Science in Christian Perspective
Research Scientists Christian Fellowship
From: JASA 25 (March 1973): 3-4.
Sixty Christian Research Scientists (from RSC Fellowship) drown from
many fields
of pure and applied science and meeting in London on October 23, 1972 issued a
statement in which they declare that man has a positive duty to manage nature
within certain moral limits. The statement reflects a day-long conference held
at Bedford College and chaired by Dr. R. I. Berry, Reader in Genetics
at the Royal
Free Hospital Medical School, London. Four papers prepared by groups
of scientists
in St. Andrews, Cambridge, Manchester and Bristol were discussed.
1. The Christian's Positive Mandate
A. Man has a positive responsibility to manage 'na
ture' and to mold it for his own good. (Genesis 1:28, 2:5 and 15). This was as
true before the Fall as after it. Man has still an ongoing responsibility, or
mandate, to control and use natural resources for his own corporate
good and for
B. Since the Fall there is added a lack of some degree of harmony between man
and his environment which makes the task harder and at times distasteful. The
environment is not entirely friendly and it needs to be tamed as well as used.
This, however, only alters man's role in degree and not in principle. For most
purposes the principle (A) is an adequate rule. However well man had behaved it
is hard to see how he could have avoided an ultimate problem of population and
use of scarce resources.
The Christian should hold any constructive work
as honorable. Jesus was a carpenter, the apostles mostly fishermen and Adam was
a gardener even before the Fall. Most constructive work is, in the
end, deriving
from 'nature' what we would not otherwise have without molding it to
our purposes.
Such work is good and, since the Fall at least, essential.
D. In an imperfect world, in which many do not have a proper standard
of living,
the Christian must have a compassionate aim of material progress as a part of
his desire for the good of all men. As long as people suffer from
diseases, lack
of basic education, food, physical facilities for family and personal
life, etc.
we must work for progress, within the limits outlined below.
The Christian cannot therefore accept a call to revert to a state of 'nature'.
That is animal not human. We must boldly insist that man is intended
to rule his
environment and mold it for his own good. That in itself is not selfish; it is
a duty. The back-to-nature movement is like asceticism in sex. It
denies our God-given
F. The Christian's outlook will in these respects differ from that of
some non-Christians
in each of the above points. His view will also differ as to what is the 'good
of all men', The Christian cannot see it as merely material. Most non-Christians
will agree, in theory at least, but will value things in a different
way. Because
Christians value the family so highly, for instance, it will alter their view
of 'progress' that may disrupt family life.
Limitations and Priorities in That Mandate
In Genesis 1:28 man is commanded to multiply
without qualification. The qualifications, such as
marriage and the family, come later. In the same
verse he is called to have dominion without qualification, but qualifications
are later given in the Bible.
A. We are to love the Lord our God and we are stewards of His world
(Genesis 9:1-9,
Psalm 8, Leviticus 25:23). This means: 1. That we must not waste God's wealth;
we are to use His gifts as He does and as He commands us; and 2. we are (Psalm
8) His vice-regents and we are to make a constructive use of nature consistent
with respect for it as His.
B. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. The Christian's mandate is for the
whole of mankind. It is not sectional and it includes future generations. This
limits us severely but constructively.
C. We must beware of love of self. Many of the
abuses have arisen from selfishness and greed,
etc. Some are due to ignorance and in that case only become blameworthy when we
discover our fault and do nothing about it. The Christian must constantly speak
out, especially when his own group or society or country is guilty of
greed, luxury
and selfishness. (Man's fallen nature is very evident here.)
D. The methods used must he ethical. Not everything that can be done should be
done. Wholesale abortion for instance is not a Christian option. The break up
of family life or euthanasia are not methods that we can accept any more than
war, famine or genocide.
E. Everything created by God is good (1 Timothy 4:4). Therefore our management
must be conservative. The creation has a wonderful balance and richness which
is all too easily destroyed thoughtlessly. We want to preserve a natural state
and balance as far as these are compatible with other positively good aims. Like
the ideal of physical health (which may involve sanitation,
extermination of certain
species, etc., etc.) there is an ideal of human well-being which
includes for the
Christian at least a recognition that man, if he is to be altogether healthy,
needs beauty, contact with trees and birds and animals, human community, mental
and physical recreation, etc. and a life which can be open to God and
His truth.
If not all are available then we must compensate by art, etc. We therefore want
to change nature as little as possible and to preserve the diversity of nature
and a state of
balance. Man's aesthetic sense is not altogether misplaced. What men value as
beautiful should be highly prized.
3. Some Practical Applications
A. We must use the best knowledge and methods available to avoid
destruction and
establish a reasonably natural state of equilibrium. Biological
resources (e.g.,
whales) should be managed as long term assets. Mineral resources must be used
B, Scarce resources especially, but all natural resources, should be used as a
trust. Conservation and re-cycling of many waste products should have
a much higher
priority than at present.
C. The extinction of species and of natural habitats is a cause for
concern; they
represent a loss of natural diversity and often upset the balance of
nature more
than is expected. Even if tigers have to be confined to game parks and yellow
fever mosquitoes extirpated from areas where they might carry yellow fever, we
should hope to preserve the species if possible. Even malaria has its medicinal
uses against other diseases. There is here a question of balance and
even if Bacillus
tuberculosis has its uses we would all be glad to see it extinct unless we can
completely control it.
D. Population growth may need to be checked arti
ficially if natural falls in reproductive rates do not operate adequately. If
we cannot give the next generation a wholesome life if their number
is too large,
we should avoid their increase. This is a corporate responsibility. As nearly
all parents at some stage say 'Enough! We cannot adequately look
after more children,
so the community must do the same.
E. Governments will need great reinforcing in their resolves to do good because
every government is tempted to find favor by taking more out of nature' than is
necessary at the expense of future generations. Christian opinion is needed to
help to create a whole attitude to natural resorces that will enable
to do what in their responsible moments they would like to do, but
dare not, because
of popular greed. There is a stage between personal motivation and legislation
in which Christian opinion should be influential. This stage is the creation of
public opinion on which legislation can be based.
The existentialist mood of living only in and for the present has to be fought
here. Rational long term planning is necessary.
F. Christians will need to set an example of abstemiousness in
consumption (i.e.,
standard of living), perhaps in family size, and in respect and love
for the creation,
even when it requires extra effort and self-sacrifice to do so.