American Scientific Affiliation
Richard H. Bube., Associate Professor of Materials Science and Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, has been elected to the Executive Council for a
term of
Dr. Bube fills the vacancy created by the retirement from the
Council of Dr. Henry Weaver, Jr. of Goshen College.
By being very stingy on the number of fellowships passed out, the Executive Council
has succeeded in making such election of great significance to the person so
honored. Those recently elected to the grade of Fellow of the ASA:
John A. McIntyre., Distinguished Professor of Physics, Texas A & M Univ.
Paul C. Davis., Dean Los Angeles Pacific College
Wallace A. Erickson, President) Wallace A. Erickson & Co.
Robert L. Bohon, Senior Chemist, Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co.
our heartiest congratulations to these. Beside their PhD. status and their
scientific contributions, participation in and contribution to the work of the ASA
is an important qualification weighed by the Fellows as they elect other Fellows,
Because of the pressure of other duties, Dr. Paul C. Davis has resigned from the
Psychology Commission. To' fill this vacancy, Dr. Parkman has been appointed
for a five year term. Dr. Barkman is in post-doctoral work at the Reise-Davis
Clinic in Los Angeles and was formerly Chairman of the Indiana Section of the ASA.
Dr. David Busby, a psychiatrist in private practice has been requested by the
Council to serve as the Chairman of the Psychology Commission, the position formerly
held by Dr. Davis. Other members of this Commission are Lars I. Grajoberg and
Mansell Pattison.
North Central
The llth Regional Meeting of the North Central Section of the PSA was held on
October 12th in the Coffman Memorial Union of the University of Minnesota. The
topic was,, "Probability and its Religious Consequences". Dr. Aldert van der
Ziel, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, spoke on
"Probability Considerations in Science and Their Meaning". *'Probability and Godts
Providence" was the topic of Dr. Charles Hatfield, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University of North Dakota. After a coffee break., reactions to the papers
were given by Paul Hammer, Th.D., Professor of New Testament Theology, United
Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities., William R. Scott, M.D., Medical Fellow in
Surgery, University of Minnesota Hospital and Karel van Vliet, Ph.D., Associate
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota. 0 en discussion of
the papers was held after these reactions.
New England
October., Saturday evening, the New England Section of the ASA met in the
Vannevar Bush Room of MIT to hear Dr. Walter Thorson., Professor of Chemistry at
MIT, speak on "Restoration of Perspectives". Dr.' Thorson discussed some possible
objectives of the scientist of ' evangelical faith. He asked whether the average
Christian m9n of sci6nee were too shortsighted and preoccupied with intellectual
fads and fashions., e.g. in giving too much attention to problems of evolution.
Bef6re the main address., Dr. Irving A. Cowperthwaite gave a short history-of the
ASA. This meeting drew more than 50 persons. The
England Section now has
official status as the Executive Council accepted their petition.
The officers of the New England Section are:
new men have been elected to the Executive Council of the Los Angeles Section:
John Vosbigian, Assoc. Prof. Chemistry, Los Angeles Harbor College Thomas R. Humphrey,,Resident in Pathology at Wadsworth Veterans Adm. Hospital, Los Angeles Robert B. Fischer, Dean of Arts and Sciences, Palos Verdes State College., I Los Angeles. Robert P. Dilworth., Prof. of Mathematics, California., Institute of Technology., Pasadena Marvin L. Darsie, Anesthesiologist, St. Johns Hospital, Santa Monica.
"We had a good turnout at King's College for the second meeting, of the N.Y.,Metropolitan Section of the ASA, drawing from as far as Stanford., Conn., and Philadelphia, Pa. We adopted officially our provisional constitution which had proven completely adequate during the past year. Then, fifteen minutes later during the same business session someone found a deficiency. There's one in every crowd."
Look, Wayne, this is just another example of the Fourth Law of Thermodynamics:
the maximum cussedness of inanimate objects.
The evening session of the Saturday afternoon and evening affair was given over
to a presentation by Mr. Gareth Miller concerning the "Sermons From Science"
exhibit at the N.Y. World's Fair to open 22 April
The Section has agreed
to help the committee present the world's fair opportunity and challenge to church
groups throughout the New York area. Individual ASA members will show a short
film on the results of the Seattle World's Fair
exhibit. (See following article)
The Section is urging other ASA Sections and individual members to cooperate in
promoting and supporting this World's Fair Project. Those interested should write
to Gareth B. Miller . Sermons From Science., 123 West 57th Street, Suite 508,, N.Y. 19.
(release by Gareth B. Miller)
There will be interesting, startling "sermons" at the New York
WorldIs Fair
delivered in the Sermons From Science pavilion now under construction. The
discourses will be unlike any sermons ever preached from pulpits.
The exhibit, which drew capacity audiences at the Seattle World's Fair in 1962,
is a project of a committee of Christian laymen, sponsored by the Christian Life
Convention of New York City. Dr. James Humphries, Medical Director of the Home
Life Insurance Company, is Chairman of the exhibit and W. Scott Nyborg, former
Executive Secretary of the Christian Business Men's Committee of New York City,
is the Executive Director.
Science films in color as well as live demonstrations will be offered in the
pavilionts air-conditioned theater.
Multilingual films on such subjects as the atom, space, underseas life and other
subjects, produced by the Moody Institute of Science, will seek to show that
science and religion are in complete harmony. Earphones and a panel at each of the
500 seats will allow visitors to dial any one of six languages,
The live demonstrations by Dr. George Speake of Moody Institute will include such
phenomena as eyes th~3t see in total darkness, a cry that can shatter glass, a
flashlight-that "talks". In one demonstration, he stands on a metal platform
allowing 1,0001000 volts of electricity to pass through his body as lightning
flashes from metal caps on his fingers.
Program s will last 30 minutes and will be continuous all day, on the hour. The
exhibit drew 447,000 spectator's at Seattle and the N.Y. exhibit is expected to
attract many times that number.
Mr. Nyborg said that the films and demonstrations would attempt to show the handiwork of God in nature and to remind visitors of the Biblical truth that "The earth
is the Lordts and the fullness thereof, the sea and all that dwell therein."
The national meetings of the Geological Society of America were held ih New York
City this year. A number of ASA members were*there,, including Wayne U. Ault,
Donald C. Boardman, Donald Carr, Roger Cuffey, David A. DeVries, Herbert W. Feely.,
Edwin A. Olson,, ~7an_k_fl. Roberts, George R.-7tevens and Karl Turekian. Both
William . Tanner and Karl TUri-ekian chaired Eechnical sessions. Va-TTe-Ault reports
that many of the ASA members r6solved to have an ASA breakfast at the GSA meeting
next year. Good thinking, men.
You know how it is when enrollment is down.
Wheaton College geologists have been involved in the excavation of a genuine
mastodon skeleton from a field in nearby Glen Ellyn. Superior Judge Joseph Sam
Perry was having his private lake dredged when workmen unearthed a 42-inch thigh
bone on October 16th. The dredge operator alerted the judge who called local papers.
The Wheaton Daily Journal notified Wheaton College officials and Dr. Cyril
professor of Zoology, Dr. Donald Boardman, Chairman of the Geology Department, and
Dr. Douglas Block., Assistant Professor of Geology, went to have a look-see. They
liked what they saw and obtained permission from Judge Perry to dig. Within a few
days over 100 of the mastodonts 211 bones had been found, including the complete
skull with well preserved teeth (fluoride., no doubt). It may turn out to be one of
the most complete skeletons ever found. Wood fragments buried with it as well
as the bones are being dated by radiocarbon methods. Douglas Block supervised the
excavation work.
If enough papers don't come in for the John Brown University convention in August
1964, Wayne Ault's body will lie a'smoldering in the grave along with a few other
carcasses supplied by the rest of the Natural Science Commission.
The Commission calls upon the entire ASA membership for suggestions and contributions. If you
feel a paper. or a. sumposium is needed in a certain area, please let your ideas be
known. Though the program' will be largely in the natural sciences, there will be sessions allotted to philosophy of science,
psychology, social science and general themes.
Dr. Ault makes a special appeal to the leadership of the local sections to smoke
out potential authors and subjects suggested by their past meetings. The deadline
for receipt of abstracts is set for
These should be 200 words
or less and in triplicate tQ facilitate review by the respective c6mmissions. The
abstract should repr6sent fully the-content and basis of the paper. All submissions
should be sent to Dr. Wayne U. Ault., Chairman, Natural Science Commission,
41 Highview Avenue., Nanuet., N.Y.
Walter R. Hearn Associate.Professor of Biochemistry., Iowa State Univerity, has,
of all things, broken out in poetry, and very worshipful poetry at that.
Appearing on the outside-back cover of the November, 1963, issue of HIS Magazine
is his poem entitled,
"63 Thanksgiving". Here is a sample verse:
"Praise the Lord,, created thing!
Let all space with praises ring! . . .
Alpha, beta, gamma rays:
Join the chorurs of His praise!...
Viruses and protozoa:
Praise the faithful God of Noah!...
Man who can subdue the earth:
Praise the God who gave you birth! . . .
Dr. Frank Allen., whose fourscore and ten years have neither dimmed his mind nor
stilled his pen, is one of the four Honorary Fellows of the ASA. Formerly Professor of Physics at the University of Manitoba, Dr. Allen has an article,
"In The Beginning; GOD" in the November issue of The Evangelical Christian and
another., "Ishmael., God Shall Hear" in the December issue of the of the same paper.
The ASA has great respect for this great student of God's Word and God's Works.
George F. Howe, Professor of Biology Westmont College,had a letter to the editor
in the Nov issue
of The American Biology Teacher" responding in the form of a 'minority report' to
a series of articles, "Notes on the Teaching of Evolution" by Dr. Elwood Ehrle, Dr, Howe's letter states:
"A growth and development in any science (teaching or research
phases) demands that all valid alternative hypotheses be evaluated particularly in problem
areas. It will be noted by reading
the works at the end of this letter that many qualified
scientists are dissatisfied with certain aspects of the
evolutionary ccsmology. Some of these men are by no means
Dr. Howe then refers to the work if Nilsson., Kerkut) Mixter., Stoner, Zimmerman,
Klotz, the ASA., Custance, etc. He also states:
"This letter is not an appeal to a dogmatic Creationism in the
classroom but is rather a plea for some long-needed objectivity
in an area where dogmatism of any sort can hinder the freedom of
scientific advancement."
In the August
issue of ETERNITY magazine is an article by James Hefley,,
"What Can an Honest Scientist Believe?" This would be only of passing interest
to ASA members except that Mr. Hefley has succeeded in finding some honest scientists
among ASA members. Mr. Hefley talked to ten evangelical scientists who were
Christians and asked them such questions as "Do you feel that the Christian faith
is outmoded for today's scientists?" "Can a Scientist believe in God and the
supernatural and still maintain intellectual integrity?" "What are some of the
weaknesses which you have observed in current preaching and teaching?" "In your
opinion are there basic conflicts between the Bible and science, and if so, how
can they be solved?" Of the ten scientists,*five are members of the ASA: Irwing
Knobloch, Robert Fischer, David Busby, Conrad Blomquist and Russell Mixter. Looks like the other five are membership prospects! Want to know the answers to
the questions? Now listen! How would Russ Hitt, editor of Eternity like it if
we copied all his stuff?
Christianity Today for July
19, 1963,
carried an account of the ASA-ETS conference
at Asbury College. "One manifestation of the new movement within the scientific
fold is a body of evangelical Christians who call themselves the American Scientific
Affiliation. Bringing to their organization a firm belief in the inspiration of the
of the Scriptures and in the divinity and atonement of Jesus Christ and contributing
minds well versed in the physical and social sciences, these scholars now numbering
excess of 1,200
On September 11, 3.963, the National Retired Teachers Association and the American
Association of Retired Persons at their regional convention in Oklahoma City
awarded a citation for service to Senator Fulbright of Arkansas, Mrs. Oveta Culp
Hobby of the 'Houston Postt, and Dr. A. Kurt Weiss, Professor of Biology at
Oklahoma City University. The citation was given "in appreciation for significant
and valued contribution to the enrichment of retirement living".
It is suggested that the officers of each local section make sure that their group
is represented at the ASA National Convention at John Brown University Augusty 1964.
"Take something to the convention, bring something back" is the motto.
Good writers are always pursued, but perhaps not as relentlessly as good ASA writers
will be pursued by Howard W. Mattson, associate editor of the journal, "International
Science and Technology", a Connover-Mast Publication. Because Howard is an ASA
member, he 'prefers the brethren' and intends to look for authors in the ASA roster.
As he is a chemist, he handles most of the articles on chemistry that find their
way into the magazine, and does considerable travelling in search of good papers.
An excellent service is being rendered the scientific community by such general
journals as Discovery (English), Scientific American and International Science and
Technology. To offset the evils of scientific specialization, we all need
autoritative survey articles to keep abreast rapid developments in other
disciplines. Howard Mattson is dedicating himself to filling this need and full
support is encouraged. Formerly editor of Bell Laboratories Record, Mr. Mattson
would be delighted to entertain suggestions of articles in any scientific or
technological field. Their aim is to discuss a new development in terms of its
significance to the whole field of technology., rather than its detailed structure.
He may be reached at 205 East 42nd Street, New York City.
Many a mail brings a big envelope to ye editor with a tiny piece of paper inside
with notes from a guy named Asa., last name is Office. Here are some samples:
Would you add a paragraph to the next issue of the Newsletter asking if there is anyone who
would be interested in becoming the new JASA Editor,
replacing Dave Moberg? If so they should write the national office
stating their desire and giving qualifications.
Asa Office
Also please remind members to notify the national office of address changes. Their negligence in this matter causes a lot of added expense for the ASA.
Asa Office
Asa office will not be sending out prospective member forms to the membership anymore because of the added expense - (our financial status at present is at an all time low). However, we trust that members will continue to send lists of names of people whom they believe would be interested in our organization and its purposes. ASA Exec. Secretary states: "Find us 5.,000 subscribers to our Journal and we would have no financial problem." So keep the names coming., PLEEZE.1
The ASA office is receiving several requests for 'the book "Modern Science and Christian Faith" which has been out of print for some time. If anyone would care to donate their copy, the ASA would be deeply grateful.
Donald C. Fair's entry in the ASA Journal name contest, THEOS AND COSMOS, has
been declared the winner, Congratulations! This doesn't necessarily mean that the
Journal will actually be given this name, only that the contest is over and that
Don Fair submitted the entry judged best.
The Editorial Board and Staff are doing some fancy skull work these days to make
a more attractive Journal and one of higher quality in every way. A new printer
is being considered as well as a new two-color cover, so brace yourself for that
The Newsletter of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies comes out
with a colorful head looking very much like that of ASA News except that it is
green instead of blue. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it really
doesn't flatter us. It flatters the manufacturer's house organ we copied.
Seriously, the CAPS are planning their 1964 convention. Date: March 3.1.and April 1,
1964; Place: Pine Rest Christian Hospital, Grand Rapids; Theme: The Dynamics of
Forgiving; Address for information: 2010 Kalamazoo Avenue, S.E.~ Grand Rapids
7, Michigan.
The Christian Medical Society held their Third International Convention on
Missionary Medicine on Wheaton College Campus, December 27-10., 1963
ASA NEWS is nominally slated for six
issues per year, appearing on no set dates
because of the unpredictability of ye editors schedule. Like the fourth person
in the back seat, the last one gets all the blame for the crowding. Likewise,
Number 6 is really sliding in on its haunches to make it in 19611
Ye editor spent one of the wildest three week period of his career on a trip to
England., the Continent and Scandinavia. Accompanied by his wife, he visited
nine countries, studying the distribution of Moody films in each, and consulting
with the committees and individuals involved.
High Spots: A most interesting conference with Dr. Oliver Barclay of IVF in London
who directs the iwork of the Research Scientists Christian Fellowship and attending
with him one of their sessions at the University of London . Being the guest
of honor at a luncheon in Jesus College., Oxford University and inspecting their
very impressive research installations, meeting many British men of science
who are keen Christians...flying to Helsinki with the sun setting at
1:30 PM...
Impressions: Economic prosperity everywhere, the same signs of materialism we see
here . . . . Denmark with
million population now boasts a million TV receivers...Great demand for Moody films for TV . . .
Worst weather encountered? Dowmpour in LA as we left, snowstorm in Chicago as we
Disappointments: Just not enough time to look up ASA members abroad such as Richard
T. Wright at Uppsala University and Uuras Saarnivaara near Helsinki
could have really opened up a keg of icicles.
Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Administrative Vice-President of Le Tourneau College in
Longview., Texas, writes to Dr. Hartzler, 'Our physics teacher, Dr, Newton Gaines,
died very suddenly just before school opened in September. We had two men on the
campus who were able to take over his responsibilities but both are now carrying
an overload because of it and are not fully qualified for all areas of instruction
in that field. We have encountered some difficulty in finding a new physics
professor with a Ph.D. degree. You would do us a tremendous service., Harold., if
you could send us the names of any qualified men who would hold our Christian point
of view. If you can give us any helpful information I would like to suggest that
you direct your letter to our academic dean, Dr. Raymond E. Gingrich,"
Dr. Wayne Frair, Associate Professor of Biology, The Kingt's College, Briarcliff
Manor, New York, writes, "We have quite a few very capable science majors and I
was wondering if, perhaps some of our ASA 'members may have openings for summer
work that our students could take."
William Paul, Head of the division of Religion and Philosophy (including
and education at Central College, Pella., Iowa says that his school is planning on adding faculty members in Philosophy, Biology, Education and French.
They would be happy to receive applications or inquiries.
Barclay Bowman is a Christian and a junior in pre-medical studies at the University
of Michigan interested in working in biological medical research as a laboratory
assistant this coming summer. His course background includes inorganic and
organic chemistry, general zoology and developmental anatomy. Anyone interested
should communicate with Mr. Bowman at 101 North Ingalls Street) Apt.H,
Ann Arbor,
V. Elving Anderson, ASA President, attended the AAAS meeting in Cleveland and wanted to publicize the possibility of ASA members getting together, but the lateness of this issue shot down the idea. Sorry!
Alan R. Baldwin has received his M.A. degree in science education from Adams State Coiiege, Alamoosa, Colorado,, and is now on the faculty of Central Junior High School where he teaches General Science.
Donald C. Boardman, Chairman of the Dept. of Geology, Wheaton College., was one of
geologist selected to participate in a summer conference on the
stratigraphy and structure of the Appalachians. As Alumni Chairman of
the Scholastic Honor Society, he was instrumental in bringing Arnold
Toynbee, the noted historian, to the campus recently.
Raymond H. Brand,, Associate Professor of Biology, Wheaton College, represented the college at the 16th International Congress of Zoology in Washington D.C. in August. It was the first such conference held in the U.S. since 1907. Dr. Brand is also directing an undergraduate scientific equipment program which recently received a $5,820 grant from the Nat'l. Sci. Fnd.
Dennis G. Carlson is a new member who is a medical missionary in Ethiopa. This year he will teach at Gondar Health College, a division of Haile Selassie University. His address will be USAID/E. APO 319, New York.
Richard J. Ellis is breathing a bit easier now as he whirled victoriously through
his orals for a Ph.D. in botany at University of California, Berkeley.
His dissertation will be on the brown algae.
F. Alton Everest was recently elevated to the grade of Fellow of the Society of
motion Picture and Television Engineers.
John W. Haas, Jr., of Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts, has received a $2,000 grant from the N.S.F. for a program of research participation for college teachers.
H. Harold Hartzler, Executive Secretary of the ASA informs us that Mrs. Hartzler underwent surgery for a malignant tumor in Mankato recently and is now taking cobalt treatments at the University of Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis. She is recuperating in a satisfactory manner and let us pray that this progress will continue.
S. Richey Kamm, Professor of History, Wheaton College, is the current recipient of of the Alumni Association research grant. He is pursuing the topic, "Christianity, the Free Societies and the Communist Challenge". His recent publications include articles in Christianity Today, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Pakistan and is co-author of "The Teaching of Social Studies in Illinois". He has also written an article for Encyclopedia Britannica.
James H. Kraakevik, Chairman, Department of Physics, Wheaton College., presented a paper on "Airborne Measurment of Atmospheric Ions" at the Triennial meeting of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics at Berkeley, California in August.John Leedy has prepared a science series for Scripture Press according to an advertisement in Moody Monthly.
Cyril E. Luckman, Professor of Zoology, Wheaton College, has published a paper on the response of the submaxillary glands of nature mice to various hormones.
William W, Paul attended the 13th International Congress of Philosophy in Mexico City, September 6-14, and presented a paper on "Metaphysics and Current Philosophical Naturalism". Dill has recently been made head of the Division of Religion and Philosophy at Central College, Pella, Iowa.Robert M. Page Director of Research, Naval Research Laboratories, Washington D.C.., recently participated in the ceremonial groundbreaking for a new building at NRL. This marks NRL's 140th year of service to the nation, the embodiment of the idea of Thomas A. Edison. NRL has entered into a 5-year plan for rehabilitation of laboratory facilities which will cost some $12 million and include a new type cyclotron.
Lawrence H, Starkey has become a willing fugitive from the ivyed halls of learning for a time as he has accepted a position as engineering writer for General Dynamics Astronautics in San Diego. He is working in one of the smaller, more elite technical writing groups associated with a project that is so highly classified he may never find out what he is doing.
Peter L. Tan has recently joined the staff of the Research Foundation of the
National Canners Association as a research biochemist, He is investigating the chemical nature of
Enteroto in A, which is a poison produced
by Staphylococcus aureus
196-E. Dr. Tan is interested in forming an
informal evangelistic Bible study group in his downtown Washington DO
apartment and would appreciate the prayers of the 1SA members for the
project. He lives at 1262 - 21st St. N.W,
Lloyd Taylor of Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston,
has received a grant under the NSF program of research participation for
college teachers.
Henry Weaver Jr has written a 24-page booklet., "Television: Friend or Foe?"
which has been published by Herald Press. This appeared as "How to
Live With TV in October issue of Eternity Magazine.
Robert L. Wilson) Head., Department of Geology and Geography., University of Chatanooga, was also one of the 20 geologists selected to participate in the Apalations study project last summer.
Ex. Sec. H. Harold Hartzler,
South Broad Street
Mankato, Minnesota
News Ed. F. Alton Everest,
947 Stanford Street
Santa Monica, Calif.