Video Biographies
Title: "Dare a Scientist Believe in Design?"
Copyright: 2001, The American Scientific Affiliation
Keywords: science, Christianity, ethics, apologetics, creation, evolution, Bible
Abstract: One in a series of lectures on
the relationship of science and Christianity
sponsored by the John Templeton
Foundation in association with the
American Scientific Affiliation.
Presented on May 18, 1999.
Dr. Owen Gingerich is Senior Astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory and Professor of Astronomy and of the History of Science at Harvard
University. His professional interests range from the re-computation of an
ancient Babylonian mathematical table to the interpretation of stellar spectra.
He is the editor of the multi-volume General History of Astronomy, and
his articles appear regularly in Sky and Telescope. He is co-author of two successive standard models for the solar atmosphere
the first to take into account rocket and satellite observations of the sun; the
second of these papers has received over 500 literature citations.
Besides over 400 technical or educational articles and reviews, Professor Gingerich has written more popularly on astronomy in several encyclopedias and journals. In 1989 he published Album of Science: The Physical Sciences in the Twentieth-Century with Macmillan. Two anthologies of his essays have appeared, The Great Copernicus Chase and Other Adventures in Astronomical History from Cambridge University Press, and The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler in the American Institute of Physics' "Masters of Modern Physics" series. At Harvard he teaches "The Astronomical Perspective," a core science course for non-scientists, and in 1984 he won the Harvard-Radcliffe Phi Beta Kappa prize for excellence in teaching.
In the past two decades Professor Gingerich has become a leading authority on the 17th-century German astronomer Johannes Kepler and on Nicholas Copernicus, the 16th-century cosmologist who proposed the heliocentric system. The Harvard- Smithsonian astronomer has undertaken a personal survey of Copernicus' great book De revolutionibus, and he has now seen over 550 16th-century copies in libraries scattered throughout Europe and North America, as well as those in China and Japan. In recognition of these studies he was awarded the Polish government's Order of Merit in 1981, and more recently an asteroid has been named in his honor.
Professor Gingerich has been vice president of the American Philosophical Society (America's oldest scientific academy) and he has served as chairman of the US National Committee of the International Astronomical Union. He has been a councilor of the American Astronomical Society, and helped organize its Historical Astronomy Division. Gingerich is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation and has lectured and written widely in the field of science and religion.
Professor Gingerich and his wife Miriam are enthusiastic travelers, photographers, bird watchers, and rare book and shell collectors.
Van Till, a California native, obtained his B.S. from Calvin College in 1960 and his Ph.D. in physics from Michigan State University in 1965. While at Michigan State, he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. After a postdoctoral appointment at the University of California-Riverside, he returned to Calvin as a professor of physics, served several years as chair of the department, and retired in 1998. In 1999, he was honored with the Faith and Learning Award, presented by the Calvin Alumni Association. This award seeks to thank Calvin professors who have truly demonstrated the college's aim to integrate religious faith and academic learning. The four selection criteria are: excellence in teaching; spiritual impact; concern for students; and lasting influence.
In addition to numerous publications in physics, Van Till has contributed significantly to the creation-evolution debate. He has taken a stand against the `creation science' perspective and articulated his concept of the universe's formation most recently in a book chapter "The Fully Gifted Creation," in Three Views on Creation and Evolution, edited by J. P. Moreland and John Mark Reynolds, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999), pp. 161-247. By fully gifted creation, Van Till postulates that God brought the universe into existence at the beginning, the Big Bang. As an expression of God's intention, the natural world then developed into what we view today. Put another way, Van Till proposes that God gave being to a universe fully equipped to evolve into the diversity of forms we see today. This stance has not endeared him to fellow Christians (and others) who believe in a literal six days of creation with living creatures spoken into present form by divine fiat.
His view is expounded in numerous other articles and book chapters. His book, `The Fourth Day: What the Bible and the Heavens are Telling us about the Creation' (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986) deals with the nature and relationship of biblically-informed portrayals and empirically-informed scientific descriptions of the universe's formational history, with applications to the contemporary creation-evolution debate. He has coauthored two other books including `Science Held Hostage: What's Wrong with Creation Science AND Evolutionism' with Davis A. Young and Clarence Menninga (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1988), a critique of the exploitation and misrepresentation of science by the proponents of both "scientific creationism" and naturalistic evolutionism. `Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation' was written with Robert E. Snow, John H. Stek and Davis A. Young (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990). This work was the product of a year-long collaborative study at the Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship.
Howard is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation and has served has president of the ASA Council.
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Prof. David N LivingstoneProfessorBA, DipEd, PhD (QUB), FRSA, MRIA, FBATel:
+44 (0)2890 335145 |
David Livingstone has research interests in the history and theory of geography, cartography, and scientific culture. He currently holds a British Academy Research Readership for 1999-2001 to work on a project entitled "The Spaces of Science". In 1998 he received the Centenary Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. He has been Chair of the History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) and has served on the following editorial boards: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Isis, Ecumene, Progress in Human Geography.
Publications include:
Human Geography: An Essential Anthology, joint editor with John Agnew and Alistair Rodgers (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996)
Ulster-American Religion: Moments in the History of a Cultural Connection, with Ronald Wells (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999)
Evangelicals and Science in Historical Perspective, joint editor with Darryl Hart and Mark Noll (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999)
and Enlightenment, joint editor with Charles W.J. Withers (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1999)
"A chapter in the historical geography of Darwinism: A Belfast-Edinburgh case study, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 113 (1997): 51-57
"Darwin in Belfast: The evolution debate, in John W. Foster (ed.), Nature in Ireland: A Scientific and Cultural History (Dublin: Lilliput Press, 1997), 387-408
"Reproduction, representation and authenticity: A re-reading, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, N.S. 23 (1998): 13-19
"Space for religion: A Belfast case study, (with F.W. Boal and M. Keane) Political Geography, 17 (1998): 145-170
"Geography and natural theology," "Geography and Renaissance magic," in Gregory A. Good (ed.), Sciences of the Earth: An Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998), pp. 291-294, 294-297
"Tropical climate and moral hygiene: The anatomy of a Victorian debate, British Journal for the History of Science, 32 (1999): 93-110
"Science, region, and religion: The reception of Darwinism in Princeton, Belfast, and Edinburgh, in Ron Numbers and John Stenhouse (eds), The Reception of Darwin: The Role of Place, Race, Religion, and Gender (NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 7-38
"Putting Geography in its Place," Australian Geographical Studies, (2000): 1-9
"Tropical hermeneutics: fragments for a historical narrative," Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 21 (2000): 92-98
"Putting Science in its Place," Nature, (29 June 2000): 997-998
"B.B. Warfield (1851-1921): a biblical inerrantist as evolutionist," Isis, 91 (2000): 283-304 (with Mark A. Noll)
"Making space for science," Erdkunde, 54 (2000): 285-296
"Ecology and the environmental movement", "The origin and unity
of the human race", in Gary Ferngren, et al. (ed.), The History of
Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: An Encyclopedia (New
York: Garland Publishing, 2000), 414-419, 429-434, 452-457
B.S. Wheaton College, 1965
B.D. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1968
M.A. University of Wisconsin, 1970
Ph.D. Harvard University, 1973
History of Science Editor, The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography,1977-1981.
History of Science Co-Editor (with Robert Hatch), The Eighteenth Century: A
Current Bibliography, 1982-90.
Contributing Editor, Science and Culture in the Western Tradition: Sources
and Interpretations (Scottsdale: Scarisbrick, 1987)
Contributing Editor in the series, Geschichte der
Wissenschaftsphilosophie (K–ln: Dinter Verlag).
Newsletter Advisory Committee, 1971
HOSS Council, 1981-1984, 1989-1991
Program Co-Chairman, Norwalk Meeting, 1983
Member, Program Committee, 1982-1986
Chairman, Committee on Honors and Prizes, 1984-1987
Member, Nominating Committee, 1985-1986
Member, Programs and Priorities Committee, 1988-1989
Designated Lecturer, HOSS Visiting Historians of Science Lecture Program,
Co-Chair, Local Arrangements, 1989 Annual Meeting
Member, Publications Committee, 1989-1994
Vice President and President Elect, 1995-1996
President, 1996-1997
Program co-chair (with Edith Sylla), 75th Anniversary meeting, 1999
Grants received from:
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
American Philosophical Society (2)
University of Florida, Division of Sponsored Research
National Science Foundation
Scientific Materialism in Nineteenth Century Germany. Foreword by Marx Wartofsky. Dordrecht and Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1977.
Knowledge, Belief, and Aesthetic Sense by Jakob Fries. Edited with an Introduction by Frederick Gregory. Trans. Kent Richter (D¸sseldorf: Dinter Verlag, 1989).
Nature Lost? Natural Science and the German Theological Traditions of the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992).
"Scientific vs. Dielectical Materialism: A Clash of Ideologies in Nineteenth Century German Radicalism," Isis, 68(1977), 206-23.
"Die Kritik von J.F. Fries an Schellings Naturphilosophie," Sudhoffs Archiv, 67 (1983), 145-57.
"Regulative Therapeutics in the German Romantic Period," Clio Medica, 18 (1983), 179-89.
"Foundations of Geometry in the German Romantic Era," Historia Mathematica, 10 (1983), 184-201.
"Romantic Kantianism and the End of the Newtonian Dream in Chemistry," Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 34 (1984), 108-23.
"Trail Blazing," Essay review of Timothy Lenoir, The Strategy of Life: Teleology and Mechanics in 19th Century German Biology, Isis, 75 (1984), 444-448.
"The Historical Investigation of Science in North America," Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie, 16 (1985), 151-66.
"The Use and Abuse of the Western Scientific Heritage, " pp. 218-29 in Joseph Konvitz, ed., What Americans Should Know (East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1985).
"The Impact of Darwinian Evolution of Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century," chapter 16 in God and Nature, ed. David C. Lindberg and Ronald L. Numbers (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986).
"Isaac Newton and the Magic of Science," chapter 2 in Makers of Modern Europe, ed. William J. Baker (Lexington: Ginn Publishing Co., January, 1987).
Introduction to "Progress and Rationality in Science," in Science and Culture in the Western Tradition, John G. Burke, ed., (Scottsdale: Scarisbrick, 1987).
"Kant's Influence on Natural Science in the German Romantic Period," pp. 53-66 in New Trends in the History of Science, (Dordecht: Reidel, 1988).
"Kant, Schelling and the Administration of Science in the German Romantic Era, Osiris, 5 (1989), pp. 17-35.
"Theology and the Sciences in the German Romantic Period," pp. 69-81 in Romanticism and the Sciences (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
"Darwin and the German Theologians," pp. 269-278 in William Woodward and Robert Cohen, eds., World Views and Scientific Discipline Formation (Amsterdam: Kluwer Publications, 1991).
"Hat M¸ller Wirklich die Naturphilosophie Aufgegeben?", pp. 143-154 in Michael Hagnar and Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt, ed. Johannes M¸ller und die Philosophie (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1992).
"Theologians, Science, and Theories of Truth in Nineteenth-Century Germany," pp. 81-96, The Invention of Physical Science (Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992).
"'Nature is an Organized Whole: J. F. Fries's Neo-Kantian Reformulation of Kant's Philosophy of Organism", pp. 91-102 in Maurizio Bossi and Stefano Poggi, Romanticism in Science: Science in Europe 1790-1840 (Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994).
"G.H. Schubert and the Dark Side of Natural Science," NTM: International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Science, Technology, and Medicine (1995), pp. 1-15.
"The Neo-Kantian Vitalism of J.F. Fries," pp. 85-96 in Vitalisms: From Haller to Cell Theory, 1450-1850. Ed. G. Cimino and F. Duchesneau (Rome: Enciclopedia Italia, 1995).
"Science and Religion In Western History." pp. 35-70 in Henry Steffens, ed., in Topical Essays for Teachers (Seattle: History of Scince Socieity, 1995).
"Embracing Polarization," Essay Review of The Flight from Science and reason, ed. by Paul gross, Norman Levitt, and Martin Lewis in Isis, 88(1997), pp. 312-15.
"The Neo-Kantian Vitalism of J.F. Fries," pp. 85-96 in G. Cimino and F. Duchesneau, eds. Vitalisms: From Haller to Cell Theory, (Florence: Olschki, 1997).
"Two Dogmas of Historiography," pp. 211-21 in R. Dodel, E. Seidel, and L. Steindler, eds. Ideengeschichte und Wissenschaftsphilosophie (Cologne: Dinter verlag, 1997).
"Materialism," pp. 176-81 in Gary Ferngren et al, eds. Encyclopedia of the History of Science and Religion (New York: Garland Publishing Co., 2000).
"The Mysteries and Wonders of Natural Science: Bernstein's Naturwissenschaftliche
Volksb¸cher and the Adolescent Einstein", pp. 23-41 in John Stachel
and Donald Howard, eds.Einstein: The Formative Years 1879-1909 (Boston:
Birkhauser, 2000).
"Intersections of Physical Science and Religion in the Nineteenth century," in Mary Jo Nye, ed., Cambridge History of Science, Vol. 5: Modern Physical Science (New York: Cambridge University Press).
"From Warfare to Cultural History: Writing about Science and religion in
the Nineteenth century," Chapter 12 in David Cahan, ed. From Natural
Philosophy to the Sciences: Historiographical Essays on Nineteenth-Century
Science (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
J.F. Fries: An Intellectual Biography, three chapters of seven in manuscript.
Alternative Science in Early 19th Centruy Germany.
Winner of the 1989 John Mahon Undergraduate Teaching Award
Winner of the 1989 Wilensky Graduate Teaching Award
Recipient (with Robert Hatch) of 2-year (1989-90) $260,000 NSF grant to train
secondary teachers of science and of history in history of science
Chair, Committee on Teaching, Department of History, 1990-1991.
Recipient, University of Florida Teaching Improvement Program (TIP) award,
Scholar in Residence, Virginia Tech, Science Studies Center, March 2-6, 1987
HOSS Visiting Lecturer:
Loyola University of New Orleans, March, 1988
Birmingham Southern College, March, 1988
University of Houston, November, 1988
University of Arkansas, November, 1988
Shorter College, November, 1989
Lamar University, November, 1989
Madison, Wisconsin, November, 1991: "Is There an Integrated History of
Science?" (HSS Annual Meeting)
Harvard University, April, 1993: "G. H. Schubert and the Dark Side of
Natural Science" (Conference - "Science and Religion: NOT")
Yale University, April, 1993: "Natural Science and the Theater of Political
Dissent: Early Years of Oken's Isis" (Conference - "Crisis of
German Romantic Science")
MIT, November, 1995: "Naturphilosophie as Alternative Science" (Dibner
Boston University, December, 1995: "Who Were the Naturphilosophen?"
(Boston Colloquium)
Yale University, December, 1995: "Naturphilosophie and the Crisis of
Reason" ( Yale Seminar)
University of Leeds, September, 1997: "An American View of British
Historiography," (BSHS Annual Meeting)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 1998: "The World of 1848" (AAAS
Annual Meeting)
University of Southern Mississippi, March, 1999: "Where We've Been and
Where We're Going" (Southern Regional Meeting, History of Medicine)
Templeton Foundation Seminars on Science and Religion
Tallahassee, Florida, January, 1998: "19th Century
Scientists and Theologians on Divine Action in the World"
Raleigh, North Carolina, April, 1998: "Historical
Narratives of Creation"
Waco, Texas, October, 1998: "The Discovery of
Tallahassee, FLorida, 1999 "Historical Writing about
Science and Religion"
New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1999: "History's
Surprising Dialogue Between Science and Religion"
Berkeley, California, June,1999: "When (and Why)
did Theology Lose Nature to Science?"
Toronto, Ontario, July, 1999: "The Science Wars as Holy
Houghton, New York, November, 1999 "The Science Wars as
Holy Wars"
Phoenix, Arizona, April, 2000: "Naturalism's Historical
Challenge to Religion"
"Darwin and the Creationists," Conversations, WUFT-TV, 1981.
"Galileo Galilei and Tycho Brahe," (with Robert Hatch), Conversations,
WUFT-TV, 1986.
"Enlightenment and Industrialization," half-hour commentary in
telecourse, Science and Culture in the Western Tradition, South Carolina
ETV, 1986.
"Scientific Medicine and Social Statistics," 15 minute commentary in
telecourse, Science and Culture in the Western Tradition, South Carolina
ETV, 1986.
"Darwinism as Science and Ideology," 15 minute commentary in
telecourse, Science and Culture in the Western Tradition, South Carolina
ETV, 1986.
Klaus-Dietwardt Buchholtz. Isaac Newton als Theologe. Ein Beitrag zum Gesprach zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Theologie, in Zygon, 5 (1970), 93-95.
Jacques Monod. Chance and Necessity. An Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology, in The Christian Scholar's Review, 5 (1976), 413-15.
Robert Cohen and Marx Wartofsky, eds. Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences, in Annals of Science, 33 (1976).
Frank Turner, Between Science and Religion: The Reaction to Scientific Naturalism in Late Victorian England, in Zygon, 11 (1976), 75-76.
Maurice Crosland, ed. The Emergence of Science in Western Europe, in The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, n.s. 2 (1976), 111-12.
Michael Hoare. The Tactless Philosopher: Johann Reinhold Forster, in The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography, n.s. 2 (1976), 124-25. This journal is hereafter cited as ECCB.
Alan Kors. D'Holbach's Coterie: An Enlightenment in Paris, in Isis, 68 (1977), 331-32.
Reinhard Riese. Die Hochschule auf dem Wege zum wissenschaftlichen Grossbetrieb, in Annals of Science, 35 (1978).
John O'Manique. Energy in Evolution, in The Christian Scholar's Review, 1 (1970), 92-93.
Roy Meador. Franklin - Revolutionary Scientist, in ECCB, n.s. 2 (1976), 275-76.
Owen Chadwick. The Secularization of the European Mind in the 19th Century, in The Christian Scholar's Review, 8 (1979), 266-68.
Richard Burckhardt. The Spirit of System: Lamarck and Evolutionary Biology, in ECCB, n.s. 3 (1977), 77-78.
Roy Porter. The Making of Geology: Earth Science in Britain 1600-1815, in ECCB, n.s. 4 (1978), 165.
Rita Shenton. Christopher Pinchback and His Family, in ECCB, n.s. 4 (1978), 178-79.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Vol. 1, in Isis, 71 (1980), 305-06.
Joachim Thiele. Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation. Die Korrespondenz Ernst Machs, in Isis, 71 (1980), 689.
John Heilbron. Electricity in the 17th and 18th Centuries, in ECCB, n.s. 5 (1979), 174-75.
Kurt Biermann, ed. Briefwechsel zwischen Alexander von Humboldt und Heinrich Christian Schumacher, in Isis, 72 (1981), 323-24.
Rudolf Schmitz, ed. Die Naturwissenschaften an der Philipps-Universitat Marburg, in The History of Universities, 2 (1981), 154-55.
Michael Ruse. The Darwinian Revolution. Science Red in Tooth and Claw, in Zygon, 16 (1981), 296-97.
Reinhard Low. Die Philosophie des Lebendigen. Der Begriff des Organischen bei Kant, in Journal of the History of medicine and Allied Sciences, 37 (1981), 344-46.
Eric Forbes. Tobias Mayer: Pioneer of Enlightened Science, in Archives Internationales d'histoire des sciences, 32 (1982), 337.
E. Mendelsohn and Y. Elkana, eds. Sciences and Cultures: Anthropological and Historical Studies of the Sciences, in Archives Internationales d'histoire des sciences, 32 (1982), 294-95.
Lester D. Stephens. Joseph LeConte, Gentle Prophet of Evolution, in Florida Historical Quarterly, 62 (1983), 220-221.
Nelly Tsouyopoulos. Die Philosophischen Grundlagen der Modernen Medizin, in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 38 (1983), 234-35.
Harry Paul. The Edge of Contingency. French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem, in Sudhoffs Archiv, 67 (1983), 234-35.
Karl Hufbauer. The Formation of the German Chemical Community, in ECCB, n.s. 8 (1982), 200-01.
Lothar Knatz. Utopie und Wissenschaft im Fruhen Deutschen Socialismus, in Isis, 77 (1986), 197-98.
J. Uberoi. The Other Mind of Europe. Goethe as a Scientist, in Isis, 78 (1987), 132.
Gunter Mann, Jost Benedum, Werner F. Kummel, eds. Samuel Thomas Soemmerring und die Gelehrten der Goetheziet, in Isis, 77 (1986), 723-24.
Frederick Amrine, et. al., eds. Goethe and the Sciences: A Reappraisal, ISIS, 78 (1987), 638-39.
Collin Russell. Science and Social Change in Britain and Europe, 1700-1900, in ECCB, n.s. 10(1989), pp. 289-90.
Robert Spaemann, et. al., eds. Evolutionismus und Christentum, in ISIS, 79(1988), 149-50.
Michael John Perty, ed. Hegel und die Naturwissenschaften, in ISIS, 80(1989), 188-89.
Peter Bowden, Evolution: The History of an Idea, in ECCB (1989), pp. 233-34.
F. W. J. Schelling, Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, in Isis.
81(1990), 355-56.
Frederick L. Holmes. Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity, in ECCB, n.s. 11 (1990), 217-19.
Ian Inkster and Jack Morrell, Metropolis and Province: Science in British Culture (1750-1850), in ECCB, n.s. 11 (1990), 224-25
Johann Heinrich Lambert, Texte zur Systematologie und zur Theorie der Wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis, in Isis, 81(1990), 575-76.
Jon H. Roberts, Darwinism and the Divine in America: Protestant Intellectuals and Organic Evolution, 1859-1900, in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 27(1991), 66- 67.
Matthias Jakob Schleiden, Schelling und Hegel's Verh”ltnis zur Naturwissenschaft, in Isis, (1991), 572-73.
Robert Gascoigne, A Chronology of the History of Science, 1450-1900, in ECCB, m.s. 13 (1992), 163-64.
John Hedley Brooke, Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1991) in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 29 (1993), 177-78.
Nancy Smith Midgette, To Foster the Spirit of Professionalism: Southern Scientists and State Academies of Sciences, in The Florida Historical Quarterly, (1993) pp. 215-16.
Kenneth Caneva, Robert Mayer and the Conservation of Energy, in Isis, 85(1994), pp. 341-42
Ronald L. Numbers, The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism, in The Historian (1994), pp. 176-177.
David J. Chalmers, The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory, in International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 66(1998), pp. 107-08.
Anne Harrington, Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler, in American Historical Review, (February, 1998), pp. 216-17.
Hans Christian Oersted, Selected Scientific Writings of Hans Christian Oersted, trans. and ed. by K. Jelved, A.D. Jackson, and O. Knudson (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1999), in Annals of Science, 57(2000), pp. 197-98.
Dr. Pauline Rudd is a University Research Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow in the Glycobiology Institute in the University of Oxford. With her colleagues, she has pioneered the development of novel technology for the rapid, sensitive analysis of sugars attached to glycoproteins. Most natural proteins contain sugars and the aim is to make sugar sequencing as routine as that of proteins or DNA. This allows glycoproteins to be viewed as whole molecules in which the relationship between the sugars and the protein can be examined. Dr. Rudd has worked in many different biological systems carrying out basic research into glycoproteins involved in heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, prion diseases, and inflammation. Currently, her particular interest is in the role of glycosylation in antigen recognition in both the cellular and humoral immune systems. She has published over 70 scientific papers and spoken at numerous meetings in the United States, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan as well as throughout Eastern and Western Europe. She has recently been privileged to take a short Sabbatical at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego, CA and is a visiting Professor at Shanghai Medical University.
Dr. Rudd returned to full time work after a career break during which she raised four children who are now aged from 22-33. She has been committed to integrating the spiritual and scientific journeys for many years, becoming a lay member of the Community of St. Mary the Virgin, Wantage, Oxfordshire in 1964 while reading Chemistry at London University. In 1997-8 she was a participant in the 'Science and the Spiritual Quest I' programme organised by the Centre for Theology and the Natural Sciences at Berkeley, CA and spoke at the Public Conference which followed these workshops. In 1999-2001 her speaking engagements included presenting the opening lecture at the Chautauqua Institution season, Buffalo, NY, an after dinner Forum at The State-of the World Conference in New York and lectures at Caldwell College (Idaho), the Yeshiva University (New York), Los Medanos College (San Francisco), St. Mary's College, Morago, San Francisco, the University of San Francisco, the Centre for Theology and the Natural Sciences (Berkeley), The Community of St. Mary the Virgin, (Wantage, UK), seminars at the Theology Faculty, Oxford University (UK), the Frontiers of Medicine: Human Genome-Human Being conference (London) and a sermon at the University Church, St. Mary's, Oxford (UK).
Oxford, May 2001
David C. Lindberg
Hilldale Professor, Department of History of Science
Special interests and current research: Specialty: the history of medieval and early modern science, especially
physical science and the interaction between science and religion. Current research energy is devoted primarily to the general editorship (jointly with Ronald Numbers) of the forthcoming 8-volume Cambridge History of Science. Also
(again with Ron Numbers), a book for undergraduate course use: Science and the Christian Tradition: Twelve Case Histories (forthcoming, University of Chicago Press). Also under contract to Cambridge University Press for a
scientific biography of the 13th-century Franciscan friar, Roger Bacon.
Selected recent publications:
The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450 (University of Chicago Press, 1992). Also available in German, Dutch, and Greek translations; Italian, Chinese, and Japanese translation in process.
Roger Bacon and the Origins of Perspectiva in the Middle Ages: A Critical Edition and English Translation of Bacon's Perspectiva, with Introduction and Notes (Oxford University Press, 1996).
Courses taught annually or with some frequency:
HistSci: The Origins of Scientific Thought. A large undergraduate lecture course, with
TA-taught discussion sections, covering the history of science in relation to
other aspects of culture, from antiquity through Newton. Meets jointly with
Integrated Liberal Studies 201.
HistSci 323: The Scientific Revolution: Copernicus to Newton (for juniors, seniors, and grads).
HistSci 623: Studies in Early Modern Science. A reading seminar that accompanies HistSci 323 for grads.
HistSci 331: Science, Medicine, and Religion. An occasional offering, with Ron Numbers, for juniors, seniors, and grads.
Mailing address:
Department of the History of Science
University of Wisconsin
7143 Social Science, 1180 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1393
Phone: (608)-262-3971 (O); (608)-238-0422 (H)
Fax: (608)-262-3984
E-mail address:
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Philip J. Hefner is professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, a position he will retire from at the end of the 2000-01 academic year. In addition to teaching, Hefner is editor of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, a post he has held since 1988, and since 1989, he has been director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science (formerly the Chicago Center for Religion and Science). From 1978-88, Hefner was director of graduate studies at LSTC. Widely published in the areas of theology, history of theology, and science and religion, Hefner has written seven books and more than 100 scholarly articles. He contributed essays on creation and the church to the book "Christian Dogmatics" (edited by Carl Braaten and Robert Jenson). His 1995 book, "The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture, and Religion" received the Templeton Foundation's Best Books in Religion and Science Award. In addition to his academic achievements, Hefner has served on numerous boards and committees including the Lutheran-Reformed Coordinating Committee for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the theological task force for the Commission for a New Lutheran Church, and the world alliance of reformed churches dialogue commission for the Lutheran World Federation.In 1996, he was the ELCA Hein-Fry lecturer on the theme "The Church: Community of God's Possibility." He was co-chair of the theology and science group for the American Academy of Religion and president of the American Theological Society. Hefner received the master of arts and doctor of philosophy degrees from the University of Chicago, where he was awarded the Susan Colver Rosenberger Award for Original Research for "Faith and Vitalities of History: A Theological Study Based on the Work of Albrecht Ritschl." Honorary degrees were awarded by Midland Lutheran College and Luther College. |
Stoeger is a staff scientist for VORG specializing in theoretical cosmology, high-energy astrophysics, and interdisciplinary studies
relating to science, philosophy and theology.
He was born October 5, 1943 in Torrance, California and spent the first 18 years of his life in Redondo Beach, California. He entered the Society
of Jesus in September 1961, and in 1967 completed his bachelor's degree with honors in philosophy, with a strong secondary concentration in
physics and mathematics, from Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama. In 1969 he was awarded an M.S. in physics from UCLA. After lecturing briefly
in the physics department at the University of San Francisco, he began theological studies at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley,
California, where he finished an S.T M. and was ordained to the priesthood in 1972. Afterwards he pursued doctoral studies in astrophysics at
Cambridge University, England, and completed his Ph.D in 1979.
From 1976 - 1979 he was a research associate with the theoretical gravitational
physics group at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. And in September 1979 he joined the staff of the Vatican Observatory.
Stoeger's research has dealt with various problems connected with the physics of accretion onto black holes, and mathematical and physical
issues connected with torsion and bi-metric theories of gravity, as well as the harmonic map structures contained in gravitational theories,
including general relativity. More recently, with collaborators from South Africa, England, and the United States, he has been concentrating on
observationally oriented projects in theoretical cosmology, attempting to build more adequate bridges between theory and cosmologically relevant
astronomical observations and observations of the microwave background radiation. He also continues to pursue some research on the physics of the
central engine in active galactic nuclei and quasars.
Besides his research and writing in cosmology and astrophysics, Stoeger has been active in lecturing and teaching at the University of Arizona,
where he is adjunct associate professor, at the University of San Francisco, and at Vatican Observatory Summer Schools. He is a member of
the American Physical Society, the American Astronomical Society, the Society for General Relativity and Gravitation. He is on the Board of the
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS), Secretary of the Vatican Observatory Foundation, and co-editor of the series Philosophy
in Science. He also is an active participant in the Vatican/CTNS workshops on "God's Action in the World: Scientific Perspectives on Divine
Action" and in the Science-Theology Consultation of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, N. J.
Jack Haught is Landegger Distinguished Professor of Theology at Georgetown University. His area of specialization is systematic theology, with a particular interest in issues pertaining to science, cosmology, ecology, and religion.
He is the author of God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution (Westview Press, 2000); Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation (Paulist Press, 1995); The Promise of Nature: Ecology and Cosmic Purpose (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1993); Mystery and Promise: A Theology of Revelation (Liturgical Press, 1993); What Is Religion? (Paulist Press, 1990); The Revelation of God in History (Michael Glazier Press, 1988); What Is God? (Paulist Press, 1986); The Cosmic Adventure (Paulist Press, 1984); Nature and Purpose (University Press of America, 1980); Religion and Self-Acceptance (Paulist Press, 1976); and editor of Science and Religion in Search of Cosmic Purpose (Georgetown University Press, 2000) as well as numerous articles and reviews. He lectures often on topics related to science, theology and ecology.
He has recently established the Georgetown Center for the Study of Science and Religion. He is married, has two sons, and lives in Arlington, Va.