Educational Resources in this website,
for teachers of ENGINEERING (or teachers
"problem-solving design" in other contexts)

This page supplements the resources-and-tips you'll find in the
Sitemap for Whole-Person Education which says, "You want ideas
that will help you in general [these ideas are in the sitemap-page]
and also in a specific area you're teaching,"
as in this page and
in the analogous resource-pages for other areas.

    Although "engineering" isn't in our name (we're the American Scientific Affiliation), science and engineering are closely related, and the community of ASA includes many engineers.  In fact, in the early days of ASA our main leader, Alton Everest, was an engineer.  The homepage for Whole-Person Education explains that we are "a community of scientists — and engineers, and scholars in fields related to science, such as the history and philosophy of science, and science education — who are Christians."

    Basically, engineering is a "design field" and its goal is to solve problems.  To do this, it combines creativity and critical thinking to achieve problem solving by using Design Method, which is a cousin of Scientific Method.   {an appendix compares science and engineering}
    "What is a problem?  In the context of design, a problem is any situation where you have an opportunity to make a difference, to make things better.  Whenever you are thinking creatively and critically about ways to increase the quality of life (or avoid a decrease in quality), you are actively involved in problem solving."  (from An Introduction to Design Method which includes a section about similarities and differences between Design and Science)

    Using Engineering to solve Real-World Problems
    Stewardship of Life in a Christian Worldview takes a broad view of stewardship: "fully living a Christian worldview involves a Christian Stewardship of everything in life, including time, opportunities, relationships, knowledge, money, abilities, resources, environment,..."  But many real-world problems require, as part of a solution, technology that is designed skillfully and used wisely, so engineering is a necessary part of solving many problems, as in Conserving Energy & Using Alternative Energy and Serving the Poor by using Science and Technology.   Although many problems cannot be totally "solved" we do have "an opportunity to make a difference, to make things better," and this is one way (among many) to "love our neighbors" as commanded by Jesus.

Science-and-Religion for Understanding & Personal Faith may be useful for teachers (and their students) in all areas,

and a SITEMAP will help you explore the website for Whole-Person Education (with resources for Effective Education and Science-Theology Interactions, using a Multiple-Views Approach) and other parts of the ASA Website, plus TIPS FOR TEACHERS.

You're an expert in your areas, so...
if you want to help us improve our website — for example, if you have suggestions to make it better, or you've discovered a great web-resource and you tell us about it so we can share it with others — your assistance will be greatly appreciated.   How can you help?



Science and Engineering
Here is the conclusion of a page about Relationships between Science and Design:

Comparing Cousins:  Although it can be interesting to compare science with a wide range of design fields, it seems most immediately useful to compare science with its closest cousin in design, which is engineering.  Comparing objectives, we see that science tries to understand nature, while engineering tries to improve technology.  Notice the two differences: understanding versus improvement, and nature versus technology.  But there are also similarities, interactions, and overlaps.  The understanding gained by science is often applied in technology, and science often uses technology, especially for making observations but also in other ways.  Sometimes in science or engineering — for example, when we try to understand the chemistry and physics of combustion in automobile engines — we study the behavior of nature in the context of technology.  And because the definitions we're using distinguish between science and design on the basis of purpose-and-process (objectives-and-methods), not careers, a scientist sometimes does engineering, and an engineer sometimes does science.

This website for Whole-Person Education has TWO KINDS OF LINKS:
an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it,
 a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page.  Both keep everything inside this window, 
so your browser's BACK-button will always take you back to where you were.

Here are tips-pages (to supplement
the SITEMAP described above) with
educational resources for teachers of
Biology, Chemistry, Physics plus Astronomy, Geology
  eclectic interdisciplinary studies (Environmental, Historical, etc) 
 Psychology, Sociology, History, and other Social Sciences     Education 
Mathematics and Computer Science     Engineering and Design
Science in Arts and Sports     Philosophy and Theology

plus useful ideas for teachers and students in all fields,
Science-and-Religion for Understanding and Personal Faith

This page, written by Craig Rusbult (editor of education website), is