broad spectrum of scientific abilities on the committee. Initial appointments
were Dr. ' John Van Zytveld (physics, Calvin College); Dr. Carl Bajema (genetics &
environmental problems, Grand Valley State College); Dr. Gordon Van Horn (biology,
Calvin College); Mr. Edwin Krug (engineering, Lear Siegler, Inc.); and myself."
Had Vern worked for Gerald Ford politically or had any other contact with him before
this? "I had only a passing acquaintance with Mr. Ford, which I doubt had much to
do with his eagerness to accept my suggestions. I had, through providence, shared
an airplane seat with him at one time, and had also dropped in to see him at his
office once to give my opinion about science-related national affairs."
Ford met with the Ehlers committee some eight times before being nominated as Vice
President in October 1973. The meetings took place on Saturday mornings when the
congressman was home on visits to Grand Rapids, and lasted 30 to 90 minutes. According to-the report in Science (written by Luther J. Carter), Ford initiated a
few of the meetings himself. In one instance he solicited the committee's advice
on budgetary priorities for science and technology. In another, he sought its
reaction to the White House decision abolishing the President's Science Advisory
Com ittee and designating the NSF head as science advisor. According to Vern:
"We discussed a wide range of issues, ranging from strip mining through the energy
crises, to national policy concerning basic scientific research. We found Mr. Ford
to be an excellent listener and very perceptive person. The meetings were enjoyable,
with good informal discussions of substantive issues. Quite often I would follow up
the meeting by sending Mr. Ford a summary of the committee's thinking as I bad perceived it during the meeting."
Vern and one of the committee's biologists had a particular interest in environmental matters, having served on the West Michigan Environmental Action Council, a local
group with a highly successful impact on legislative matters. The Action Council
drafted the first law which allowed citizens to sue polluters. By dint of hard work
they also persuaded the Michigan legislators to pass that bill into law. The Michigan law has served as model legislation for a number of states and is currently
being considered by some committees in the U.S. Congress. The Action Council is now
trying to get a returnable-bottle bill through the state legislature. Vern had been
elected to the Council some years ago and is currently serving on the legal arm of
the Council, called the West Michigan Environmental Protection Foundation. The
Foundation files suits against individuals and corporations violating the state's
Pollution land use, or water resources laws. Vern says that Ford was sympathetic
to environmental attitudes but seemed to have trouble reconciling them with his traditional view that "growth
is good."
Vern thinks that his work an the science advisory committee was well worth the
effort, but he warns: "If one takes this task seriously, one can invest a tremendous amount of work in providing good advice. An an example, I knew nothing about
strip mining, but took it upon myself to learn something about it when Mr. Ford
asked our advice. We certainly couldn't do all our homework which we should have
done under ideal circumstances, but I always consoled myself with the thought that
any advice we gave was probably better than no advice at all."
Service on the committee may have had a lasting effect on Vern's life. He had been
interested in Political matters for some time but hadn't been heavily involved in
activities before he
committee. But this past summer he
was elected to the Republican nominee for county commissioner from his district. He
had a tough fight against three better-known individuals, but Vern thinks that vigorous Campaigning and injecting new issues into the campaign were factors in his
favors Since his district is largely Republican, Vern expects to win in November
without much difficulty. He says: "Itm looking forward to my first experience in
elective office with anticipation. I think this is an area where Christians can
make an impact."
Many Christians in the U.S. are praying for our new President, cheered by small
hints in the press that Gerald Ford may indeed be a brother in Christ. One of Ford's
sons is a seminary student at Gordon-Conwell. But we've been fooled before, so
cautious in making our assessments. We asked Vern if he felt that the President
demonstrated ethical or perhaps even spiritual sensitivity during their contacts:
He replied:
"We didn't get involved in discussion of many ethical issues of science and technology with Ford. I believe he is sensitive to these issues, and in fact is a
'spiritually sensitive' person, to use your words. He had a personal experience
a few years ago which resulted in a strong revitalization of his faith. Since
that time, he has taken his faith very seriously and has attempted to apply it to
his daily life."
Thank you, Vern, for your informative and encouraging account. We're sending a
dozen copies of our "Scientist's Psalm" greeting cards to the Right Honorable
County Commissioner, Dr. Vernon J. Ehlers, % Physics Department, Calvin College,
Grand Rapids, MI 49506. ASA News will send a dozen to you, too, if you send us an
account we can use in HOW TO START SOMETHING. Even if you don't know the President
of the United States.
Sim D. Lessley of the Chemistry Department of the University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, contributed to our search for the facts behind bizarre statements attributed to one "N. Jerome Stowell" (Aug. 1974 ASA News, p. 6), Sim sent us a copy of
an evangelistic tract he picked up in the Portland, Oregon, area about eight years
ago. It includes the entire text of The Strange Testimony of a Scientist plus an
opening and a closing paragraph not in the version Fred Kremkau sent us, This
version is entitled A Scientist Discovers God: The Testimony of Dr. Jerome
It seems to be tract number M4-27, available from "Old Paths Tract Society,
Indiana." The credit line says "Taken from The Midnight Cry."
Are there any new clues here about who the author might be? Sim calls attention to
the introductory paragraph: "Here is one of the most amazing scientific discoveries
of all times and a conversion surely as great as that of Saul of Tarsus! Dr. N.
Jerome Stowell was a scientist working on terrible devices for the destruction of
mankind. His previous experiment made him concerned in regard to his relations to
God. His wife took a trip and in his loneliness he prayed to God that He would
make Himself manifest. Doctor Stowell knelt for prayer ... and had a born again experience ... has given up his work and is busily engaged witnessing as to the goodness
and greatness of God."
Who was Stowell? Was he really a scientist? Does the Old Paths Tract Society still
exist? What was The Midnight Cry? Be a detectivel Help us track this down.
Christian Leadership Letter is a monthly ministry of World Vision International,
sent free on request to individuals (not group lists) who want to improve their
management skills for better service to Christ. For example, the July 1974 issue
discussed budgeting; the August issue urged delegation of responsibility by Christian leaders. Editors are Ted W. Engstrom, World
Vision's executive vice president,
and Ed Dayton, director of World Vision's MARC (Missions Advanced Research and Communication
Center). Engstrom and Dayton also conduct two-day seminars on "Managing
Your Time" for pastors and leaders in Christian organizations.
Ed says World Vision would be glad to send this letter to any ASA member to whom it
may be helpful. Although current individual copies are sent at no charge, those
desiring to have the complete set of 12 from 1973 may obtain them by sending a
check for $3 to the Christian Leadership Letter, 919 West Hungtington Drives
Monrovia, CA 91016.
Lindquist, professor of psychology at Fresno State College, Fresno,
California, is also executive director of the Leadership Development Program of the
Link-Care Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to solving the "missionary dropout problem!' by both rehabilitation and prevention. The Foundation has purchased
a 141-unit apartment complex with a community center on a 10-acre gardenlike tract
in Fresno (roughly halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco). The apartments
will eventually house candidates for mission assignment, returning missionaries or
other Christian workers who need psychological help, and live-in counselors and
other trained staff workers.
In a recent report, Stan says that fifty percent of missionaries suffer disabling
emotional stress during their first tour of duty which incapacitates them for continuing service. -A pilot program of rehabilitation has shown that Link-Carets
program is effective in restoring such individuals to Christian service. The internship program, designed to prevent "breakdowns" by subjecting candidates in advance
to typical mission-field stresses in the supportive environment of a therapeutic
community, is just beginning.
Contributions to the non-profit Link-Care Foundation (1734 West Shaw Avenue, Fresno,
CA 93705) are income-tax deductible, and would be welcomed.
Thirteen tapes of seminars and papers given at the May 1974 Santa Barbara conference
of the Western Association of Christians in Psychological Studies are available at
$5 per tape to nonmembers and $2.50 per tape to WACPS members. The tapes include
Bruce Narramore on the psychology of guilt, John Carter on Christian psychology
today (critiques of Jay Adams and Bill Gothard), James Oakland on self-actualization
and sanctification, Willard Harley on Christian counseling centers, and Newton Malogy
on a theology for organization development.
A complete list of the tapes, and the tapes themselves, may be obtained from the
chairman of the WACPS Publications Committee: Dr. H. Newton Malony, Graduate
School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, 177 North Madison Avenue,
Pasadena, CA 91001.
Persons interested in membership in the association should write to (the WACPS
nest) Dr. Craig W. Ellison., Department of Psychology, Westmont College, Santa Barbara,
CA 93103.
James Hefley and his wife Marti are freelance writers based in Signal Mountain,
Tennessee. Together they've spent nine years researching and writing a biography
of William Cameron Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer
Institute of Linguistics. Uncle Cam (Word Books, Waco, 1974. Cloth, 272pp., $6.95)
is about a remarkable Christian pioneer who is still going strong at age 78. The
Hefleys' thoroughness, which took them to all the places where Townsend worked,
their respect for their subject, and their own skill as writers show in this carefully prepared book.
In 1917, before finishing college, Cameron Townsend went to Guatemala to spend a
year distributing Bibles. Contact with Christians among the Cakchiquel Indians
sparked a desire to give his new friends the Bible in their own language. Cam
never got back to college. But his own linguistic work and his vision of what dedicated Christian linguists could do for tribal people around the world mark him as
one of the world's most competent college dropouts. He wanted science (linguistics)
and technology (aviation, especially) used to help the lowliest people in the name
of Christ. Somehow he got the job underway, refusing to be distracted by theological quibbles, political tensions, or diplomatic red tape. He trusted God, worked
hard, and used his imagination to "serve the Lord and serve the people."
A number of ASA members over the years have served Christ with various skills
through Wycliffe. There is room for more, since Uncle Cam's dream is not yet
fulfilled: to give every person the Bible in his own language. (See POSITIONS
LOOKING FOR PEOPLE) But for any of us in any situation, Cameron Townsend's pattern
of pragmatic devotion to Christ would be a good trail to follow.
If Mary Cummings, wife of Bradley University chemistry professor Tom Cummings, wasn't pulling our sea-leg, we should have a whale of a yarn
fpr next issue.
Tom took his whole family to spend a sabbatical year doing research at the U. of
Birmingham, England. On July 24, Mary sent ASA News an airletter from Birmingham
saying that Tom had left England on May 31 in-a 26-foot boat, intending to sail back
across the Atlantic-with three of their four kids as crew members. Mary said, "we
heard from them last Just before departure from Teneriffe (Canary Islands) on
Avast, Cap'n Tom. Don't keep us in suspenders. If you made it, let us hear from
The faith of several ASA members and their families is being tested by their difficulties in finding teaching jobs in spite of excellent qualifications and much experience. Both have been overseas and therefore out of touch with the academic job
market. How about a note of encouragement from some brothers in Christ who've survived hard times? Better yet, how about a lead on some jobs for these guys? (Note
that both have changed addresses since their first notice in ASA News.)
Bryan Duncan (Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines), PhD
in parasitology & microbiology, has teaching and Peace Corps experience. Details:
Oct. 1973 ASA News, p. 9. Bryan writes: "We've been serving God in the Peace Corps
for two years and will return to the States in December with our mission accomplish4
providing we find a job ... In moments of weakness I think we took a real risk in
'burning our bridges* (i.e., no leave of absence or sabbatical to return from), but
as we place our faith in God it should be no risk at all. I say this to you as a
reminder to myself. Thanks for listening."
Al Fairbanks (1148 Meadowbrook Circle West, Allentown, PA 19103), PhD in biophysics,
has 10 years of teaching biology courses at Haigasian College, Beirut, Lebanon.
Details: Aug. 1973 ASA News, p. 8. When Al returned to the U.S. he discovered that
over 200 people had applied for the job he had corresponded about at a Michigan college. The only fairly definite offer he's had, a part-time lab teaching job, won't
feed his family. Al writes: "I am still confident that the Lord will take care of
us and may have something quite outside my thinking...My wife and I have had a number of indications in little things of the Lord's care for us. So I think we can
commit the bigger things to Him in just the same way."
Taylor University in Indiana seeks applications from PhD's in sociology for a position to be open in September 1975. "Good opportunity for an empirical sociologist in
a growing department." Contact Dr. Robert D. Pitts, Dean, Taylor University, Upland,
IN 46989 (Received 22 July 1974).
Wycliffe Bible Translators needs elementary and secondary school teachers in its
schools around the world, according to Dan Harris2n, who has served since 1970 as
superintendent of Children's Education for all of Wycliffe's schools. Recently Dan
was asked to move from his teaching post in Papua New Guinea, to Wycliffe's international headquarters in southern California to give full time to his duties as
superintendent. One of his duties is to communicate to the Christian public that
Wycliffe needs teachers. "Any interested educators should write to Wycliffe Bible
Translators, Huntington Beach, CA 92648" (Received 9 Sept. 1974).
Now that the 1974 Annual Meeting is history, I have to begin work immediately for
the 1975 meeting. We will make a lot of changes in the 1975 meeting, especially in
the program. If you have suggestions of things you would like to see in our Annual
Meeting please write to me and we will take them into consideration. I leave this
week to spend two weeks in California to set up the planning for 1975. Please pray
with us that we will follow God's leading. We hope for considerable help from members in the San Diego area.
The Executive Council made firm decisions to move ahead on a number of important
projects including a speaker's bureau, collection of course outlines on science and
Christianity subjects, an expanded book service, and development of local sections.
You will hear more about these as we get into them this fall and winter. If you are
interested in any of these projects please let me know - we could really use the
help with our limited resources.
The Growth Plan results have been trailing off a little this fall although we continue to exceed previous year's results on a weekly basis. One goal that I am shooting for is to get the percent increase for each area over 50% since the start of the
plan last November. We still have until the end of the year and so far three areas
have gone over this goal out of the 25 areas in North America working in the plan.
Will you work to recruit one new member by the end of the year? It wouldn't take
many members doing this to reach our goal of a 50% increase for each area. Write
to me if you need any recruiting materials. Here are the up-to-date results so far:
Top Ten
Total New Members
Sincerely in Christ,
Bill Sisterson
Executive Secretary
Local Section Activity
On Friday, October 18, ASA members and friends are invited to gather at the home of
Jerry Albert (5202 Cobb Place, San Diego, CA 92117) for informal discussion at 8 p.m.
with executive secretary Bill Sisterson and ASA News editor Walt Hearn.
On Saturday, October 19, a public meeting at Point Loma College has been arranged by
Fred Jappe At 1:30 p.m., Walt Hearn will speak on "Science and Pseudoscience."
V. Elving Anderson of the U. of Minnesota will be one of 17 special Bicentennial
Lecturers for §igma XI, The Scientific Research Society of North America, at colleges
and universities in 1974-75. The two-year program is funded by a $50,000 grant from
NSF's Office for Public Understanding of Science. Elving's topic will be "Genetic
Control and Human Values." At the 75th national meeting of Sigma X1 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, November 1-4, Elving will also serve on a panel discussing "Science
and Society."
Allan R. Andrews teaches psychology in the interdisciplinary Coordinated Studies
Program at North Shore Community College in Beverly, Massachusetts. This fall he
is also teaching human growth and development at Gordon College in Wenham. Al is
author of "Bonhoeffer's Psychology: Humanistic Ally or Christian Corrective?" in
the current Christian Scholar's Review (Vol. 4. No. 1, 1974).
Byron E. Blair, a physicist with the National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado,
edited NBS monograph 140, Time and Frequency: Theory and Fundamentals. This tutorial publication describes past, present, and future aspects of time and frequency
standards. In October Byron will be coordinating an NBS-sponsored Time and Frequency Measurement Seminar in Boulder.
Robert L. Bohon physical chemist at 3M Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, has become
manager of Environmental Laboratory, Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control
Division. Bob is responsible for analytical and field lab work related to environmental and ecological impact of 3M products. He was formerly manager of Special
Services in 3M's Central Research Labs. He, Dean Ostlie and Charles Wright are
trying to get some informal discussion going within 3M Company based on JASA articles, one effort to stir up interest in ASA among industrial scientists.
Richard H. Bube, Stanford University professor of materials science, was featured in
an article entitled "Christianity and Science Do Mix" in Renaissance Review (Vol. 6,
No. 1, Winter, i974). Writer Don Penrose quoted fellow church member Neil Elsheimer
and members of Dick's family in the profile on our Journal ASA
Review claims to be "the only magazine edited from a biblical world and life view
by Christians for a secular readership exclusively." New Reformation is a companion
magazine for Christian readers published by the same outfit (Center for Christian
Studies, Box 5252, Stanford, CA 94305). Both are edited by Jon Kennedy, author of
The Reformation of Journalism.
Richard Davis is now a graduate student in physical chemistry at the U. of California in Berkeley. Richard was a leader in the IVCF chapter at Rice University in
Houston, from which he graduated in May. He and his bride Lisa live in U.C. student
apartments in Albany, CA.
Helmut Fandrich, consulting engineer with a PhD in M.E., lives in Vancouver, B. C.,
Canada. This past year Helmut ventured into politics, standing for M.P. as Social
Credit Party candidate in the Okanagan-Kootenay riding. He hadn't really expected
to win, but he did so well that he's getting the itch to try again. For you Yanks,
M.P. means Member of Parliament, riding is a voting district, and standing means
running for office. And er, uh, Social Credit is more conservative than the Conservatives, and, uh, the Liberal Party is more conservative than the New Democratic
Party. Got it?
Dan Harrison was headmaster of Ukarumpa High School, E.H.D., Papua New Guinea, from
1966 to 1973, serving Wycliffe Bible Translators and other missionaries in PNG. In
1974 he helped found a new elementary school there. His recent research papers
include "Change in Values Among Papua New Guineans and its Implications for the
System of Education" in Proceedings of the Eighth Waigani Seminar, and "The Kluckhoba
Value Orientation Research Instrument used in PNG" in the April 1974 issue of The
New Guinea Psychologist.
G. Archie Johnston-is a behavioral scientist on the staff of the National Society
of The Volunteers of America, in Long Beach, California. His research on the Teen
Challenge approach versus the Transactional Analysis approach to treating heroin
addiction appeared in the September 1973 JASA.
James W. - Reid, director of Associates for Biblical Research, Norristown, PA reports that his 1968 Zondervan book
God, the Atom, and the Universe was published in Chinese this summer by Seed Press, Hong Kong. Jim is currently
writing a book on the subject of the theory of relativity and the Bible. (Office
Note: We just received word that Jim passed away on September 18 of this year.)
Ron Remmel, a recycled physicist, is now doing research in the Department of
Ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins Medical School. He will lecture in a graduate
neurobiology course next semester. Ron and Effie are enjoying Baltimore's Community
Evangelical Church. They're also "having their heads examined" (to find out why
they left Berkeley's beautiful weather for that humid heat).
Paul G. Simpson moved from Oregon State University last fall to a position as
analytical/physical chemist at the Monsanto Technical Center in Pensacola, Florida.
The Center serves the company's textile operations. Paul says his transition from
academic life to industry has gone well, and now he'd like to find some Christian
men and women in science in the NW corner of Florida. (That's simple with our new
ASA Directory. First, you look under F. for Florida. Nope, first check a map.
There, between Georgia and Alabama. Better yet, start with your Zip Code: 32502.
Now, check the ASA Directory. Aha! You're the only one between Tallahassee 323
and Gainesville 326. Better get busy recruiting, Paul.)
Brian P. Sutherland is moving from the mainland of British Columbia to Victoria (on
Vancover Island) to try retiring--again. Brian, a chemist and administrative assistant to the president of Cominco, Ltd., found his 1966 retirement from Cominco
interrupted by increasing involvement with the founding of Regent College in Vancouver.
Vice principal of the college for the past two years, he (and wife Jean) received a
standing ovation expressing appreciation and affection at the fourth annual Convocation of Regent College in April.
Garrett Vanderkooi is now on the faculty of the Chemistry Department of Northern
Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois.
Ralph Winter$ professor of History of the Christian Movement in the School of World
Mission at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, was one of the speakers at the Congress on
World Evangelization at Lausanne, Switzerland. We've seen Ralph's paper, "Highest
Piority: Cross-Cultural Evangelism," described as one of the outstanding papers of
the Congress in several reports. One was Albert C, Montgomery's editorial in the
September issue of Interlit, quarterly newsletter of the David C. Cook Foundation
(Elgin, IL 60120).
James. Koch, 529 North 8th St.,, Allentown, PA 18102 BA in Bible
Hilton F. Hinderliter, MR 10, Box 67, Apollo, PA 15613 PhD in Nuclear Physics
William H. Murray, III, P. 0. Box 76, Montrose, PA 18801 EdD in Science Ed.
John A. Paraskos, 8867 Willoughby Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 PhD in Ch, Eng.
Kenneth J. TerBeek, 126 Tollgate Rd. #35, Warwick, R. 1. 02886 PhD in Org. Chem.
Rosalie A, Elliott, Wesleyan Branch, Central, S. C. 29630 AB in Biology ('75) Studint
Andrew D. Shaw, 209 Rock City Trail, Lookout Mt., TN 37350 BA in Phys.
D. Lynn Shaeffer, 117 Dana Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 PhD in Plasma Physics
Mark Cosgrove, 12011 Coit Rd. #107, Dallas, TX 75230 PhD in Psychology
David Benson, 725 Bolivar, Denton, TX 76201 MA in Psychology
Hessel Bouma 111, 102 Strand, Apt. #1, Galveston, TX 77550 AB in Biology
John F. Walkup, 6505 Oxford Ave., Lubbock, TX 79413 PhD in Elec. En9r.
Kenneth W. Daniel, 1746 N.Rhodes St., Apt. 314, Arlington, VA 22201 MS in EE
D. W. Kupke, Dept. Biochemistry, Sch.ofMed., Univ. of VA.,
Charlottesville, VA
Sheldon T. Peterson 301 Hamrick Drive, Hampton, VA 23666 AD in Physics /PhD
John Kohl, 5311 Clifton St., Springfield, VA 22151 BA in Math
Douglas Hamill, 1145 Undine, Bellingham, WA 98225 Student
Harry J. McIntyre, 11 West Aloha St., Seattle, WA 98119 MBA in Acct.
Kay Ellen Zepplin, 2806 Joseph Ave., Schofield, WI 54476 BAS in Sociology
Ronald D. Hatch, %3511 West 21 Ave., Vancouver, B. C. MS in Counseling
Siegfried G. Wall, R.R.2, Dugald, Manitoba PhD in Chemistry
Stanley R. Conrad, Dept. of Psychology, Dalhousie Univo, Halifax, N.S. MA in Exp.
David Hardy, 15 Fairview Blvd. Guelph, Ontario Student /Psychopath.
Archie Stouffer, 638 First Avenue, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 5E5 BA in Biology
Noel Scott, 178 Fifth St., Toronto, Ontario M8V 2Z7 Student
James A. Yost, Instituto Linguistico de Verano, Casilla 5080, Quito, Ecuador PhD in
Spyros G. Macris, 113 Vassilissis Olgas, Thessaloniki, Greece MD in Medicine/Anthro.
W. Howard White, Nihon Saniku Gakuin, Sodegaura-machio Chiba-ken, Japan MDiy7-in Theal
Michael MacKenzie, 27 Harperland Drive, Kilmarnock KA1 IUQ, Ayrshire, U.K. Med. Pract
Donald MacLean, 13 Kingsborough Gardens, Glasgow G12 GNH, Scotland, Minister of
Gary R. Collins