in Christian Perspective
H3 Reminisces
Mankato State College Mankato, Minnesota 56001
From: JASA 24 (March 1972): 23-25.
A group of Christian men and women, each trained and active its some
area of science,
met for the first time in Chicago at the Moody Bible Institute during the week
of September 2-5, 1941. At the invitation of Dr. Will H. Houghton, who was then
President of the Moody Bible Institute, five men met for a week of discussion.
The inspiration for this meeting came from the work of Irwin A. Moon
who had been
giving his Sermons from Science demonstrations throughout the
country. Many young
people came to Mr. Moon after one of his demonstrations, asking whether modern
scientific knowledge rules out Christian faith.
Those who attended the Chicago meeting were Irving A. Cowperthwaite, Russell D.
Sturgis, Peter W.. Stoner, John P. Van Haitsman and F. Alton Everest.
After several
days of deliberation, it was decided that an organization was desirable so that
many Christians might work together in order to help correlate the
facts of science
with the tenets of the Christian faith. Officers elected were F. Alton Everest,
President and Irving A. Cosvperthwaite, Secretary-Treasurer.
Soon after this meeting, war broke out between the U.S. and Japan. Because of
severe travel restrictions, the first national meeting of the newly organized
group was not held until 1946. In the meantime Dr. Everest was able to contact
many potential new members of the American Scientific Affiliation through his
war-time activities. Growth was slow but certain with the principal
activity during
the early years being the gathering of material for a symposium
volume to be entitled
Modern Science and Christian Faith. This book, the purpose of which was to help
students struggling with problems relating science and Christian
faith, was published
in 1948; it consisted of ten chapters, each written
by a different author in nine areas of science. The first annual convention of
the Affiliation was held at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois in
August 1946.
It was a great inspiration for me to be able to attend this meeting and to meet
Christian men from various backgrounds, all of whom were interested
in correlating
various areas of science with their Christian faith. It was there that I first
gained some insight into the real potential of the ASA.
It has been my privilege to have been able to attend every annual convention of
the ASA.
Annual Meetings
Since 1946 annual meetings have taken place throughout the country from as far
east as Boston to as far west as Los Angeles. These meetings are
attended by members
and others who are interested in the work of the Affiliation. They are usually
held on the campuses of Christian colleges, although they have also been held
on University campuses. One of the outstanding conventions of the early years
was the one held at BIOLA (Bible Institute of Los Angeles) in August of 1949.
Five full days were packed full of inspirational speeches and activities. One
whole day was taken for a trip to Mount Palomar to see the 200inch telescope.
At this convention George McCready Price was present to defend his
ideas of "Deluge
Geologv," and so was J. Lawrence Kulp of Columbia Universitv,
who presented
a paper to show the many shortcomings in the theory of "Deluge
Los Angeles seems to be filled with many kinds of "isms" and a number
of spokesmen were heard at this meeting. In addition to thoroughly enjoying the
meeting, I had the interesting experience of traveling from Los Angeles
to Chicago with Hendrik Oorthuys and Roger Voskuyl, both of whom have
been active
in the ASA.
Another outstanding convention was held at King's College, Briarcliff
Manor, New
York, in 1965. This meeting was jointly sponsored by Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship
and the American Scientific Affiliation. Prior to the meeting a
number of members
and friends attended the New York World's Fair. John Alexander, then the newly
elected Director of IVCF' took an active part in this meeting.
A review of the annual conventions of the ASA may he in order. The
first meeting
held at Wheaton College August 28-30, 1946 was under the
chairmanship of Russell
L. Mixter, who later served as President and then as Editor of the
Journal ASA,
The second meeting held at Taylor University August 27-29.
1947 was directed hy
Irving A. Cuwperthwaite and ended with a discussion on the topic, "Looking
into the Future with the American Scientific Affiliation" led by
our president
F. Alton Everest.
The third annual convention was held at Calvin College September 1-3, 1948. I
will always remember the wonderful hospitality shown to all guests by Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Y. Monsma and by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Karsten. It is interesting to
note that a discussion was held on the topic "What Shall be the
Rule of ASA
in the Study of Evolution?" It was at this convention that copies of our
symposium volume, Modern Science and Christian Faith first appeared.
The fourth annual convention held at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles August
22-26, 1949 was the first one where extensive field trips were held.
These included
trips to Mount Wilson Observatory, Rancho La Brea tar pits, Palomar Observatory
and Moody Institute of Science. The fifth annual meeting was held at
Gnshen College
August 29-Sept. 1, 1950. It is interesting to note that the ASA was
already interested
in a topic of eurent interest. "Conservation, A Christian
was discussed in a paper by Alta Schroek, then a Professor at Goshen
From a small city in Goshen, Indiana, the ASA moved to a large city
for its next
annual meeting. This was held at SheltON College in New York City,
August 28-31,
1951. Among many interesting papers the author well recalls the one entitled,
"The Philosophy of Science" By Gordon II. Clark of Butler University.
The Wheaton College Science Station located near Rapid City, South Dakota was
the site of the seventh annual convention. This was held August 26-29, 1952 and
afforded many opportunities for field trips.
The eighth annual meeting was held at Grace Theological Seminary,
September 1-3,
1953. William J. Tinkle served as General Chairman of the convention.
Among controversial
papers was one presented by Henry Morris entitled, "Biblical Evidence for
a Recent Creation and Universal Deluge."
One of the few conventions held
south of the Mason and Dixon line was held at Eastern Mennonite
College, Harrisnnhurg,
Virginia, August 24-27, 1954. This ninth annual meeting was chaired by Maurice
T. Braekhill, who served as a very gracious host. I recall with a great deal of
pleasure the farewell devotions conducted by Walter R. Hearn.
As a new experience for the ASA the tenth annual convention was held at a ranch
in Colorado. This took place August 23-26, 1955 at Young Life Camp,
near Colorado
Springs. It was at this meeting that definite plans were made to publish a book
an evolution to
appear in 1959, the centennial year of Darwin's hook, The Origin of Species'.
This symposium volume, under the editorship of Russell L. Mixter, was published
in 1959 with the title, Evolution and Christian Thought Today.
For the 1956 meeting the ASA returned to \Vheaton College. This was held August
21-24 under the chairmanship of Paul NI. Wright. At this meeting an interesting
symposium was held on the subject of ExtraSensory Perception. Gordon
College and
Divinity School was the site of the twelfth annual convention. This
was the first
meeting of the ASA in which several members of the group openly
advocated theistic
evolution as a live option.
After some discussion the ASA Executive Council decided to hold an
annual meeting
on the campus of a University. The thirteenth annual meeting was held at Iowa
State College August 26-28, 1958. At this meeting an added attraction was the
presentation by George E. Speake entitled "Sermons From
Science". Interesting
discussions followed each evening lecture. An innovation was a special program
for wives arranged by Walter R. Hearn who served as General Chairman
of the convention.
The fourteenth annual convention was held June 9-12, 1959 as a joint
meeting with
the Evangelical Theological Society. The ETS is an association of Evangelical
Christian scholars who, have been meeting annually or oftener since 1949, for
mutual stimulus and fello\vship. This group of theologically trained
persons encourages
Biblical and theological scholarship. This joint meeting, held at
Trinity Seminary
and Bible College in Chicago, was the third joint meeting of the ASA
and the ETS.
Earlier meetings had been held at Grace Theological Seminary at
Wheaton College.
The theme of the 1959 meeting was, "Toward an Evangelical
Philosophy of Science."
Seattle Pacific College acted as host for the fifteenth annual
meeting held August
22-25, 1960. At this meeting plans were made for the establishing of
These Commissions were useful for a number of years in the
development of programs
for annual conventions, but after a period of ten years seemed to have outlived
their purpose. The Executive Council, at their meeting on April 17,
1971, decided
to eliminate all Commissions by August 31, 1971.
The sixteenth annual convention held August 22-25, 1961 at Houghton College was
arranged by Henry D. Weaver, Vice-President of the ASA. The entire conference
was on the theme, "The Christian's Responsibility Toward the
Increasing Population."
Again, it seems that the ASA was in the forefront of a current world problem.
Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota was the host institution for
the seventeenth
annual convention held August 20-24, 1962. This was the first meeting under the
supervision of one of the Commissions. The theme chosen by the
Psychology Commission
was, "Modern Psychology and the Christian." Paul C. Davis, Dean and
Professor of Psychology at Los Angeles Pacific College, served as
Program Chairman.
The eighteenth annual convention was held August 19-23, 1963 at westmont College,
Santa Barbara, California. "Expanding Horizons in a Shrinking World"
was the convention theme. This annual program was arranged by the
Social Science
Commission under the chairmanship of Paul Peachey. The ASA was happy
to have wil Rose, President of Data International Assistance Corps present to
present an address on the subject, "The Role of the Individual
in International
Technical Assistance." Again the ASA went south for the nineteenth annual
convention which was held at John Brown University in Arkansas. The dates were
August 24-27, 1964. The theme of the convention was,
"Panorama of the Past." Irvin A. Wills served as
most gracious host at this convention.
The twentieth annual meeting was held August 23-27, 1965 at The King's College,
Briareliff, New York. This meeting was sponsored jointly by the
American Scientific
Affiliation and by the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. The theme
of the meeting
was, "Christian Commitment and the Scientific Attitude."
North Park College of Chicago was the host institution for the
twenty-first annual
convention. Again this meeting was under joint sponsorship by the ASA and the
ETS, A highlight of this meeting was the Twenty-fifth Anniversary
address by the
first president of the ASA, F. Alton Everest, from the Moody
Institute of Science.
For the second time in the history of the organization the ASA met on a secular
campus August 28-31, 1967. Stanford University served as a very fine host with
Richard Bube serving as local arrangements chairman. On this occasion
the program
was arranged jointly by the Psychology Commission and the Biological
Science Commission.
The theme chosen and carried out was, "A Christian Approach to
Human Personality:
A Psychological and Biological discussion."
It is my conviction that God does have a great work ahead for the ASA.
The ASA returned again to Calvin College (this time on a new campus)
for its twenty-third
annual convention. This was held August 20-23, 1968 and each of the
(Social Science, Psychology, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences,
and History
and Philosophy of Science) had a part in arranging and carrying out
the program.
A special meeting was held on Monday, August 19 to discuss purposes of the ASA
and possible cooperation with other groups. The ASA was very happy to
have William
G. Pollard, of the Oak Ridge Associated Universities, present to take part in
a discussion and to present a public address with the title,
"Man on a Space
The second meeting of the ASA at Gordon College took place August 18-21, 1969.
This was the twenty-fourth annual meeting and the program was arranged
by all Commissions.
A workshop in Science and Religion in the High School Classroom was
arranged for
high school teachers by V. Elving Anderson of the University of
Minnesota. A highlight
of this meeting
as the banquet address given by William E. Pannell of Detroit, who spoke on the
subject, "Science, Scripture, and Race." Most of the papers presented
at this meeting have appeared in an ASA publication edited by Gary
Collins entitled,
Our Society in Turmoil.
The ASA met again at Bethel College for its twenty-fifth annual convention. This
was held on the new campus of Bethel College, August 17-20, 1970. Dewey K. Carpenter
served as Program Chairman. Two major addresses were g iven by Charles Hatfield
who spoke on "Man, Models, and Mathematics" and Richard II.
Bube speaking on "Whatever Happened to Scientific Prestige?"
Personal Friendships
It has been my privilege to have been able to at
tend every annual convention of the ASA. Many very wonderful friendships have
resulted. The fellowship with many fine Christians who are engaged in the scientific enterprise has
been a source of real joy and
comfort. Perhaps the mention of a few names would be in order. At
that first convention
atWheaton College two persons stand out, Dr. Walter L. Wilson from
Kansas City,
a fine Christian physician and lay minister, presented a paper which has been
remembered to this day. Paul DeKoning, from Michigan State
University, vas there
and shared a room in the Wheaton dormitory with the author. What a wonderful
man of prayer!
It was at the second annual convention that the author first met
F. Alton Everest. Dr. Everest has been a tower of strength from the beginning
of the ASA. After serving as president for a period of ten years, during which
time he also edited the first symposium volume of the ASA, he became the first
editor of the ASA Newsletter. This association continued for another period of
ten years.
Another name must be mentioned. Irving A. Cowperthwaite
served as the
first secretary of the ASA and for many years had a perfect attendance record
at national meetings. Besides being a fine Christian, he is a man of excellent
judgment and has served the ASA well through the years. I am deeply indebted to
both F. Altmi Everest and Irving A. Cowperthwaite for the
splendid historical papers which have appeared in the Journal ASA.
Dr. Everest's
article on the first decade of the ASA appeared in 1951, and Dr.
article on the twenty-year history appeared
in 1961.
Local Sections
Very early in the history of the ASA it was felt by, some members that local sections should be established. The first one started in the Los Angeles area. Later local groups were organized in Indiana, Delaware and Washington, D.C. At present there are twelve local sections which meet two or more times a year. The names of the local sections are as follows: Central Pennsylvania, Chicago, Indiana, New England, New York City Area, North Central, Oregon, San Francisco Bay, Southern California, Washington-Baltimore, Western Michigan and Western New York.
Scattered as they are throughout the United States, most of the members can attend at least one of the local meetings. Many members consider the local meetings to he one of the most important activities of the ASA.
of books, Monographs, and the Journal ASA have been the principal
means of letting
the public know of the work of the ASA. The first issue of the
Journal ASA appeared
in 1949 under the editorship of Marion Barnes. After two years this
position was
taken over by Delbert Eggenberger. More recently David Moherg and
Russell Mister
have served as editors. At the present time Richard H. Bube, of
Stanford University,
is doing a superb job as editor of the Journal ASA. With the exception of the
first year the Journal ASA has been published as a quarterly.
Beginning in 1959
the ASA Newsletter has appeared five or six times a year. For eleven years F.
Alton Everest served capably as editor. Since 1969 Walter R. Hearn,
of Iowa State
University, has been the editor of this important publication. The
ASA Newsletter
has served an important purpose in keeping members informed concerning the work
of the organization and in many eases it has helped members to keep
informed concerning
the activities of other members. A publication for which the ASA has received
very little recognition is a tract entitled Ten Scientists Look at Life. This
was edited by Alfred Eckert and contains the personal testimonies of ten men of
science, most of whom are ASA members.
The ASA has published three monographs: Chris
tian Theism and the Empirical Sciences by Cornelius Jaarsma; Creation
and Evolution
by Russell L. Mixter, ed.; The Eye as an Optical Instrument by Frank
In order to publicize the ASA the Executive Council has authorized
two brochures.
The first entitled The Story of the American Scientific Affiliation
briefly describes
the organization and contains the Constitu
tion. The following is taken from the introduction: "Nineteenth
and twentieth
century science has brought forth some remarkable evidence substantiating the
reliability of the Holy Scriptures. This same science has also
brought in a materialistic
philosophy which is leaving a scar upon our civilization. An excellent method
of combating the latter is to make known the former, and to this task
this organization
of Christian men of science brings its rigorous, specialized
training, and humble
faith." The second publicity brochure is entitled American
Scientific Affiliation
and briefly tells of the following: Publications, Organizations, Past, Present,
Future, Objectives, Doctrinal Statement and Activities. It also states how one
may become a member of the ASA.
On the front of each annual program from 1946-1968 the following
statement appears:
"A group of Christian scientific men, devoting themselves to the task of
reviewing, preparing and distributing information on the
authenticity, historicity,
and scientific aspects of the Holy Scriptures in order that the faith of
many in Jesus Christ may he firmly established." Beginning with the 1969
annual program a statement on the front of the program appears as
follows: "The
American Scientific Affiliation is an association of men and women
who have made
a personal commitment of themselves and their lives to Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior, and who have made a personal commitment of themselves and their lives
to a scientific understanding of the world"
The ASA has had a steady growth in membership through its thirty year history.
In 1941 the membership was 5, by 1946 it had grown to 73, by 1951 to 2020, by
1961 to 860 while today, the number is 1750. Nonmembers who subscribe
to the Journal
ASA have increased steadily through the years. Today the number of
such non-member
subscribers is 850.
Executive Secretary
In 1961 a major forward step was taken by the Executive Council with
the appointment
of a parttime Executive Secretary. The duties involve the supervising
of all activities
having to do with the national office. The Executive Secretary is also charged
promotional activities of the organization and with the general supervision of
the annual program. The Executive Secretary attends all meetings of
the Executive
Council and helps the officers carry out their work.
As of this date, 1971, the Executive Council is planning to hire a
full-time Executive
Secretary so that the work of the ASA can continue to grow and he of
greater service
to the cause of Jesus Christ.
The Future
Cod has been faithful through the years. May each member of the ASA be faithful
in carrying out the objectives: (1) To investigate the philosophy and finding
of science as they are related to Christianity and the Holy Scriptures. (2) To
disseminate the results of such studies to both Christian and secular
It is my conviction that God does have a great work ahead for the ASA. May we
join together in this great enterprise of showing that Cod's Word and God's World
show a marvelous harmony which deserves our continued study. May we
never depart
from the faith as expressed in our doctrinal statement. (1) The Holy Scriptures
are the inspired Word of Cod, the only unerring guide of faith and conduct (2)
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and through His atonement is the one
and only Mediator
between God and man.
Dr. H. Harold Ilartzler has been Executive Secretary of the American Scientific
Affiliation for the past 10 years. Paper presented at ASA Convention in August