in Christian Perspective
The Impact of Three Mathematical Discoveries
on Human Knowledge
Department of Mathematics
Wheaton College Wheaton, Illinois 60187
From: JASA 30 (March
1978): 2-6.
This paper was supported by a grant from the Wheaton
College Alumni Association during the summer of 1975.
Non-Euclidean Geometry
The period from 1826 to 1931 was a century filled with significant
developments in every area of mathematics. The year 1826 is noteworthy, marking
the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry. This discovery changed the way in which
man thought about mathematics and led to a rapid growth of many new kinds of
mathematical structures as well as the adoption of the axiomatic method as the
format for these developments.
In the middle of this period, Georg Cantor's work with the concept of infinity
in his theory of sets and the subsequent paradoxes that were discovered in his
work led to the development of different philosophies of mathematics, each with
sharply drawn lines of distinction regarding the nature and extent of
The close of this period in 1931 refers to the publication of the remarkable
paper by Kurt Godel on the foundations of mathematics. His results ended the
dreams of some mathematicians, notably David Hubert, of the potential of the
axiomatic method and initiated a fresh investigation into the nature of
mathematics that has continued until today.
If one holds the common
misconception that mathematics is little more than a collection of clever
devices for working with numbers, then it should come as a surprise that modern
mathematics contributes significant insights toward the answers of such basic
questions as What is truth? What is the nature of the infinite? What are the
limits to the extent and kind of man's knowledge?
This paper discusses three discoveries that are important not only within the
field of mathematics, but which also have broader significance. These results
are probably not widely known because, although they are understandable by one
who does not possess extensive mathematical facility and training, they are not
the material commonly taught in the high schools and colleges. These three
results are the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry in the 1820's, the
development of infinite set theory by Georg Cantor in the 1870's and the
foundational results of Kurt G–del in the 1930's.
Non-Euclidian Geometry
Most people are familiar with Euclidean geometry to some extent because they
studied it in high school. But few know about non-Euclidean geometries or their
significance for present world views. Let us consider now this interesting and
far-reaching development.
In the 4th century B.C., the Greek mathematician Euclid compiled many of his
results and those of his contemporaries into a remarkable work, the Elements.
Beginning with 23 definitions and five postulates, Euclid used deductive
reasoning to obtain 465 theorems, dealing mainly with geometry, but also
including number theory and algebra. We now know he omitted some necessary
postulates, but this has no effect on our discussion. The fifth postulate is
popularly known today as the parallel postulate. It asserts that through any
point P not on a given line L, exactly one line can be drawn that is parallel to
L, in the sense that the lines will never meet, no matter how far they are
For some reason still not clear today, this parallel postulate provoked great
concern among many who felt it could be proved as a theorem using only the first
four postulates, rather than being independent of them. Although this question
in no way affected the content of the Elements, it remained an absorbing and
unsolved problem to a large number of mathematicians for more than 2000 years.
Then around the year 1825, three men (the great German mathematician and
astronomer Gauss, the Hungarian army officer Bolyai, the the Russian professor
Lobatchevsky) working independently of each other, came to a surprising
discovery: it had been so difficult to prove that the parallel postulate
depended on the first four postulates because it was not true. Not only was the
parallel postulate independent of the first four postulates, it was also
independent of the physical world.
At this point, it is pertinent to review the mindset of the early nineteenth
century. The main theorems and formulas of the calculus had been discovered near
the end of the seventeenth century by men such as Newton and Leibniz. In the
eighteenth century, men such as Euler and Laplace applied the calculus with
remarkable success to describe and solve an abundance of physical problems such
as the motion of heavenly bodies. In all of this, Euclidean geometry was
believed to furnish the unique mathematical description of the physical world.
It consisted of results that were universally accepted as the absolute truth
about our world; e.g. in every triangle, the sum of the angles is 180 degrees.
Thus, man was confident of his ability to reach certainties in mathematics. In
fact, mathematics was the last area of knowledge in which man thought he could
obtain absolute certainty; now this idea was shattered forever. For the essence
of the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry is that Euclidean geometry becomes
but one of many possible consistent geometries, any of which might be a valid
model for the physical world. Instead of one unique parallel line to L through
P, there might just as easily be none, two, three, or even an infinite number.
Several decades passed before more than a few scattered individuals realized the
implications of nonEuclidean geometries. Then in the early 1900's, Albert
Einstein used one of the nonEuclidean geometries as the model for the physical
world in his famous theory of relativity. The popular form of this theory
quickly captured the attention of the public, giving dramatic evidence that
non-Euclidean geometry could apply to a physical situation. Many believe the
introduction of the concept of relativity into all areas of human knowledge and
activity to be a consequence of non-Euclidean geometry. Morris Kline expresses
this very well.
All people, prior to non-Euclidean geometry, had shared the
fundamental belief that man can obtain certainties. The solid basis for this
belief had been that man had already obtained some truths-witness, mathematics.
No system of thought has ever been so widely and completely accepted as
Euclidean geometry . . . Men such as Plato and Descartes were convinced that
mathematical truths were innate in human beings. Kant based his entire
philosophy on the existence of mathematical truths. But now philosophy is
haunted by the specter that the search for truths may be a search for phantoms.
The implication of non-Euclidean geometry, namely, that man may not be able to
acquire truths, affects all thought. Past ages have sought absolute standards in
law, ethics, government, economics, and other fields. They believed that by
reasoning one could determine the perfect state, the perfect economic system,
the ideals
Mathematics possesses a vitality that seems to guarantee a long future of new ideas and significance for all areas of human knowledge.
of human behavior, and the like. The standards sought were not
just the most effective ones, but the unique, the correct ones.
Our own century is the first to feel the impact of nonEuclidean
geometry because the theory of relativity brought it into prominence. It is very
likely that the abandonment of absolutes has seeped into the minds of all
intellectuals. We no longer search for the ideal political system or ideal code
of ethics but rather for the most workable.1
It is essential to realize that the discovery of nonEuclidean geometries did not
prove absolute truth did not exist. The mathematicians were asserting only that
absolute truth could not be proved within their discipline. This assertion does
not abolish truth, but rather indicates it may transcend the highest level of
human thought and effort. Unfortunately, most disciplines reacted by denying the
existence of absolute truth, asserting all things to be relative, whether they
are in politics, ethics, or even theology. While this reaction may have been in
response to a mathematical discovery, it must he emphasized it was not a
necessary reaction. How often we see non-scientists alter their beliefs because
they misunderstand the meaning of a scientific or mathematical discovery.
On the other hand, mathematicians, rather than despairing at this apparent
deficiency in man's ability to know truth, accepted it as an open invitation to
expand their searches for new results in all directions. They would now
emphasize the ideas of consistency and validity, rather than that of truth.
Endless variety thus became another consequence of the discovery of nonEuclidean
geometry for the mathematical world. Instead of one geometry (i.e., Euclidean),
there were now many. Instead of one number system (i.e., our usual one), many
others were discovered in the years after 1845, leading to the modern structures
in abstract algebra. Instead of one infinity, we will see how Cantor showed in
the lS7O's that there were many different infinities. And instead of one logic
(i.e., Aristotelian two-valued logic), the years after 1920 saw the development
of new logics, each leading to different mathematical systems.
Infinite Set Theory
One problem area had consistently surfaced throughout the history of
mathematics, that of the infinite. In the ease of Euclidean geometry, it was the
parallel postulate that dealt with the infinite. The problems that arose when an
attempt was made to decide whether two lines would meet if extended indefinitely
has already been discussed. Also, one who has studied the calculus will recall
the centrality there of the limit concept, which is the mathematician's way of
dealing with the infinite. However, in spite of the frequent occurrence of the
concept of the infinite before the 1870's, people had not thought with much
clarity about it. It remained a fuzzy concept, somewhere beyond the reach of
man. Infinity was viewed as an absolute and unique entity, a vast pool into
which everything non-finite blended.
Then a German mathematician by the name of Georg Cantor, motivated by his
researches in an advanced area of the calculus (convergence of Fourier series),
began a careful investigation of the theory of sets, and especially the
properties of infinite sets, those possessing a non-finite number of members.
The results that he discovered revolutionized several areas. His concept of a
set has proven fruitful as the basic language to use in describing most areas of
modem mathematics. In fact, the twentieth century has been the scene for use of
the language of set theory and the axiomatic method to reformulate much of the
known mathematical results. What we refer to as the "new mathematics"
is really in large part the old mathematics expressed in the new language of set
But it was when Cantor dealt with infinite sets that some truly significant
results arose. Upon sending some of these results to a friend, Cantor remarked,
"I see it, but I don't believe it." Another mathematician, on reading
Cantor's results exclaimed, "This is not mathematics, this is
theology." Let us examine the nature of results that would evoke such
The set of counting numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . is almost universally recognized as a
familiar infinite set. No matter how large a number is chosen from this set,
there is always a larger one. This common view of infinity-when there is to end
but always another element-has been called the concept of "potential
infinity" by David Hilbert. The infinite is never reached, but it is
potentially there in the sense that there is always another element beyond any
chosen one.
Cantor extended his work to the realm of the "actual infinite." That
is, he considered the counting numbers as a completed set and began to form and
to work with subsets of this set. This approach led to several remarkable
results, a few of which are discussed here.
Cantor began by defining when two infinite sets were of the same level of
infinity, or equivalent, in the sense that their elements could be matched up in
a one-to-one manner. Thus, even though the set of all counting numbers N==
[1,2,3,4,. . .] is obviously different from the set of even counting numbers E=
[2,4,6,8 . . .] they are seen to he at the same level of infinity under Cantor's
definition by observing the one-to-one matching of is from the set N with 2n
from the set E. Even though the set R of all rational numbers seems to be
infinitely larger than the set of natural numbers N (for between any two natural
numbers, there are an infinite number of rational numbers), Cantor showed R to
be of the same level of infinity as N. Then he was able to demonstrate two sets
(the natural numbers and the real numbers) which could not be matched up
according to his definition of equivalence, and thus were of different levels of
infinity. In fact, Cantor showed there must be an unending string of larger and
larger infinities.
Before Cantor, whether one accepted the position of a potential or actual
infinity, whether one was a mathematician or not, whether one was thinking from
a Christian perspective or not, whenever one spoke of infinity or the infinite,
he thought there was only one infinity: whatever was beyond the finite. For a
theologian such as Strong, this was the basis of arguing for one God and for a
finite universe.2 For if there is but one infinite, he argued, it would be
contradictory to speak of two different infinite beings, or of both an infinite
God and an infinite universe. The two could not subsist together. It would make
an interesting question to try to relate the one infinity of the theologian to
the endless number of infinities of the mathematician.
The consideration of eternity as endless time is not generally accepted by
theologians, who prefer to consider eternity as an entity distinct from time. We
can think of eternity, however, only in the framework of time, and thus often
carelessly speak of eternity as endless time. We should rather think of eternity
as qualitatively different from time, not as quantitatively different. For
example, in John 17:3, eternal life is not viewed as an endless life, but as an
experience of knowing God, "And this is eternal life that they may know
Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." TI
Corinthians 4:18 suggests that eternity consists of entities beyond the realm of
man's insight-"The things which are not seen are eternal."
The Philosophies of Mathematics
Widespread disbelief of the validity of Cantor's findings developed quickly, so
much so that personal attacks were mounted against Cantor, especially by
Kronecker, a mathematician at the University of Berlin. These led to mental
breakdowns and denial of a university position at the University of Berlin that
Cantor desired. A number of men began to find paradoxes within set theory which
seemed to augur evil for all of mathematics. The attention of many turned to
attempts to vindicate mathematics by resolving the paradoxes and developing
philosophies of mathematics that would describe the true nature of mathematics;
the paradox of the barber who shaves all those men and only those men in his
village who do not shave themselves, is probably the best known.
Though the sharp distinctions have mellowed considerably over the years, the
original situation was the development of three distinct philosophies of
mathematics, each with vigorous proponents and well-defined battle lines. This
inauguration of a serious investigation into the foundations of mathematics and
the development of philosophies of mathematics was another significant
consequence of Cantor's work with the infinite.
The first of these three philosophies was intuitionism, advocated mainly by
Kronecker in the last decades of the nineteenth century, followed by Brouwer in
the opening years of the twentieth century. Their rallying cry was the famous
statement of Kronecker, "God made the integers, all else is the work of
man." It was especially the work of the man Cantor in infinite set theory
which infuriated Kronecker. He insisted that only those results that could be
proved in a finite number of constructive steps were acceptable as mathematics.
While this viewpoint had the advantage of making mathematicians more cautious of
the reasons given in their proofs, it also severely limited the scope of
mathematics. Many basic results could not he accepted under the strict
limitations of the intuitionists.
Another objector to the infinite set theory was Bertrand Russell; he was among
the first to discover some of the paradoxes it contained. Since so much of
mathematics had been restated in terms of this new universal language of set
theory, the paradoxes necessitated a drastic reassessment. Russell's answer was
to begin the second philosophical school, logicism. His thesis was that
mathematics was but a branch of logic, so if one could place logic on a firm
axiomatic basis, then the results of mathematics would he safe in this new
universal language. The Principia Mat hematica was written by Bertrand Russell
and Alfred Whitehead to demonstrate the validity of this thesis. Although the
Principia provided the tool of symbolic logic, their commitment to logicism made
long, plodding proofs of the most elementary mathematical results. As an
example, they most go more than 200 pages into the second volume before proving
that 1 + 1=2.
Then, the German mathematician, David Hilbert, began the third philosophical
school, formalism, in strong reaction to the strict curtailment of his beloved
mathematics that was imposed by the intuitinnists and logicists. The name
"formalism" refers to Hilbert's strong dependence on an axiom system
in which the symbols are manipulated according to the formal rules of the system
without an attempt to attribute any meaning or interpretation to the symbols
themselves. It was his goal to demonstrate both completeness and absolute
consistency for an axiom system which had the natural numbers as a model. Since
the set of real numbers, as well as the calculus and its applications, are
ultimately based on the natural numbers, and since Euclidean geometry had been
proven consistent if the natural numbers were consistent, such an achievement
would vindicate mathematics in large measure.
Completeness would be established if every question that could be posed in the
language of the axiom system could be answered within the system. Absolute
consistency would be established if it could be proven as a theorem within the
system that there were no contradictions in the system. It should be stated that
Hilbert was the outstanding mathematician of his day and so his efforts were
widely followed by the mathematical community. Throughout the 1920's, Hilbert
and his followers made slow but continual progress in their assigned task. Some
areas were proven to be consistent within themselves and complete; one example
was the predicate calculus of Russell and Whitehead.
Then in 1931, a 25-year-old mathematician at the University of Vienna, Kurt
Godel, published what is probably the most startling result in the foundations
of mathematics, showing that Hilbert's goal was unattainable. Godel's paper is
deeply involved with formal logic, but in simple terms he proved that no axiom
system significant enough to contain our usual number system among its possible
models could be proved consistent except by going outside the system.
Furthermore, even if such a system could be proved consistent, it would
necessarily be incomplete in that one could always state propositions that could
not be proved true or false within the system. This inability to simultaneously
obtain both consistency and completeness in an axiom system reminds one of the
indeterminacy principle of Heisenberg with the similar inability to
simultaneously know both position and velocity. It was very disappointing to
realize that the axiomatic approach which seems to furnish man his best means
for knowing, and which had served so admirably in the 'SOO's for generating and
expressing new mathematics was now shown to be unavoidably defective in this
The believer, upon reflection, will realize the extensive use of axiomatics in
Scripture. For one example, the parables of Christ are axiomatic in nature, with
a presentation of the primitive terms and the axioms, leaving it to the hearer
to assign an interpretation to the system. In the parable of the prodigal son,
we have as the undefined primitives such concepts as the older son, the younger
son, the father, the far country and the fatted calf. The axioms would include
such statements as, "The younger son went to the far country" and
"The father had the fatted calf killed." While no theorems or
conclusions are presented in the parable, we find ourselves compelled to
conclude that the father loved the younger son dearly. The numerous models or
interpretations of this parable that have been presented from the pulpit
indicate the attempt of men to derive the theorems implicit in this axiomatic
As a second example, we consider the reasoning of Paul in his presentations of
the gospel along the route of his missionary journeys. In axiomatic language, we
might say that he was trying to demonstrate that Jesus of Nazareth was the only
one who satisfied all the "axioms" for the Messiah that were presented
in the Old Testament. Those who were open to follow his logical arguments
accepted Jesus as Christ. Those who already "knew" what they thought
was the truth, furnished the opposition to Paul's ministry.
The widespread usefulness of the axiomatic method both within mathematics and
outside it, encouraged man to try to find some way to justify his usage of
axiomatics, even though the method had been shown to have inherent weaknesses.
And indeed, the initial reaction of Hilbert and most mathematicians to these
limitations was one of despair, but the realization gradually came that there
was also a positive side to Godel's results. For they opened whole new areas in
the foundations of mathematics, as well as new vistas to our understanding of
the power of the human mind.
Toward the end of the eighteenth century, some mathematicians feared that
mathematics was almost a closed subject, with all its questions answered and no
new fields to investigate. However, we have seen that the discovery of
non-Euclidean geometry opened the gates for the proliferation of new structures
and new topics using the axiomatic method. Then the remarkable achievements of
Cantor in the field of infinite set theory led to a new language for mathematics
as well as furnishing the impetus for an investigation into the nature of
mathematics. The resultant philosophies arid the reactions to the results of
Godel have shown us that mathematics possesses a vitality that seems to
guarantee a long future of new ideas and significance for all areas of human
1M. Kline, Mathematics for Liberal Arts (Addison-Wesley, 1967), pp.
2A. H. Strong, Systematic Theology, Vol. 1, (Judson Press, 1907), pp.