in Christian Perspective
Anatomy of a Confrontation*
(An interview with Vernon L.Grose)
Minister, Reformed Church in America
From: JASA 23 (December 1971): 146-149.
Early in the fall of 1969, the Board of Education of the State of California was considering the question of whether or not the theory of evolution should be presented as the only explanation for the origin of the universe in the study of science in the public school classroom. Members of the Board of Education were divided on the issue. Pressure was being exerted by various groups representing both sides, and the issue had become the subject of wide public concern.
In October an editorial appeared in the prestigious Los Angeles Times
which suggested that the State Board of Education had members on it who did not believe in the "accepted fact of evolution." Dr. Vernon L. Grose, vice president of the Tustin Institute of Technology in Santa Barbara, a physicist, a Christian and an ASA member, objected to this use of the word "fact."
"I reacted on the grounds- that the creation of the universe by a Supreme Being was altogether as logical as that of an evolutionary start of all things. To present evolution alone as an explanation for origins violated the very principles of science," he said.
Christian Life: What was your reaction when you read the Los Angeles
Times editorial
asserting that "evolution is a fact"?
Geese: There were several specific things in that editorial to which I objected
as a scientist. The most significant one was the statement that evolution is a
fact. This is not true. Evolution is hardly a hypothesis, let alone a theory.
In addition, the editorial pointed out that the California Attorney General had
ruled in 1963 that evolution could be taught in public schools
provided the teacher
did not indoctrinate. This was obviously a contradiction. For if you
taught only
one theory for origin you could hardly help but indoctrinate. So I suppose my
cosmological perspective as a member of the kingdom ofGod played an important
role in my reaction to the editorial.
Christian Life: You said evolution is not even a hypothesis. Will you explain
what you mean?
Groser: I said it is "hardly" a hypothesis. Science is an organization
of knowledge. This knowledge can be categorized several ways, based on how much
faith we can put in it. Perhaps the loosest category is the hypothesis, defined
as something assumed because it seems likely to be true explanation. Something
a bit more certain could he called a theory which is explanation
based on observation
and reasoning. Only when we have removed all doubt do we dare call something a
fact, because a fact is something known to he true or known to have
really happened.
I became disturbed
when it appeared that evolution was being passed off as a fact.
Christian Life: Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?
Grose: Certainly, evolution should be taught in the schools. Some of
the scientific
data, for example the regular absence of transitional forms, may he
best explained
by a creation theory while other data, for example variety within
species, substantiate
a process of evolution.
Christian Life: How did you express your objection to the editorial?
Grose: Well, I sat down and wrote a letter to the Las Angeles Times.
I also sent
this letter to each member of the California Board of Education. As a result,
I was invited to appear before the Board and express my opinion.
Christian Life: What happened when you appeared before the Board?"
Cease: My reception before the Board was very good in the sense that
they allowed
me to speak for 25 minutes, and then I made a proposal that they
adopt a modification
into the Science Framework under consideration. And this they did.
Christian Life: Why did the press and TV give such wide coverage to
the adoption
of your work into the Science Framework?
Grose: Possibly because the Board's action in this ease will affect
the teaching
of science in public schools throughout the U.S. I have here a clipping from a
news article which was distributed by United Press International, It
reads: "The
Science Framework (a 205-page rationale to govern the teaching of
science in California
public schools) is an essential element used by pub
lishers in putting together science textbooks for California Since California
buys 10 percent of the textbooks sold in the U.S., publishers are
willing to tailor
the textbooks to fit California guidelines. The text also will be
sold throughout
the rest of the U.S. Therefore, the changes made by the Board will
have a nationwide
effect on the teaching of science."
Christian Life; Do you feel that the press gave fair coverage to your
Grose; I do not. As I indicated earlier, the Los Angeles Times editorial was
inaccurate, After I had made my statement to the Board of Education,
newsmen and
TV reporters tried to identify my objections with a religious bias. When I was
interviewed by a writer from Time magazine I made a special point of asking him
to clarify the issue-that I was not interested in introducing
religious teaching
in the name of science in the science classroom. Quite apart from that, I was
saving that there are scientists who are atheists who endorse creation.
Christian Life; Do you mean to say that creation is a scientific theory?
Grose; Yes I do. There are several creation theories that are
prominent, the continuous
creation theory for example. It is not enjoying as much repute today as it has
in the past. Nevertheless, it has been postulated. In the textbook
used at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, which was published only last year, the word
appears many times. Therefore, it was unscientific so fas as I was concerned,
to continue to use the monolithic, bigoted and biased idea of evolution as the
only explanation for origin. I wasn't so much a foe of evolution as I was a man
crying out in the wilderness for liberty and objectivity in the
teaching of science.
Christian Life; In other words, this was a sort of Scopes trial in reverse?
Grose; It was, because in the Scopes trial 44 years ago, in which
Clarence Darrow
and William Jennings Bryan opposed one another, the issue was whether
or not any
theory besides that of creation could be taught. Today only one
theory is taught.
That is evolution.
Christian Life; You say there is almost a "religious" bigotry about
Grose; Yes, My field is physics, so I had to do little digging in the field of
biology before I could make my presentation. As I got into it I discovered that
evolution is more than a biological theory. It has ramifications in the field
of sociology, ethics, polities and religion. It certainly played a role in the
church of the 1920s and 1930s when we said man was getting better and better,
evolving to a higher status, and that all men were coming to some
sort of utopia.
This was evolutionary thought. It also appeared in the theories of
Karl Marx and
Adolf Hitler.
Christian Life: How can you say that Hitler endorsed the theory of
Grose; When I visited Daehau concentration camp just outside of
Munich last year,
it occurred to me that Hitler stood firmly on the theory of evolution because
he endorsed the cornerstone of evolution-the survival of the fittest.
He considered
the Germanic race to be the fittest and thereby rationalized their
right to murder
all those who could not stand up against the fittest. Further he felt justified
in persecuting them and using them in horrible experiments. But how
anyone can
I was not interested in introducing religious teaching in the name of science
in the science classroom.
speak of the dignity of man and still hold to the theory of evolution is a bit
beyond me.
Christian Life; But didn't you say that you thought scientific data
verifies evolution?
Grose; Yes I did. Without getting too technical let me say that there are two
aspects of evolution. The first is what is commonly known in scientific circles
as the special theory of evolution. This describes the variety that
we see within
species (for example, that all men do not look alike) and is variation due to
natural selection and survival of the fittest in that sense. On the other hand,
what the lay public recognizes as evolution and what I was referring
to concerning
Adolf Hitler is the idea that everything we see in the universe has
come originally
from one speck of matter. This is the general theory of evolution and
is the one
I object to.
Christian Life; How did you present this to the members of the Board
of Education?
Grose; Well, I asked them if they could imagine the impact on the
logic required
for justice in our courts if we were forced to amend the Declaration
of Independence
to read. "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men
arose as equals
from a soup of amino acid-like molecules, and that they by virtue of
this common,
molecular ancestry are endowed with certain inalienable rights, such as life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Christian Life; You said earlier that the press and TV tied religious overtones
to your confrontation or presentation. How did you reply to them?
Grose; I said it was just as appropriate to ask my religious belief as it was
to ask my political persuasion or my sex behavior. As far as I was
concerned all
three were equally relevant. And if the press were that much
interested, why weren't
they asking the proponents of the monolithic idea of evolution as to what their
religious views were. Actually, I maintained a strict neutrality on the subject
of religion because I saw no reason to introduce the religious
aspect. The problem
was purely scientific. We were talking about the origin of the
universe, matter,
life and man himself.
Christian Life; Yet you do have Christian convictions, do you not?
Crase; Yes. When I was 17 years old I gave my life to Jesus Christ,
and have endeavored
since that time to serve Him as my Lord and Savior. I certainly won't
deny that.
Christian Life; What role did your belief inGod play in your presentation?
Grose; I believe that Paul was writing in the book of II Corinthians about the
fact that even though we live a normal Christian life, we should also
view things
as having a perspective larger than this. This is evident to me when I remember
Stephen's stoning. He was able to look beyond those who were doing their best
to destroy him. That is when he saw God I think of dual citizenship.
I certainly
am a citizen of the United States. I'm interested in the defense of my country,
for instance, as an Air Force Reserve Officer. But on the other hand,
my citizenship
really is in heaven. And even though I wasn't trained in biology,
when I got
into the issue I believe I must have felt something like Jesus did
when He overthrew
the tables and the moneychangers in the temple.
Christian Life: So it was in righteous indignation that you wrote to
the Los Angeles
Times and to the members of the Board of Education.
Grose: Yes, I suppose you could say that.
Christian Life: How did the Board respond to your suggestions?
Grose: They were very courteous to me. But of course the issue had
become a heated
one by that time. Dr. Ralph Gerard of the University of California,
who had worked
with 15 others for four and one-half years on the 205-page Science
Framework for
the Board, was incensed. lIe claimed that my proposal was equivalent to telling
children that babies are brought by the stork.
Christian Life: Then the Board of Education actually amended the
Science Framework
submitted by Dr. Gerard's curriculum committee by including in it
your recommendation?
Grose: Yes. I had written more, but they inserted two paragraphs.
These paragraphs
now are a part of the Science Framework which will affect the
teaching of science
in most schools in the U.S. These paragraphs read: "All
scientific evidence
to date concerning the origin of life implies at least a dualism or
the necessity
to use several theories to fully explain the relationships between established
data points. This dualism is not unique to this field of study, but
is also appropriate
in other scientific disciplines such as the physics of light. While the Bible
and other philosophical treatises also mention creation, science has
postulated the various theories of creation. Therefore creation in scientific
terms is not a religious or philosophical belief. Also note that creation and
evolutionary theories are not necessarily mutual exclusives. Some of
the scientific
data, for example the regular absence of transitional forms, may be
best explained
by a creation theory, while other data, for example transmutation of species,
substantiate a process of evolution."
Christian Life: How do you view the time and effort you spent on this project?
Do you believe it was worthwhile?
Grose: So far as I am concerned, I am amaed at some of the things God has done.
The odds were extremely high against success. Yet I believe because
my trust was
in the Lord and because the issue was a significant one, that He
honored the effort.
Christian Life: Would you encourage other Christians to speak out on issues in
which they may be concerned?
Grose: Definitely. I see this as only a single issue, but I believe many more
issues will be raised which will call for concerned action on the
part of Christians.
And here I don't mean Christians brought together in churches or
Christians acting as individuals. In fact, I am rather tired of the resolutions
passed at annual church conventions and conferences. I think the time has come
to make our impact and force felt as individual human beings. I
believe as Christians
we should be speaking out about music, art, politics and other disciplines as
well as science.
Christian Life: Do you see this as a New Testament pattern?
Grose: Without question. I also see it as the "wave of the future."
I see a triumphant church, even in these last days, against which the gates of
hell shall not
prevail. I am inclined to think that too often we consider the church
as a cowering,
intimidated remnant that's barely hanging on. Even now there are some
who appear
to be hoping that Jesus Christ will return before they run out of gas. I don't
see that type of church in the future. In fact, I really see the forces of evil
being met in these last days with an aggressive, explosive reaction of men who
are led and filled by the Spirit of God.
Christian Life: You mentioned carer that your discipline is physics rather than
biology. Yet you felt so strongly about the issue that you were
willing to expose
yourself. Were you afraid of the consequences?
Grose: When I received the invitation from Sacramento to appear
before the Board
of Education I felt quite inadequate. As I mentioned, my discipline is physics
while the subject involved biology. So I requested the elders of the
church which
I attended to set me apart for this task, just as in apostolic times men were
set apart by the church for a specific ministry. You will remember
this is recorded
in the 13th chapter of Acts as happening in the church at Antioch.
I was disturbed if educators were so insecure regarding the validity
of the evolutionary
theory that they were afraid to allow any other theory to be taught
or to be compared
with what they may have already decided to he a "fact."
Christian Life: Are you saying then that Christians today should view
or confrontations in the area of politics, the military or science as
for God to work through them, and that they must be empowered by the
Holy Spirit
to meet them?
Grose: Yes. I see the need for Christians to rise to the cause. The
world is talking
about violence. Ralph Nader talks about the violence of pollution, the violence
of auto safety. Yet as Christians we often appear to be reciting
nursery rhymes.
I think that what we need to do is to consider that we are in a
warfare, as Ephesians
6 indicates. And when we see a confrontation coming even though it might not be
as consequential as the one I got involved in here, I believe we must ask God
to give us an anointing of the Holy Spirit to confront the forces of evil . .
. . Not simply to withstand their attack, but to attack them. And if
I sound excited,
I guess I am.
Christian Life: Will this change the nature or program of the church as we know
it today?
Grose: I believe the time has come for both individual Christians and
the church
to step out from the comfortable role of acceptance by American
society. We should
move out into the mainstream of life in the dynamic, powerful and unquenchable
fire of the Spirit of God. The day of effectiveness of the staid, comfortable
church has passed. We are in the midst of conflict today. And this conflict is
like the separation process through which metals go to be purified. I believe
we as believers will be tested and tried, but as we allow ourselves
to be filled
by the Holy Spirit, as believers were in the book of Acts, God will enable us
to do things that will even surprise us. Remember, David was alone when he met
Goliath. Gideon started out with big numbers, but God cut him down to a few. It
was less than a dozen men whom Jesus chose who rocked the world with
their testimony.
God appears
to deal with individuals or at least small groups of individuals. He is after
quality rather than quantity.
Christian Life: Earlier in this interview you alluded to your own experience as
a sort of "Scopes trial in reverse." In other words, you
used the same
argument against evolution, as the attorney Clarence Darrow did
against creation
44 years ago. Do you think it's probable that Christians today can employ this
same tactic, much as Jesus did when He defeated Satan in the wilderness at the
time of His temptation? In other words, when Satan quoted Scripture
to Him, lie retorted with correct Scripture which undercut Satan's
argument altogether.
Grose: That's an interesting observation. Last year I visited 15 countries in
Europe while I was teaching there. On the surface, it appeared wherever I went
that the visible church was declining. Yet invariably in the
countries where the
church appeared to be the weakest on the surface, there I met small groups of
believers who operated on sheer faith and were seeing astonishing miracles of
God performed. In other words, those who are really in intimate
contact with Jesus
Christ are on the ups\ving. They are coming on, and I believe there is going to
be a dramatic demonstration of the power of God in these last days. It is being
felt right now by the rediscovery and widespread renewal of gifts of the Holy
Spirit in the lives of believers. There is an analogy in jujitsu, wherein the
Japanese take the strength and weight of the op
ponent and use it against him in the principle of leverage. I believe
God is going
to allow us to use all of Satan's weaponry right hack against him.
Christian Life: Can you think of an example of how you used this technique in
your presentation to the Board of Education?
Grose: Possibly. I said I was disturbed if educators were so insecure regarding
the validity of the evolutionary theory that they were afraid to
allow any other
theory to be taught or to be compared with what they may have already decided
to he a "fact,"
Christian Life: There may be a scriptural parallel for this in the experience
of Haman who was hanged on the very gallows he had erected for Mordeeai. Or as
the Psalmist says, "In the snare that he has set for another is
his own foot
taken." is this what you mean?
Grose: Yes. As C. S. Lewis has put it, we who believe in Jesus Christ are little Christs. Just as Jesus "directly interfered in the affairs of men" by His coming to earth, so we believers today must continue to interfere with Satan's well-laid plans. (An effective example of carrying the offensive to the enemy is Pat Boone's new album, "Crisis America.") For two decades Billy Graham has been saying that "Christ is the answer." There may be all kinds of problems-war, poverty, pollution, prejudice, narcotics, over-population, etc-but simmer them all down, and if each individual person involved in these problems would commit himself wholly to Jesus Christ, the larger problem would be completely solved.