in Christian Perspective
Letter to the editor
More on Archaeopteryx
Roger J. Cuffey
Dept. of Geosciences
Pennsylvania State University
Park, Pa. 16802
From: JASA 24 (March 1972): 36.
Unfortunately, Professor Moore's criticism (Journal
ASA 23, 159( 1971)) of my remarks concerning how extensively the fossil record
supports the scientific concept of organic evolution continues a
tradition for antievolution writings. He dismisses the overwhelming
evidence from
the many transitional fossils known to paleontologists by terming it
ignores its obvious genetic (ancestordescendant) implications, and insists that
"after its kind" limits variability forever (rather than
just applying
to the parent-child situation). The result of this aproach is well-illustrated
by his mention of Archaeopteryx (or the synapsid reptiles) followed
by his assertion
that no intermediate or transitional fossils exist.
However, Archaeopteryx is in fact a good example of such a form, intermediate
between the major groups of reptiles and birds (as is another, even
more reptilian,
Triassic form recently discovered and currently being studied by
vertebrate paleontologists).
I urge readers to examine museum specimens or detailed photographs of
these fossils,
and see for themselves how thoroughly intermediate Archaeopteryx
really is. Some
of its morphologic features-such as its large eyes, forelimb modified
into a wing,
and feathers-are birdlike. Other characters-like its elongated bony
tail, functional
fingers on its forelimb, and conical teethare reptile-like. Still others-such
as its breastbone, somewhat expanded hrainease, and incompletely fused forelimb
bones-are intermediate. If major different types of organisms had
been independently
created, we should find no transitional fossils bridging the morphological (and
temporal) gaps between them. Consequently the existence of Archaeopteryx (and
the many other transitional fossils) is fatal to that idea, in most
Misunderstanding sometimes arises from the practical necessity for taxonomists
to assign all organisms to higher taxa (the so-called "major types")
defined originally from studies of living animals before the fossil record was
investigated. Consequently, most taxonomists place Archaeopteryx into the Class
Ayes because it has feathers, although placing it into the Class
Reptilia because
it has teeth or a bony tail could he justified as well. Such practice perhaps
tends to obscure to the non-specialist how truly intermediate between Ayes and
Reptilia this fossil is in its total morphological pattern. (In fact, a number
of scientists have pointed out this and other problems connected with
the difficulty
of using a hierarchical classification system to portray adequately
the morphologic
and chronologic continuum so often seen in the fossil record.)
In conclusion, with the fossil record yielding many examples of
transitional fossils
anatomically and temporally intermediate between recognized forms at
both higher
and lower taxonomic levels, is it any wonder
that paleontologists have concluded that organic evolution was indeed
the method
of creation, and that those ignoring such overwhelming scientific evidence must
have nothing worthwhile to say concerning religious matters as well?
A detailed discussion of these points will be presented in the Journal Dialogue
an "Scientific Evidence and Evolution." Watch for it in a
later issue.)