in Christian Perspective
Letter to the editor
The Dichotomist Should Become More Wholistic
Paul H. Seey
2807 Balfaur
Milwaukie, Oregon 97222
From: JASA 24 (March 1972): 36-37.
Mayers (Journal ASA 23, 89 (1971) ) suggests that diehotomistic
people are unlikely
to ever be led by the Spirit of God to praise God in tongues.
Speaking in tongues
is too non-linear, too irrational for them. Mayers' analysis may be quite right
(I'd like to see his thesis developed more fully and concretely); but, I can't
see that the answer for the diehotomist is to find other ways to open up to God
and to praise Him.
Opening up to God and praising Him in the fullest sense are in-spirit things-of
the very warp and woof of speaking in tongues. And, the dichntomist
not only cannot
speak in tongues, he normally cannot pray in groanings, he guided by the Spirit
or an angel, exercise the charismatic word of knowledge or wisdom,
prophesy, heal
the sick, or raise the dead. The dichotomist because of his inability
to operate
in the nonrational, non-linear, in-spirit realm has little or no experience of
any of these matters.
The answer then, if the Biblical revelation is the true religion, is
for the dichotomist
to become at least partly wholist: so that he can accept all of the Bible. The
dichotomist is isolated in the realm of intellectualism and unable to move into
Biblical mysticism. He can pray and praise with his mind, but not
with his spirit.
(I Cor. 14:15) When it comes to the in-spirit realm the dichotomist
is uninitiated
and hence sees in-spirit activities as irrational. (I Cor. 14:23).
When William James analyzed religious conversion, he decided that
some people-the
"healthyminded", which he found in primarily modernist churches and
Unitarianism-were not particularly susceptible to conversion and really did not
need to he "twice-born." No doubt, the "healthy-minded" are
not particularly susceptible to conversion; but, they need to be born
again anyway.
So, with the diehotomist who is not particularly susceptible to
speaking in tongues
(or to any other in-spirit activity), he needs it anyway. Or, as Paul
said, "I
wish that ye all spake in tongues."
It is not entbnoceotrism nor selfish rejection that leads Paul, a wbolist, to
wish that all Christians would speak in tongues (and even more to prophesy, an
equally mystical exercise), but rather the love of God,
who wants all men to be whole.