American Scientific Affiliation

VOLUME 12, NUMBER 2 April, 1970


Among the thousands of physiologists, biochemists, and others attending the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in Atlantic City this month will be a number of ASA members. They'll be interested in the Federation Christian Fellowship evening coffee scheduled for 8 p.m., Thursday, April 16, in the Hotel Shelburne, County Cork Room.

The FCF was started by Walt Hearn and Kurt Weiss as an informal get-together of evangelical Christians years ago and eventually became one of many "special group events" listed in the back of the official program--along with other reunions like the Chinese Biochemists and the Calcutta University Reunion plus gatherings of specialized research workers like the Liver Dinner and the Bone Meal. (We understand that liver is never the entree at the Liver Dinner.)


An American Scientific Affiliation meeting will be on the official program of the joint meetings of the Chemical Institute of Canada with the American Chemical Society in Toronto, May 24-29. The "special group events" section will list the ASA get-together on May 28 at 8 p.m. in the Music Room of Hart House, University-of Toronto.

Ross Donovan of the Research and Development Laboratories of Canada Packers Limited arranged the meeting, to which all ASA members and friends in Toronto as well as people attending the chemistry meetings are invited. Bob Jervis of the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto, will lead off a discussion on "Christian Influence in a Non-Christian Society", and then there'll be coffee, doughnuts, and fellowship, we're told.


The Program Chairman for the 25th Annual Convention of ASA to be held August 17-20 at Bethel College, St. Paul, Minnesota, has asked us to request contributed papers to supplement the invited papers. Theme of the convention is "What, Then, Is Man?" Papers that relate any of the various sciences to aspects of the nature of man are sought. If you wish to contribute a paper, please send, as soon as possible, your title and either an abstract or manuscript to Dr. Dewey Carpenter, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.

Dewey and the other members of the Program Committee, Don Munro and Peter Pav, got off to an early start with a meeting in New Orleans in September but have hit some snags lately in getting the people they want for invited papers--and finding expense money for prominent people outside ASA membership ranks. So far, one prominent guest speaker is lined up: Stanley Jaki, physicist-philosopher from Seton Hall University and author of The Relevance of Physic and Brain, Mind, and Computers.

Chairman Carpenter is becoming prominent himself in the field of physical polymer chemistry. He moved from Georgia Tech to L. S. U. partly because polymer chemistry is being developed in that center of Louisiana petrochemical industry and partly because he likes the atmosphere of a university better than that of a technological institute. Last March he gave an invited paper on "The Intramolecular Scattering Function of Chain Molecules" at the Peter Debye Award Symposium honoring Paul Flory at the Minneapolis American Chemical Society meeting. In September he was a discussion leader at a "Microsymposium" on Light Scattering in Polymer Science at Prague, Czechoslovakia. And next December he'll be chairman of the Polymer Division for the joint Southeast-Southwest Regional meeting of A. C. S. in New Orleans.



ASA News wishes to thank several people who inquired into the circumstances behind the death of Howard John Doane reported last issue. J. Lee Hoffer of Chapel Hill checked with a records office at North Carolina State University and was told that Mr. Doane had been shot to death on June 18, 1969. C. T. Youngberg, visiting professor of Forest Soils at N. C. S. U., learned from the Department of Plant Pathology that Mr. Doane had committed suicide in his laboratory.

The most complete report came from Don W. De Jong, research chemist at the Oxford, N. C., Research Station of the Agricultural Research Service of U. S. D. A. According to Don, Mr. Doane shot himself to death, along with a technician who worked in the same department. The double tragedy occurred less than a month before Mr. Doane was to have taken his final examination for the Ph.D. The police investigated thoroughly but no motive was uncovered for either the suicide or the murder, and all circumstances surrounding the entire case remain shrouded in mystery. Mr. Doane had been active in the Raleigh Youth For Christ at one time.


John M. McCleery of Cleveland, Ohio, after a long illness died on October 26, 1967. He was an M. D. with such widely varied interests and such a large correspondence that it has taken his daughter, Eileen McCleery Johnson, several years to notify everyone of his death.

Milford F. Henkel of Pierson, Michigan, died on July 12, 1969, in an automobile accident, of which his wife, Julie, was the only survivor. She and their sons Milford, Jr., and Jerry testified in a courageous Christmas letter that God has given them grace, strength, and help in time of need.

Russell D.-Sturgis, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, one of the five charter members of ASA, died of a heart attack in November, 1969. We hope that a full account of his life can be published in either ASA News or the Journal of the ASA in the near future.

Herbert T. Liefeld "passed into the Lord's presence on February 8, 1970", according to his son, Walter L. Liefeld, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois. Walt writes: "My dad was a 'beloved physician', a general practitioner who still made house calls and who helped many to find the Lord and grow in Him. He was a deep student of the Word
whose theological library far surpassed my own. His membership in the ASA expressed his conviction that God's truth in nature and revelation forms a unity, and his life reflected that unity in its integtity-intellectually, personally, and spiritually."


"Fifteen scientists share their Christian faith" is the subtitle of a 1967 book by free-lance writer James C. Hefley. The fifteen are C. Everett Koop, Robert E. Wilfong, Ralph L. Byron, Jr., Alexander and Rosalie Haraszti, Howard H. Hamlin, James Shaw, Wayne Ault, Ulric Jelinek, A Kurt Weiss, Elmer W. Engstrom, Edward J. Matson, Walter Hearn,
V. Elving Anderson, David K-sly, and Walter F. Burke.

The book was written for a general audience but since the author cleared each chapter with the scientist or physician whose work and witness he was describing, the science comes out right. Jim's skill as a writer and the fascinating variety of the stories themselves make this a fine book to give to Christians with little understanding of science. It has a palatable corrective message for those who suspect science of having built-in anti-Christian bias. Most of all, it should inspire many young people to consider scientific work as a vocation pleasing to God. With the 1970 Zondervan paperback edition costing only 95o,, a copy, maybe we can get Adventurers With God into the hands of a lot more bright kids.

Several short quotations from ASA members appear also in Jim's latest book, Thinkables: Meditations for People Who Mean It (Fleming H. Revell, 1970), including this one from Irving Knobloch of Michigan State University: "The greatest proof of Christianity to me is not what I have observed in my years of teaching and study, but the Christ-like life I have seen in other Christians and the indwelling Christ at work in my own life."


Antidisestablishmentarianism was one of my favorite jaw-breakers when I was a kid, but I don't think I'd ever met an antidisestablishmentarianist until I spent a year in the San Francisco Bay area. There I met Ken Lincoln, secretary of the ASA Bay Area local section, who was working at the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory and hoping the lab wouldn't be "disestablished" by the navy. When the N. R. D. L. finally sank from a direct hit in the budget, the Fire Research Program was transferred to Stanford Research Institute, where Ken spent three months this fall setting up instrumentation for the fire projects.

In a fine example of "technology transfer", Ken shifted in January to NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, where he is now in the Thermal Protection Branch. He is responsible for experiments involving high-temperature carbon and graphite studies, mass spectrometry, and laser vaporization. The point of all this fire-eating is to figure out how to get an instrument probe into the atmosphere of Jupiter--looking ahead to a launch date probably in 1978. Now, that's what I call planning ahead. But, Ken--has the budget been approved for 1978?


Lunacy used to mean a kind of insanity influenced by the changes of the moon, but we wouldn't go that far in diagnosing the case of Edwin A. Olson, moon-struck associate professor of Geology and chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences at Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington. According to a story in the Spokane Daily Chronicle, Ed lectured on "Geology of the Moon" on January 7 for the Eastern Washington State Historical Society--meaning by that title, he insisted, "applying the techniques of earth study to the study of the moon."

Ed has been increasingly less earth-bound since 1968, when he was one of 38 academic geochemists who attended a short course in astro-geology at Northern Arizona University. This February he was at Ames Research Center for a two-day conference sponsored by NASA and the National Science Teachers Association to up-date college teachers on the space program. But last March he was still down-to-earth enough to give a paper on "Freshwater Shells in Radiocarbon Dating" at the Northwest Scientific Association meeting in Salem, Oregon. And even this Christmas, when Ed had dinner with ASA "neighbors" Dean and Cordelia Barber (20 miles north in Deer Park, Washington), they didn't think his behavior seemed any loonier than usual.


ASA Journal editor Dick Bube spent four days at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California , February 2-5. Dick reports an exciting and profitable time of getting better acquainted with many of the faculty and students and participating in the following discussions: Paul Jewett's daily seminar on science and Christian faith, a panel discussion with Bill Iwan of Cal Tech on "Evangelical Christianity and Scientific Presupposition", and a discussion with faculty and students of the School of Psychology on "Science and Ultimate Reality." Dick lunched with Ralph Winter of the School of World Mission, and with Lee Travis, Dean of the School of Psychology. Many others at Fuller should be members of the ASA, and hopefully this visit and some samples of the Journal will stimulate further interest. While in Pasadena, Dick also visited Bernie Ramm and his wife in Covina, and spent a morning at Moody Institute of Science as the guest of F. Alton Everest. Discussions were most helpful in guiding Dick's plans for a new book now being written: Research and Revelation: Asking Meaningful Questions About Science and Christian Faith.


Harold E. Snyder, chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences of Barrington College on Narragansett Bay, is also director of a Marine Biology Institute offered by the College June 8-26, 1970. In addition to lectures, laboratory studies, and small discussion groups, there will be field trips for observation and collecting marine specimens for each participant's personal collection. There will also be tours to the Francis Horn Laboratory of Oceanography, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Boston, Plymouth Rock, etc.--plus time for swimming, fishing, and even a sail on Charles Hummel's presidential "yacht." All this, plus room (7-day week) and board (5-day week, Mon-Fri) for $300 if four semester hours of college credit are taken, or for $200 as a non-credit option. Write to Director, Marine Biology Institute, Barrington College, Barrington, Rhode Island 02806.


Peter R. Esser (355 Route 111, Smithtown, N. Y. 11787) received the A. B. in physics from Brown University in 1961 and the M. S. from Adelphi University in 1964. He expects to receive his Ph.D. in physics from Adelphi in June 1970 having done all his research at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He has experience in thermoluminescense, gamma ray induced coloring studies, optical absorption, and Fortran programming. He has been co-author of five research papers and has four more in the works, along with six years of part-time teaching experience. He has been a member of ASA during most of his graduate work. He is interested in a teaching position and would consider opportunities in luminescence and radiation effects, medical physics, biophysics, ecology, or other areas where his physics background would be relevant.

Shirley Homfeld (Box 99, Hollister, Calif. 95023) is looking for a change of employment for September 1970. For the past five years she has been assistant professor of Special Education and Counseling, and director of the Learning Disabilities M. A. Program at San Jose State College. Her four degrees are from Whittier, Cal State at Los Angeles, Fuller Seminary, and the University of Oregon. She is interested in a college teaching position in psychology (exceptional child, counseling, child, adolescent, educational, mental retardation, psychological testing; but not statistics or experimental) or education (secondary, guidance, general; not elementary).


Washington State University offers a Graduate Research Assistantship in nutritional biochemistry.
The half time
appointment, leading to the M. S. or Ph.D., has a current stipend of $3,800 and will begin in September 1970. Write to Dr. Merton H. Pubols, Nutrition Program, Spillman Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99163.

Oregon State University has four faculty positions open in its Department of General Science. They are seeking two individuals with interest and preparation in the history of science. At least one of these will participate in either the general education course in physical science or the course in general biology. Two other individuals will be added to the teaching team in biological science. Their positions will involve participation in a large-enrollment undergraduate course in general biology, teaching in graduate courses or seminars in their field of specialization, undergraduate advising, and supervision of graduate research. The department is committed to general education in the sciences as well as to professional interdisciplinary work at the graduate level. Further there's a strong ASA local section on the 0. S. U. campus. Write to Dr. David
Willis, Chairman, Department of General Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331.


The Winter Meeting of the New England Section was held at 8 p.m. on February 5 at Park Street Church in Boston, with David Lindberg, assistant professor of the History of Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, as speaker. Dave's subject was "Science and Christianity in Historical Perspective", with a time of discussion and refreshment following his address.


An afternoon meeting devoted to pollution control was scheduled for March 21 in one of the classrooms of the West Suburban Hospital, 518 North Austin Blvd., Chicago. William Kehr, Bureau of Solid Waste Management, U. S. Public Health Service, led off on "Management of Solid Wastes", C. Fred Garnham, consultant on Environmental Engineering, spoke on "Water Pollution Control", and Raloh Lowell, professor of Biology, North Park College, wound up with a discussion of "Ethical Aspects of Pollution Control." Then everybody had coffee and bio-degradable doughnuts!


The Bay Area Section was unusually active in February. On February 14 they heard Ed Oxner give a fascinating account of some archeological finds near Baghdad which he is convinced are copper-iron, wet-cell batteries. A number of such single-cell units formed inside small urns have been found. Along with "Electrochemical Deposition in the Near East", the speaker also discussed ancient manuscripts and scrolls significant for Biblical translation, from his long-time avocation of Biblical archeology. The meeting was held at the Menlo Park Presbyterian Church and beforehand ASAers were invited to join members of Dick Bube's adult class for a potluck dinner.

Then on February 28 at a special Saturday morning meeting at the same location, the section had the opportunity to hear John Warwick Montgomery, professor of Church History at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, on "Science, Scripture, and Social Issues." John was in California only briefly and spoke the previous evening to the Christian Medical Society at the U. C. Medical Center. He now spends six months each year in the U. S. and six months at the Facult6 de Theologie Protestante de l'Universit4 de Strasbourg, where he is director of Trinity's European Program.


When Virgil Freed resigned from the Executive Council because of heavy responsibilies as department head and director of the new Environmental Health Center at Oregon State, Marlin Kreider, research physiologist at the U. S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Natick, Massachusetts, was nominated to replace him. On the same ballot, members also voted for increasing dues: for Fellows from $12 to $15, for Members from $10 to $12, for Associates from $7 to $8. The result: 429 of the 536 votes cast approved the increase. Marlin Kreider was elected to the Council. The results on the revised constitution ballot were 492 ballots cast, with 484 approving it.

2. At the January 30 meeting of the Executive Council, the following Fellows and Members were elected to Emeritus status:

Roy Allen
Paul Bender
D. Lee Chesnut
John Howitt
John McCleery
Robert Page
Paul Parker

James H. Shrader Peter Stoner Russell Sturgis

Brian Sutherland William Tinkle Paul Wright

(It was later learned that both John McCleery and Russell Sturgis are deceased.)

At the same meeting, the invitation to hold the 27th Annual Convention at York

University, Toronto, August 21-24, 1972, was accepted. (The 1971 Convention is scheduled for Whitworth College, Spokane, Washington.)

President Charles Hatfield reported that Fred Hafner of the North Central Section has accepted responsibility for providing the services of a Local Arrangements Committee for the 1970 Annual Convention at Bethel College, August 17-20.

5. Executive Secretary Harold Hartzler reported on accomplishments of the National Office, which in one month mailed out the Journal as well as publishing and mailing ASA News, processed 63 new members, sent out 207 letters to, prospective members, sent out year-end subscription notices, took inventory, and got copy ready for the Directory. No wonder Harold "stated that he wished to be relieved of his duties as Executive Secretary during the next few years." (Cheer up, Harold. It could be worse. Did you see in American Scientist (Winter, 1969) that with approximately 105,000 members in The Society of the Sigma Xi, their national office has to make 45,000 address changes a year?)

6. Objectives for the "Hartzler Grand Tour" for the fall of 1970 were stated:

(We wonder if ASA is applying for one of those "Mobile Missionary" packages offered by Moody Institute of Science, with pickup-camper-trailer-movie-projector and the works. Hey, you guys at M. I. S.--don't you want Harold to "evaluate the effectiveness" of one of those outfits for you this fall?)

7. The Executive Secretary was authorized to obtain estimates for construction of a publicity booth suitable for use at meetings and conventions. Three uses the Council has in mind are the Congress of Evangelism in the summer of 1970, the IVCF Urbana Missionary Convention in December 1970, and the AAAS meeting in Chicago in December 1970. (Looks like we may need a second booth in December-plus some volunteers--since those last two meetings overlap. Why not let Dr. Hartzler know if you could help with either assignment next Christmas?)

Roy M. Allen would certainly be a prime candidate for the ASA Methuselah Award, if we had one. Roy, now retired and living at Elim Park Baptist Home in Cheshire, Connecticut, celebrated his 88th birthday on February 12.

Fred J. Bahbah of Sterling Heights, Michigan, has been spending his summers in productive chemical research. His 1965 investigation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., appeared in Analytical Chemistry (May 1967) as "Characterization of Aluminum Polycarboxylate Ligands and Formation Constant Determination by Potentiometry." In the summers of 1968 and 1969 he's been at the State University of N. Y. in Buffalo, so eventually we should be seeiw paper on "Ion Selective Electrode Used tQ Determine Formation Constants of Fe -F- Complexes." Fred has also been speaking on Science and Scripture to local young people's groups.

Ronald Black retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Air Force in December after 22 years of active duty. Having flown over a lot of geography in those 22 years, he is now starting a new career as instructor of Geography at Parkland College, Champaign, Illinois.

0. D. Denman, Jr., is now chief of Cardiology at the V. A. Hospital at Johnson City, Tennessee. Besides doing a lot of speaking on medical and religious topics, he contributes regularly to Christian Life magazine and has a new book soon to be released by Zondervan entitled Shock It To Me, Doctor. Billy Graham wrote the introduction.

Karl Dern of Burlingame, California, says he is thinking (i.e., non-writing) a book entitled ' Dern's Non-History of the U. S., based on the premise that if there had been no revolutionary war, all subsequent wars, including the Vietnam non-war, would have been avoided. To keep us on an even keel, he pulls the other leg by describing his latest (non-written) autobiography and analysis of human progressf entitled,The Jagged Curve. Other than that, we don't know a Dern thing.

Bryan L. Duncan is completing his work on host-parasite relationships of aquatic parasitic flatworms at Wayne State University in Detroit. After receiving his-'Ph.D., he'll begin teaching parasitology and microbiology next fall at Houghton College, Houghton, N. Y. His wife, Judith, a chemist, has been employed at the Michigan Cancer Institute, working on potential inhibitors of steroid sulfotransferases.

James E. Haynes is serving as vice-chairman of Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship in the District of Columbia. Jim has been conduting an SFF study group on Saturdays and a lecture series at the Foundry Methodist Church on Sunday mornings.

Earl C. Hoffer has just begun a new career after 10 years as an electrical engineer, devoted mostly to aerospace at the Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama. Earl then decided to go into medicine and earned his M. D. at the University of Alabama School of Medicine in Birmingham. After serving an internship in Denver, Colorado, he began as a partner in a practice of general medicine in Denver on March 11, 1970.

William E. Kennard, a navy chaplain, came back last summer from deployment aboard LPD-6 USS Duluth in the South China Seas off Vietnam, and since September has been at Naval Training Center, San Diego. As Ship's Company Chaplain, Bill has tremendous opportunities to witness to sailors and their dependents. He preaches to nearly a thousand each Sunday and finds many receptive to the claims of Christ. Bill says he appreciates articles in the ASA Journal, particularly since beginning graduate work in psychological counseling at San Diego State College.

Warren F. Moore, a project engineer with Universal Oil Products Co., Process Division, has also been "engineering" meetings of the Northwest Chicago group of the Christian Business Men's Committee. Warren serves as secretary of the group and was particularly pleased with a breakfast banquet at which 650 people in their area heard effective testimony of salvation and the abundant life, the whole affair planned and executed in a space of 18 days. That took some engineering, all right. On a number of occasions, Wallace Erickson has been a speaker at the C. B. M. C. weekly luncheons, which sometimes draw over 100 men.

David Neweceral has been promoted to program director at Compu-Tyme, Inc., for whom he makes many trips to Washington D. C., concerning government contracts. He's also active in professional societies, particularly A.S.M.E. and (?) A.S.A.C.

Merton H. Pubols is back in the Department of Animal Sciences at Washington State University after a year's leave at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He says the year was magnificent: not one committee meeting and the Dean was 3,000 miles away.

T. Gordon Scott replied to our request for info on his activities with a chemical translation of Peter and John's remarks at the Gate Beautiful: "I have no Ag or Au, but I'll give you my All." After completing his Ph.D. at Illinois, Gordon has been on a one-year appointment as acting assistant professor of Chemistry at Oberlin College in Ohio. Under an NSF College Science Improvement Program Grant to Oberlin, he has been working in nucleotide chemistry and on bio-organic model studies based on the adamantane nucleus. He has also worked with the local Inter-Varsity chapter. But when we heard from him back in January, Gordon was looking for a more permanent college position for next fall.

R. Richard Searle and Karen L. Searle are one of several husband-and-wife teams where both are members of ASA. Richard carries on a private practice in psychotherapy, serves on the paramedical staff of Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois, and has become an associate of Compro, a consultant firm. Karen is a patent chemist in the Legal Department of G. D. Searle and Co. (any relation?) in Skokie, Illinois. How many other double-membership ASA families do we have, I wonder?

A1dert van der Ziel is spending the spring quarter at the University of Florida in Gainesville, teaching and doing research in the Electrical Engineering Department. His research is on a joint contract with Gene Chenette of the U. of F. With the abominable snowman stalking the midwest this spring, that seems like a good move, Aldert.

Roger J. Voskuyl, executive director of the Council for the Advancement of Small
Colleges, is a member of the Governing Board of Change magazine, a new periodical
focusing on reform of the American college and University. The bimonthly magazine
($8.50/year) is published by Science and University Affairs, 59 East 54th St.,
N. Y. 10022, and is initially funded by the Esso Education Foundation.

Walter Vail Watson is teaching on the Buffalo campus of Houghton College in New York and directing their evening schools of the Bible. He has recently brought out Form H of his trait analysis device, designed for the personality direction of freshmen in Christian colleges.



Arthur Eugene Loomis, 2710 Grand Ave., Pacific Beach, Calif. 92109. Lab. Tech. in Research in Radiology Dept. of U. C. S. D. BA in Math, Electronics. Rank: Member.


Harry Cook, 12301 Cheyenne Drive, Palos Heights, Ill. 60463. Asst. Prof. at Trinity Christian College. BSA, MSA in Animal Science; PhD in Zoology. Rank: Member.

Ind iana

Donald F. Sabens, Box 186, New Ross, Indiana 47968. Minister at New Ross Christian Church. AB in Ministerial. Rank: Associate

Jean R. Grimes, 6432 Euclid, Hammond, Indiana 46324. Chief Technologist, Dept. of Pathology at Henrotin Hospital, Chicago. MT(ASCP) in Med. Tech. Rank: Associate

New Jersey

Robert T. Voss, 28 St. Paul's Drive, Irvington, New Jersey 07111. Student at Newark College of Engineering. Rank: Associate

North Carolina

Frederick Phillips Brooks, Jr., 413 Granville Rd., Chapel Hill, N. C. 27514. Prof. and Chairman, Dept. of Computer & Information Science at Univ. of N. C. AB in Physics, Math; SM, PhD in Applied Math. Rank: Member.


Mark Russell Ensign, 2125 Monroe, Amarillo, Texas 79109. Physicist at Helium Res. Center. BS in Phys., Math-Chem. Rank: Member